Choice(Balance)-Arc 1"Beginning" part 12

Story by Highwind93 on SoFurry

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"Damn it!!"

Kay shouts as he runs after Alan.Alan,like always,was abnormally fast and was hard to catch up to him.He was still crying as he ran away from his friend.

"Kay.*Sob*Sob*I'm not supposed to stay with you.I don't*Sob*I don't belong here."

Alan says as he continued to run.He stopped next to a tree to think.He then sensed a demonic presence behind him and he instantly turned around.

"Why do you sob?You've completed part of your task.Now we wait for the results.The angel's awakening is drawing near,and this world shall be freed."

A voice announced.The shadow the voice was emminating from stood tall.It had horns,it's eyes glowed a red flare,it had a cape,and a very strong demonic aura.

"Now come.Let us return."

The shadow says as it turns it's back to leave.Alan wipes his tears away,and looks at the shadow with a blank stare.


He says as he follows.He stops to look behind him,and smiles.

"Kay.Take care of yourself."

Alan says.He frowns and vanishes along with the shadow.Buch was walking by and saw the 2.He stared in confusion.

"Hey.Was'nt that the kid from earlier? Who ever he was talking to did'nt look good.I should probably tell Kay.Damn I must be getting soft helping him out.Oh well."

Buch says.He goes to find Kay and tell him what he saw.he set aside his pride for a moment to help out his rival and enemy.Kay and Kyle searched the entire city for Alan,but had no luck.


Kay calls out.

"HEY!! Are you around!!?"

Kyle calls.Kay was worried and frustrated.

"I can't find him."

Kay says,angery.

"Me neither."

Kyle responds.

"Damn it!!! This does'nt make any sense,where would he go?"

Kay says.

"Kay calm down.We have to keep looking o.k?"

Kyle says,trying to calm him down.Kay saddens,and hangs his head.


Buch shouts from afar.

"Damn it,it's Buch."

Kyle says as he draws his wing.

"Damn it Buch,now's not the time."

Kay says,glaring at him.

"Lighten up guys,I'm not here to fight ya."

Buch says.Kay and Kyle looks at him,puzzled.


Kay says.

"You heard me.I said I'm gonna help you find that kid."

Buch states.Kyle glares at him.

"Why are you helping us?"

Kyle says.

"Hey,i'm rarely nice y know.I've decide to help ya'll cause I really ain't got shit else to do.So I might as well do some good deed while I'm here."

Buch says.

"Alright.But how did you know that Alan was gone?"

Kay asks.

"I saw him talkin to some guy with horns and I thought that looked suspicious so I came here to find ya."

Buch says.Kyle thinks for a second.

"A man with horns."

Kyle says.


Kay says,confused.

"Buch,did he seem tall and had a cape."

Kyle asks.Buch nodds.

"Yeah.But I could barely see him since he was in the shadows though."

He says.

"Buch....That was Lucifer."

Kyle states,grimly.Kay and Buch were shocked by this.


Kay says.

"Woah,hold on 4-eyes.You mean the leader of the demons Lucifer?"

Buch says.Kyle continued to think.

"I knew that tale that Alan told me seemed familiar.I looked it up on my computer once.Come to my house,I'll explain."

Kyle says as they head over to his house.