Gym Buddies III: Part Four

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Gym Buddies III

Gym Buddies III: Part Four

Jason's warm lips pressed eagerly to mine through a murr lost in ecstasy. His paw touched my knee and ran slowly up my thigh, wrapping around my hips and pulling me into him. My heart raced the way it had on the last day I saw him. He broke away and gasped hotly for air, leaving me to moan for his maw.

"Al, I missed you," he said breathlessly, "I should have asked you to come with me!" I opened my eyes and looked at him - tears streaming down his muzzle and holding on his stubby whiskers. "I wanted to tell them the truth, but... God, I was so scared he'd know it was me!"

"What do you mean?" I asked. "What do you mean 'the truth'?" Jason looked ashamed of himself.

"If I'd have said what I saw your dad do - what he was gonna do to me - then maybe it would have all been okay." I looked at him questioningly. "Remember that I said I was gonna get you after school? And the next day you came in with a broken rib and your face was all swollen? Well, my parents... they thought..." I shook my head as what he was saying became apparent.

"No! They didn't - they couldn't! They knew how much you liked me!"

"But we were always fighting," he reminded me, "and I was so scared of your dad to tell them anything. That's why they took me away from you! But if they knew... if they knew the truth-"

"Shh, it's okay," I assured him, stroking the soft fur on his head. God, I'd forgotten how soft it was.

"No, it's not okay," he insisted, "I missed you so much! There wasn't a day went by when I didn't think about you." He pushed his muzzle into me and cried heavily. "When someone told me that they saw your name in the obituaries, I... I..." Jason struggled with the words, but eventually they spilled from his lips. "Christ, Al, I thought you were dead! And I never got to say goodbye!" I pulled his head up and looked into his dark brown eyes. I could barely see them through the tears and the bloodshot pinks and reds, but I knew the chocolate colour from my memories.

"Jason, I'm not dead," I smiled at him, "I'm alive. I'm alive and I'm here."

The Alsatian's paws wrapped around my head. "Prove it," he said before pulling me into a passionate kiss. His hot tongue toyed with me, almost as if he was making sure I really was alive. Mine was eager to tell him that I was. He pulled out of the kiss and looked deeply into my eyes with heavy breath. "Al," he said, leaving a long pause trailing after him. I took a moment to listen to our breathing.


"I want you," he pleaded, "I want you to make love to me." That was an expression I'd never heard before. 'Fuck me', 'have me', 'screw me', 'take me' - each one had been said to me at one time or another. But I'd never been asked to make love to someone. Truth be told, I wasn't sure I knew how to. I smiled widely and put my lips back against his. The Alsatian's paws ran from my shoulders to my wrists and gently grasped my paws as he stood up. "Let's go upstairs." Not wanting to leave him waiting, I got to my feet and lead him up the wooden staircase. Knowing that he was watching, I swished my tail in front of him. I opened the second door on the right and went inside. The simple creams of the room made the dark canine stand out as he entered. The small lamp by the side of the bed was the only light, giving a perfect romantic edge to the night.

"You remember this room?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed. "Curled up... watching TV..."


"Yeah," I chuckled, "that was amazing." Jason bit his bottom lip as he came closer to me.

"Not as amazing as this is going to be." I laid back and waited for him with my arms high above my head and my legs spread a little. The German Shepherd sat on top of me and wrapped his tongue around mine. His murrs were amazing, as was his warmth. As my paw slid around his head to pull him deeper in, my legs formed a cage around his hips so that he couldn't escape. He thrust his body up and down against me and moaned.

His paw slid across my shirt buttons as he slowly tried to unpick the top one. After a moment, I stopped him and smiled. "Jason, I'm not gonna wear this shirt again." He looked into my eyes with question, and I nodded to answer him. In a beat of my dancing heart, Jason tore the fabric away with four loud pops of buttons. The fur on my chest rose and fell heavily as my breath became excited. Even though I'd given Jason the go-ahead, it was still brilliantly sensuous.

"That good?" he asked. I smiled at him and nodded, high on the erotic moment. My paws slid up his stomach and to his shirt's seam. I wrapped my fingers around the fabric and pulled it apart. Jason's fur was light-brown over his flat chest.

"Oh, Jason," I said, nuzzling into the brilliant fur. He pulled my head into his chest and murred as he peeled the torn shirt from his chest. When I looked at him for a second time, his torso was naked. "Jason, you haven't changed one bit," I complemented him. I couldn't tell with his clothes on, but Jason's frame was still rather skinny. He wasn't exactly unfit, but he did look a little undernourished. The way things were going, I'd get the chance to offer him breakfast in the morning.

"You have! You're so... big," he decided on, clearly lost for words. He blushed a little when the double-entendre became obvious. I smiled and pulled my body up to undress myself. Once my shirt was removed, I leant over and touched the Alsatian's stomach. His light brown fur, which seemed to get lighter as it went down his body, was amazingly soft. My paw made its way down to his trousers and clenched the waistband. He grabbed my wrist firmly and shook his head.

"Lie down," he instructed. I was completely under his control, so jumped up a little and lay waiting for him. He made his way slowly over to me, unhooked my trouser button and slid the zipper down. My member was now sliding out of its sheath, but the black tip was still hidden inside my boxers. "Now turn over."


"On your back," he smiled, "I've got something I wanna give you." I loved the sound of that. Eagerly, I turned over for him. My muzzle was pushed into the cream coloured sheets and my paws clenched around them as Jason straddled me, the warmth of his crotch pressing hard into my left thigh. "Relax, Mister 'yote," he purred. He lowered my trousers a little to reveal the whole of my tail to him. His fingers worked their way from the base to the tip, gently scratching and tickling it as he did. I lifted it high so that he could push his fingers far into the fur.

"Oh, that's nice," I murred quietly. I heard Jason chuckle at this, and I shuddered when his nose touched to the tail-tip. I heard him kiss it and twisted my head on the pillow. The lamp shone a silhouette of our bodies onto the wall. I watched intently as his shadow took its trousers down, and a backward glance told me his boxers had some colourful pattern on them. As Jason's shadow teased mine, I felt every touch and gasped. His lips kissed the underside of my tail and slowly made their way down to the base. My breath hardened as I realised what he was doing and I watched his shadow intently. It wasn't long until he was easing my trousers and boxers down and nuzzling to my tailhole. I groaned loudly.

"Mmm," he said happily, "does my Mister 'Yote like this?" I lifted my head and nodded, barely able to speak through the pleasure rippling inside me. Jason moved his nose to me again, and I gave a great moan of pleasure when I felt his tongue slide out of his maw.

"Oh, my God, Jason," I shouted out, my now fully-erect length pushing hard into the mattress. "Jason, that's amazing, where did you learn to do that?" The Alsatian looked up at me and chuckled a little.

"It's my first time doing this," he admitted. He could have fooled me - what he was doing was absolutely amazing. "And I haven't even started yet, babe." He pushed his nose back to me and his silky tongue traced circles around my tailhole. He murred quietly, making me respond in the same way as he drew a fourth circle. The German Shepherd's paws took hold of my hips and pulled me into him as he eased his tongue inside me. I gasped and threw my head back in extreme pleasure - perhaps the most intense I'd ever felt. The canine groaned when I called out his name and his tongue slipped further into me.

"Don't stop," I begged, spreading my legs a little and lifting my tail high for him. My hips thrust back and forth, pulling his tongue in and out of me. It was all I could do to stop myself from slipping a paw to my unsheathed member and pawing while Jason's tongue worked its magic. Instead, my claws bore heavily into the covers as my body tensed and relaxed.

"Oh, Al." Jason's whimper was muffled beneath my tail, but I knew he was enjoying this as much as I was. I was suddenly spun around by him - he had a lot of strength in him to say he didn't look like he worked out. In seconds he'd crawled his way up to my nose and planted a kiss on my muzzle. "Al," he began, playing with the fur on my chest. I ran a paw through his fur and toyed with his ear, rubbing it gently between my thumb and forefinger. He smiled and twitched at this, so I kept going.

"What is it?"

"Well, I, er..." he hesitated. His face became a lot more serious and I knew something big was on his mind. "I've never... taken before. And I was wondering... does it hurt?" I tilted my head and smiled at him, bringing my paw down to lightly stroke his face.

"It'll hurt at first," I told him, "but when you ease into it..." I ran my paw to the back of his ear and lightly scritched it, causing him to moan and murr the way he did when we were younger. I'd always teased him with it then, and I'd be using it to my advantage now that we were older. "Exactly," I said in response to his pleasured groans. "You wanna try it?"

"Later," he said. "Have you got any condoms?" I threw my paw to the bedside cabinet, being careful not to knock the book I'd been admiring earlier off the top. I opened the small drawer, fiddled for the small foil wraps and pulled them out when I found them. As Jason took them from my paw and opened the wrapper hungrily, I felt around for the lubricant. Once I had it, I squeezed some of the clear contents into my paws. I looked at the Alsatian, whose jaw was hung low as he watched the lubricated paws intently. "Touch me, Al," he begged, arching his back and presenting his throbbing meat to me. It was the purest red I'd ever seen, and I could feel the hot seven inches against my stomach. My wet paws reached down and grabbed his length, pulling it towards me with as much grip as the lubricant would allow. Jason's jaw mouthed words of pleasure and excitement as his eyes closed.

"You're so warm," I said, my paw now moving rhythmically around him, the claw of my thumb teasing his slit open. Once I'd decided I'd given him enough pleasure, I ran my paws to the back of his hips and slid my fingers across his tailhole. "You wanna know how it feels?" He bit his lip and nodded, lifting his tail a little for me. I could tell that he was nervous, so pushed my middle finger against him as gently as I could.

As the first knuckle popped inside him, he panted heavily and tensed his walls around me. "Oh, God," he moaned.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"No," he said, shaking his head and looking into my eyes, "it just feels so good." He stretched out the word so, causing it to sound like a murrowl of pleasure. I smiled at him as I pushed in a little further.

"This is just a finger," I reminded him. "Imagine what it's gonna feel like when I'm inside you." Without warning, his paws grabbed hold of my head and pulled me into a lusty, passionate kiss. His tongue fought mine through a moan, and I instinctively pushed even further into the Alsatian's warmth. His moans turned from pleasured to pained.

"Ow, ow, stop," he said, trying to pull away from me. I took my finger slowly out of him - I knew from personal experience that it would be more uncomfortable if I pulled out as quickly as I could. "Sorry," he whimpered, almost as if he thought I'd be angry at him.

"Shh," I comforted him, the paw still resting on his rump and stroking his cheek gently. "You don't have to apologise. I didn't mean to hurt you, you know."

"I know, Al," he assured me. "Maybe we can try again in a few minutes?" I nodded and returned to his length. I watched as he finally took the condom out of the broken wrapper and unravelled it around his hot cock. I pushed the same middle finer that was in Jason inside me, preparing myself for the German Shepherd. I moaned when I realised that I was still warm from his walls and slowly stretched myself. "Is it tight?" he asked me. I pulled the finger out and ran my paw down his face.

"Why don't you find out?" I offered him. He held my paw and suckled on the still-warm finger with a murr. Jason lowered his hips to mine and pressed his warm tip against my tailhole. I felt myself open a little as he eased inside me, and I gasped in pleasure when he thrust forwards. Already, a full three inches were inside me - Jason's throbbing meat felt amazing. "Oh, God!" I threw my paws behind my head and clung onto the headboard, exposing my body to the canine. He drove into me again as another inch was lodged into me.

"I'm not hurting, am I?"

"Fuck no," I laughed, "this is amazing!" I brought my paw over to his face and stroked it gently. "You're amazing." Jason smiled at me. His eyes seemed to brighten when I told him how I was feeling. They'd turned from chocolate to auburn. Jason pulled out and slowly eased into me, a gentle rhythm starting between us. I murred happily as my paws found their way to his back and pulled him into me. The Alsatian's warmth inside me was amazing, and each pulse of his hot member caused my tailhole to tighten.

"You're enjoying this," he said, noticing my leaking length. I couldn't deny it - I'd wanted this for years. Jason's hot breath against me, his sex inside me, his paws holding me. Another drop of pre wet my tip, which glistened in the lamplight. He panted heavily as he plunged into my spread eagle frame again. Now his knot was pressing against me and easing me open as it swelled. I sucked in air through gritted teeth - I knew what was coming. "I don't want to hurt you, Al," he whispered, "do you want me to stop?"

I shook my head hard. "No, I want you to tie me," I assured him, "it's just been a while since I bottomed." Jason blushed. "What is it?"

"There's something I wanna try. I think it'd be hot," he said, his blushing face now plastered with a huge panting smile and hungry eyes. "Have you ever heard double-knotting?"

I'd only seen a few pictures in 'Doggy Style!', but they were among the hottest pieces I'd encountered. One of a wolf on his front and a fox on his back sprang instantly to mind. "Yeah, I have," I nodded. "But won't this be your first time? Bottoming, I mean?"

"Mm-hm," he groaned as he pressed a little further into me, his large knot now about a quarter of the way inside me. "I want us to be inside each other," he begged, "I want us to come inside each other at the same time." I wanted it, too. As hot as I'd always thought it was whenever I saw the rare pictures of double-knotting, there was a certain intimacy to it - something that regular sex just didn't seem to hold.

"Tie me," I instructed, running my paw across his chest and padding his fur. Jason didn't need to be asked a second time as he slowly worked me open, now letting me take half of his knot. With a pop, my muscle tightened around it and swallowed him, causing me to cry out loudly. I felt the knot suddenly grow and watched Jason shake his head and will himself not to climax. I could tell he was struggling, and so was I.

"Al," he whimpered, his body trembling on top of me as he held back, "Al, I'm not gonna last much longer." I stroked his face gently, which only seemed to make it worse for him.

"Turn around."

"How?" He asked me as if I was an expert in this position. This was going to be my first time doing something like this, so I wasn't exactly sure.

"Like this," I said, easing him gently to the side. Using his hot length inside me as a pivot, he slowly turned around. I felt his balloon of flesh move and ease me around in whole new and exciting ways. It caused a great leak of pre from me, and if it hadn't have been my own length, I could have sworn an orgasm was coming. Jason placed his front paws on the floor at the foot of the bed as he twisted into the right position. He lifted his leg and placed his body over mine, his tail wagging happily and brushing my nose. "Lift it up, babe," and without a moment of hesitation, Jason teased his tail upwards, revealing his tight virgin pucker to me. I knew he wasn't ready to take my thickening nine inches, so took some more of the lubricant on my fingers and worked him open for me.

He moaned and murrowled each time I worked in and out of him, slowly at first but soon picking up speed. "Al," the canine whispered hotly, "I'm ready."

"You're sure?" I asked, already reaching for the condoms excitedly. He bit his lip and nodded his head as my finger eased out of him to break the seal of the rubber. "If it hurts, I'll stop," I assured him, "if you want me to, just say." He smiled and spread his legs as far as his knotted length would allow him. After unravelling the condom around my member (which was already stretching the prophylactic greatly) I gave myself a few good tugs and pushed the black meat down to Jason's hot cheeks. He was ready for me to take him - I could tell how much he wanted this from the heat coming off him.

"Al, it feels big," he said. I wasn't sure if it was terror in his voice or anticipation. I inched a finger to his tailbase, pulling him up to let my tip reach his hole. His breath became excited as I eased gently into his tailhole. He shifted uneasily as he tried to spread his legs wide for me.

"Jason, you need to relax," I told him, "I'm just gonna let it slide in, all right?" He nodded his head to tell me he was ready, but his tensing hole was telling me otherwise. I waited until he'd relaxed himself, which took about thirty seconds. Even though I enjoyed the feel of his tailhole kissing my hot tip, I knew he wouldn't enjoy it as much as he should if I plunged suddenly into him. I did exactly as I said I would, letting my member ease into him rather than force it. He took each push with a moan as my cock thickened and pulsed in pleasure. This would cause a problem after he took the next five inches.

"Oh, Al..."

Four inches...

"...this is amazing..."

Three inches... He bit his lip to stop himself from reaching a climax.

"...fuck..." Then he felt it. His eyes widened with panic, though he tried to hide it from me. His breath quickened, so I fished around for his paw and squeezed it tightly

"Jason, you don't have to do this-"

"No, I want to," he interrupted me harshly. His muscle tightened around me, almost as if it was trying to push me out.

"Then you need to relax or it's gonna hurt, okay?" He nodded and closed his eyes as he tried to let himself ease open for me. I took the lube and lathered my knot in it, putting some around his tailhole as I did.

The growing piece of flesh slowly buried into his warm and freshly broken seal. The tightness of it made us both gasp as it pressed into him, nearing a quarter of the way inside him. There wouldn't be any time for taking too much pleasure from him - I was too close to orgasm. I hadn't felt my knot get to this size before - and squeezing it to help it fit inside the German Shepherd didn't help. Another push inside him and he was nearly halfway around me.

"Al, it's starting to hurt," he whimpered.

"You want me to stop?" Jason shook his head and bit his lips again. I could see his black lips turning white under the pressure of his teeth.

"No," he said, a bolt of pain rushing through his voice as he grabbed hold of my paw. Before I could stop him, Jason reared himself into me and took my knot with a pop. I knew he was lying when he said it didn't hurt - his scream of pain was enough to send shivers down my spine. I quickly realised it wasn't a chill of dread, but a tingle of pleasure. I hadn't been inside him a whole second before my length pulsed hot come into him. Jason's cries died down into soft moans as I shot inside him. "Oh, Al," he whimpered. I knew how much he must have enjoyed it as I felt him release into me - the ropes boiling hot instead of the regular warm I was used to.

Jason squeezed my paw tightly in our awkward position and lifted his head.

"Al," he panted loudly, trying to twist his head to see me. I was busy idly playing with his tail-tip which kept flicking my nose. I wasn't sure if he meant to do this or was just blissfully happy. The look on his face gave me my answer.

"Yeah, Jase?"

"I love you," he beamed. I smiled and fell into the pillow behind me. "Did I ever tell you that I was in love with you? Even from that age?" I shook my head.

"No. But I knew."

"How?" I glanced over to the book on the bedside cabinet which Jason didn't even notice. 'History' with 'Property of Jason Vann' written in biro on one corner. I took the book in my paw and opened the cover. I smiled even wider at what was written inside.

"What?" he asked.

"A love-heart," I explained, "and it's got something written inside it."

"I don't remember," he complained, obviously picking up on what the book was. "What does it say?"

"'Jason & Al Forever'," I said, squeezing his paw. "I love you, too." We rested into each other, our tailholes tied and our fingers interwoven. This was a perfect moment - Jason and I locked together for the rest of the night. I wanted to kiss him, but our awkward position didn't allow for it. I'd have to wait until the morning to feel his tongue on mine and rest into the beautifully soft fur around his neck.

As I drifted into sleep, I prayed that this wasn't an elaborate dream - but if it was, it was the best dream I'd ever had.