The Wedding of Tyka and Scarlet.txt

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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_ The Wedding of Tyka and Scarlet _

This story is made by Sasha W.S. for public entertainment and freedom to express the creativity of the human brain and hands.

You can post this story on another site as long as you give me credit for it, but if I find out you have stolen it and taken claim for it yourself, I will gladly come over to your house and cut your nose off and shove it up your ass.

This story is a request for MizuSilverwolf of FA.

Tyka, Azula, Azura, Saurika, Jigo and Sasha are copyrighted by me.

Scarlet, Mizu, Candy, Mitsu and Zaccuro are copyrighted by MizuSilverwolf.

"To think, Sasha's own older sister getting married. Shi will be so happy to finally have someone in hir life." Saurika said while putting on her dress with the help of her daughters, already dressed in their own dresses while having stuck Jigo in a tuxedo complete with a skirt that didn't showed off his butt, "Mom, stand still. You are moving too much!" the girls yelled before pulling down the dress over their mother before hugging her as they could hear Tyka groaning from the room next to them, "You okay in there?" Azula asked before Tyka looked out and blushed, "Yes, just problem with the dress." They all giggled and walked in, but Jigo got shoved out, "Sorry, girls only." Jigo looked sad before the other door in the room opened and in walked Sasha, Tyka's younger, but bigger sister, all dressed up in a royal garb that really served almost a perfect purpose, Jigo blushing, "Alexis, you are overdoing your clothes." They both smiled.

Not that far in another part of the church, Scarlet sat in front of a mirror and brushed her hair, her family looking proudly at her while her parents was crying as the other ones was hugging them. Scarlet was happy and looked at her parents, "Thanks for doing this, mom, dad, aunt and my good friend." She got up and hugged them as Mizu and Mitsu smiled, "We are happy for you sweetie. You are going to live your life like you wished now, with someone you love." Zaccuro coughed when he wanted her attention, "And make sure to ask your mother for advice when you two get in bed, okay?" Scarlet smiled and sneakily replied, "What? So I will have hir whine like you did when mother used to pull your knot in and out of herself to please you." Zaccuro's blush from his girl's reply made all of them begin to laugh before they could hear the organ begin to play and the church bell ringing. Giving her a final wish of luck and a kiss on the cheek, Mizu, Mitsu and Candy ran off to their seats while Zaccuro prepared to lead his daughter down to the altar, feeling how Scarlet wrapped her arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder.

As the organist began to play Mendelsohn's Wedding March, all had taken their seats and Tyka stood at the altar with a proud smile, wearing a black wedding dress with a white rose in a pocket on it as hir sister stood next to hir. Both could soon see Zaccuro leading Scarlet down the aisle, all eyes turning to face her beauty, Tyka nearly beginning to cry right there before it was already over. Soon kissing her paw when she had reached the altar, the pastor who was a very skinny young male ferret breaking them up and coughing to get their attention to him.

Opening the Bible, he began the ceremony, "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses, to join Tyka Kito and Scarlet Silverwolf in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocence, signifying to us the mystical union which is between Christ and His Church. Which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with His presence at the first miracle which He wrought in Cana of Galilee; and is commended of the Apostle Paul to be honorable among all men, and is therefore not to be entered into lightly or inadvisably, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God." Tyka and Scarlet looked happily at the priest as he kept on reading, "Into which holy estate Tyka Kito and Scarlet Silverwolf come now to be joined and to unite two hearts and lives, blending all interest, sympathies, and hopes. I charge and entreat you, therefore, in entering upon and sustaining this hallowed union, to seek the favor and blessing of Him whose favor is life, whose blessing maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. Let us now seek His blessing."

The pastor told everyone to bow their heads as he read out the prayer, "Our Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee to come by Thy grace to this marriage. Give to these who marry a due sense of the obligations they are now to assume, so that with true intent, and with utter unreserve of love, they may plight their troth, and be henceforth helps, meet for each other while they journey through life. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen." Looking up from his Bible, the pastor looked at both the girls, "Since this is the first time I actually have seen two of the same gender getting married, I will ask. Who is giving Scarlet Silverwolf in Holy Matrimony to Tyka Kito?" Zaccuro stood proud, "I do." The pastor nodded and asked next, "Who is giving Tyka Kito in Holy Matrimony to Scarlet Silverwolf?" Sasha took hir stay and nodded, "I do." The pastor gave them a smile, "I charge you both as you stand in the presence of God, to remember that true love and loyalty alone will avail as the foundation of a happy home. If the solemn vows you are about to make be kept inviolate, and if you steadfastly endeavor to do the will of your heavenly Father, your lives will be full of joy, and the home you are about to establish will abide in peace. No other furry ties are more tender, no other vows are more sacred than those you are about to assume. You are entering into the holy estate which is the deepest mystery of experience, and which is the very sacrament of divine love."

The love really beamed in their eyes as the pastor finished reading and soon he looked at Tyka, "Tyka Kito, will you have Scarlet Silverwolf to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall live?" Tyka proudly nodded, "I will." Next the pastor turned to Scarlet, "Scarlet Silverwolf, will you have Tyka Kito to be your wedded herm-wife to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you submit to hir, serve hir, love, honor, and keep hir, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto hir, so long as you both shall live?" Scarlet smiled to him, "I will."

A few sniffs could be heard as Zaccuro and Sasha had taken their seats again and the pastor could continue the ceremony as he asked Tyka, "What pledge do you give of the sincerity of your vows?" Tyka looked at the pastor as shi called Jigo closer, the male weredragon carrying the two rings on a pillow over to the couple before he bowed down as Tyka answered, "A ring." The pastor nodded to hir before turning to Scarlet, "Do you accept this ring as a pledge of the sincerity of Tyka Kito's vows?" Scarlet quickly nodding to the question, "I do." Tyka calmly took the Bible from the pastor and began to read, "With this ring I thee wed. And with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." Handing back the Bible to the pastor, the ferret began to speak, "And may this circlet of pure gold which has no end, be henceforth the chaste and changeless symbol of your evermore pure and changeless affection." He then turned to face Scarlet and asked, "What pledge do you give of the sincerity of your vows?" Scarlet smiled warmly to him and answered politely, "A ring aswell." The pastor gave her a nod before turning to Tyka, "Tyka Kito, do you accept this ring as a pledge of the sincerity of Scarlet Silverwolf's vows?" Tyka quickly nodding to the question, "I do." Scarlet took the Bible from the pastor and read out loudly, "This ring I give you, Tyka, in token and pledge of my constant faithfulness and abiding love." Handing over the Bible to him, he resumed his reading, "And may this ring given, be the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites your two hearts in love that has no end." Looking up from the Bible, the ferret gave a warm smile, "Forasmuch as Tyka Kito and Scarlet Silverwolf have consented in holy wedlock, and have thereto confirmed the same by giving and recieving each one a ring; by the authority committed unto me as a minister of the Church of Jesus Christ, I now declare you herm-wife and wife according to the ordinance of God, and the laws of Mother Nature, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."

The pastor now made both Tyka and Scarlet kneel down as he continued on reading, "Dearly beloved ones, this day marks a new era in your lives now united. From henceforth you travel life's pathway not alone, but together. Let love be forever enthroned in your hearts. As members of the church of Jesus Christ, we earnestly commend you to our Heavenly Father, asking Him that according to His abundant grace, He may bestow upon you both the Spirit of Grace, enabling you to establish a Christian home where the voice of prayer and praise shall be as sweet incense continually ascend unto Him who hath purchased you with His own precious blood." At this point, Tyka had given Scarlet a wink for a nice surprise they would give everyone, listening to the pastor's constant talking, "May you experience as you travel down life's pathway together, be like unto the experience of the two disciples who journeyed together from Jerusalem to Emmaus, of whom we read that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. And may heaven's constant benediction crown your union with ever-increasing joy and blessedness and true affection of a happy marriage."

As the pastor finished his speech, he took a glass of water and drank some before looking back at the kneeling couple, "Let us all bow our hearts in prayer of dedication." Seeing everyone lower their heads, he began to read the prayer from the Bible, "O God, our heavenly Father, Thou alone art the Source and Author of life. Thou art the Protector and Guide on life's pathway. Thou alone art the Builder and Maker of homes. Now grant, we pray Thee, the blessings of Thy promises, and the aid of Thy Holy Spirit to these dear ones, enabling them to honor Thee, and to be ever true to the pledges made to each other. May Thy grace in abundant measure be theirs, helping them to walk in Thy truth, to abide in Thy fellowship, and to live in perfect peace and love with each other until their earthly life shall end in Thy glorious presence. This we ask in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And now, may the Lord bless thee and keep thee. May the Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee, May the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Amen."

Hearing how the soloist began to sing a prayer hymn of consecration while the pastor read it, Tyka and Scarlet could soon stand up as the pastor smiled, "And now it is my happy privilege to congratulate and introduce to you Mr. & Mrs. Kito-Silverwolf. You may kiss the bride." Tyka grinned and quickly got on hir knees and dove right under Scarlet's dress before the wolf-leopard demon began to moan softly, the pastor getting shocked by this and the families and friends too, "Please, not in God's house. Not here." Noticing them both enjoying it, the pastor sighed, "May the Lord have mercy for you both." Tyka just giggled as shi kissed the lips of hir bride, wagging hir tail under the dress with joy.