...Falls Apart

Story by Jinxtigr on SoFurry

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(followup to Everything That Comes Together...)

It was barely past dawn, as Allie scurried through the streets of Verss, glancing huntedly everywhere, making for the Cathouse with total urgency.

Reaching it, she burst through the door, yelping excitedly. "Up! Wake up! Where's that Voustrets?"

From the bed that sat in the middle of the front room sprang a frazzled ball of fluff- Demarle's fur wasn't tidy in the mornings to start with, and Allie's yelping had caused the white feline to panic and foof out in alarm.

"What? What?" cried Demarle, quivering.

"I have a clue!"

Demarle stood as if stunned for a moment- and then began to laugh. She laughed and laughed, as other Nerre of the Cathouse came out to anxiously see what was the matter, as Jennis emerged yawning from her room, and she sat back on her bed, still laughing.

"No," chuckled Demarle. "If you run into the Cathouse yelling like that at this hour of the morning, you're clueless!"

Allie hopped from one paw to the other. "Really! It's important! Where's Voustrets?"

"He'll be here soon enough." said Demarle. "Care for some breakfast?"

"I've got to talk to him right away!"

Demarle rubbed her eyes, and gave Allie a good hard look. The young wolf girl was so excited her ears were madly perked up, and she was wagging and fidgeting.

"Isn't she cute, Jennis?" said Demarle. "She works for Mistress Elistary? She's wasted there."

"Please let me talk to him!" said Allie.

"We'll call him. I can't do better than that. I believe he's staying somewhere in Verss, so at least he doesn't have to come all the way from Kiesens..."

Voustrets was called. The other denizens of the Cathouse began filtering out of their rooms, seeking breakfast and coffee. Allie hadn't wanted to tell Voustrets anything over the phone- the drama of espionage had got right on top of her, and she fidgeted, waiting for him to turn up, watching the kitties yawn and languidly pad about fixing breakfast.

It was all taking place on that balcony overlooking the main room. There was a table, a little kitchen area, and she saw that Faisand was cooking for the others. Unexpectedly, Demarle leapt for a large wooden pole placed next to the balcony, and swarmed up it, joining the others and leaving Allie alone on the lower level with Jennis.

"They're so pretty and elegant." breathed Allie.

"Mm." said Jennis. "They've got their good points. There's a down side, too. You notice we're still down here, and they're up there? Oh- have you seen that Rencer guy again?"

"No. He didn't come back."

"If you see him again, you might try to give him some sort of contact information. He's not going to faithfully go to Mistress Elistary all the time. He might even have stopped going when he noticed I wasn't running the place anymore- that guy is not going to have patience with a house that's not well controlled."

"Should I be doing that? I'm not sure they'll obey me."

"I'm sure they won't. I'd say, be ready to get out of there, because that place is going to collapse. No way can you do what I did- you don't know enough about the business, and the girls, well... they'll have started ripping the place off bigtime. Does it still have electricity, water, to all areas of the building?"

"How on earth would they be stealing electricity?"

"No, babe- copper." said Jennis. "They'll be ripping off copper out of the walls and selling it for money for drugs. Probably go for the pipes first. I shouldn't make assumptions, the pipes are probably plastic..."

"There's so much I don't know." sighed Allie.

"You shouldn't have to know stuff like that. I should be able to offer you better places to be. Wouldn't be hard..."

"Yeah, but... I feel so stupid! I didn't spot any of that. Or see that Wern was going to freak out and go back to jail..."

"Oh, was that it? He was on parole? About to finish his time? One of those?"

Allie favored Jennis with a stricken, but also sulky, look. "That's just what the cop said. Can you quit making me feel stupid for a moment?"

Jennis's eyes softened, and she hugged Allie. "Listen. You can read. And write. Okay? Don't begrudge me the stuff I know about. I'm glad it's useful, but I'd still swap ya, if I had the chance."

"I could teach you!"

This time, it was Jennis looking sulky. "I'm too damn old, my brain doesn't want to do anything that hard. Bug me about it later- I seriously can't cope with the idea this time of the morning."

"Well... can I help? What do you need?" said Allie, wagging.

"I'll tell you what I need."

"Yeah?" said Allie.

"I need breakfast, you tree-climbing fluffballs!" cried Jennis at the Nerre breakfasting above. "Throw down that ladder and let us up!"

Brittery, a compact black Nerre, called down in reply. "Maybe we can bring something down for you!"

At that, Jennis's eyes darkened, and she immediately strode for the climbing pole. Once again, she leapt, grabbed it with a grunt, scrambled awkwardly up it like she was climbing a tropical tree, and leapt over to the balcony, to the obvious alarm of Brittery. She'd been fine the previous day, but something about Jennis coming up after her had shaken her up badly.

"Sorry," said Demarle, "I should have told you. This is Jennis- our new bouncer to replace Magarce- and she can do that."

It appeared that Jennis's basic shrewdness was in working order. Rather than continue to bull her way into the breakfast scene, she said very reasonably, "I hope nobody objects if I join you for breakfast? I'm very hungry."

Brittery gulped. "We... never have Runge up here. This is our place. Yesterday we were all downstairs. Runge can't come up here, they can't climb the pole..."

"I'll pretend you didn't say that." said Jennis. "I am not 'Runge', I'm Jennis, and I'm here to watch over you and get between you and anybody Verss can throw at you that might do you harm."

"While you're doing that," yawned Daucery, "can you get me my cup of coffee?"

Jennis blinked- and relaxed a bit. "Sure, babe. What's your name? I didn't meet either of you, I've met Demarle and Faisand and Faisand's boyfriend the cop."

"Wait, what?" said Brittery. "Faisand the what now?"

Faisand smirked a little, in a restrained way. "Yes, Tery. The old girl isn't as done as you think."

"Boyfriend? You?" gawked the ebony feline. "Since when?"

Faisand sipped coffee, enjoying Brittery's discomfiture. "He's the big Runge cop from Kiesens who comes to the back door. He pretends to be one of the babies, but we've been faking that for years. We love each other, and when he comes here, we fuck like heroes."

"Does he PAY you?" demanded Brittery. "If he does, how much?"

That got through to Faisand, and she made a face. "He used to. For a while we had him pay what the babies pay. Frankly, for a while, we haven't really bothered. Since you care so terribly much- no, Brittery, I'm not making what you're able to make. I used to, as you well know."

Brittery sighed. "Good. I still win."

Faisand gave her a sour look. "Yes, dear. Seeing as these days, I fuck for love..."

"Rock on!" said Daucery, and yawned again. "We love you, Faisand. Can I have my coffee?"

"Even Tery loves you," added Demarle, "though it might not show very much."

Brittery looked flustered, her ears laid back. "I don't mean anything wrong. I just... I've put a lot of work into being the best, you know?"

Faisand glanced at her, a twinkle in her eye. "Actually, I do, dear. I quite understand. I did the same thing in my day..."

Jennis interrupted. "Can I ask something else?"

Brittery glanced quickly back at her, as Demarle said, "Of course. What?"

Jennis gestured with a thumb. "That's my friend down there. Can she have breakfast too?"

Brittery's ears spoke volumes. She didn't say anything, but the black Nerre's ears stayed flattened.

Faisand observed this. "Jennis dear... how badly do you need to shake everything up all at once?"

Daucery, the amazonian ginger kitty, looked puzzled. "How come it's not bothering you? It's nice of you to care about Tery, and you know I like shaking things up, but I was expecting you to object too. Suddenly you like Runge up here?"

Faisand blinked. "I suppose you're right. It is out of character, isn't it?"

"You're the one who keeps reminding us that here we're special and exotic." pointed out Daucery.

"It's Anzy!" exclaimed Demarle. "It's her boyfriend!"

Faisand glanced back and forth, discomfited. "Hmph!"

"You went native!" said Brittery. "You, of all people!"

At this, Faisand was speechless. She blinked, and stammered, and finally she said, "I suppose I did..."

"How long have you been seeing him in secret?" said Demarle.

"I... uh... ni... no, ten years..."

"She went native." declared Brittery to Demarle. "Imagine!"

"Jennis!" snapped Faisand, tail quivering. Hearing the sharpness of her tone, Jennis paid attention, ready to climb back down off the balcony if asked. She hadn't intended to cause drama, only to make a space for herself. But Faisand didn't order her to vacate the balcony, after all.

"Jennis, bring MY FRIEND Allie up, she shall have breakfast with us, and she'll sit with me."

The rope-ladder was duly dropped over the balcony edge, and Allie climbed up, tail rather tucked in submission, and hesitantly sat with Faisand, eyes adorably wide.

"You want native?" smirked Faisand. "I'll show you native. Coffee, Allie?"

"They smell... odd, and musty." said Brittery. "Great in bed, but over breakfast?"

"You whiff of heat," snapped Faisand, "and their noses are so much better than ours it's a wonder the poor dear can smell her coffee over you. Hold your tongue..."

"I'm wondering if I've caused too much trouble." said Jennis carefully.

"Yes." said Brittery, trembling.

"Oh, come on, Tery!" cried Demarle, beginning to show distress. "Be flexible!"

"You don't understand," said Brittery, "I liked being special..." and all at once, she rose to her feet and rushed off, back to her room, and they heard the door bang.

There was an uncomfortable silence, and then Jennis said, "I'm really sorry."

"Me too, I'm sorry too!" said Allie, tearing up a bit.

"No." said Faisand. "This is my fault. And I'm sorry- though I'll see it right, eventually. I promise that."

"Because you wanted to have breakfast with me!" protested Allie.

"No, dear, not at all. I produced that situation. Brittery is only imitating attitudes I've cultivated all my life, clung to even when I was giving them the lie in my secret life. I cannot expect her to cope when I suddenly reverse myself in this way. It is rather like I've betrayed her."

"Huh?" said Daucery politely.

"Shan't expect you to understand. We've considered you a lost cause from the start. You seem to have been born native, you're more comfortable with the Runge than with us..."

"Wait, it's about your snobbiness?" said Daucery. "You're giving that up? About fucking time!"

Faisand gave her a look. "Not, I think, all of it. Please understand that we must still emphasize, celebrate our differentness- it is our meal ticket, darling, and we should make the most of it. But..."

"But you're finally ready to take the snobbiness down a notch."

"Anzy loves me." said Faisand gently.

"And you love him."

"I do, yes."

"Hooray!" cried Daucery. "I knew their charms would eventually break you down. Extra hot, is he?"

"Keep your paws off him, that one's mine." snapped Faisand.

This shocked Daucery speechless. Finally she said, "Fuck if you haven't gone native. Even I wouldn't take it that far. Am I understanding you? You won't share?"

Faisand looked cranky. "I'd rather not. Partly because it'd upset him. He only wants me, you know. He's got that wolfy pairbondy thing, has for years."

"How's he stand it, what with you fucking for a living?" said Daucery. "Does that upset him?"

"I suppose it does." said Faisand. "I never wanted to think about that, I was so determined to insist on my right to live out the last scraps of my gloried reputation..."

"But you're the one who handles the b..."

"Anzy's the last one who's panting to make love to me." said Faisand. "When everyone else lost interest, he didn't change a bit. He's mine. Don't worry, he's neither huge nor violent, he's not your type... We've agreed that if someone comes along who still longs to make love to the famous Faisand, I'll take them to bed. Cery dear, there is no such person. So I'm Anzy's, and he's mine."

Allie stared in wonder. "So what you're saying is, your career... ended?"

"And I never noticed." said Faisand. "I turned around and on the one hand, I was changing adult babies who needed a complete break from their government jobs, and on the other hand I'd taken a Runge cop for a lover. I was also spying for him, keeping an eye on the street and on the Verss cops."

"Oh, that reminds me!" said Allie, but was interrupted.

Back to the breakfast table came a slightly sulky Brittery- and a diminutive cat gamine, Alonifi, who was leading her by the hand.

"Brittery would like to say something." chirped the kittenish Nerre, and poked her ebon companion.

"Nifi thinks it's dumb of me to be upset..." muttered Brittery.

"It is! It SO is!"

"...because I'm still special, and I don't have to keep myself separate just to show it." said Brittery.

Faisand nodded, gravely. "She's right, you are special, dear. Few of us are so dedicated to the art."

"Well- I learned it from you."

"You'll surpass me yet. I have confidence in that. But we don't need to keep ourselves apart quite so much."

"Learned THAT from you, too." grumbled Brittery.

"Well..." said Faisand, "consider that the whole time, I was as good as mated to Anzy. It's easy to make a pretense of splendid isolation and superiority when you know it's all a game..."

"And is this the new game? We'll take our little balcony refuge, where no clients were ever allowed to join us, and we'll make it a diner and take customers off the streets? How about we rent out my room? We can make a homeless shelter, and benefit society."

"Brittery?" said Jennis, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, the new hire. Yes?"

"Allie's pretty close to homeless. Take it easy with that talk, will you?"

Brittery looked sulky again. "Not really my problem. Since when were we a boarding-house?"

"All this time," said Demarle. "Unless you'd like to go get an apartment elsewhere?"

"Aren't you protective of your new toy?" said Brittery.

"Wait, does that mean me?" said Jennis. "Or Allie?"

"You." said Brittery in reply. "Allie has no place here at all."

"I contradict, dear lady!"

Voustrets had arrived.

"May I.. join you?" he said.

"I'm sure that's what you're going to do..." said Brittery.

"Indeed I will try! It is my hope that I can join you in the effort to bring Elistary to justice- and Miss Allie has a place indeed in that, for she has summoned me here to learn news of great importance!"

"Yeah!" said Allie. "There was a guy coming out of her room, and she said to be sure and have his people ready!"

"Ah! But- to do what?"

Allie's face fell, her ears wilting. "Uh..."

"Nothing good." suggested Faisand.

"I'm not sure," said Allie, "but... get this! She said, Dinsam's big day was tomorrow! That's TODAY! It's got to be important!"

Voustrets' eyes glittered, and one ear flicked. "You are sure? You are sure this is what she said?"

"I'm completely sure. And she doesn't know I was spying on her, because I started asking her about the dead guy..."

"Wait, what?" gasped Faisand. "What dead guy? She's slaughtering people in there?"

"No, no!" said Jennis. "Allie told me. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you guys. Allie had an ex-con boyfriend for about a day, and there was this rough-trade client, and her boy went for the rough trade guy with a chair leg... killed him on the spot."

"Holy crap!" said Demarle. "What did Elistary do about that?"

"Good question." said Jennis. "She just said they took Wern away... who did, Allie?"

"There was this cop passing by. Elistary never even came out of her room, that's why I needed to ask her. That's why she didn't suspect me, because I was asking about this other thing!"

"And you say, Dinsam's big day is today?" said Voustrets.

"She totally said exactly that!"

"But the question remains- to do what?"

"Um." said Allie. "I'll tell you one thing."

"Yes?" said Voustrets.

"I don't think we have time for me to go back and find out..."