Choice(Balance)-Arc 1"Beginning" part 16

Story by Highwind93 on SoFurry

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Kay goes inside the inner chamber to confront where the voice came from.He looked closer and saw a giant demon hound sitting down as he glared at Kay.He looks up at the hound.

"So,I guess you're here to stop me from getting to the ceptar?"

Kay asks.The hound narrowed it's eyes at him,but grins.

"Yes.I'm afraid that this is as far as you go,Kay Stanford."

It responds.Kay was confused and in shock.

"How the hell do you know who I am?"

Kay demands.The giant hound chuckles.

"Our master told us you were quite special,and that you were very close to his son whom you are trying to take back.I'm here to prove a certain "theory" of his.If you're capable of defeating me,then we'll know just what kind of being you are."

It says as it stood on all fours.Kay draws his wing.

"You're not gonna stop me.I'm taking Alan back,got it? So move!!!"

Kay shouts as he rushes in to fight the demonic canine.Kyle and Buch had there hands full as well with the keepers.Kyle dodged the hound to the best of his ability,and tried his best to hit it with as much magic as possible.The Keeper was pretty agile,but was a pretty big target as well.Kyle took his time,seeing what he should watch out for and what chance he had to attack.The keeper barely gave him time to cast anything so it was a real treck fighting it.Buch was like a barbarian while he was fighting against the keeper.They exchanged blows constantly,landing a hit on each other at certain intervals.Buch had claw marks all over hi body,but still glared at his huge opponent.He craked his neck a few times and smiled.

"You got alot of offense.But so do I."

Buch says.The keeper stood,battle ready as he glared at his opponent.

"Foolish mortals with no buisness in a domain of demons should return to their pathetic lives.You've now sealed your own fate."

It says as it bares it's fangs at him.Buch gets angery.

"Oh yeah!? Well guess what,I'm not losin.I was in a good mood until you started mouthin off at me.Now you're gonna pay for actin so SMUGG!!"

Buch shouts,charging at the demon again.Kay was a bit tired from his fight,but still held his ground.He was able to be pretty agile since they were in a pretty large chamber.Kay was'nt really that good at dodging,but he managed against the hound.The hound lundged at Kay and held him down on the floor,pinning him down with one paw.Kay struggles to get up,but it was no use.The keeper bared it's fangs once again at the cornered mortal as he continued to struggle.


The keeper shouts.Kay closed his eyes for a second.He saw Alan smiling and laughing with Kay as he continued to walk with him.He was energetic and always smiling.He smiles at Kay and says gentley:

"Kay.I'm glad I met you."

He says.Kay opens his eyes as the keeper almost struck him.Kay clenches his fists and Shouts in Anger.


The keeper was blown away by Kay's strength.It sent him flying and he stared at Kay in shock.Kay was up on his feet,his body a bit dragy.The keeper looks closely and sees Kay with both wings engulfed in black flames.He stares for a second,then he grins at this discovery.It starts to chuckle.

"So it IS true.You truely are a special being,Kay.To think that such a power was inside of you."

The keeper says.Kay was walking slowly tward the keeper,engulfed in black flames,and tears of blood.He stares then his wings raised it's hands to create a ball of black flames.He stood quietly,still in rage.The keeper lundges at Kay but it was no use.Kay throws the ball of flame at the keeper and it vanishes.It was quiet.Nothing could be heard except for the crackling of black flames that now engulfed the chamber.Kay slowly starts to walk out of the chamber in a dragy state,almost as if he was a zombie.At the moment there was one thing on his mind that kept his feet moving.It was his burning desire to destroy Lucifer.