Betrayed by My Own

Story by Raynkusa Shadowfang on SoFurry

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Betrayal to the highest levels shattering my trust in those who I loved, why did they forsake me? His claws slammed the wall as tears flowed down his cheeks a fury that made him numb. "GOD DAMN YOU BASTARDS!!!, he screamed as a chair flew from his direction and destroyed a nearby lamp.The fires now burn his insides with pain and disgrace as he refuses to change who he is for them. Those who had his back when he was a pup, those who told him they loved him, those who said that they would be there for him no matter what. His own flesh and blood lied and played him for a fool. Now as rain dampens his fur he cry trying to regain some form of hope. "Mother, father, sister, brother, why have you forsaken me?" The world closing in his breath now shallow as he collapses from weakness his heart shattered beyond repair.

I vowed that I will stand strong even if that means I am alone. My family turned against me for something I can not control. I refuse to hide myself and as long as I am able I will fight for my right to survive. Traitorous fools, they try to change who you may love by allowing you to suffer and even die, well fine they can take my resources, they can throw me to the hell hounds, they can break my bones and shatter my organs like jelly. BUT I REFUSE TO DIE I WILL SURVIVE. This is my story and I will say when it ends.

He trusted his family and his friends only to be left to fend for himself, used, abused and weak his light of hope dwindles quickly bringing him towards the brink once more. He cries when no one is around and the rain masks his tears. But no more, he slowly climbs to his feet and takes a step almost ending up on the cold wet asphalt once again. The twinkle of innocence in his eyes now lost to the maddening and darkness that fuels his fiery temper.

In the end I guess I have no real home no real family to go to. I am disowned and nothing more than an outsider now. I thought I was fortunate but I like many others have been thrown aside for the way I feel.So now I scream my words so loud that the earth itself will speak like a megaphone. "I am gay and I am a furry and I am proud", so as I lay here tonight on the couch of a foreign land I remember that I am at least alive though the loneliness still eats at my paws.

Broken, destroyed, lost, abandoned, he now lays here his spirit holding strong the darkness that drove him to insanity to hold his life under the proverbial guillotine now lurks by his side. The fur once white is now black as the darkness in his heart his howl sending his enemies for the hills with trails of urine behind them.

You want to break me, well go ahead and give me your best shot. I'm still here and now I am going to show you that I never needed you, I will find my own way I will no longer be lied to.

He takes another step and smiles as he collaspes to the ground once more. His heart beating slower and slower as if the strings of life were being plucked one by one. I wont be broken, mother, father, you were wrong I am not wrong for being gay. I am wrong for trusting you to understand how I feel.


For the eternity of peace a mind, heart, body, and soul must work together, in order to survive.