Calling (Poem)

Story by icetalon92 on SoFurry

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This poem was written by Amanda. I am only doing minor editing, and posting them with her permission!

Note to those who know how to write poetry: I'm not sure how to work with this enough so that it's accurate, I added a few bits of punctuation in areas I felt needed them. Please correct me via comment or private message if you know it's wrong! Thanks much!

Please also vote, good or bad, and comment why you think that way so I can tell the author what other people think. She cannot improve if she doesn't know what's wrong.

Please enjoy!


The birds are singing far away.

They're like an echo in my mind.

They are calling me to a place

I have been trying to find,

Some place far away in the wild,

Where you can finally be free.

A forest shadowed by a mountain

Is the place you are meant to be.

I raised you, a wolf, all by myself.

My love for you is deep and true,

You've left your tracks in my mind.

I will never forget you.


This is quite a bit happier and not near as dark as any of her other poems, thank Arceus.. While pretty good, they were getting me down, too :p

Ah well, I hope you enjoy it!