Within The Lab: The End

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#12 of The Lab

(( For those who aren't interested in darker aspects/vore you're safe to read up until the epilouge. Anything past that and it turns a bit dark. ;) ))

Enjoy this? Try my collection of short stories out!

Paper Back:




Paper Back:




The day started for the aquarium much like it had did every day. The first to arrive were the early morning keepers that would start the tedious chores of clean, washing, cutting, chopping and feeding the animals in their care. With some of the larger ones it was even more time consuming, but it was a job most of them savored doing. Each day led to new challenges that they found satisfying and with most they wouldn't have picked another job. Even if it was a higher paying one. This was work they could throw themselves into with abandon and joy, work that left them satisfied at the end of the day. So it seemed that all was perfectly normal in the routine, but there was one thing out of place that several of the marine biologists found right away.

There was a part of the park devoted to the sea lions and seals that were in general louder then all the other park combined and it was here that several people stood gathered around the edge of an empty enclosure. After a time a few security guards loped up with their walky talkies out making demands for calls to be made. The air of tension and worry grew until a short, slightly grey haired woman walked down the path with her lips curled up with just a hint of amusement on them. Her eyes gleamed with her good mood as a few of the people gathered gestured towards her frantically and pointed towards the empty enclosure. The stress and fear on their faces was plain, someone had stolen one of their male elephant seals or he had gotten out!

"Calm down! CALM DOWN! Rich, put down that walky! " Her voice cut across the gathered people sharp and clear. It was a voice that was designed to reach over crowds and she used it perfectly. "He's not stolen or missing, didn't anyone check the note boards this morning?"

"Note board?" There was a general shifting as guilty eyes flickered from one to the other and Ann McNickle sighed a little to herself. How was it people never seemed to pay attention to what was happening around here? They were there for a reason, to update information and animal info especially.

"I posted it this morning. I moved Charlie last night into the quarantine cages. I have big news!" She let the air of relief settle a bit before Lisa came forward with her brows furrowed into a crease.

"What news?" She lowered her voice a bit further, "Ann, did you forget about Ella? She didn't show up today. What's going on?"

"I haven't forgotten. I procured a female elephant seal and through some genetic modifications I believe I might have her fit to be bred without the worry of her taking lasting harm." Ann gave a flicker towards Lisa and gestured with her head. "Lisa I'll come show you, the rest of you back to your chores. The interns and those of you working with the seals will all be invited later this afternoon to witness the first covering I promise."

Lisa was still frowning, but she didn't question the dismissal of the employees, instead she kept pace as Ann turned around on one heel and started to make her way along the damp paving stones. She hadn't planned such a fuss being made, then again she had assumed they read the boards each day. She gave her head a little bit of a shake at that, she hoped things would improve. At least there wasn't a large fuss being raised at Mr. Barnes not coming into the office this morning. If they had raised a fuss over that it would make her job so much harder to do. Perhaps they were used to him taking vacations away from here or running his other businesses. With no real family it might take quite a few days to track him down considering his habits and that suited her just fine. By then she hoped to have her own finances sorted out and make a bid for this place herself.

"What's going on? You never told me you were able to get another female in. When did she arrive?" Lisa's quick to the point questions made Ann pause before answering carefully.

"I wasn't a hundred percent sure that it would work. I didn't want to give you false hope that something was going to happen only to have it fall through at the last minute. I apologize for that, but last night I reached the break through I need. I'm sad to admit that she won't remain fertile for more than a day or two until I fine tune the formula."

"Are there any adverse side effects? Is it safe to have Charlie around her?" Lisa kept pace easily with Ann's longer strides as they made their way past the sea turtle recovery tanks.

"I haven't found any, no. It's actually a mutation of what I've done on previous species. It just needed a little more time for me to develop it and ensure she wasn't taking any harm." Ann gave a smile and moved a hand up to smooth through her hair. "She's a beauty too, I'm sure even at his most ardent she won't take any harm. Absolutely positive!"

"I knew you'd have an answer, though I'm surprised you jumped it on us so soon!" The worry and suspicion eased in her eyes as they made their way towards the quarantine area. "I'm worried about Ella though. She never misses a day of work. She didn't even call off."

"She's probably afraid of seeing Barnes again. I don't blame her either. T he man is scum from what I've seen of him. Don't worry, we can stop by later and have a sit down talk perhaps. That should clear the air for her and help her feel more at ease." Ann moved to open the door and held it for Lisa. "I swear, I wish that man would simply disappear! He's going to destroy this entire park!"


Jim's body felt bloated and strange. She tried to move, but found that she could barely shift her bulk around. She wasn't used to the extra weight or the lack of arms or feet. Everything about herself was uncomfortable and achy. She tried to move forward and always ended doing a strange hopping gait that rolled her haunches behind her and arched her back up. It was disgusting, that's what it was! She seethed with anger and every time she heard foot steps walk by she'd begin to bark hoarsely while trying to make words. The sounds that came out were abrasive and wrong until she'd finally stopped trying. It was degrading being left in this pen like an animal.

All of last night she had tried to find a weak spot in the fence of her pen, she'd gone through every inch sure that with a human's intelligence she would be able to find a way to free herself. Once out, how hard would it be to scrape out a message in the sand with a flipper or even hold a pen in her mouth? She'd prove who she was and then she'd have that bitch kicked out of here and straight into prison where she could work on a cure. But no matter how hard she looked the fence didn't have a weak spot for a seal. Each time she thought she'd found a place she could slip a flipper through or nose open she found herself either getting stuck or flailing it wildly about not catching a single hinge. By the time morning had come she was frustrated and angry, and the sound of two female voices only increased that rage.

"He won't go away, he's too invested in this place. I have no idea why either, it's not like he wants to use it for anything else but earning money. You can't do that with a research facility." Lisa's voice was annoyed as she and Ann walked in. The seal lunged up and barked out a curse towards both of them.

"Well perhaps he thinks he'll get the money back by shoving you out. I'm just glad I was able to save this place. Your work is invaluable!" Ann praised while Lisa crouched down just on the other side of the fence.

"Wow, you weren't kidding. She looks a bit larger then our normal females! Hey there girl." The last phrase was in a girlish croon that made Jim bristle with anger.

"She is a doll, isn't she? I moved Charlie in on the outside pen so we can steer her in there where there's more room to maneuver around." Ann looked down at her and anger started to build up at the haughty look. "I just hope she's submissive enough to accept the males attention without hurting herself or him."

"She doesn't have a pup, so she should be fine. Most female seals don't fight unless a pup is involved and Charlie can be a real bully." Lisa stood back up.

"I've heard. Well I suppose she's designed to understand how a male reacts and naturally bullies and pushes females around. She'll probably be delighted to have the attention. I can't imagine how lonely she is in here." Ann gestured with one hand. "Let's go talk about when we should put things together. It should ideally be when the park isn't full of tourists."

The voices left with Jim staring after them with a mingling of outrage and fear. Male? Charlie? Wasn't that the name of one of those elephant seals that refused to learn a single trick and just laid about all day? How dare she even think it! Jim used his front flippers to pull his body around and began to look along the walls. There had to be a way out. There just had to be! She refused to find herself trapped in here like some sort of beast while that woman took over her company. She started to bark out her frustration in a furious burst, but stopped when a deeper bellow answered her. The sound had come just from the other side of the wall. The sound had come from the male they were so keen on introducing her too.

= = = =

Ann hadn't had any qualms about shutting down a good portion of the park to make sure the seals had privacy. In fact she had insisted on it. Without Barnes to question her orders in his infuriatingly patronizing way it was actually quite easy. She walked along the walkway outside of the quarantine zone and exchanged a few excited smiles with the staff. No wonder they were excited, it was a once and a life time even to see these creatures breed in captivity. She'd made sure that the barrier was set far enough back that no one was at risk while Lisa set up some video equipment to document the breeding.

"Are you sure those are set up right?" She paused to look at one. "And did you contact the AZA?"

"Yes and yes!" Lisa grinned at the reference to the Aquarium and Zoo Assocation, "They're going to be really interested to see how this turns out. I think some of the interns have smaller hand held videos on them as well."

"Fantastic!" Ann flashed her teeth in a smile, "Well Charlie is here, cameras are up, we have our audience, let's bring out the lucky lady."

There was a rippling of laughter at her joke as the tension on the air was palpable. How long had it been since there had been a species that had actually been documented to mate in captivity for the first time. Charlie himself was bellowing and inflating the ridge of his nose up while he moved back and forth in front of fence. The posing left some of the interns giggling, though she knew what it was for. He was well aware what was so close him and what he could have if he could just get out of the fence. She walked along the walk way before entering the small lab and stared into the liquid brown eyes of the enraged female seal. She couldn't stop a smile from crossing her features.

"Think of this as a lesson. If this is how you believe women should act, then you should enjoy it and be properly submissive. If not, I hope you think of every woman you callously pushed around for the sake of your own gain." She purred the words before pushing down a button on the side of the wall.

The door scraped open slowly and there was a screech of metal as it showed a beam of light sliding into the room. Jim waddled towards the back of the cage and barked out a series of hoarse sounds that had to be curses. She just shook her head a little bit, she'd anticipated this. Here where no one could see she could get away with using a bit of force. She picked up a long thin stemmed cattle prod and flipped the switch on. The blue electrical current twisted between the two metal prongs as she advanced and watched the seal pull backwards away from her with wary eyes. Did she think that Ann was joking? Or that she would rather be shocked then go outside.

"I did warn you, Jim. One way or another it's your time to pay the piper for what you've done." She spoke firmly before slipping the cattle prod through the fence and made a swift jab that suddenly hit right against the thick hided side.


That woman had to be insane if she thought he was going to leave this cage and go out there where she could hear the bellowing male. She was going to stay right here until she found a way to prove who she really was or else... Well she didn't have a second plan, but the first plan at least sounded just fine in her own mind! She hunched down as the cattle prod was brought out and was suddenly flooded with rage that she would even think about doing that. How dare she! She wouldn't dare do that! Jim owned this company and if she wanted to try something like that, then he would make sure she was not only thrown out of the entire park, he'd make sure she lost her-

The former man let out a barking cry of pain as the twin tips jabbed right along her shoulder and side sending a sudden burning sensation running through her. She tried to dart back harder against the wall when the shock came again and this time it was for more intense. It shuddered through her body so that she was flailing back and forth in pain. It wasn't just pain, it was the humiliation of being treated so much like an animal! A third and a fourth attacked her while she tried to evade the sudden sparks that shot against her hide and even into the muscle. They drove her forward despite her attempts to dart back to safety until she found herself bolting to the small door just to get away from the sharp stinging pains. Her barks came out hoarsely even to her own ears as she emerged into the almost blinding sunlight and the screech of metal heralded the door being shut behind her.

For a moment all she could do was stand there in a frozen state. The outside cage was floored with sand and even faux rocks the mimic a seals natural climate. Her eyes flashed around as she saw the high fence that surrounded them before she almost forced a bitter laugh out. She couldn't even walk, let alone jump a fence! The bitterness made her narrow her eyes and only then did she see a crowd of nearly twenty people silently lining the fence. They were well hidden behind the line of shrubs, a real animal might have missed them, but the sight of them sent her lunging towards the fence. She barked out furiously trying to make them understand who she actually was. As she lunged towards them she heard a masculine bellow before over a thousand pounds of male elephant seal started coming towards her.

Jim had just enough time to see that each of the spectators were actually women before the male was coming in close. She barked out a sound of fear and tried to move her heavy body about to escape the beast. The male had a thick neck that rolled up to form an almost ruff around his face, the heavy arch of the nose was inflated slightly in his impassioned state and his glossy hide rippled as he lunged forward. The padding of blubber that kept him warm in dark water sent rolls over the beast that made her want to gag as she tried to make for the water instinctively. In the water she'd be safe, in the water she'd be able to escape the attentions of the beast that seemed so intent on gaining her for his own. Her eyes bulged a little bit as she felt nips right against her flippers trying to pull her back.


"Don't worry, she'll be skittish at first, but the project was designed to make her less able to be hurt by the act of mating. She'll be tough enough." Ann soothed the interns watching. How she wished she could tell them who really was out there about to be mounted like an animal. She yearned for it, but was satisfied by just watching her own vengenc.e

"She looks scared though, isn't that.." One of the older interns waffled for a moment. "Isn't that a bit like torture?"

"Not really, she's just nervous. She's out of her environment and Charlie is an unfamiliar male, after a few days I think it's safe to say that she'll settle down as if she'd always belonged here." She gave a lopsided smile. "It's a bit of a strange first date after all."

The doctor made a jest of it that made a few people laugh, but her attention was locked on what was happening in the enclosure. Jim was running awkwardly to try and evade the larger male. The bull was far larger then herself, he nearly was twice her size both in weight and in height. The male had sensed his chance and didn't seem to be prepared to let it slip through his hands as it were and had started to go after her with hoarse bellows that were distantly answered by the other male seal. She had to admire the way he propelled himself when compared to the far less agile Jim. The male used his own thick layer of fat to gracefully roll forward and the momentum carried him faster then he ever would have managed dragging himself like the female in front of him did.

The interns were shifting a little and some looked almost bothered when the male caught a hold of Jim's flippers and gave a yank back. The harsh barking sound filled the air as he rolled his body forward and flapped one heavy flipper right over the thick rise of her body and leaned his weight over her. His chest and part of his stomach pinned her lower body, not to mate, but to simply force her to hold still for him. She'd never actually witnessed seals mating, but from the view she agreed with Lisa's statement a while back about how they were too volatile to mate in captivity. She would have stopped it if it had been anyone other then Barnes, but this was just far too good and fitting. He may have never raped a woman with his body, but he had done so with their emotions and lives. Let him suffer for it. She leaned back to watch the show.


Jim tried to gasp out the weight shoved over him and he flailed his head and fore shoulders back and forth desperately trying to get himself out from under the male. The heavy flippers slapped at her sides as the bellow rang right in her ears. She wasn't sure how he was able to pin her down without killing her. The weight seemed to compress her on the ground as he rolled his body up along hers. It was nothing like a mammal should move, but more like a snake that drug it's belly along the ground. Charlie suddenly reared upwards and she tried to bolt forward only to have him crash down higher up and pin her again while she barked out in her terror. The hoarse noises rang in the air as she repeated her calls for help.

She dared a look at the fence to see people just watching what was going on. No one was trying to help her or turning away. A new level of humiliation reached her when she saw video camera's up. Not just cell phones raised up hopefully to catch the sight, but honest to god professional equipment set up and filming her. The weight ground against her as she felt his body curling along her own and he slid to one side so that the weight of the flipper pulled against her side and only half his body. She tugged and tried to yank free only to have him roll forward again and force her beneath him. She barked out faster and harder. The sound grew frantic and she hated herself for the desperate cries she was letting out, but the feel of the thick warm body rubbing against her terrified her.

The male shifted and pulled against her until he opened his jaws and the large bulbous nose curled back out of the corner of her eye. She had no idea what he intended to do until it was too late. The jaws clamped down against the back of her neck until she felt the teeth grip her and she jerked forward against them. They clenched down harder while she writhed and tried to get her way out from under him but he pulled back hard enough that she was left gasping out when he rolled partially over her again nearly crushing her. She could hear the mumble of voices when she suddenly let out a hoarse throated call. It wasn't a bark, it was just a call that echoed on and on while the male pushed down over her trapping her against the ground as he curled more tightly about her body.

The curling of her body forced her to look down partially while she tried to get away from the grip of his jaws. She watched his tail flop forward near her and in front of her own tail before he gave it a roll. At first it was simply the underside of his tail and then something filled out against the skin like a tube of flesh. It pushed forward slowly, a few inches at a time and then would pause before shoving out a few more inches. It went all the way until the leathery lipped opening spread wide and showed the bright reddish-pink cock pushing its way free. For a moment she froze in her struggles to watch the inches pushing outwards as the male seemed to hump the air. The tip was thick and slightly curled while it grazed against her stomach when he leaned forward.

It was real. He was real. That damned bitch was actually doing this to her. She fought off the sensation of being frozen and tried to buck herself back away with a hoarse cry. Her tail flailed backwards to get away from the sensation of the shaft pushing itself against the underside of it and away from the thick lipped vent that rested right above the start of her tail flippers. He pushed over her more until the breath was driven from her and she felt almost stifled while his flipper forced her back against him more and he gave his tail another flip against her. The moist shaft rubbed against her underside as she let out another hoarse cry only to have the teeth tighten down more. His breath was hot against her and each exhalation was a short vibrating snort before he drew in another one.

It was only when she felt the tip probing and digging up against her underside that Jim tried to turn her head and snap her jaws at the thick necked body. The tip glanced and ground up against her while she felt each rippling hunch of his back as he sought her passage. She'd never even had a passing fancy as to wondering what anal play had been like as a male, the very idea that..that...that thing was going to go inside her had her near to breaking apart mentally. She writhed and twisted in his grasp, but the weight of his tail forced hers to hold still and in position until the thickened glans pushed right up against her folds. Her mound not even given any lubricant of her own, instead the hips jerked forward and she felt the first inch sink inside the painfully tight tunnel.

Jim screamed out in reaction as it forced inch after thick inch into her body without mercy. The walls were shoved aside and muscle forced to wrap around it while she tried to pull herself forward and away. The weight rolled over her the moment she got some traction and he let go of her neck to hold himself up on his front flippers while his lower body kept her securely pinned. She turned her head to bite and snap at his hide as he kept forcing the red-pink cock into her form. Each new inch sent a shudder of pain through her as the walls clamped down in protest. Her body shuddered until the first blast of something slippery and hot spilled inside of her. For a moment she felt nauseous as the precum leaked its way into her to lubricate her channel in a slimy wash.


Ann leaned up and put her hands on the edge of the lower fence that lined the edge of the shrubs so that she could get a better look at what was happening. A few of the other interns were doing the same while Lisa mimicked her. The male was large enough he almost completely hiding the female beneath him as his haunches started to move and the hoarse barks kept up from beneath him. She glanced towards a few of the cameras and hoped that at least one of them had a better sight then she did at the present moment. She didn't want to lose a single moment of what was happening due to bad angles, but what she could see was the female seal's face angled slightly towards the fence and the jaws opened wide as she vocalized.

"I thought you said she'd be okay?" Lisa's voice sounded concerned and Ann gave her head a shake.

"She's fine, she's just vocalizing like normal. You've seen wild seals mate, it's all very normal and probably startling as I said. This is a new experience for her. I'm sure the vet will find her in fine health afterwards." She tilted her head to offer a lop sided smile to biologist who's eyes were locked on the scene.

"I hope so, Charlie seems more then eager." She gave a nervous laugh. "Probably half the problem is right there, the big fella isn't stopping for any foreplay is he?"

The doctor was about to respond when a hoarse noise broke forth and she saw a moment of something pink disappearing before the female started twisting and biting back at the male. Charlie ignored the bites to his thick hide as he started to work his lower body and force the inches into the virgin passage. It was rough, emotionless, cold and exactly how Jim Barnes had treated every female he had ever conned into his bed. Ann felt a moment of pure satisfaction that she had been able to pay him back in full for all the things he done and the people had hurt. It wasn't the simple physical side of the rape, it was the mental as well that made her feel vindicated in what he'd had done to him. It was the most fitting punishment she had ever offered.

"There we go, no problems there." Ann said in aside towards Lisa who was watching with wide eyes. Most of the staff were, but only Ann herself felt the satisfaction that had nothing to do with repopulating their numbers.


Jim shuddered as the inches kept slamming into her body. There was more length and girth then she had expected or even imagined that her body could take as it rubbed and stroked along her passage. The tip started to continuously leak out syrupy drops of precum so that she was soon at least slick enough to allow him to drive deeper without tearing her apart. She struggled and snarled back at him, but the male didn't even acknowledge the bites as he arched his neck down at her and started the hard swift thrusts that brutalized her form. Each draw back tugged against her outer folds and spilled out some of his pre before he'd slam back inside of her and gain another inch. The horror of being used like some sort of sex toy made her want to scream her protests to the sky.

She turned her head slightly and realized that people were still watching, they were just watching all of this. Her body was being violated in front of an audience that seemed eager to capture each moment as the male slammed forward and she felt the last thick inch slide inside of her before the tail meshed against her own. Her walls spasmed down around it giving her an intimate feel for every inch and every vein that ran its length before he pulled backwards again. It hurt, it hurt more than simply physically. Emotionally she had never experienced such humiliation in one blow. Her body writhed as the thrusts rocked through her and caused her to roll back and forth under the powerful body that stabbed the tip in as deep as it could before dragging out again.

Even with the added lubrication she was left trying to desperately deal with the sensation of burning pain and almost tearing from having her muscled walls spread open. Each time he drew back they snugged together only to be forced open when he slammed forward again. She listened to the short hard grunts above her as he started to speed up his thrusts and arched his back upwards to help give him more leverage then he had before. The leverage allowed him to work in short hard strokes that formed a froth of the precum that was drooling out of her body. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to ignore the crowd watching this humiliation. The fact Ann McNickle was standing there watching as well made it unbearable.

That bitch knew she was human and a male, she was allowing this to happen. No she was causing this to happen! She groaned out and let out a sharp bark as the battering started to reach a fever pitch. Her entire lower body burned and ached as the slapping sound of flesh on flesh seemed horribly loud in her ears. She wanted to yank herself away but the males weight started to push harder down against her own. His grunts came in heavy snorts before he suddenly gave a lurch forward and she felt every inch of him start to swell open. Her eyes bulged slightly as she felt the way her walls were forced to adjust. She had thought that she had taken all she could manage, but he was able to fit just that much more inside of her that she was left shuddering through the painful intrusion. The tip seemed to lodge itself deep inside of her against something before it happened.

Jim tried to hide his head as he felt the bulging run up along the male's cock and the sickening groan from above him before the tip opened up. The thick creamy semen spilled out of the tip and was flung hard enough she could almost feel the impact before the next followed. The ropes lashed out to flood her body and came out in time to the pulses that ran along the swollen cock. She could even feel the way the tail tensed before it shoved forward again trying to get as much depth as possible. She opened her jaws and called out roughly trying and hoping that someone would have mercy on her. No one came to rescue her, all she had to distract her was the thick viscous cum that was being slung towards her womb and drooling ever deeper.

She only opened her eyes once to see Ann watching avidly with her tongue tip sticking out from between her lips. She was enraptured by the torture she had undergone and seemed to be savoring each shudder that ran through her. The large male gave another grunt and grind forward before slumping half overtop of Jim and she writhed slightly to feel the cock soften and dribble out the last bit of seed, but not exit her. Instead the male kept his flipper heavily over her side as he grunted out a satisfied noise and stretched out. A few inches of his flesh emerged glistening from her ravaged passage as he seemed to intend to simply settle down and relax. Was the brute just going to keep her pinned here?!

Deep inside of Jim's body, she didn't even realize what was happening to her. What was a humiliating experience and a painful one, it had far more lasting effects then she could possibly imagine. Billions of virile sperm were unleashed inside of her womb and working their way inside of her to find that single egg to battle over and penetrate. Each one vying for the chance to be the one to impregnate the newly changed female. All she could think of was how much she hurt and of how to escape as she stared over at the crowd that smiled and seemed to be congratulating Ann with firm handshakes and hugs. They celebrated his rape and humiliation...and impregnation.


Ann accepted the accolades somewhat demurely with her head dipped down and a smile crossing her features while she kept one eye on the enclosure. She could see part of the girth still speared inside of Barnes, the stretched lips looked reddened and sore from the abuse it had took. She wondered what the seal was thinking. Did she think she'd be able to go back to the inside cage and be turned back? Did she even know that the male would have her again and again as his only source of relief. She was already planning on seeing about introducing the other male to the equation to ensure the highest chances that their newest female would be pregnant by winter and giving birth to one of many pups.

"That was simply brilliant, though I hope she isn't always like that." Lisa hooked an arm in hers as they moved away from the outside cage.

"I don't think it will, I'm sure after time she'll grow used to his attention." Ann flashed a smile towards her while she gave her head a shake back and forth to clear it. "Barnes is going to be pissed though, he'd been arguing over removing those males since I donated to your research facilities."

"He probably will, but once other aquariums here about this I think we'll even be able to fund ourselves.." Lisa hesitated a moment and glanced towards the doctor. "Well you'll be funded."

"No, you will be. I came here intending to give you some better footing when dealing with him, and now you'll have it. He won't be able to argue that you're spending rather then making money and the kicker is he won't be able to spend it" Ann laughed at her own joke while Lisa joined in probably imagining Jim's outrage. Oh if she only knew just out outraged that man was right now.

= = = =

Three days passed before James Barnes was reported missing from his home and work. It had taken three days for employees and investors to realize he wasn't just taking an unannounced pleasure jaunt or was busy with his newest passion. By that time Ann had been able to take a day to find the secluded cove that he had left his boat at and sank it with some precise cuts to the hull so it seemed to have been shattered against the wood. Everyone agreed that it had likely been bad piloting or perhaps a squall in the deeper ocean that had made him run up against a rock and mostly sank his vessel. Who could find it strange that his body hadn't been found when the ocean was full of sea life eager to make a meal out of whatever it could find.

The attitudes of the people at the aquarium were properly somber at his death and they made pains to appear as if he would be missed. Ann was amused at how many people praised him and all he had done for them, but that was to be expected given the fact he was deceased. No one wanted to talk about the dead badly. She and Lisa shared a private joke as the commemorated the newest exhibit of their female elephant seal in his name with a plaque and even his picture as it gave his biography. It was one of the most popular exhibits in the entire aquarium now, especially since the birth of the facilities very first baby seal. Ann couldn't quite imagine a more fitting end for him then that. As for the aquarium itself, due to her own genetic experiments with the seals they were able to keep themselves afloat and happily prosperous.


Time passes for all things and so it did for Dr. Ann McNickles. She announced one fine fall year that she was going to open a simple branch of this lab and take it easy when she felt she had made enough money to suit her purposes and was ready to turn her main research and her laboratory over to younger hands. No one was surprised that she had finally decided to make this final leap except perhaps herself. She had given the staff the day off with pay as she requested she be allowed one last time to have the peace and solitude of her research areas before she began the process of boxing things up. No one would begrudge her that, especially since it came with pay! Though she had other things in mind when it came to that one last visit before the movers and it required privacy.

That's where she found herself as she let her fingers stroke over the metal work tables and played along the edges of the various instruments of her trade. She'd be handing it all over to quite a few of her interns, there were only a few things she wanted for herself. She planned on continuing some research privately or at least that's what she told them. There would be demand on her time or any goals to be met, just her own desire to see what she could make, create, tweak and play with. Today though marked a special day, one that would go down in her own personal history as being the turning point. She paused in her pacing at a massive terrarium that held the coiled form of a snake that watched her with beady black eyes.

"Hello, Greg." She murmured as she pulled a stool forward and sat down in front of it.

The snake coiled her scales tighter while one of the eyes stared at her. Sometimes she wondered how much of the man she had once dated was left there, but other times she showed her intelligence quite clearly. Even now Greg was coiled in the far corner of the glass enclosure with her head resting on her scales and she imagined she could see the dread filling the eyes that she was being addressed. It wasn't uncommon for her to come and talk, in fact it had started harmlessly enough when she had finished her work at the aquarium. She'd make late night visits to the lab when everything was quiet and peaceful. Others assumed she was working on a secret project and perhaps she was, though it wasn't what they would assume it was.

"Now, is that anyway to behave?" She almost purred the words as she lifted the lid off the tank. "Come here and greet me properly."

Greg uncoiled slowly in response to her words and slowly moved his way closer to the hand that dropped down. She didn't fear that she'd get bitten, the changed man had learned that one early on in their experiences together that such acts of violence would never be tolerated by her. Instead he moved his way towards her reaching fingers until she could grip just behind her head and the other hand moved to wrap around the bulk of her body so that she could lift her out. The scales scraped against the edges before she had the coiled form firmly held. This morning's breakfast still made an uneven bulge on the lower belly scales when the snake was settled.

"I think we should have a little talk, hmm?"


Greg stared up at Ann with distaste bordered with fear. Her life had been hell these years and it was a hell she had been forced to live through day after day. She was never given a break or a chance to really relax her guard. If Ann herself wasn't doing experiments it was the fumbling interns. She well remembered the first day Ann had come in here and started to talk like this and the remembrance left her shuddering all over. Her scales rippled as fingers stroked along her spine and traced their way over the pattern of her back. The first time this had happened her ex had come with a deal on the plate and a smile on her face.

The deal had been simple. After nearly a year of day in and day out being forced to produce eggs both fertile and non she was allowed a break. It had been after a particularly grueling session of being put in a tank with three other snakes and taken over and over again. By the end her entire body had ached and she had found new levels of pain as their coils had bruised her scales and skin. She hadn't even been able to resist the last male who had wrapped her up and plunged into her body with both of his shafts. Instead she had been forced to lay there in disgust and despair as he took her as countless others had. She didn't have rest to look forward too after the breeding, instead she only had eggs to look forward to. Each laying had been a torturous experience of forcing to expel egg after egg from her sore folds. It never stopped.

Then Ann had laid the deal on the table. She would be allowed a week or even two as a break between being bred and laying eggs if she would be of some other service. At the time she had been desperate to say yes, anything was better than what she had lived through. Then she had found out exactly what that meant. When she was taken out of her tank she was used as a toy. A living and breathing toy for other projects. Instead of even having the illusion that it was unwilling the doctor would place her down and tell her what to do to the bound creature and what would happen if she didn't. She had violated other changed people and forced her body into orifices to stretch them while the thick musk and wetness coated over her scales.

That had been bad enough, but then Ann herself had decided that as a snake she might be of more use to her then when she had been a man. Several times she had been taken home with the doctor who would play up the latest videos of what she had done and been forced to slide between her thighs and start to penetrate her. If she didn't do it well enough Ann would grip her tail and force it over the drive her own tail into her body until she was nearly writhing and thrashing in pain. Those panicked movements only caused the doctor more pleasure before she was put away. She wasn't just a snake or a breeder, she was a glorified vibrator, dilator and dildo for whenever the doctor had need. The shame bit more than just the surface. What did she want tonight?

Greg's last encounter still haunted her. She had been forced to penetrate a bound wallaby and sink herself all the way to the cervix before forcing her way through the opening and breeching the womb itself. The screams and struggles around her had meant at times the tunnel had been chokingly tight, but she still did it. She knew the beast had probably been a man just like her, but what other choice had she been given? Nothing except to do what she was told when she was told and pray for the best. Afterwards she'd been cleaned by the wolf again. Each time that happened it sent shudders down her spine. The massive jaws always JUST threatening to close down. And Ann herself was keen to remind her what her fate would be if she didn't come out entirely cleaned.

"I have something to show you today, Greg. Something oh so very special." Ann's voice was a rich purr, but at least seeing was better than being used.


Ann let herself play with the scales over her Ex's body lovingly, the fingers stroked and massaged the familiar curves. She knew how those scales felt intimately wrapped around her and even how they felt wrapped over her breasts. Her moments of passion had become entwined with that form, but tonight wasn't for her pleasure. Tonight was for driving home the final lesson for the snake before she moved out of the lab. She moved over to the screen and tapped up the video that she'd pieced together over the years. She let the scene open up with a familiar female form tied down to one of her tables and struggling against it.

"I'm sure you won't mind my rough editing skills, will you Greg?" She looked down to find the snake's head jerked up and tilted to one side as she watched the screen intently. "Do you remember her?"

Jill's body was on film. Jill who had been so buxom and attractive to her ex boyfriend. Jill who he had brought into her lab that night that had changed his life. She still felt satisfaction over what she had done. The screen showed her being injected and the change that roiled through her body. It was nothing so extravagant as an endangered species. Instead her face grew pointed and her body was rippling under a rush of fur as she was obviously begging and pleading to someone off camera. Ann had been very sure not to put audio on to ensure her voice would never be recognized. The change rippled through the naked girls form as her breasts had changed and started to multiply down her chest and flatten out just to form firm teats.

The fur itself stopped just about at the wrists and ankles so that they were completely barren, but claws started to form. On her head whiskers bristled out from above her lips as she writhed and shifted against the table. The restraints fell down around her as her body shrank rapidly with the changes. Her ears lengthened and grew thinner as they formed the round papery ears of a mouse rather than that of a human. The very last thing to change was a long naked tail that sprung out from her rump while her legs turned into hind legs and haunches and suddenly a very small white lab mouse was shivering on the table and huddled down in on herself. Her red eyes blinking rapidly at the screen before a gloved hand caught her up by the tail.


Greg had always assumed Jill had just forgotten her. That long ago fling had seemed like something out of a dream when she had been male and felt powerful and in control. Instead it seemed her partner had suffered much the same fate as she herself had! She stared in horror as the change happened in what looked like fast forward. A shudder ran through her coils as she remembered her own change. She remembered the very last time she had seen her cock and it was all she could do not to turn her head away. She couldn't even close her eyes to block it out. The wonderful firm full breasts were turned into nothing but a set of teats running along her belly before the hand moved to pick her up by the tail very much a harmless mouse.

"You see, she would have told someone about what had happened and I couldn't have her denying that you had moved out on me." Ann's voice came in a practical and reasoned tone. "Don't worry, her sacrifice was a noble one and it was in part what gave me the knowledge to change you." The hands rubbed just under her chin. "Aren't you glad?"

Glad?! GLAD?! The woman was beyond insane! She wasn't glad, she heartily wished herself to the depths of the ocean rather than be in this position! The film wasn't even over! She tightened her coils in against herself while her breathing picked up faster and faster at the sights on the screen changed over to another situation. It was a large tank just like she lived in with the mouse huddled in a corner shaking from nose to tail. Her eyes were bulged with fear, but the snake couldn't figure out from what. Then she saw it. Four large rats were in the cage as well, the tattoos on their ears marking them as experimental animals as they sniffed and nosed at her. She tried scrambling her way out from the side but one of the others blocked her way.

"Oh don't turn your head now, I think you'll want to see the price she paid." Ann's fingers moved and forced the snake to look right back at the screen.

One of the rats pounced the far smaller mouse and shoved her down against the ground. The camera zoomed in until everything was in large full color detail as something hard and cone shaped slipped out from between the rat's thighs. The mouse struggled harder to get away only to be forced down again and her jaws spread open in a silent scream. He watched her body almost ripped in two as the shaft sank into her by the large rat on her back and started to stab deep and hard into her body. The writhing and lashing of the naked tail and the bulging eyes told about the pain she was in as she tried to escape out from under him. It was almost too soon that the rat finished and pulled out leaving a trail of cum in his wake. She swallowed as she watched the next rat lining up already.

"She was such a size queen as a human, I was sure she'd be on as a mouse. I wasn't mistaken. In fact I was hard pressed to make sure she had enough males to satisfy her lusts." Ann's voice casually dismissed the thrashing and screaming creature on the screen.

The screen darkened again only to lighten on Jill in the cage, but alone this time. Her body was on its side with her breaths coming in rapid pants as her stomach was swollen to obscene proportions. Greg couldn't even imagine how she could walk with the way it was stretched taut. The snake watched the slow agony as she forced out a wet, naked, squirming baby from her folds before falling back exhausted. Ohhh how she knew that exhaustion well. Jill barely had time between that one and the second before she was forcing out the next baby and the next. The writhing pink creatures pushed demandingly against her stomach where she was helpless to do anything but let them attach to her swollen teats. Helpless to do anything but accept what was happening to her.

"She was such a fantastic breeder." Ann's voice toyed with Greg while the snake jerked up to try and glare at her. What right did she have to do this to that poor woman?! To any of them?! "You should know, you've been eating her young for years now. Given the way you snap them up, I assume you find them delicious."

For a moment nausea rocked through the python and she swayed her head back and forth. Ate them? She knew she had to eat to live, but..but that was monsterous! Each one of those rodents had come from Jill? She'd been eating her young? She wanted to throw up and only the fact that she couldn't stop him from losing what was left of her lunch as she gaped her jaws open in distaste. She moved her head to the side and stared off into the lab. She didn't want to see anymore, she didn't want to know anymore. Why was Ann tormenting her like this?! She'd rather be servicing god knows what sorts of animals she had in her lab then sit here through this! Only the firm grip on her head forced her to look back at the screen and the new view.

This time Jill was crouched in rough bedding with her eyes bulging in much the same fearful expression from the first breeding. Only this time there were no rats. She darted back and forth along the edge of the enclosure while trying to scramble up the smooth glass edges only to fall back down again. It was obvious she was near to having a heart attack. Whatever she was seeing was terrifying her and she was trying to scramble her way free. She even stopped and started to dig at the bedding as if instinctively trying to tunnel. For a moment Greg couldn't figure out just why she was terrified until there was a sudden eruption of movement on the screen. It was so fast that she almost couldn't figure out what it had been.

"Her life was long for a mouse, far longer than any mouse on record in fact. Long enough people might have started to question and well.." Ann's voice trailed off with a cruel chuckle. "She could no longer produce young so she wasn't useful in that aspect anymore. Still....waste not..want not."

A scaled form came from off camera and suddenly coiled and wrapped itself around the struggling and kicking mouse. It was a move Greg knew well. The tightened muscles would squeeze the life out of the little creature and she could even see Jill biting and kicking to get free. Her eyes bulged and her mouth spread open as she tried to breathe only to see the steady tightening of the coils forcing the breath from her body. Greg tried to jerk her head away again only to have Ann's fingers trip and force them right back to the screen to watch. A wedge shaped head dropped down just as the mouse went limp in its grasp and wrapped around the white furred body before starting to draw it into the bright red maw.

"It's a fitting end don't you think?" Greg shifted her gaze up and away from the camera where the limp legs and tail were being drawn down the snake's mouth. "You were the one to bring her into this situation and you were the one to free her of it."

The world fell out from under Greg's body at those words. She was the one? She was the one? She couldn't stop herself, she moved her gaze back to the screen and felt something go cold inside of her. She'd never really seen herself in a mirror. Never looked at herself in the glass. Had it only been this morning that she'd been tossed a mouse like so many other weeks and forced herself to eat it? She remembered that final kick and the frantic attempts at escape. She tightened her coils and felt the bulge that had once been Jill inside of her. Her mind blanking in panic, fear, disgust, and raw horror of what she had done.

"Now that you've swallowed the past, Greg, I think you're ready to come with me into your future." The doctor's voice came from miles away as she laid down that sentence. Dr. Ann McNickle had stepped over from simple cruelty to a level of sadism that made the snake wonder...who would eat her when she could no longer lay eggs?

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