Reincarnation chapter 2

Story by Wolfboy235 on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: On the mend

Dean got to the door a couple of seconds after I rung the bell. I gave him a smile which he returned happily and pulled me into a hug that said 'I am here for you'. I returned the hug gladly before I pulled away. He told me to come in and I walked through the door and took my shoes off before continuing through to the living room.

Dean was surprisingly tidy for a person who is obsessed with gardening and muscle training. Books in a neat order on the bookcase beside the small couch, a small coffee table sat in the middle of the room with magazines on the little shelf underneath the top layer of the small table. A twenty inch flat screen TV satin the far corner that was clearly seen from the couch. A grandfather clock stood just too the left of the TV.

I placed my bag on the floor by the couch before I sat down and curled up.

"Want some tea or coffee, Soul?" Dean asked from the doorway, I turned and asked if I could get a hot chocolate. Dean smiled softly nodding before heading off in the direction of the kitchen. I went over to the bookcase and picked up 'The Summoning' by Kelly Armstrong. I began to read it silently before a flash of a memory sparked in my mind of me and Clay curled up, me on his lap as I read him a book to, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I felt a wave of sadness crash down upon me, the mental barrier threatening to collapse; I quickly got myself in check because I didn't need the demons killing Dean. I need him like I needed water food and air. He was my life support. I needed him more than anything right now and I wasn't going to let the demons kill my only chance at recovery.

Dean came through with two mugs one hot chocolate the other a coffee. He handed me the hot chocolate smiling at me. I took it with a shaky hand returning his smile with a weak one.

"Hey, it'll be ok, you'll see." he assured me. I nodded and place the hot chocolate upon a coaster on the coffee table before I had the chance to drop it. I just sat there on the couch shifting through old memories for what must have been hours because when I was pulled out of my thought by Dean shaking my shoulder to tell me he was off to bed and that I shouldn't stay up to late. I knew I need sleep but I didn't want to end up dreaming about the past, about Clay. Who knows what I might dream up, but being me I did as I was instructed and headed up to his guest room which was my room before I met Clay and moved in with him. I changed into the pair of pyjamas Dean had set out for me, of course way to big as they were one of his pyjama sets. I slid into the bed, rested my head on the soft pillow and within seconds I was out like a light.

I was running down a dark corridor, from what I didn't know nor did I want to. The corridor shifts and doors appear on either side of the corridor. I walked timidly over to one, lifted a shaky paw and turned the handle. I wished I hadn't as behind that door was something that made my heart seem to tear its self apart. Someone tapped my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"We can teach Clay a lesson, all you have to do, is let us out." I turned around slowly coming face to face with one of the demons that killed my family. I warned her to stay away from me; she didn't listen just kept repeating herself thinking I would crack under the pain of being dumped. I may have been on the ground in pain from my heart but I stood up, this shocked both her and me.

"I would never let you do such a thing, why on earth do you think I kept those barriers up all my life?" She stepped back obviously underestimating my inner strength. I placed a hand to my head focusing on changing my dreams location-which I had learned I could do after the demons first tried to escape-the corridor blurred before faking apart like a box showing a tropical jungle with a water fall, colourful birds and the little things you'd expect to find in a tropical jungle minus all the dangerous things. The demon bared her teeth at me before fading out and allowing me full control of my dreams.

When I awoke the next morning I had a smile on my face and Dean was standing in the doorway. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before I looked at the clock. I turned my attention to Dean and asked what was for breakfast. He told me we would go for a walk and stop at a diner that had a great breakfast menu. I smiled before I got out of bed and headed to the shower.

After about an hour of us both getting ready, we were day to head out for breakfast. I had forgotten how much I like a morning walk; then again I never really managed to with my essay deadlines and other projects.

As we walked to the diner we talked about what we had been doing. Dean ever crazed about muscle training, however he had also gone to a gardening convention where people could exchange gardening tips and secrets. I had told him about my classes and how that the school had been closed down but some teachers were still willing to give up some of their spare time to dedicated students myself being one of them.

We arrived at the diner in about fifty minutes; I could hear his stomach growling so I laughed softly. Dean let out a hearty chuckle and opened the door for me. I thanked him before I walked into the diner.

The diner wasn't massive, but it wasn't tiny either. The diner was a perfect size with a counter that you could sit at on stools, there were napkin holders set beside the menus, salt, pepper and tomato sauce. There were also booths along the window sides.

"Morning Dean, how are you today?" asked a friendly looking waitress. Dean replied with a simple good morning Hope and told her he was fine before he introduced me. Hope asked how I was and I replied with a cheery I'm fine thanks, before sitting beside Dean at the counter. Dean ordered sausages and eggs, while I asked for some toast and jam. Hope smiled at my order before going into the kitchen to tell the cook our orders.

We waited a few minutes before we got our breakfast during that time we talked a little more and I got introduced the some of the locals. I got introduced to Jim and Tom the twin brother mechanics and Hope's sisters, Diane and Sophie, who work at the local hair dresser and bakery. They were all really kind and asked how school was all the usual questions you would ask a teenager.

When she brought our breakfasts through she said the Jake-the cook at the diner-said good morning and was wondering if Dean could come fix the engine of his truck sometime this week. Dean being the nice guy he is said he would look at it after he finished his breakfast. This only took him about five minutes. Meanwhile I liked to savour every bite. When he had finished the cook lead him out back to his truck.

While Dean was helping out Jake, Hope and I got better acquainted with one another. She told me about her hobbies and how this waitress job was just a temp job and how she was waiting for her college acceptance letters. She was disappointed with the first letter from a university that said that she couldn't attend this year. We talked mainly about interests and stuff like that until Dean got back.

"Are you ready to go?" Dean asked me when he walked in spots of grease and oil over his tank top. I said I was ready to go while I stood up. We left the diner waving good bye to everyone. We decided to head back to Dean's house for the rest of the day.

When we got back to Dean's house it was about twenty minutes till lunch. So I sat in the living room while dean went to work out in his personal gym. While I was sitting in the living room I picked up 'The Summoning' and continued reading it from where I had stopped last night. Dean thought we should have lunch early as he wanted to lots of a routine that he found but took until tea, so he was going to have lunch slightly early so he would have time to make the tea. So I settled for a ham and tomato sandwich, as did Dean. When we finish we went back to our respected activities

When Dean came back in from his gym he went straight to the kitchen to make the tea. I went through and sat on the counter opposite him.

"Well, what should we have tonight?" I shrugged my shoulders before running off a list of anything that came to mind. He made me stop when I said pasta in tomato sauce. I had forgotten how much he loved that dish especially when I made it. I grinned at him knowing he would ask me to make the dish, so I gestured for him to sit at the table. He smiled shyly at me before doing as he was told.

The dish always took me about twenty to twenty-five minutes to make when I made it. When Dean tried to make the dish he always took an hour at the least. When I had finished I put some pasta into two bowls before I placed a generous amount of sauce on both, before I took them over I sprinkled a little basil over the top and placed a little cress on the top. When I looked over to see Dean drooling I giggled which made him smile. I told him to wipe the drool off of his chin. He let out a hearty chuckle before he wiped the drool off his chin.

I brought the dishes over to the table handing him the one with the most in it. He grinned at me and I returned it with a smile. We sat there for thirty minutes eating in silence before he asked me how I always made the dish taste so amazing. I told him simply 'it's a gift' he gave a low chuckle before finishing off the last of his pasta.

When we had both finished we washed and dried the dishes, then we sat down in the living room where I read my book while Dean watched TV. After a few hours Dean announced he was going to turn in for the night. I told him I would be up after I finished the final chapter. He nodded and wished me a good night; I smiled and told him to sleep well.

I finished the final chapter about thirty minutes later and headed up to bed. I thought back to last night, would tonight consist of the same thing or would i have the blissful dreamless sleep I longed for, for so long. I wouldn't know until my head was on the pillow and my eyes shut.

I quickly got changed into Dean's pyjamas that hung off of me so loosely I had to tuck the shirt into the pyjama bottoms. After I was changed I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I went back to my room. I slid under the covers took a deep breathe to brace myself for what lay in wait for me tonight.

It turned out to be the corridor, again. It was really no surprise really. I knew I might be in for an onslaught this time. Who know? Maybe the doors will lead to something better, if not I could always change it. I padded down the corridor, taking in slow calming breaths. I checked behind me. The sense of being watched starting to kick in. A couple of minutes later the doors appeared on the walls. I thought back to last night and remembered that I chose a door on the right side wall. So I chose a door on the left side. I walked three doors down and opened a door that lead to a back yard. It took me a little while to figure out I was looking at the backyard of my family's house, the midday sun shone brightly in the sky.

I stepped through the door. 'I don't get it is this a dream or a nightmare?' I thought quizzically. I took determined yet slow steps through the yard. Everything smelt the same, looked the same and I bet if I had something to drink or eat it would taste the same.

At the far end of the yard I could see a figure, that figure was my big brother. His name was Bill, a tall muscular sandy coloured wolf with a kind heart and warming presence. I walk cautiously towards him. He seemed to be in a world of his own. He was always a dreamer. When I was near enough to touch him I cautiously lifted a hand and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to face me. When he saw me he smiled at me before picking me up into warm hug. I was home. I didn't know how but I was home.

"What's the matter Soul? You seem troubled, did something happen at school again or something else?" I could hear the seriousness seeping into his voice. He never liked it when people picked on me. I looked up at him fighting the tears that threatened to flow down my face; I shook my head before burying my face into his chest. I wasn't going to let the demons out that easily.

A demon appeared behind my brother. I quickly said that mom wanted to see him in the house to ask him something. He nodded and patted me on the head before he went inside. I turned to the demon. It was a guy this time.

"You know we could bring them back, you just have to do something for us." He said, smiling like someone who had just found the weakness in an opponent's armour. I actually thought about what he was saying for a moment. I thought of seeing my family alive and happy. But with demons, there was always a catch. I knew the catch. It would be my happiness for their freedom. I wasn't stupid. So I looked him in the face stepping closer and said with a smile.

"No deal."