College Transformation Part 2

Story by 6620 on SoFurry

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#5 of College Transformation


This takes place several months after the last story. Mike has been living...

This takes place several months after the last story. Mike has been living in the woods, not bothered by anyone.

Mike sat high up in a tree, eyes closed, concentrating on the sounds of the wild, bayonet in one hand, knife in the other; he was waiting for his prey. Over the months he had developed a system: place some bait and wait in the tree above it. Finally, his patience paid off when he heard an animal approaching. He didn't yet know what it was since he didn't dare move less he wanted to scare the animal off. We waited until it was almost beneath him to open his eyes and slowly look down. He had scored big time; a large eight point but walked underneath him. He waited until it bent its head down and started eating the grain before he struck. Without warning he leapt from the tree on top of the beast. It collapsed under his weight and Mike quickly slit its throat. He whispered his thanks to the earth for the creature and hoped that Mother Nature wouldn't bitch slap him in the future. He went to work preparing it to be cooked.

Mike didn't know exactly how long he had been in the wild, but since he had been there all the snow had melted and leaves had sprouted on the trees. He stopped wearing shirts since he could never get the strong odor out of them and he also had to cut all of his jeans into shorts because it had gotten so much warmer. He knew that he might have a problem when winter rolled around again, but he would cross that bridge when he came to it. Although he set up his tent when he first made camp, it wasn't recognizable as a tent anymore. Instead it resembled a large bush with a small hole in the side thanks to the many piles of leaves and sticks he had buried it under. He had also hidden his car; after not using it for a long time he figured it would only attract attention. Unfortunately hiding something as large as a car is slightly difficult; it was fairly obvious that someone had hidden something under all the brush.

Mike sat at his fire enjoying his meal. He was trying to eat as much as he could because he knew he wouldn't be able to eat all of the deer before it went bad and he didn't want to hall a large carcass into the woods. After he was quite full, he sat down and sharpened his bayonet. He had found a nice smooth stone on the beach and had been using it as a sharpening stone for quite some time. It didn't do a great job, but it was good enough. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching and some light conversation. Mike quickly stomped out the fire and retreated behind a tree. As the footsteps grew nearer, he could tell it was two people, boys, and from their conversation he could tell that they were just wandering through the woods. He could also tell that they were quite high. He heard one of them spot his camp. He cursed himself for not going further into the woods. He wasn't too worried though, they would never find his tent with all his stuff in it.

"Hey look over there," one of them said, "someone tried to hide something under a bunch of branches and stuff."

Slightly panicked, Mike poked his head around the tree. To his relief, they had only found his car.

"Dude, it's a car, and a nice one at that!"

"Why would someone hide a sports car in the woods?"

"I don't know, but dude, the keys are in the cup holder! Joy ride!"

"Shit..." Mike said under his breath, "looks like I'm going to be seen."

He stepped out from the tree, but waited until he was closer to the two intruders to make any noticeable noise. When he was only about five feet away, he prepared himself for a little fun.


The two spun around in unison. One instantly ran off in the opposite direction at the sight of Mike, the other just stood there and stared. It was only at this point that Mike realized that he was a good foot taller than the other person standing before him. Mike could only imagine what must be going through his foggy little head of his; a shirtless, towering anthro, bayonet in hand, staring him down with a smile.


And with that the second one ran off. "That was too close. I'm just lucky they were stoners." He finished up his sharpening and went to sleep under the stars.

Several days passed and the meat had gone bad. So Mike was up in a tree doing his usual routine; sitting in a tree, eyes closed, listening for his pray. He heard something approaching, but it was bi-pedal.

"Uh-oh, not again..." He thought to himself.

As he sat there listening, he could also here him shouting.

"There goes any chance at getting some chow..."

It sounded like the person was looking for someone, but Mike would have heard or seen anyone out here... unless, the person was looking him. Mike could hear the person getting closer and closer until finally the person, who turned out to be a man, was almost underneath Mike's hiding place.

"Huh, what's this?" the man said as he spotted the bait.

He looked around for a tree stand but didn't find anything. Mike decided to give him something to look at. He leapt out of the tree causing the man to look up just in time to have Mike land on top of him. Mike was planning to land on him so that he was laying face down, but because he had heard him jump, Mike instead landed on his chest. Mike put the flat, non-sharp side of his bayonet to the man's throat just to scare him a little.

"Looking for me? Wait, you're that guy from before..." Mike removed the blade and simply looked at him in confusion.

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if you were really real. John, the other guy, tried telling me that you were just a hallucination."

"Well now you know. Not get out." Mike got up off of the man and walked off into the woods. The man sat there for a few minutes and then walked off.

Mike went in search of some kind of food. He had run out of food a day ago and was starving. Unfortunately, because of all the noise that guy had made, any chance of finding meat was now gone. Mike gave up on food, but didn't want to go back to camp empty handed. So he knocked over a dead tree and hauled it back with him. When he got back to camp, he was surprised to see that the man was there and had built a small fire. He was currently trying to start it with two stick. He was so caught up in his futile efforts that he didn't even hear Mike until he opened his Zippo and offered it to the man. He jumped a little, but gladly took it and managed to light it.

"Why are you still here? I thought I made it clear that I didn't want you here."

"Your actions told me otherwise."

"How so?"

"Well for one, you didn't use the sharp side of your blade, and you also just helped me instead of, oh I don't know, killing and eating me. After all, you are quite hungry aren't you?"

"No, I'm fine. I don't need any-" Mike was interrupted by his stomach which released a very loud growl. The man chuckled a little and Mike gave him an angry look.

"Oh don't look at me like that. Here..." The man reached into his bag, which Mike hadn't seen before, and pulled out a BK Quad stacker.

"I didn't know how you would want it, so I just had them make it plane." Mike was drooling, he hadn't had anything but venison and squirrel meat for far too long. He quickly took the sandwich and devoured it. In between bites thanking the man. "I'm Tom by the way." Mike stopped chewing and swallowed painfully.

"Wait, what's your last name?"

"Anderson. Why?"

"Don't worry about it. If you had said the name I was thinking of I would have thought I had gone crazy." Tom gave him a confused look. "Like I said, don't worry about it. I'm Mike."

"Wait, what's your last name? Is it some crazy Polish sounding name?"

"Ukrainian, but yeah. Samokyszyn, sounds like Sam-oh-keys-in."

"Holy crap! You were all over the news a while ago! They thought you had been kidnapped or something. But you were just out here the whole time weren't you?" Hearing that people had been worried about him made Mike slightly depressed. So he started doing what he usually does when he gets depressed: something repetitive and easy. In this case it was sharpening his bayonet.

"So why did you leave anyways?"

"Why do you think? Do you think I just transformed while I was out here?"

"Oh... Well, what happened anyways? I mean, It's not like something like this happens every day."

So Mike told Tom the painful story of how he was transformed by a mysterious and terrifying being from an un-known origin. Once he was done, Tom was silent for a while but then asked,

"Hmmm... I see. Do you think that thing might come back?" Mike instantly froze, that thought had never occurred to him, and it terrified every fiber of his being. Out here, if that thing came back, there would be no one to wake him up. Tom, seeing the terror in Mike's eyes, quickly changed the subject.

"So, um, what kind of car is that you got there?" Mike snapped out of his terror-induced trance, but was still shaken up.

"Oh, it's a 1997 Pontiac Firebird."

"Nice! Does it still run?"

"I think so, but the battery has been dead since about the first week out here. I fell asleep listening to the radio and when I woke up the battery was completely dead."

"Oh, that sucks..."

"Not really, I mean, what am I going to do with it anyways? I'm in hiding remember?" The two of them continued talking until late into the night until Tom let out a big yawn.

"Yeah, me too buddy. So how are you getting back?"

"I was hoping I could stay here, for a while actually..." Mike gave him a stern look.

"Did you even bring any supplies with you?"

Tom dug through his bag, "Ummm... I have a flash light, and some other stuff."

"You didn't even bring a tarp or something to cover you up did you?"

"No..." Tom squeaked out in an innocent voice.

"~Sigh~ My tent is over there under that brush. I'll sleep outside again."

"Are you sure? That tent looks big enough to fit two." Mike gave him a look, and simply leaped up into a nearby tree.

"Whoa... How did you do that?"

"It came with the legs." Mike replied down to him.

The night was uneventful except for Tom getting up to use the bathroom. Mike silently watched over him from the trees. He had on more than one occasion spotted or heard signs of wolves in the area. He decided he should mark his territory after a wolf actually found his bait and simply looked up at Mike disapprovingly. At that point he was going way out into the forest, so he figured he had stumbled into their territory. Tom made it back to the tent safely, however, and Mike went back to sleep.

Secretly, Mike enjoyed the company. As much as he would like to think that he can be a lone wolf forever, he could tell that he was going to lose it in the head if he didn't talk to somebody soon. In the morning Mike didn't see Tom anywhere, so he assumed he was still asleep. He was surprised when Tom came walking into his camp holding a shopping bag. It looked like it was from an automotive shop.

"Whatcha' got there?" Mike asked as he got closer.

"It's a thing that recharged your battery enough to start it up." Tom replied.

"Why would I need that? I'm not going anywhere remember?"

"It's not really for you. If you don't mind, I'm going to use your car to get some stuff for the camp. Our camp? Can I call it that?"

"Yeah sure, I guess." Mike replied, but quickly added, "But one slip up and you're out."

Tom walked over to the car and moved enough of the branches to open the driver door. He plugged the device into the cigarette lighter and turned the key. After it turned over several times it finally started up. He left it running long enough to recharge the battery and then turned it back off.

"I see you are low on fuel."

"Yeah, I stiffened some out when it was really wet and I couldn't get the fire going."

"Ah, okay. Well, I'm going to go get some stuff since I don't think there is much to do here."

"Alright, but be careful, don't get pulled over or you will be screwed. After all, you are basically driving a dead man's car."

"Good point, I'll be careful."

Tom drove out of the camp, trailing sticks and twigs behind him. Mike was left wondering about some of the things Tom had said the night before. For the most part he had pushed the thought of the creature coming back out of his mind. But the thought of people worrying about him was making him more and more depressed. What about his family? They all think he's dead by now. But hey, his friends probably got perfect scores on their finals thanks to him. It seemed like he was only thinking for a little while, but it must have been longer than he thought because Tom was back with more bags. He walked over to Mike and handed him a few bags. There was a small bag from a sporting goods store that had some all purpose bio-degradable soap in it. He looked at Tom and said,

"Please tell me I do not offend." In the best Bugs Bunny voice he could muster.

"I don't get it..." Tom replied puzzled.

"Bugs said that in one of the Loony Tunes episodes."

"Oh, okay. But anyways it's for your clothes. It's kind of weird watching you walk around topless all the time." Mike blushed at this statement slightly, thank goodness for fur.

"Thanks... I guess."

He returned to the bags. There was also some thick cloth on a spool.

"I didn't know if your foot pads get sore from walking on rough terrain or anything so I got you that for your feet." Tom said before Mike had a chance to ask.

Also in that bag were some Band-Aids and pain meds and other things like that. Probably all from a drug store. The last bag was heavy and Mike could tell it had a bottle of liquid in it. He pulled it out to find that it was a fifth of Absolute Vodka. He looked up at Tom; He just had a devious gin on his face.

"It's my favorite, how did you know?" Mike asked.

"The whole 'Ukrainian' thing gave it away. I figured you might want to have some fun now and then. Oh crap! I forgot the main thing I went out for! I'll be right back; don't wait for me to start the fun!" He said with a smile as he got back into the car and drove off again.

Mike hadn't had any booze since he had left school. He didn't have any mixers or chasers, so he was going to have to do it like a man. He dug through his backpack looking for something to use as a shot glass. He found a medicine cup and figured that would be good enough. As he pored himself a shot, Mike was a little hesitant at first seeing as he wouldn't be able to chase it with anything. But oh well.

"Down the hatch!" He said as he swallowed as quickly as he could. However, the bad after taste was the least of his concerns. As soon as the liquid entered Mike's body, a thick fog pressed in on him. He was still of a sound mind, but it looked like the render distance had been turned way too far down. Suddenly, out of the fog stepped the same shadowy figure from so long ago. Mike's eyes widened in Terror.
