Two Friends [Epilogue]

Story by Traska on SoFurry

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#6 of Two Friends

My last chapter and final chapter to Two Friends. I hoped that you enjoyed reading my story and I thank you for reading it. I might have another story up soon, so tune in for that.

And Thank you again for reading Two Friends



Ten years later

Mark entered the gates of the cemetery with a flower in his hand. The day sun shined dimly, as the evening approached. The wind blew softly though the trees and the bushes and the grass; nature prepared for the day's end. The ground was covered lightly with fog as Mark walked down a path deep into the cemetery. As he walked he glanced at every stone that he walked passed, every other grave had flowers on top of them. Mourners passed by Mark; some seemed calm, their eyes glowed with fond memories of their loved ones, others silently cried knowing that they will never see their loved ones again, but their faces showed that they were moving on and accepted their death.

Mark stopped at a grave and looked down at it-it was Tom's. He looked down at it and read the epitaph, " Tom Jacobson, June 3, 1992 - June 2, 2011. He was once forgotten, but still lives in memory through those who knew him." Mark knelt down on one knee and placed his flower by Tom's stone. He gulped and spoke softly with a hoarse voice.

"Tom," he spoke. "I want to let you know that I'm doing well, and that I have a family now. I want to let you know that I'm happy..." Mark tired to gulp down his sorrow, but couldn't and his voice cracked. "...and I hope that you are too.

"Not a day goes by that I don't think of you; not a day goes by where I don't remember the time that we shared since we first met each other; nor does a day go by where I don't remember your smile..." Mark sniffed. "Tom, I love you, I wanted you to know that. I should have realized that a long time ago... no I did, but I doubted myself and I thought that things wouldn't be the same if we took that step... in our relationship.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't fully there for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't show you my love for you today. My only wish..." he sniffed again and wiped the tears away from his eyes. "I wish that I could see your face again and hold you in my arms. It's hard to know that I should have been there. It's hard to know that every day I live in regret, knowing that we could have still been with each other. I miss you Tom..."

He gulped and wiped the tears away from his eyes again. Mark was overcome with guilt and anger that he started to punch the ground repeatedly. After awhile he finally calmed down enough to finish. "And I love you."

He stood up and looked down at Tom's grave, then at the horizon and watched the sunset down below the trees. Mark sighed as he remembered that he and Tom would fish at the old bridge and watched the sunset down into the river. Suddenly he felt a hand touched his shoulder and heard a soft voice behind ear, a voice he remembers well.

"I love you too, Mark.