After the war: An escape

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#4 of After the war

Hey everyone

*Two chapters in two days! I'm on a roll. Anyway this was rather easy to write for once, idea's came to me and so breezed through this rather quickly. Anyway I had fun writing it, meainly for the crazy part, i love writing crazy. *

Anyway's this is a pretty short chapter, and again i haven't proof read it because i can't be asked. Meh...

*Anyway, i hope it's good. Enjoy *


Spyro jerkily turned his head face the door, his mind wasn't working straight. The venom was seeping through his entire body. The figure calmly walked over to him, saying in a very matter of fact way.

"You two are such an adorable couple... AND IT MAKES ME FUCKING SICK!!"

He grabbed Spyro's face and made it face him. Torch red face was shrouded in shadow as he spat at Spyro. He was calm yet full of hatred, each word was spat out and all the time his teeth were bared.

"The purple saviour... that's what they call you. Other towns talk about you like you're some sort of god, but look at you now, a pathetic little runt."

He dropped his head, Spyro's head lulled and all he could do was face Cynder. Torch quietly made his way to Cynder, He stroked her face once and Cynder's eyes went wide in fear. Torch's tone seemed to soften and he spoke almost delicatly.

"What a young dragoness... and such a fine one at that. You could have been a queen, a ruler of lands. Instead you fell for HIM!"

He growled Spyro, he started to twitch in rage but then he took a deep breath and went on calmly.

"I must say, I didn't think my acting was that good. But it fooled you two alright. That character was based on my brother. A fine fellow, But then I found out his sexuality. That dirty filthy scum! So ripped out his reproductive organs and fed them to a wolf!"

Torch began to laugh madly again, the twitch came back and he looked truly psychopathic. Twitching madly as he roared with laughter. He stopped for a second to ctach his breath and he started to stare dreamily at the wall.

"Oh the screams!!! The erotic screams!! Oh... they were so melodic and beautiful..."

Torch trailed of in his sick memory for a minute but then he spat again.

"Filthy fuckin' scum! That's what he was! Filthy scum!"

Spyro said at Cynder, she was absolutely terrified. Spyro too was scared but he wanted nothing more than to comfort Cynder. Torch went over to Spyro and grabbed his head again.

"Then there's you! You killed my one guiding light! My one chance at salvation! The dark lord was going to save us all... THEN YOU FUCKING MURDERED HIM!"

Torch began to foam at the mouth and he screamed.


He dropped Spyro again and brought a claw to his throat. Cynder squeaked in fear for his life and Torch turned to her.

"Ahhh yes... The black slag. You sell out whore, switching sides half way. Just because you want a bit of fat purple cock. Oh I have desired you... you were a goddess in my eyes..."

He slowly built up a laugh and began to run a hand down her. She tried to scream yet when she opened her mouth, nothing audible came out. Torch noticed and said casually.

"It's amazing what the juice of two small berries can do. It only grows round here, some people call it hells kiss. It's almost tasteless, but even the smallest bit of its juice causes complete paralysis and then almost instantaneous death. but what's amazing is that, if prepared right, it keeps you alive... Armand did a fantastic job, didn't he? Maybe he can have what's left when I'm done with you!"

He laughed again and Cynder let out a tiny whimper. Spyro stammered out with all his effort.

"Y-y-y-y-o-ouu b-bba-a-ass-s-sterd"

Torch turned glaring at him, he swiped viciously knocking Spyro's head the other way. Blood began to pour from Spyro's mouth and slowly he began to choke on it. Torch said angrily.

"You don't swear in front of a lady! You inconsiderate little brat! I should put you down like THE VERMIN YOU ARE!!"

Torch punched him again and Spyro felt the blood fill his mouth. Cynder started to cry in raw fear for Spyro. Torch slowly ran a paw down her face and he spoke softly, but his voice was filled with malice.

"There there dear... did our little fight upset you? Did that scum Spyro make you cry? Hush my dear, Don't worry, I'll comfort you!"

He tittered and twitched, slowly he began to rub her again. Cynder tried to scream but nothing came out again. Torch gleamed at her exposed body and said.

"Get ready to squeal..."

"You aren't doing anything you ugly cunt!"

A females voice cut across.


Spyro couldn't tell what was happening, his mouth was full of his own blood and he could barely breath. As the oxygen in his body slowly diminished he heard a cry.

"Your aren't doing anything you ugly cunt!"

Spyro then heard a sickening thud, and Torch fell unconscious, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

"What the hell is going on?!!"

He screamed in his head. Suddenly a new set of hands grabbed him and twisted him around. A set of bright blues eyes stared at him and the dragoness from earlier asked in a concerned voice.

"Are you alright?"

Spyro just stared at her, slowly drowning in his own blood. The dragoness shook her head slightly.

"Sorry, dumb question. OK then bare with me."

She opened his mouth and a ton of blood came out. Spyro began to gasp for air and he panted as he got his breath back. The dragoness waited for a moment for him to get his breath back then opened his mouth.

"Ok... this is going to be gross, but it's the only way to help"

Spyro wondered what was going on, but then the dragoness stuck two claws down his throat. Instantly Spyro began to gag and he was violently sick over the floor. He began to tremble as a torrent of puke came out. The stench was putrid but the dragoness was undeterred, she calmly said.

"Your shaking, good. it means your limbs are working again. Don't try to move for the minute."

Spyro just silently complied with the orders as She headed over to Cynder who just stared in pure fear. The dragoness shushed her gently and said.

"Cynder... it's ok, I'm here to help. Please let me just help you, I'm so sorry to put you through this"

The dragoness did the same and Cynder was sick over her. The dragoness brushed it off and said gently.

"it's ok... just let your energy return."

The dragoness turned to the unconscious Torch, there was a massive patch of frost were the ice ball had smashed into his skull.

"I hope he gets brain damage the sick bastard"

She spat as she grabbed Torch's body and moved it in front of the door.

"There now he can be used as a block."

Spyro panted slightly but the vomit had gotten rid of most of the poison. He shakily said.

"Th-thank y-y-you"

The dragoness turned to him and said.

"Don't thank me yet, The people downstairs would have probably heard that. Hopefully they'll just think it's Torch being the sick freak he is. But either way we don't have long."

Spyro nodded and shakily tried to get his feet. He slowly rose from the ground, but then he turned straight to Cynder. She had curled up into a ball, covered in vomit and she sobbed softly.

Spyro made his way to her and he wrapped a wing over her. Trying to comfort her.

"It's ok Cyn, it's ok. He can't hurt you now, we're safe it's going to be ok"

Cynder just sobbed quietly as Spyro held her despite the putrid smell of the vomit.

"He was... he was going to..."

She whispered out but before she could finish she broke down into tears again. Spyro cradled her gently and stroked the back of her head. The dragoness quietly went over to them and said.

"I appreciate the horror of what he was going to do. But we must move, if we don't we are all doomed, and it will be much worse next time."

The dragoness waited for a minute but Cynder would budged, she was simply too shaken for any sort of thought. The dragoness said.

"I'll carry her, Spyro can you fly?"

Spyro flexed his wings a little, they were stiff but slowly he was regaining his motor controls as the last bits of poison of in him wore off slowly.

"I can try"

The dragoness let out a small sigh.

"Good, that's better than most people. Now please help Cynder onto my back, I'd rather get going sooner than later"

Spyro nodded and he nuzzled Cynder gently.

"Cyn, we have to get moving. Please get onto... umm..."

Spyro stuttered slightly but the dragoness said quickly.

"Terra, just call me that"

Spyro nodded and said back to Cynder.

"Please get onto Terra's back. We have to get out of here."

His voice was quite yet urgent, Cynder respond and crawled over to Terra. With Spyro's help she clambered onto her back and clung on tightly. Spyro whispered softly to her.

"It's going to be ok"

He then backed off and looked out of the window, it was just big enough for them to get out.

"Let's go, I'm sick of this town"

Spyro said, Terra nodded and jumped out the window, spreading her wings and taking off into the sky.

Spyro quickly followed, they soared into the air and left the town behind. As Spyro worked his wings more, they loosened up and Flying became more comfortable. He could barely follow Terra through the darkness, behind him he could hear yells and pushed himself even harder.

Eventually, the screams died out and all that Spyro could hear was the rushing of the cold night air as he flew.


It felt like an age to Spyro, the constant flying after terra draining what little energy he had. But his concern for Cynder made him keep up, he wanted nothing more than to hold her close again and comfort her. But he was becoming sloppy with his flying and he began to lose height.

"Terra... I can't fly anymore. We've got to stop"

He panted desperately and Terra called back.

"Fine... I think we're far enough away now anyway"

Spyro let himself sink to the ground, the landing was sloppy and he stumbled over himself. Terra and Cynder landed next to him, Cynder slowly slinked of her back and collapsed on the floor again, curling back into a protective ball. Spyro's body screamed at him to go to sleep, but he forced himself to crawl to Cynder. He wrapped her in an embrace again as she quivered. He kissed her on the forehead and spoke in a soothing voice.

"We're safe Now Cynder... just try and get to sleep. I'm with you, I always will be. I love you"

Cynder stopped quivering and she relaxed into Spyro's embrace. Terra kept quiet untill Cynder eventually fell asleep in Spyro's embrace.

As soon as she had, Terra sat down next to Spyro watching him intently.

"You are certainly tough young one. Most people can barely fly a few hundred metres after such treatment, let alone a few miles"

She said rather bluntly, Spyro looked up at her and said.

"Thank you... I should have listened to you in the alley, I didn't trust that place to start with."

Terra shook her head slowly and said quietly.

"No... You had just been ambushed by a dragoness who spread messages of doom to a couple who were exhausted from travel. If I had been truly crazy, then there is no knowing what I would have done if you had trusted me. I knew that you probably wouldn't so I followed you. I'm sorry to put you through all that."

She sighed a little, Spyro gave her a quizzical look and asked.

"What do you mean, you didn't put us through anything"

Terra sighed again and she explained.

"I had been watching you the whole time, I let you eat the poisoned meat."

Spyro stared in disbelief at her and he growled.

"You were there yet you did nothing?! Why couldn't you have warned us?!"

Spyro growled but Terra let her head drop in guilt.

"I'm sorry, but if I had burst in before you had. Torch could have had me killed and you would be completely at his mercy. I'm so sorry but I risked your own health, but you must understand that I wasn't going to let any true harm befall you and Cynder. I had to wait untill Torch was fully distracted untill I made my move."

Spyro just stared at her still, he understood her point but he was still horrified at the lengths she would go to. Terra let her head drop even further under his stare and she said glumly.

"I feel such guilt for doing so, please do not resent me for my actions. I am truly sorry"

Spyro could feel her guilty, and for some reason he felt slightly sorry for her. He watched her for a minute before saying in a sympathetic voice.

"Terra... thank you for saving us. I know you did what you thought was best, and the fact is if you hadn't of done something we would still be back there and most likely dead."

Terra looked up at Spyro and despite the darkness, Spyro could tell she was smiling. Spyro began to smile too, he didn't know why. But the dragoness just felt so... familiar, like he had known her long ago. But he stopped thinking when Terra said quietly.

"Thank you, you two get some sleep, I'll keep watch. Rest up little one, we've got a long travel ahead of us"

Spyro didn't need telling twice, he cuddled up next to Cynder and shut his eyes before long he too was fast asleep. Leaving Terra to scan the skies for any sign of trouble.


Ignitus was in deep turmoil. He padded around the visions pool and properly concentrating on where he was going. His mind was deep in thought.

"She can't be... it can't be her."

He stopped and looked into the pool of water again. The lonesome dragoness sat there, she seemed so familiar to Ignitus and he stared at her. The blue eyes of the dragoness seemed to twinkle in the night sky, it was all too familiar to him.

"It can't be her. Ariel's scales were blue, This Terra has green scales... but she was an ice dragon, Ariel was an ice dragon."

Ignitus sat down and watched her. He had only seen her when it was dark, so he couldn't properly make out her features. Ignitus stared intently at her, trying to pick out similarities between her, and his long lost love.

"The horns are similar..."

He thought, but then he stopped himself before he thought even deeper about her.

"You can't think about a dragoness, if she isn't Ariel then you are being unloyal to her!"

He scolded himself, but he peeped down at the dragoness again. Slowly Ignitus let his head drop, and he gave a small whimper.

"I miss you Ariel..."

He muttered and he pawed the floor again. He sniffed a bit and glanced over to the spot in the vast stacks, he had memorised were her book was. He stared at the small blue cover, he wanted to know so badly what had happened to her. But slowly he drew his gave away from the book and made his way away from the pool.

He couldn't watch them the whole time, he still had a job to do. He summon another book over and went back to making sure everything was noted down, while his mind thought about the mysterious green dragoness watching the night sky.

Well that was over quickly, this chapter was mainly to move things along a bit, and I feel it wasn't that bad.

*still that's my opinion, your welcome to your own. *

Btw, this chapter doesn't reflect my actual views on homosexuals. just as a disclaimer so please don't take offense. (I know that most people wouldn't but i'm just being clear to more sensetive viewers

Remember to commet, vote and have a good week.

Till next time
