Dragon love chapter 5

Story by lovelydragoness on SoFurry

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Warning: The use of any of my characters will result in harsh punishment. I'm a hacker and I will hack your pc if you do.

I turned over off of Zerein. We were both panting from sexual release.

"*pant* You know, I really think that you are trying to get pregnant."

"Well,*pant* maybe. Maybe not.*pant* You don't know."

"Well if we are going to have sex every other day then I will not be able to last very long at all."

"Ok then. I'll try to hold it back for a while."

"I still say you are trying to get pregnant."

"I am eighteen years old. If I got pregnant in the next three days then we would have a lawsuit that we would have to go through if something happened. Blah blah blah."

"Well Then atleast I know that you won't be trying to get pregnant for the next few days."

"Averin. We live together, we love each other, and your parents are ok with everything we do. Of course I'm trying to get pregnant."

"Well then lets think of a name before we have a child."

"I've already got one. Well, two actually. If its a girl then we could call her Danrei. And if its a boy then we could call him Berrick."

"Hmm. They sound like they would fit perfectly to anyone."

"Well I'm going to take a shower. You want to come with me?"


Me and Zerein went into the bathroom and I started the water. When it finally warmed up we got in. She helped me clean my wings and I help her clean her wings. We kissed a few times but stopping almost as soon as we started. Being in the shower with her was arousing me too easily. So We finished washing up and hurried out of the shower. We dried off then hurried back into the room. Zerein put on a bra that went around her instead of strapping on over the shoulder and it was just a single piece of specially made cloth. I helped her tie it in the back and she put on a black shirt over the red top. I got a shirt out of my closet that was way too small for someone my size but I didn't care. It showed my muscular build and I preferred that. I heard a knock on the door and hurried and got my shorts on. I opened the door.

"Yes ma'am?", I asked.

"Where is Zerein?", mom asked.

"She's here with me."

"Oh. Ok then. I just didn't see her earlier and you disappeared for an hour."

"Oh we didn't disappear. We've been up here the whole time."

"Ok. Well sorry to bother you."

She walks back down the stairs. Ever since Zerein moved in mom has been a little nosey about what we do. I checked my alarm clock and it said 10:17. Enough time to go hunting I guess or have a contest with Mr. Hiuto. I guess I could play a few games with my teacher. I walked outside and stopped when I saw that he was gone. Mom and dad were still where they were earlier though.

"Hey mom. Where's Mr Hiuto?"

"He said something about hunting."

"Ok. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I went back inside and into the kitchen. Zerein was already making a sandwich, one for me and one for her. She hadnded me the thicker sandwich as she took a bite out of hers. I took the sandwich and tooka big bite. I swallowed.

"That is a damn good sandwich. What did you put on it?"

"My little mix of seasonings."

"Does that include...Gah!"

I clenched my chest.

"Grab the shot...out of the...Cabinet."

Zerein dropped her sandwich and jerked the cabinet open when I fell to the floor. She found a pack that had three shots in it.

"Lets hope that this works."

Zerein took one of them out and injected me in the arm. I sat up and took a deep breath.

"*pant* Clovund. Its favored by all dragons. But I am highly allergic to it."

Zerein helped me up and I disposed of the used shot.

"What does it do exactly?", Zerein asked.

"It has a chemical in it that makes it to where I can't breathe. The swelling in my throat. And it also stops the heart by preventing the cradio muscles from recieving any electrical impulses from the brain."

"So if it isn't treated soon enough then you could die unless someone restarts your heart with a jolt of electricity."


Note: Clovund is similar to dragon nip. But it is used in cooking as a seasoning.

I Grabbed the sandwich and dropped it in the trashcan.

"I appologize for having to do that Zerein. It was a good sandwich but it would have killed me."

"Its ok Averin. I understand. I'll just make another without the clovund in it for you."

"Thank you."

I watched as zerein made another sandwich but this time she left the clovund in the cabinet. When she was finished I helped her put the seasonings back up. I Took the sandwich and headed up to my room. I sat down at my desk and booted up the computer.It whirred for a few seconds then started up its program. When it finished loading I opened the browser and looked up the ignis arrow. It brought up three definitions. I clicked the first one and it said,

The Ignis Arrow is a type of elementally imbued arrow attack. People who can use this attack have the ability to also use the other types. Terra, Aero, and Aqua. These have been named after the alchemy name of the elements.

I clicked back and then clicked the second one.

The Ignis arrow is an advanced archery technique usable only by people who have the ability to use magic. Little is known about its creator.

I clicked back and then clicked the third one.

The ignis arrow is a powerful counter attack that is used to attack the enemy with an inflamed arrow. When inflamed its speed increases and it can pierce through even most metals. Say you have a safe and the door is seven inches thick. This attack can pierce through that without slowing down.

The last was uploaded by Mr. Hiuto three years ago. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. Zerein stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I have to pay Mr. Hiuto a visit."

I moved her out the way and she went inside. I got inside the car. I started the car and pulled out of the drive way. The drive to the center of the woods was half an hour. When I got there an arrow hit my car and burst. Ice slowly creapt over the windshield and I hurried out of the car before I couldn't open the door. Mr. Hiuto came up to me with a worried look.

"You're not hurt are you?"

"No. What just happened to my car?"

"You drove into the line of fire. I was about to get a nice size elk but you already scared it away."

"So did you use an aqua arrow?"

"Sure did. Aqua arrows."

"Used to immobilize the target.", I interrupted.

"Yes. How'd you know?

"I found your post on it."

"Well would you like to learn how to use them all?"


"Ok then. Get your bow out of the trunk and we'll start."

"Let me guess. You put it in there."

"Mm-hmm indeed I did."

I grabbed my bow and returned to Mr. Hiuto.

"Now. To imbue the arrow you have to control it."

He took out an arrow and pulle it back on his bow. It glowed blue for a second then faded.

"After that.", he said.

He let go of the arrow and it burst when it hit a tree.

"Let it fly."

"What about the others?"

"Don't worry about them until you learn this one. Why don't you practice this at home?"

"Thats a good idea. But first..."

I pulled the string back on my bow and a blue energy arrow materialized.

"Damn. I thought that he was just bluffing."

I let it fly and when it hit the tree it exploded, coating everything in its blast radius with ice.

"Remarkable! I have never seen this in real life. I've only read books about the enrgy manipulation technique."

"Well good luck finding more info on it because I just used the rest of my stamina.", I stumbled.

"Oh. We better get you home then. Here. I'll help you."

He put my arm over his shoulder and keapt me from falling as we got to my car which was a quarter of a mile away. He dropped me in the driver seat and closed the door. The car started to heat up and the ice melted so that I could use the car. Later when I got home I stumbled out of the car and I was so fatigued that it felt like I was lifting waiting weights when I moved. Once I finally Made it to the door I opened it and leaned on the door frame.

"Zerein. I need help."

"With what?"

"I can't move."

"What did you do?"

"I learned how to use a new ability and ended up using the rest of my energy on it."

"*sigh* I'll help you up to your room."

Zerein did the same thing that Mr. Hiuto did and brought me into my room. She practically threw me onto the bed.

"Thank you."

I shut my eyes and sleapt. When I woke up Zerein and mom were sitting next to my bed.

"He's awake! Mrs. Tiera!", Zerein said.

"Oh my god he's awake! Honey! Come quick! He woke up!", mom yelled.

Dad came into the room and I, clueless as hell, sat up.

"What happened?", I asked.

"You've been asleep for the past three days. Happy birthday.", Zerein said.

"What?!", I exclaimed.

Thats right. Today is your birthday.", mom said.

"Well I know that but what time is it?", I asked.

Mom looked at her watch,"About five in the morning. You haven't missed anything."

"Well besides a few days of school I didn't miss anything."

"Oh. Your teachers said that they will reschedule your tests for monday.", Mom said.

"Thanks. Anything else?"

"You owe me some sex for scaring me like that. And I am now trying my best to get pregnant. I stopped taking my birth control two days ago."

"Hey honey. Why don't you show me that new tool you bought.", mom left with dad.

"I just woke up from a three day long nap. And you want to have sex?"

"Since you sleapt for three days straight you should have plenty of energy to use. I'm sure that you've got enough to last for the rest of the day and have sex."

"Well it seems that just yesterday we had sex and why am i resisting this at all?"

Zerein layed down on top of me,"Just stop talking."

I opened my mouth to speak and she kissed me. Whatever I was about to say was forgotten and instead I embraced her.

"If we keep having sex this often we might get addicted to it.", I said.

"Then if I got pregnant we wouldn't have to worry about that would we?", she smiled.

Bam. There's the fifth chapter already. I need to decide which character to introduce next. (spoiler) Should it be Averin's sister or his friend Raechik?