
Story by makari on SoFurry

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#1 of Mortan

ok heres the story chapter one finally error free i hope :3

this is my first story please dont judj me to hard ^.^;


Chapter one

An unwelcome search party

The world of Isagard is a vast planet with an ecosystem like no other: It hosts wildlife like no other. Its inhabitants are very different, colonising one part are the Human house a race of humanoids that have lived on Isagard for centuries. On the other side the Sikori house, this is a race of half man half animal creatures. Although they are allies now in the past they had deep hatred for each other in the past. This is where our story starts more than ten thousand years from the present day when swords, spears and chain mail armour took the place of guns and Kevlar. Our story begins with a lone Human warrior who had been separated from his troop after fleeing from a losing battle against the Sikori house. He finds himself lost in a desolate part of a forest the sounds of battle still echoing in the distance. He knew he was lost but he also knew he could not stop or he would most likely be found by Sikori search parties. Being the animals they were, they had a heightened sense of smell, he knew there was already a search party of sikori tracking him down and gaining on him. The Human traverses the obstacle course of a forest for hours until he finds himself out of breath and completely exhausted. His eyes were heavy and his forehead was dripping with sweat, his dark brown hair tied in a pony tail which was slung over his shoulder to stop it catching on anything. His armour was damaged and so was his sword but they were still usable. He had used his sword to cut branches and vines out of his way to move quicker through the dense forest but he knew it would have left a trail for the Sikori to follow so he began to heave his body further into the forest.

Meanwhile some way behind him a search party of five Sikori hunters had detected his scent and had started gaining ground on the Human who they had seen run from the battle. They followed the path of cut vines and branches for what seemed like hours stopping every so often to check their path until suddenly they stop. Their ears had perked up clearly sensing the Human was close. They darted through the forest the scent of the human getting closer and closer until they stopped in amassment as they find themselves in a clearing. Ahead of them an old temple stands facing them the ancient structure was made of solid stone and steps leading up to two huge entrance doors which had been opened recently. A bull soldier with black fur, red eyes and long sharp horns looks to the leader of the party.

"Mort, do you really think this is a good idea? I've heard of temples like this they are said to hold great magic and should not be entered."

Mort grunts softly.

"I know of the tales but we have our orders and we know he is in there"

He signals for his men to push forward with him. They climb the steps with their weapons ready. Running up the steps was a splattered trail of blood, which clearly, the Human had left.

The search party crept slowly into the temple, the hallway ahead of them appeared to swallow the light making it almost impossible to see into the darkness. The leader took out a torch from his belt and signals for his followers to do the same. The light illuminated the patch of corridor they were in. The smell of rotting plants and other foul things filled the air which masks the scent of the Human. The Bull speaks out again, this time with caution in his voice.

"Sir, I think it would be wise if we turned back and went for help. We could end up getting lost down here" Mort smiled slightly and turned to face the bull Sikori walking with his back to the way they were going.

"We will be fine, trust me. This human is injured, he shouldn't have gotten to..." his voice trails off as he notices they were one soldier short. The Rabbit Sikori that was at the back of the party had disappeared. His torch was lying on the ground some distance back. Mort growls deeply his canine teeth gleaming in the light of the torch.

"This Human is a clever one"

He turns back round clearly not phased by the loss of a soldier. The remaining four Sikori other than Mort seemed a little on edge as they trek down the corridor's before halting at finding what seems like a bandage case lying on the floor, picking it up Mort sniffed it briefly

"He was here not moments ago. Quickly!"

They pick up their pace darting quickly down the corridor. Behind them a muffled shriek was heard as the back soldier was picked off his sword and torch clanging to the ground. They stopped suddenly and raised their swords keeping their backs to each other scanning their surroundings. They were now so deep into the temple that no signs of the way they came or the way they could go could be seen. They had entered into a rather large corridor the roof could no longer be seen and pillars were either side of them the stench was worse than ever. Mort panted lightly as he kept his keen brown eyes pealed for any signs of movement. The Dragon soldier to the left of the Bull was panting with fear as he looks back at Mort before groaning heavily. Regretting the decision he made, he turns to go back the way they had entered and he runs away from the other two Sikori and disappeared into the darkness. Moments later a shrill scream of terror was heard and then nothing. Only there own panting and the torches in their hands could be heard. The Bull creature turned to Mort

"This is crazy he's wounded yet he's managed to pick us off one by one. We need to get out of here" Mort growled angrily clenching his weapon tight in one hand, not liking the fact that his search party had been done over by one man.

"Grrr! Very well". They turned to the way they thought they had come only to be greeted by a wall. Mort howled the sound echoing throughout the room. The Bull putting a beefy hand on his shoulder

"Sir, you make enough noise to wake the dead, we should head forwards if we cannot head back"

Mort agreed, still frustrated and angry at their predicament.

They had wondered through the large corridor for hours noticing strange inscriptions on the walls. They were of a strange language but it looked like they told of a time when Humans and the Sikori lived together in peace. They finally came into a large chamber, in the middle of which was a large statue depicting a large Sikori and Human king. All around it were large stone stools with various artefacts on them. The Bull creature gasped in amassment.

"By the kings! There must be ad least ten million Rens worth of artefacts in here. They stepped forward with caution but stopping suddenly as they noticed a figure coming towards them out of the darkness. They both clutch their swords tightly

"The Human" Mort whispered through gritted teeth. Sure enough the human came into view. His body looked battered and his armour was chipped and cracked all over, he spoke out clearly to them.

"Leave now or I will kill you both"

Mort laughed

"You are in no position to be making threats" The human grinned slightly and within an instant he had rushed up to the bull creature in front of Mort. Lunging his sword through its chest. The human withdrew his sword and prepared to attack Mort who jumped back growling.

"You worthless piece of Man flesh ill kill you!"

Mort rushed toward the Human lunging with his sword but only to be parried by a well placed slash of the Human's sword. Mort backed off looking for a way to gain an advantage but, with the chamber being so dark it was hard for him to see anything. He leapt for a pillar and with his hind legs makes a massive rebound striking the human in the stomach with his other hind footpaw. Bringing his sword down to make a nasty slash down the Human's back, the tough armour cushioning the blow. His opponent withdrew slightly but came straight back with more ferocity and more determination than ever. Their swords clashed together. The Humans slashes were so strong, it was pushing Mort back towards the artefacts specifically towards one of the largest; a jar containing some sort of glowing powder as Mort's strength failed him he dropped his sword the Human delivered a crippling kick into the stomach of the Wolfox sending him crashing into the pillar with the jar on sending it crashing to the ground.

The jar smashed sending dust into the air and instantly bolts an unknown force sent the Human flying back into another pillar. Mort, still dazed. slowly gets to his feet panting heavily making his way over to the Human with a dulled anger, the Human gets to his feet both warriors were equally tired and hurt but neither would give way even with the odd energies being released all around them. They reach each other where the jar had fallen to the floor and begin exchanging crunching punches and kicks, to tired to care what was happening around them. The energies of the powder was slowly destroying anything it touched. A bolt veered off and struck both Mort and the human at the same time sending both flying back against the wall of the statue in the middle of the room. All became black as they fell to the floor unconscious.