Parallax: Chapter 1 "Private Briefing"

Story by Gryphus on SoFurry

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#1 of Parallax


Hello all. For those that chose to read yet another diary of a military wolf, let me first introduce myself. My name is Matthew "Fi" O'Brian, and my rank at the time of this journal is Captain. Now I issue fair warning to those who wish to start turning the pages of this book. I am not one of those stuck up, inbred assholes who paint an edited, fluffy bunny, hero's, girls and glory type story of military life. When I kill, I will describe how my foes died. When I get injured, I will tell you exactly how much I bled and how much it hurt. When I lose someone, be it from my squad or my heart, you will see how I lose a piece of me along with them. And when I love, I assure you that you will need tissues be you male or female.

Now having briefed you on what to expect, you have the choice to retreat, close the cover, and run, snivelling like the coward you are to one of the unreal travesties you will find on the rest of the shelves. For those that think they may have the grit and determination to read about what life is really like under the military machine...prepare yourselves for a rollicking story.

Chapter 1:

T minus twelve hours before deployment:

The console beeped softly beside my bed. Its gentle, but persistent monotone cries, trying desperately to wake me from my much needed slumber. I rolled over in the service issue bed, groaning as I re-joined the land of the living. My dreams faded away as I pawed at the hologram, trying desperately to find the off switch without opening my eyes. "Bloody hell...just five more minutes..." I muttered, cursing under my breath in several obscure and obsolete languages, smiling internally as my paw finally shut the mechanical annoyance up.

Continuing to mutter further inconsequentialities to myself in my annoyance, my thick Irish accent ringing out clearly into the vacant air of my private cabin even in my sleep mazed state; I wrapped my arms around my flattened pillow and pulled up the blankets, my tail wagging lazily as I buried back into my soft, self-provided mattress. The lumps of compacted cardboard that the enlisted slept upon were still provided to those of my status, but I allowed myself the luxury of something a little softer, even if headquarters frowned upon it. I was just about to drift back off to sleep when I heard the door chime, its soft blue light strobing twice in time with the sound before opening, despite me not issuing permission. "Damn it, I forgot to put the privacy lock on again!" I cursed as light poured into my living area, just a little reaching my bedroom as I shielded my eyes from the harsh light percolating through the doorway.

"Good morning Captain O'Brian." A wonderfully feminine voice filled the room as I sat up in the bed.

I looked at the holographic, noting it was 6:00am ship time as I heard the door close. The female that the voice belonged to walking to stand and fill the door way of my bedroom, cutting some of the dayrooms light from my eyes, but casting a delightful silhouette. It was 5:30am system standard time though, so pardon any discrepancies in my narrative scribbling's. I chuckled and smiled, looking at the beautiful vulpine girl as I stretched a little, my thin sheets covering only my lap, and barely my dignity. The rest of my lean, toned and muscular body was easily visible in the low blue light. My ears perked up as the ship's subsystem's familiar hum filled my drums, its gentle sound beckoning me like a siren's, back into the arms of Morpheus.

"Heh, I hate to say it Lieutenant Commander Quinn ??? But I don't think 5:30am counts as morning. Good morning to you too by the way," I smiled at her, my tail oscillating lazily under the sheets.

"Military life starts early Fi, but you of all people would know that. I still remember you waking the squad up for early morning fitness."

"Well, it paid off I see, ye still got yer head on yer shoulders!" I said, as I over exaggerated my accent for comic effect. Never managed to work out why, but females of all types and backgrounds always seem to like the Gaelic I use it to great effect when ladies of interest are around.

Quinn giggled her own tail swishing as I tapped at the holographic console projecting from my night table, brightening the room just enough to see everything in the room more clearly.

"That, and the fact we've kept your head on your shoulders," she replied, walking over to my bed before sitting on the edge.

Quinn was my second in command. A tall, slender, curvy, athletically figured vixen of stunningly beautiful proportions for a soldier, and also as I well knew exceptionally deadly. Quinn currently held the record for most kills over 1km in range, the highest headshot tally at closer ranges as well.

"So what brings you to my quarters this morning Quinn?" I asked curiously, sleepily fluttering my eyelids, but eyeing her curvy figure through her black army fatigues, tank top and cargo style military pants.

"Well...being your second in command I've always thought the two of us should be...closer. If we can think as one, we can act twice as fast," She paused, finger resting on her perfect lower lip. "That's why I thought I should... 'Brief' you before deployment..."

I nodded and smiled, laying my head back on my arms while trying to keep my eyes from widening. My tail flicked a little faster as I thought carefully about my reply, my massive wolf-hood threatening to throw off my sheets any second now. "Mmm... Well, why don't you get settled and brief me, make yourself at home wherever you feel most comfortable."

Technically it was a disciplinary offence for an officer of higher rank to approach an enlisted soldier or an officer of lower status for purposes outside of military business. It was not however an offence for said officers to accept an approach from those that were out of bounds. A completely stupid bit of doggerel (Please excuse me my canine brothers for the expression) that dated back as far as the military's history. I was careful to ensure that there was no suggestive tonality in my voice, as I also knew from stumbling upon supposedly classified files in my training years, that the private quarters of those in command were monitored aurally. It was one of the worst kept secrets in the military, but people still forgot about it. Precautions from the brass to ensure no mutiny plans were hatched I assume, but the recordings could be used for other things, or so scuttlebutt suggested.

Quinn flashed a sexy grin in reply, slowly pulling her tank top over her head to reveal her large, soft D cup sized breasts which were barely contained by her simple white bra. I eyed the lean, almost unnoticeable toned muscle that formed her body beneath her traditionally cream and orangey-red body fur. It was all the rage to dye and shave designs these days, but it was something that held no interest for me, and of course interesting designs were not permitted on show anyway.

I gestured for her to come and lie down by me, murring softly as she dropped her pants, her creamy white womanhood glistening lightly in the light through her very un-regulation lace panties. Sniffing at the air as she quietly crawled under the sheets, her fluffy fox brush swishing lightly as she cuddled into my soft furred side. I noted that though her musk was suffusing the recycled oxygen with her scent, her anti-fertility drugs were doing their job, and she was not in heat.

I myself am quite a handsome wolf, though I am trying not to brag. Black furred with a few tribal markings, lean, toned muscles, and not too many scars, despite serving as a Special Ops Captain for in excess of five years now. A thought passed briefly through my mind as Quinn quietly crawled up on top of me, straddling my lap as I gently ran my paws up and down her sides. "You did put the privacy lock on this time didn't you?" I queried quietly, now thanking my own forgetfulness, for what it had gifted me with.

The vixen nodded silently, and gently licked my cheek, pressing her soft furred body against mine. My paws slowly made their way down to her hips, teasing them lightly before sliding under her tight, curvy ass. Quinn yipped softly, a subvocalized exclamation as she felt my paws squeeze and stroke her cheeks, caressing the base of her tail with my finger pads and claws.

Quinn reached behind her back, unhooking her bra before tossing it to the side. Her cream coloured breasts pressing up against my muscled chest; pectorals fully pumped up as if at the end of one of my workouts with my increased blood pressure. The vixen's orange, white tipped brush, swished lightly in unison with mine between our legs, causing the faux-cotton sheets to bunch up, exposing my foot-paws to the rooms warm air. I smiled warmly at her as I pressed my nose lightly against hers, licking the tip of her muzzle as I reached up and parted her beautiful, flowing red crest hair back from her face where it fallen from the angle she was leaning at. My paw then slowly cupped her chin and lifted her muzzle just slightly to align it with my own.

We both closed our eyes as we pressed out muzzles together, locking them in a deep, passionate kiss, my tongue stroking and dancing over hers as Quinn attempted to suckle on mine. The vixen gasped into my muzzle as our tongues wrestled for a good minute or two, before slowly breaking it, her paws leaving my shoulders and working their way down my body through my thickets of fur, pausing to examine and circle my bullet hard nipples, before advancing on the lightly guarded spoil of war that she was aiming to capture.

I groaned in pleasure as I felt the foxy fox's paw grope my already rock hard sheath, my cock throbbing within it as I felt her wrap her paw around its concealed hardness. I arched my back as my own paw slipped down her panties and cupped her warm, wet, tight lips, rubbing back and forth lightly as I felt her bury her muzzle in my neck fur, moaning out loud as I fingered her tight pussy until her sweet nectar tickled down my fingers, her aroused scent filling the air until I was worried the filters would not be able to dissipate her overpowering aroma. She leaned her head up next to my ear, whispering quietly into it as she stroked me a little harder and faster, peeling my sheath back to expose its glistening contents to her ministrations.

"Mmm...Oh gawd Fi...I'm so wet for you...I'm ready..."

She smiled as her low, sexy tones filled my ear. I quickly slipped her panties off and slid my boxers down as Quinn got my fourteen inch cock to un-sheath fully into her paw, my tip pressing up against her belly, smattering it with pre-cum with every pump of her paw.

"Mmm...Heh, Captain O'Brian, largest cock in the fleet," she muttered, evaluating her prize thoroughly with her manual examination.

"Oh? I hope you have not examined too many others in this fashion Lieutenant Commander...Is that the rumour going around the female's quarters?" I asked, in mock reprimand.

"No sir! But I can confirm the rumour as a fact right now... No one else could be concealing a weapon of this size Sir." She mock saluted with her free paw, finally looking down to access by eye what her paw was confirming. "Gawd it looks and feels so nice and thick, I want it so badly..."

"Then I guess that you shall be allowed to sample your prize then Quinn," I replied grinning as I reached between our legs and grasped my knot, angling my huge length upwards slightly to rub back and forth against Quinn's engorged clit and dripping wet entrance.

We started to dry hump and ride, Quinn moaning and gasping in pleasure as my thickness spread leaves wide with each pass, making her outer lips clench down on the sides of my cock, trying to pull it into the desired location. I clenched my teeth tightly in concentration before reaching between the vixen's legs, sliding my fingers into her tight, dripping wet twat, curving my fingers to rub and tease at her G-spot. Quinn promptly started to buck her hips up and down on my fingers, moaning loudly until I pulled my fingers clear. She reached down between my legs, gently lining my thick glans up with her soft folds. Slowly she pressed my tapered tip into her tight cave with a quiet gasp while I placed my paws on her hips, licking her nose affectionately.

"Ready for it Quinn?" I asked, giving her a final option to make a strategic withdrawal.

"Mhmmm..." she muttered, lost within her own sea of pleasure.

Her arms rested loosely on her shoulders as we pressed our muzzles together in a deep, passionate kiss as our bodies moved with mutual timing, as I thrust up into the beautiful vixen atop of me, as she sank down on my length until her lips met the resistance of my aching knot. She arched her back as our tongues danced together. Gasping and moaning into my maw, almost overwhelmed by the feeling of my thick, large cock sliding into her, she sighed as the natural concavity on my shaft above my knot, gently nestled her clit into its embrace.

All but my knot was enveloped inside her hot, tight passage, sending electric shivers up my spine as she slowly started to ride me, her walls rippling and steadily massaging my length. She broke the kiss and moaned in harmony with me as I fought the urge to release before she considered her mission complete. The whimpers, moans, gasps combined with the scents of our love making filled my quarters which were thankfully relatively soundproofed from those that surrounded them.

"Oh gawd Fi!!! Yes, yes, oh gawd yes, don't stop!!! You're so thick and long... Oooooh fuck I can feel you in my belly!!" Quinn moaned and cried, her body shaking with pleasure as she rode up and down my long, textured cock.

My tip was pushing against her cervix as my thick knot started to swell to about the size of a my fist, my cock was throbbing deep inside the vixen's hot, tight, dripping wet cunny, her velvety folds forming to my length like a warm silk glove. Had my tip not been kissing her inner ring, I would have sworn that she had been designed by a supreme being to fit me perfectly. I groaned and gently caressed her ass, pumping the fox full of my hot, sticky, pre, her own sweet nectar coating my length with its slick lubricant. I thrust in fast and hard, meeting Quinn's hips half way. I gently ground against her, pressing my knot against her clit, as our hip fur abraded with the contact, starting to build a static charge that could only result on one thing. Quinn shivered in my paws, moaning loud enough for the whole ship to hear, as my paw made their way up her slender, curvy body, cupping her breasts in turn, to give them a light squeeze, rubbing her nipples until they became hard enough to kill as cleanly as a titanium tipped bullet, before I suckled like a starving pup on one of them, my paw fondling the other breast in turn.

"Mmmm...Keep going Quinn, good girl...damn you're tight. You feel amazing...Such a sexy fox." I praised her between my alternating sucks as I kept pounding her tight little hole. I started building my rhythm, faster and faster, my balls slapping against Quinn's tight, perfect ass, beating out the age old tribal dance of requited passion. She leaned down a little more, letting me thrust in rather than riding me, encouraging me to break past her final barrier with her bodies actions as she rested her head on my shoulder, our arms wrapped tight around each other as I whispered into her ear between my groans and gasps. "Mmmm...Cum for me like a good vixen, and maybe I'll fuck your tight little tail-hole for you as well."

Quinn was getting close by now, shaking in my arms as she clenched and rippled her inner walls around my huge wolf dick, her eyes closed as she panted hotly. I could barely hold on any longer as my balls clenched and my tip throbbed, threatening to blow my load into Quinn's inner sanctuary. I felt her gently nibble on my ear, her chest bouncing against mine as she whispered, "Cum with me Fi, I want you to knot me sooo badly...Fill me up with all that wolf cum babe, I'm so close."

"Mmmm...Oh gawd!...I hope you're ready, I can't hold back much longer."

I felt Quinn's paws cup my balls as I whimpered in protest, the light squeeze on my fuzzy sack, caused the static to discharge with a crack, breaking any willpower I had left for holding myself back. In one hard thrust I slammed my knot and rolled my hips, pushing my glans through her cervix as my knot tore its way through her labia, and locked into place. My thrusts became shallower and a lot faster, panting hard between my groans as my cock throbbed, sending my mind into a state of pure bliss as I felt the vixen atop of me clench tight and cum with me. Her sweet, sticky, femme cum and musk, coating my length and pouring out from her grossly stretched lips, soaking my belly and pubic hairs with their pungent aromas. I started to pump her full of my warm, thick, wolf seed, spurting directly into her womb, feeling it reach capacity, and then force itself back past my tip with each pump to join the maelstrom of contracting muscles in her vagina.

I howled in blissful release for a good thirty seconds, as she joined me in the haunting yip call of her species pleasure, until our eyes closed with our heads tossed back as we held each other close; our conscious minds meeting on the planes of bliss. As we came down from our mind numbing orgasms, I relaxed into the bed, Quinn collapsing on top of me, moaning and whimpering as we shook in recovery, basking in the afterglow of our mutual mating. I gently whispered into her ear, licking Quinn's cheek softly and affectionately, "Mmm...I love you Quinn..."

"I love you're amazing honey..."

I smiled at the vixen as she lay on top of me, our hips tied together by my thick knot, any little movement making her gasp in pleasure as the fleshy bulb rubbed up against her g-spot. As she smiled back I pressed my lips to her again, hugging her closed to my body as we kissed deep and passionately, my tongue slipping into her maw to stroke her tongue again.

We lay together until we could untie, enjoying the feeling of being joined together not only by our bodies but our spirits. Two lovers intertwined as we held each-other and relaxed, whispering sweet nothings to one another. All the while the coming drop barely registered on our minds, nothing else seemed to matter as my worries drifted off, my mind centred on my sweet Quinn for the moment.