Chapter 10: Digi-Chaos Part 3

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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#10 of Digimon: Revelations and Destiny of the young ones

Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with roles. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it.


I don't own digimon, neither Toei and such, they are the creators of this show called Digimon, I'm using their characters from Digimon Adventure 02, and I do not plan to get any money gaining whatsoever from this. So suing me won't get you any amount of money buddy.

Mar is an owned character, I'm his creator, so don't claim him as yours please. DMX has spoken!

Previously, in Rev:

Veemon: We won't know what's going on if we don't go out to check!

Mar: He's right, let's go!

Gatomon: What?

Jijimon: Be careful with the double-sided coin.

Kari: Come on! We've got to get out!

Mar: Where's Reno?

???: Hahaha! You are the digidestined? Pathetic!

Davis: Come on guys! Show him!

Veemon: Veemon armor digivolves to... Flamedramon!

Gatomon: Gatomon digivolves to... Nefertimon!

Patamon: Patamon digivolves to... Pegasusmon!

Mar: Wooah...

???: Hah! You can't beat me! Chaos Cannon!

Kari: No!

Mar: Damn! Just who are you?!

???: You never know, Mar.

Mar: What?! How do you know me?!

And now, Chapter 10, here we go!

"Digi-Chaos, Part 3"

"I know you, because you also know me." The creature growled.

Mar frowned. "How am I supposed to know you when I just came to this world?"

"Oh, but I do know exactly who you are... you have just become a Digidestined, and you think you'll be all hero-like?" the Mega taunted, playing his psychological game with the young boy.

"Mar! Don't listen to him! Get back!" TK yelled.

Mar ignored. "Tell me... who are you?"

"You know me already." The creature growled.

"But..." Mar gasped.

"Re-Renodramon...?" Kari asked herself.

"Reno?" Mar raised an eyebrow as he walked closer.

"Stupid brat..." the creature smirked to himself.

"Why are you doing this?!" Mar shouted, "I thought you were going to help Digital World! Not ruin it more than it already is!" he yelled.

"I have my motives, I just used you to get here. That fleabag form was dull enough for you to get me here, eh? You did all the work for me by bringing me here. Thank you." It said, growling in satisfaction.

"Shut up you overgrown metal scrap!" Davis finally blurted out, walking behind Mar, "You have the fault for being that cute!"

"That isn't helping at all," TK thought as a bead of sweat ran down his back head.

"D-Davis..." Flamedramon muttered, as he got nearer, holding by his left arm. "Get back. I'll deal with him."

"Oh, you will, but not now! You are in no condition of fighting Flamedramon!" Davis said as he rushed over the fire dragon.

Mar growled at this creature, then he immediately got even nearer.

"Now, thanks for your help human, but I must destroy this place. You served your purpose, now DIE!" the huge Mega creature swung his claw at Mar.

"Mar!" Kari yelled in distress.

"TERRA FLAMES!" a childy growl was heard as a wave of fire and lighting energy was directed at the massive claw, which was successfully hit and moved away by the impact.

"Grrraah! WHO DARES TO INTERRUPT ME?!" the creature roared.

A fox fell on his feet, smiling cheerfully as his ears perked up and twitched, his arms were extended.

"Renodramon!" Davis and TK yelled in unison.

"What?" Mar, who had closed his eyes, previously, opened them with a blink, staring at the digimon now on his side. "Reno? Is that you?"

"It's me!" Renodramon grinned, before taking a fight stance. "Let's play Mr. Metal-thing!"

"Play? YOU IGNORANT PATHETIC FOOL!!" the Mega growled, before pointing at Reno with both his cannons.

Reno grinned, then jumped before the giant Digimon could fire, then landed on top of the right cannon. "Hee hee!"

"Woah." Mar blinked, stepping back from the battlefield.

"Graahh! You are going down little brat! ALONG WITH YOUR PARTNER!" the huge monster grabbed Reno before he could advance any further.

"Uh-oh!" Reno stopped right there, he couldn't move any longer. "Hey! Leave me on the ground!"

"AS YOU WISH!" the creature growled and then slammed Renodramon on the ground hardly.

"Owww!" Reno winced in pain as his body crashed with the rocky floor. "Aaggh... that... hurt..."

"Reno!" Mar ran up to the wounded Rookie. "You okay?"

"Chaos Cannon!" the creature roared as he charged up energy in his cannons while pointing them at Mar and his digimon.

"Mar! Run away!" Renodramon coughed as he tried to get up.

"Heck no! I won't leave you here!" the white haired boy was about to lift Renodramon, but,

"Argh!" Pegasusmon and Nefertimon groaned as they took the hit meant for the boy and the fox when they positioned themselves in front of the cannons. Both creatures landed directly on the ground from the hit and devolved back to normal as the armor flew away.

Reno widened his eyes as the two-armored digimon were sent to the ground by the blast, "Noo!" he yelled, obviously getting worried. Suddenly, he jumped up, standing on both paws and in front of Patamon and Gatomon, "They are my friends! Leave them alone!"

"Pathetic creature... you just amuse me!" he growled and aimed his cannons at the trio of rookies.

"Renodramon!" Mar ran up to his digimon, but suddenly he stopped as his D-3 started emitting some strange light.

Renodramon entered a small trance and instinctively glowed white, "Renodramon digivolves to..." his form suddenly started changing. The fur was completely replaced by red scales, his tails got longer and his muzzle grew. His hair got a bit longer as his body grew bigger and more muscular, "Longmon!" the new digimon gracefully announced as he roared.

"Longmon?" Mar asked himself, blinking.

Digimon Analyzer:

Digimon: Longmon.

Level: Champion.

Sp Tech: Blaster Flame.

Information: "I'm Longmon, Champion Level of Renodramon, anger me and you'll get fried with my Blaster Flame Technique!"

Longmon suddenly took action and shoved both Patamon and Gatomon out of the way; the beam hit the ground and produced a blast.

"Grrr..." the bigger digimon growled menacingly.

"Grrrraah..." Longmon growled back.

Mar blinked more, "Is that Reno?"

Davis smiled, "Guess not right now! He Digivolved!"

Flamedramon grunted, before passing out from heavy damage, his form reverted to Veemon and the Digi-Egg flew back to its owner.

"Flame... Veemon, take a rest. We'll make it through," he smiled, then watched the fight.

Longmon stared at the huge Mega, not showing fear at all.

"He didn't mention the little brat could digivolve right now... hmm... he must have spent enough time with the other kids, let's see what he can do!" the metal dragon thought, pointing both cannons at Longmon, "Chaos Cannon!" he roared, before releasing a huge barrage of energy shots at Longmon.

"Careful Reno!" Mar shouted over hoping the digimon would evade.

Longmon attempted to parry the hit, however, he got directly hit by one of the laser beams. The attack was too strong; the power comparison was simply ridiculous. Longmon was a digimon with less speed with Renodramon, who could avoid most attacks because he could move faster than light. But the problem was, how could Longmon now evade all attacks and score his own?

Was he going to lose because he had digivolved?

"Reno!" the boy shouted, grasping the device in his hand, "Come on buddy! You can't lose against that metal scrap! Come on! Kick his butt!" he cheered.

"Woah, he sure's a fighter guy" TK thought, staring at the boy and his champion digimon in surprise. Kari and he had gone to pick their respective rookies along with Davis. The three of them held the damaged digimon in their arms.

Longmon, who had flown directly to the floor from the large beam shot, had gathered his remaining strength to stand up and roar, "Blaster Flame!" he growled, and then charged fire inside his dragon maw, then suddenly released it, the fireball acquiring electrical capabilities soon.

"Don't make me laugh, is this what he wants me to form?" the Mega thought, raising its claw to grab the fireball, then spin in air and hurl it back to Longmon, who got hit from being so slow.

"Raaaar!" Longmon roared louder, falling on his back after the blow had been dealt.

Mar suddenly growled, "Grrr! You are starting to piss me off!" he shouted, then rushed at the huge digimon, before leaping in air and suddenly tried to punch the metal creature's knees. Of course, a human like him was no match for the over-powerful digimon, who didn't even flinch at the little fly bothering him down with the punching.

"You aren't meant to be here. Now be gone," the creature said, before slapping the boy's body away.

Mar yelped in agonizing pain, his body was frail of course, he was just rash by nature and didn't expect, or maybe hadn't realized that the enemy was just far stronger than anything he had ever seen in his real, normal life. "GAAAAAHH!" he clutched his chest with one hand, it was bleeding in some sort of way, his black shirt was ripped off and there was a deep cut on the spot.

"Mar!" Longmon growled, getting up.

"I'm not finished up with you!" their foe stammered, grabbing Longmon in just one claw and started squishing his body with sheer force and brute strength.

"R-Reno..." Mar muttered, kneeling on the ground.

The other tree digidestined were simply too busy at that time, Davis was worried looking at the fight while trying to tend Veemon at the same time.

TK was with Patamon as well as Kari with Gatomon, those two had been the ones with the worst injuries. Kari felt guilty for not being able to help Mar or Longmon, it seemed this enemy was far too powerful for them, "We need to call Ken, Yolei and Cody!"

"But they left their D-Terminals at home!" Davis interrupted. They knew that nobody brought D-Terminals with themselves anymore than at home by that time, nobody expected this to happen.

"Damn... we should have been prepared..." TK said, starting to lose hope.

"We still have them! We gotta put our faith in them!" Davis suddenly said out loud, "We can't give up now! If we fail, who will protect Digital World?!"

Kari widened her eyes at this, "Davis..." she said, looking down for a moment, before she raised her head again and nodded, "You are right!"

TK had gotten the message, he knew the hope wouldn't stop shining until the last attack was delivered, "Hope will never die!" he chimed, then smiled.

Davis smiled back. Before he felt a faint grunt from below him, "V-Veemon? Are you okay?"

Veemon shook his head, "But we got to help them. We can't let them die!"


"Gatomon?" Kari looked down.

The cat womon looked on her partner before gasping a bit, "You've got to give them our strength so he can have more power to face him."

"TK... use your Digivice... there must be a way we haven't tried yet..." Patamon spoke, half dead as the other two.

With that said, almost in unison, the three rookies fainted. They weren't dead, otherwise their data would have split from their bodies, but they were now good knocked-out.

"Guys!" Davis said as he stood up, Veemon left softly on the ground, his eyes seemed to be fired up.

"Right!" the three of them said, "Mar!"

"H-huh?" the boy with the bandana turned his head towards the other three, "Are you okay?!" he asked.

"Don't worry about us! Raise your Digivice!" they all chimed together.

"Digivice?" he thought, "Oh, this?" he asked himself, before lifting his orange and red D-3.

"Now!" they suddenly pointed the D-3's to Mar, "Have our energy!" they said as the three D-3's glowed white, suddenly, streams of energy in form of data was shot as a single beam to the white haired boy's Digivice.

"Woah!" Mar said as he suddenly felt the energy going in the device, the energy was so strong even he himself felt it. When he was sure, he suddenly grinned and with his own remaining energy, he stood up and aimed at Longmon. "Reno! Take this and digivolve again!"

Longmon's black eyes suddenly shot open; the pain went as the light struck him, "Longmon digivolves to..."

"What?!" the Mega had roared, as he had to step back, the light blinding him, "Arrrgh Too bright!"

As Longmon was freed, his second transformation was soon seen. His body was encased in a sphere of light. Metal coming from everywhere and entering the shining orb, roars coming from inside as the ball started growing in size till twice the former amount of height. Longmon's limbs started getting longer and bigger, his muscles tensing, bulging out and getting even more well built. His abs was now on a better view. Whilst this, his hair now reached his waist as his tail got ten inches longer. The dragon's body was now the size of Jijimon's house, the metal starting to finally fuse on his body. Longmon's left arm formed a long sturdy-looking gauntlet, covering from his elbow till his claw, his back formed a silver colored jetpack as his torso and chest were decorated with a black and white colored plate, the dragon's face finally covered by a small mask on the right side. He looked like a draconic form of MetalMamemon.

As soon as the digivolution process had finished, the new Ultimate digimon roared like in a victory pose, "MetalLongmon!"

"Man!" the young boy fell again to one of his knees as he clutched his chest again, the boy wasn't in pain again, but just because he was admiring the enormous robotic lizard.

Digimon Analyzer:

Digimon: MetalLongmon.

Level: Ultimate.

Sp Tech: Giga Blaster II.

Information: "I'm MetalLongmon, Ultimate level of Renodramon, my strength is based on machines. I'll beat my enemies with my Giga Blaster II technique!"

"MetalLongmon..." Kari whispered to no one, amazed.

"He did it!" Davis cheered, "We might have a chance now!"

"It worked!" TK followed the cheer, smiling at the new digimon.

"So, now you are beefed up, huh?" the Mega glared on the taller lizard, "Let's see if you can survive now!" He roared, and then prepared to charge at MetalLongmon.

The Ultimate however, grabbed the other Mega's, clasping them together. Suddenly, both were literally wrestling like a pair of giants quarreling over a city to destroy.

Kari then looked far away on Mar; she saw his state and gasped, "Hey! We must bring him here with us! Mar won't stand a chance over there if they start fighting!" she said.

"Right! I'll go!" both TK and Davis said in unison. At the strange coincidence, they blinked and looked at each other.

"No, I'll go!" Davis said.

"Let me go, you stay here and take care of our digimon. I'm faster!" TK reassured, preparing to run.

"You joking? I play soccer! I'm way faster!" Davis retorted.

TK raised an eyebrow, "So? We run a lot more when we play Basket!"

Kari sweat dropped at the argument, before deciding to interrupt "Stop it you two! If you don't go soon, there will be no one to save!" she said, pointing at both giants wrestling back and forth, approaching Mar, if one of them fell down, the boy would get squished under their humongous bodies.

"Okay Kari!" both boys said, before taking off.

Kari put a hand to her face and sighed, "Will this ever change?" she asked to herself in disappointment.

"Prepare to die!" the mega roared, then aimed both of his huge cannons to MetalLongmon's face.

"Not if I can help it!" the cyborg dragon claimed before his armored arm formed a large single cannon, he stepped back and put his right arm on the arm, "Giga Blaster II!" he roared, then suddenly the cannon sprouted two small cannons to the right and left, started spinning, then released a huge rocket followed by two smaller versions of it.

"Yeah! Eat that you supersized TV monster!" Mar shouted from nearby, before Davis and TK came and helped him to his feet.

"You let him fight alone!" Davis said, "Let's go back to the others!" he said with TK nodding and the three of them made their way back smoothly.

"Hah! You fool!" the Mega growled, then executed his attack once more, "Chaos Cannon!" he roared, suddenly leaving a burst of energy blasts against the missiles.

And it worked; the huge explosion of crimson dark energy struck the missiles, the rockets exploding with a huge cloud of dust.

"Hah!" the mega proudly looked on the ruckus the blast had made, satisfied by his superior strength, "You can't beat me!" he mocked.

However, as soon as the cloud disappeared, MetalLongmon wasn't there. "What's the meaning of this?! I wanted to torture him longer!"

His question was responded soon though, as the metallic lizard clung onto him from behind and wrapped his arms around the huge dragon's neck.

"Gah! You are striking from behind?! You coward!"

Mar raised his fist, grinning, "Yeah! Show him who's boss!" he cheered.

"Tail Blade Shot!" MetalLongmon roared, 'wall' kicking back by using the opponent's large back. The lizard back flipped in air and then spun around, his tail glowing an odd aqua-green colour before a blade of energy was sent, cutting the sound barrier as it sped right through and hit the back of the Mega.

The surprise got the huge Machinedramon-like foe, which actually was able to do the first amount of damage in the whole battle. "You are persistent aren't you little,"

But he cut himself short as he spun in a very quick way, too fast for a creature his size. Then suddenly, he reached to grab Longmon in both claws, clutching him in a very hard and merciless way, "You are going down this time! And I'll make sure of it!"

MetalLongmon unfortunately was in no condition to fight anymore. He had rush-digivolved twice, which made him very tired after executing attacks, "D-damn!" he cursed, staring daggers at his enemy.

"DIE!" the huge digimon roared, before preparing to chomp the head of the other dragon off- when he was stopped.

"Don't kill him. Let him live, Chaos."

"What?! I'm going to kill- AHHH!!" he dropped MetalLongmon, who devolved just because of the lack of energy and turned all the way back to Demidramon, the little fur ball rolling all the way till the center of the city next to Chaos, where he fainted. Chaos was now, in a way, agonizing. His body was crackling with electricity, "Let me make him pay for humiliating me at the least!" he roared.

"You won't; and if you kill him, I'll delete you now."

At this, Chaos didn't object and just grabbed Demidramon then hurled him at the partners and their knocked out digimon, "I'll be back, and my Chaos Generals and I will CONQUER this place and bring the Chaos Era back to the Digiworld! Mwahahahaha!" The digimon evilly laughed, before disappearing while walking off.

"Hey you! Who's being a coward now?! Ack!" Mar tried getting up, before getting struck by his own In-Training digimon as he tried to catch him, but failed and got thrown to the ground hardly, "R-Reno... you okay?" he asked, but Demidramon didn't respond, he was still knocked out. "Reno!" Mar suddenly was upset about this; he didn't know what to do.

"Calm down, Mar! You can't do anything yet, let him rest" TK suggested, holding Patamon in his arms. The others didn't care about that huge digimon; they were fully concerned about their partners' safety.

"He's resting?" Mar blinked, "Why didn't you tell me so?" he said, then started smiling a bit more, "Heh heh, you've got a nice way to fight buddy" Mar grinned to the sleeping Demidramon.

Kari giggled a bit, "He looked like a nice fighter. I can't believe he could digivolve to Ultimate after all."

Mar shook his head, he wasn't familiar with all the terms yet, but he understood one thing, "Ultimate or not, it was all thanks to you three."

"Hey! We are a team! We gotta support each other!" Davis chuckled, closing an eye.

"Yeah, he's right" Kari agreed with a smile.

"You all did a good job, File City is not in scrambles totally" Jijimon said as he approached from his house, he was lucky no more hits had been dealt to him, "But now, what are you going to do?"

"The obvious" Mar suddenly smirked, closing both eyes.

"What? You got a plan already?" TK smiled.

"Yeah! Let's go and beat the crap out of all of them!" he grinned widely.

They digidestined all fell on their heads in an anime style, then they sweatdropped.

"You already tried that," Kari said as she got up, "And look how you ended" she pointed at the deep cut on Mar's chest.

"This? This is just a small," but before he could finish, Demidramon started cuddling to his chest, trying to use his partner as a pillow. Mar suddenly screamed in pain, "AHHHH!! That hurts!" he yelled to Demidramon, "What are you trying to do?!" he said as he started shaking him wildly.

The others smiled nervously as they stared on the angry boy, Jijimon scratched around his head. The situation didn't look as bad as the city, but at least they were safe, for now. What will the digidestined do? Will Mar learn more about his own participation rather than his thirst for fights? Why did Chaos stop attacking suddenly? May you find the answers to your questions in the next chapter of Rev!

To be continued...

Thanks for reading this, tenth chapter is done. Tell me what you think of it please! See ya on the next chapter, hope you have enjoyed this!

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