Dragons of Forest Keep - Chapter 50

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#1 of Forest Keep

Well here it is! ..finally ..sorry for the delays but theres been a lot going on - Ive finished a comedy/sci-fi novel that is being proofed and checked now- also Im going to release forestkeep in 2 novels on the kindle store once I sort out the odd formatting issues the kindle software has. Ill let folks know when itll be available but itll pretty much be chapters 1-30 as book 1 and 31-50 as book 2..

Im thinking of calling it 'dragonstrife' ..what do you think?

I wont be charging huge amounts for the kindle versions - probably around 2$ each if they'll let me. Good idea? Yes/no thoughts and comments please!

Chapter 50

King Dougal and Lord Pepper were closeted together away from prying eyes and ears.

The news could not be worse- what he had most feared had come to pass and according to information received from Jasmina it might not be long before the gryphoness became broody as well, though the hunter fairy seemed to be more amused than alarmed by the idea.

"How long do we have?" he asked the elder bluntly.

Pepper shrugged "It is hard to be exact in these things but I would say it will start to show within a month"

Dougal paced uneasily "The dragons will be in an uproar when they find out and I daresay the humans won't be too happy either. I can't say what a half-dragon will look like or how it will behave"

Pepper nodded "And what if it has mana?" he paled at the thought of humans breeding the one thing that separated them from the faer into their degenerate species.

Studying the scroll further Dougal muttered to himself "She may not even be aware she is gravid yet, there is no eggsign - nor may it show as usual in a case like this"

"What is there we can do?" Pepper asked "We dare not still it in the womb - that would be an act worthy of the blackest unseelie sidhe"

Dougal tugged at his mustaches in frustration "No, We shall not harm the youngster. If it survives we shall have to guide it gently and teach it the way of the faer - not humans"

"And if it is too human?" asked Pepper warily "what then?"

Dougal snorted "If it is too human then it will not survive too long in the world, even with a dragon mother guarding it!"

* * *

The bailey was crowded with onlookers as the court was made ready. The heavy oaken gibbet fitted with new ropes and tested for strength. These preparations were observed with anxiety by the three outlaws as they were led, irons clanking, towards the tribunal bench.

Only two of them seemed fully cognizant of what was happening as the third gazed blankly into the distance whilst muttering to himself.

Their stay in the dungeons had not been kind and they seemed somewhat resigned to their fate and shuffled into place, carefully guarded by several burly armsmen.

James leant over to Joe "Don't look so tough now do they?" he murmured, eyeing the filthy prisoners.

"Ya know they're goin' ta accuse ya of sorcery" replied Joe quietly "how are we goin' to counter tha'?"

James gave a shrug "Tell the truth, that it was Nokala who did all the hard work - I can get him here to confirm it if they really want"

Joe gave an evil grin at the thought "I'd like to see tha' ... I really would..." He absently felt the still-fading bruise on the back of his head where he had been struck unconscious.

The outlaws came to a halt in the roped-off area close to the bench and they eyed the expectant crowd and awaiting gibbet nervously, whispering amongst themselves as Duncan approached the bench.

Seated at the bench Duncan stared at the motley grouping and sighed, they appeared to be little more than the usual drunken layabouts who woke up one morning with the good idea that hitting people with sticks and relieving them of their money was an excellent way to get rich.

Pulling his sword from his scabbard he laid it across the bench, pointing away from the accused before seating himself between James and Joe, who as the injured parties were on his left and right respectively.

An expectant hush settled over the crowd as the outlaws shuffled their feet nervously.

"You stand accused of assault, kidnapping, violence against a king's knight and theft" he stated, looking at each of the men in turn. "The charges against you carry the sentence of death. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

One outlaw giggled mindlessly but the others frowned and tugged against their bonds. They knew the weight of evidence was against them and that they would receive no mercy.

The largest of the pair cleared his throat. "We wuz 'ungry and des'prate m'lord" he said "We din't wot 'e was a mighty sorcerer"

There was a collective gasp from the crowd as the outlaw pointed a dirty forefinger at James, who fought back the sudden urge to slide beneath the bench.

Duncan grinned widely 'This novice? He is barely able to tie his boots on let alone perform sorcery - but as you accuse him, so I shall ask him to swear"

The heavy copy of the chapels' bible was lugged across the bench and laid before James who eyed it nervously.

"James of Cheltenham" Duncan began, "Place your hand upon the bible and swear to tell the truth in answer to this question - Did you use black sorcery against these men at any time?"

James carefully laid his fingertips on the bible and nodded "I swear in the name of almighty God that I have never deliberately used sorcery against these men, nor against any man"

After all he considered, having a dragon smash you into the air with its tail wasn't sorcery, but a force of nature - and so far, he had only used his magic against dragons so that was true too - the unfortunate incident with Father Champlain occurring out of his control.

Sitting back down again he caught Joe's eye as the knight grinned at him, he hadn't missed the irony of the statement and approved.

The outlaws seemed taken aback. Obviously no sorcerer could touch and swear so on the bible and escape unscathed as God would not permit such a thing to go unpunished. There was some hushed conversation before the large outlaw spoke again.

"It wuz summat mightily odd sor" he said, head lowered, "It wuz like bein' stricken wi' a treetrunk, dashed poor Berts wit's all over too" He looked meaningfully at the giggling captive who was playing with his toes.

Duncan nodded "But none of this would have happened had you not waylaid and beaten James and Joe here, would it?"

The spokesman nodded slowly "Aye sor, t'was an unlucky day indeed" nervously gulping, his gaze wandered to the gibbet whose construction was being tested by the executioner, swinging merrily back and forth on the rope, much to the amusement of the crowd.

Duncan sighed and reached for the black cap beneath his bench "As there is no doubt as to your guilt and intention it is my solemn duty to pronounce judgment"

Reaching forward he turned the point of his sword towards the captives and ceremoniously donned the cap.

"You and diverse companions sought to kidnap and harm bonded vassals of the king and this keep. You sought to commit crimes in our lands that warrant the penalty of death by hanging and I find you guilty of those crimes."

He paused and let his gaze sweep the crowd "Let this serve as an example for those who seek to harm others under our protection and laws"

Standing slowly he pointed at the men "Take them away and hang them by the neck until they are dead"

The armsmen nodded and began to drag the men towards the gibbet, the crowd parting before them as rotten fruit and vegetables pelted the accused.

It was over surprisingly swiftly, the spokesman being the last to have the noose draped around his neck by the hooded executioner as his partners in crime swung twitching feebly beside him.

"My brothers shall hear of this and avenge me!" he shouted, before the well-oiled trapdoor swung open beneath him and ended his words forever.

James felt somewhat ill, remembering the poor ignorant souls and how they had summoned their own doom by blowing the very whistle that hung round his neck now. He felt pity for them instead of the satisfaction he thought he ought to be feeling.

Perhaps he should have spoken for mercy? It was too late now however and he knew he would hear the fateful slam of the trapdoor in his mind for a long time.

He swallowed hard and then went pale as Caroline sat beside him.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed at her.

"I want to question the next man" she replied calmly, "He will have seen what happened to my guards and the rest of his friends"

James threw a panicky look at Joe who shrugged in reply. It was too late anyway; the last outlaw was being led towards the bench. He was also in irons and his face was filled with terror.

James noticed the man did everything he could to avoid looking at Caroline, even jerking his head to one side when the armsmen pushed him into the seat facing the bench.

Duncan had returned his sword and cap to their respective places and drew forth the sheet of charges.

"You give your name as Jermey of Chester, do you not?" he asked, "You stand accused of attempted kidnapping and attacking this noblewoman within our demesnes - How do you plea?"

Jermeys' face was pallid and drawn, he seemed to be struggling with something and it was fighting its way out.

"I had to run" he sobbed finally "It tore them apart, my friends. All ripped to shreds! Blood everywhere! I knew I could not fight it!"

He clawed at his face anxiously "The sounds it made! Tearing flesh and growling in lustful hunger - I ran, as fast and as far as I could!"

James swallowed nervously; it was just as well Tomako was being kept busy and away. He did not know how the young dragon would react to this.

Jermey continued "I hoped it would be sated with my friends, all I could think of was to run.." he fell forward out of the chair and onto his face, groaning and clawing at the earth "T'was a beast out of hell milord, I thought for sure it was going to eat all of us, saving the lass for last"

Caroline was watching with a peculiar expression on her face, half enthralled and half horrified, her lip trembling.

She could remember the noises with more clarity now and they did resemble those of a growling beast. Surely such a creature would have eaten the remains though and none of the bodies had shown signs of gnawing.

Lifting his face Jermey finally looked at Caroline, his eyes wide and tortured

"Didja see it miss? I'll forever see the foul beast in my dreams, tearing my friends apart like pigs at a slaughter"

Caroline shook her head slowly, her head spinning at the intensity of the man's pleas.

Duncan also looked nervously at James, he hadn't expected such a response, Jermey was obviously more educated than the previous outlaws and had been seriously affected by Tomako's rampage.

Caroline leant forward "What did this beast look like?" She asked the trembling prisoner as he lifted his head.

"Starin' eyes like twin pools of yellow hellfire" groaned Jermey, fingers oustretched and clenched "Claws the size of sabres, bloody fangs like daggers and a tail as long as a whip"

He stared at the ground and with a fingertip began to draw in the dust "Wings of a demon bat, breathing flames the heat of hell itself"

Caroline looked dubiously at the rough sketch "Sounds like you are describing a dragon"

"Yes! Yes!" exclaimed Jermey "You did see it then!"

Caroline shook her head slowly "I think I would have seen a dragon - All I saw was before the fight, when you and your friends attacked my guards and I locked myself in"

Jermey slumped back "I shouldn't have run" he whispered "I hear my friends screaming all the time now" He clamped his hands over his ears tightly.

Caroline leaned over to Duncan "This man is obviously deranged, there was no dragon, only Tomako was there when all the fighting was done and I don't think he looks like a dragon" she whispered.

Duncan struggled to keep his face still "I agree, but insanity due to ones actions is no defense"

Standing slowly he looked at Jermey "You have admitted complicity in the attempted kidnapping of Lady Caroline here - how do you plead?"

Jermey levered himself off the ground and stood slowly "Guilty milord, guilty" he cried before breaking into fresh sobbing.

Duncan frowned; he was in a quandary knowing full well that a dragon had indeed caused the mayhem that destroyed the raid. However- this sorry excuse of a man had run at the first opportunity and while cowardice was contemptible it did not warrant the death penalty - at least not in peacetime.

Leaning over to Caroline he murmured "This man has suffered enough, don't you agree? He has to live with the knowledge of his cowardice for the rest of his life. As the injured party I ask you, what shall we do with him?

Caroline bridled at the statement, thinking that but for the actions of Tomako she would be at the mercy of this brigand and his crew, but the man made such a pitiful sight now.

"What would you suggest?" she whispered back

Duncan shrugged "Hard labor, joining the clergy as a novice, becoming a serf and tilling the land - there are a number of options open" he replied quietly.

Caroline frowned, the man was certainly in need of serious help, his remorse seemed genuine and she could not honestly send him to the gallows, coming to a decision she turned to Duncan

"I think the clergy would best be able to help him" she said quietly, hoping she had made the right decision. This trip had changed so much in her life.

Duncan nodded and slowly stood up, "Jermey, you have been found guilty of the crime of attempted kidnapping, however your suffering has touched us and we are minded to be merciful. You shall leave here under guard and attend Chester Monastery where you shall take penance and serve as a novice until such time as the Bishop deems you have fulfilled a suitable penalty for your crimes"

James grimaced and privately thanked the various powers that he had avoided that path in his life, the life of a novice was austere and drab with little to warrant such effort.

Jermey knelt and bowed before Duncan "Oh Thank you for your mercy milord, I shall pray daily for the keep and for forgiveness for my sins" He still had the haunted look in his eyes however as the armsmen led him away to a secure wagon.

Cill's voice was suddenly in his head *Father could make him forget he saw Tomako* she murmured privately. James gave this some consideration but could see the flaw.

"If he forgot, then he would not have had such an experience that changed him so powerfully - he would still be an outlaw without remorse and with vengeance in his heart" he replied, though he did privately think Jermey had gotten off somewhat lightly.

*I know Tomako still feels dreadful about the incident* Cill murmured as the trial broke up, Duncan wandering back to the tower and Kat while Joe talked animatedly with the Mastersmith, several coins trading hands during the course of the discussion.

"I know" murmured James "He has the blood of a dozen men on his claws and he does not know what to do"

*Nor do I* sighed Cill *There is one piece of good news though...*

James perked up "Oh? What?" he asked eagerly.

*The flying saddle is ready!*

James swallowed nervously, his stomach already doing loops "Oh...that is good news" he managed to say as he walked across the bailey.

*...and I want to try it right away!* Cill continued eagerly, not hearing the undertones in her mates reply.

James gulped and headed for the carpenters and leatherworkers stalls.

Caroline wandered round the Keep, there was something going on and she couldn't pin it down, it was infuriating. Every time she tried to go up to see Duncan in his tower she was told he was busy even though he had been at the window minutes before.

Then there was Cill, while undoubtedly attractive and smart she was remarkably ignorant about certain things, of course that would be expected for a girl out here in the sticks but surely even out here they knew who the current king was.

Every time she asked a question the girl would get a dreamy look on her face, her eyes would glaze and then the answer would pop out several moments later.

She had caught the couple staring at one another in much the same way and she put it down to James having lost his wits due to being in love.

Then there were the odd things she had seen, the strange ring with mysterious symbols in the bailey, strange deep scratch marks on floors and several times she had felt someone or something staring at her and when she had turned there was no-one there, just a warm feeling on the back of the neck.

It was creepy, yet strangely she felt safe and secure here, with a smirk she headed back to the smithy to harass Tomako again.

Tommy slowly tugged on his best shirt and breeches, following James advice he had bathed thoroughly and crushed some rose petals to freshen and hide his mammalian scent. Nervously he pulled his best felt boots on, buckling them up as he considered possible futures.

Shalla had been most insistent, and he knew he wouldn't be able to put her off as he had hoped. He remembered the size of her parents as he'd been carried past them - it seemed so long ago now - as they sneaked out.

Now he had to face the mother of his mate while she was fully awake and likely highly annoyed at the problems they had caused.

The only good thing was that Shalla had promised that she wouldn't let her mother eat him. There'd been nothing said about maiming or gnawing however.

Sucking in a deep breath he shouldered his pack and set out for the lake and Shalla's lair.

The carefully worded invitations sent out by Duncan made their way to their intended recipients, each receiving them with an expression of bemusement, several rubbing their chins in curious appraisal.

None had heard of the Dracalar family before, nor of their daughter who it seemed was to be handfasted to the youngest son of the Cheltenham's. The whole arrangement reeked of intrigue and convenience, hence the great deal of interest as appointments were cancelled and horses curried in anticipation of the event and the gossip.

Most responded willingly and rapidly. Lord Brian Hampton however spent long moments tapping the missive against his thigh as he wondered just what the hell was going on. He had read Caroline's letter regarding the trip and had mourned the loss of his friends while a mounting curiosity was building over this mysterious smith's apprentice that had saved her.

He could not wait to meet him he thought to himself, his hands unconsciously clenching into fists at his sides.

Far away in a solitary cave, the walls blackened with soot and scarred with furious rake marks, Divitchka laid his plans. The smoldering hate in his breast banked to a low blaze as he took stock of his situation.

His mate had gone and he knew not where she had sought refuge. Both his son and daughter had sold themselves to humans - his talons crushing a rock at this thought - his place on the council would no doubt have been rescinded following his attack on Eriga.

There were several outcasts of his acquaintance, that he had been partly responsible for their exile would not make them trustworthy allies though.

He felt that he would have more success going alone, as well as more personal satisfaction after grinding the humans to a pulp. Aware of their protection he had not scouted the keep yet - that would have to wait until they let their guard down.

Others could always be enlisted later.

Shaking his paw he let the dust from the rock scatter to the floor of the cave, they would remember his vengeance in scrolls and legends for evermore he vowed.

Osedax stared at the council members as they slowly walked in and took their places, their gazes carefully avoiding the vacant lounger that was usually occupied by Divitchka.

That they were shocked by his actions was putting it lightly, to attack a barely fledged female, invade her mind and force an oathbreaking left them no choice but to declare him outcast and anathema. The vote was unanimous.

Sighing, Osedax signed the scroll declaring the decision and handed it to his secretary to post in the clan halls. No doubt this would cause serious repercussions for the rogue and disrupt or at the very least delay his plans. Divitchka would be immediately attacked if he attempted to enter the clan halls again and from this moment on no clan member was permitted to speak to or aid him in any way.

As the council deliberated quietly together, a rare occurrence at the best of times he wished Divitchka had paused to think, at least to listen to advice, shaking his head remorsefully he pushed the second scroll forward.

"Brethren" he rumbled "I have something else to ask of you, something momentous and more pleasant to discuss than a rogue"

He flicked his gaze round the gathering, "As you know, something remarkable happened during the bonding of Cill and James, we all felt it,"

Tekala let out a rumble of concern "It scared the dung out of me" he declared candidly, several of the others nodding in agreement.

Osedax chuckled softly and leaned forward "Then you will be pleased to hear that he has successfully been oath bound in the favorable service of dragons and humans together"

There was a palpable air of relaxation in the chamber as this news sank in.

"Also, I have been invited by Cill to attend the human bonding ceremony at their lair and I would like to extend this invitation to any of you who wish to attend also, at Cill's request"

There were several startled looks between council members, visit humans? Just what went on at a bonding ceremony for monkeys anyway?

"Human appearance would be necessary of course" added the Clanmaster "A small concession to make for a unique event"

Several raised eyeridges betrayed the interest felt by at least some of the councilors, many having never spoken to humans before. Unsurprisingly it was Tekala who asked the obvious question.

"They have kept their location secret for some time now, why break that secrecy for the sake of a ceremony?"

"As you are no doubt aware" began Osedax "there has been something of a social upheaval recently" his gaze resting briefly on each councildragon in turn.

Tekala coughed a little nervously, flushing as he realized what the Clanmaster was hinting about.

"Many new ideas and concepts have entered into our culture and many of you do not like them, I say to you, change is inevitable. Divitchka could not - or would not accept this"

Stepping from his podium Osedax went down among the council members "In view of his behavior and that he was prepared to do what he did has me very concerned" his pacing halted and his gaze turned steely as he swept it over the alarmed dragons.

"I am certain he was not alone in his prejudices and now he knows where to find James and Cill, there is little benefit in retaining that secrecy, furthermore you are not aware of the fact that his offspring successfully located and visited the happy couple and are even now integrating with human companions of their own"

He returned to his lounger and watched carefully as the stunned councilors absorbed this information. Who was looking shocked? Who was looking worried? He had private suspicions himself but proof was required.

Several of the members who had been muttering over a private channel turned to him.

"We feel this is too fast Clanmaster" Lagaligo said "If Divitchka has claimed vendetta against these humans then perhaps he is right"

"Would you stand and watch innocents die then?" Osedax declared "You know as well as I that he will also kill his own offspring merely for keeping company with humans"

A razor-sharp talon waved before each councilor, their gazes fixing it on it warily, they knew better than to cross the ancient however.

"Within this small keep, we have a seed, a hope for a future where we do not need to skulk and avoid humans, to rejuvenate our race and guarantee our hatchlings will understand their place in the world - I would see that seed grow and blossom. I would hope that you shall too."

Tapping the podium with his scepter he rose "This meeting is concluded, those who wish to join me shall be welcomed but there shall be no shame attached to those who do not"

Bowing to the assembled dragons he left the chamber as behind him frantic squabbling broke out. Grinning to himself he grunted in satisfaction and leaned heavily on his staff as he walked back to his quarters.

James tapped hesitantly on the Tanners door, the thought of flying still causing butterflies in his stomach. The door was opened by a large, muscular woman, almost as wide as the entrance she blocked, her arms showing the strength needed to wrestle and sew leather hides into usable items.

"Yes?" she demanded, folding her ham-like arms as she looked down at him. James thought he caught a glimpse of movement behind her.

"Err...I'm here about the dragon saddle?" he asked tentatively, half hoping she would tell him it wasn't ready.

The woman's eyebrows shot up into her closely cropped hair "Oh yes!" she exclaimed "It's for the dragon rider - are yer his servant?"

James blinked, "Um no, It's for my dragoness" he said quietly as she stared at him.

Obviously disappointed that he wasn't a muscled barbarian hero about to ravish her she gave a small grunt of disapproval.

"Very well" she was about to turn when there was an abrupt scuffling at her side and a blonde tousle-haired head forced its way between her ample hips and the doorframe.

"Are you really the dragon rider?" it gasped breathlessly, wide eyes staring up at him.

"Young master Turner!" exclaimed the woman in exasperation, placing a large hand on the head and attempting to push it backwards

"I'm sure he has more important things to do than answer impertinent questions"

More enthusiastic squirming ensued until the rest of the boy had oozed past as James watched in amusement.

Holding up a hand to forestall complaint he smiled at the leatherworker "It's alright, I'll talk to him"

Rolling her eyes in resignation she backed out of the doorframe and into the shop, the sweetish aroma of tanned leather pouring from the warm interior.

Offering the boy his hand James nodded "Yes, I'm James, the dragon rider, and who are you?"

The boy gravely shook hands then stuck his thumbs in his jerkin and pushed his chest out proudly "I'm Nicholas Turner, My father is the best carpenter in the county!"

James grinned "I may have some work for him later then" he said "I take it you have some questions?"

Nicholas nodded eagerly "Can I see it? Is it tame? I've looked all over but they won't let me go down by the barracks"

James held up his hands and waited for the youngster to take a breath. "Slow down, slow down, let me answer one at a time" he said.

"She isn't tame and you'll have to wait a bit before you can meet her though I'm sure she'd love to meet you, she likes children..."

He couldn't help letting a slightly sinister tone enter his voice at the end of the sentence, his mischievous nature not letting a good opportunity pass by.

Nicholas looked a little worried at first but rallied well "I'll be ten in a couple of weeks and my father is giving me a real knife all my own" he exclaimed in a voice of confidence.

"You won't need it" James said with a grin, "she is very gentle and will want to talk to you"

"She can talk?" Nicholas wondered "does she breathe fire?"

"Yes and yes" replied James, wondering if the whole keep had similar questions. "But she doesn't burn people up"

Nicholas looked somewhat disappointed at this. A dragon that didn't burn people up didn't sound like much of a dragon to him.

There was another grunt from behind the boy and the leatherworker emerged from the rear of the building carrying the biggest saddle James had ever seen.

The early stage Tomako had viewed in the smithy bore only a slight resemblance as the leatherworker had obviously gone all out on making the first dragon saddle beautiful and unique.

There were tassels, studs, pins and hooks and traditional knot work patterns were burned into the side-flaps and around the pommel.

The stirrups were obviously the same as a horse-saddle but the cinches were much larger and wider, to be able to accommodate the girth strap.

James watched as she carefully lowered the saddle to the shop floor and went back for the strap, actually rolling it out as it resembled a cartwheel more than a strap.

"Weren't sure as to how - er - fat yer dragon was" she apologized as she took in his expression "Just measure off where yer need to an' I'll cut it to the proper length"

James looked at the saddle again; it was almost as big as he was. There was no way he was going to lift it without using mana. Something he wasn't sure he should show off in front of people too soon but he had to get it home somehow.

"I'll have to come back for the strap" he said, "er - can you put it on my back?"

The leatherworker grinned "I thought it was for yer dragon - not you" she chuckled as she lifted up, lowering it onto him much to Nicholas's amusement as James staggered awkwardly back and forth trying to balance the load without being crushed or running into something.

"Perhaps young Nicholas could help me keep it steady on the way home" he asked from beneath the saddle "It won't take long"

There was a rapidly silenced intake of breath from the lad as the leatherworker considered this, not stupid - she realized that the boy would not let her be if she said 'no' and perhaps cause mischief in the meantime. Better to have him get it out of his system.

Looking firmly at Nicholas she wagged a sausage-like finger at him "Very well, but you come straight back, I promised yer Da I'd watch yer today and I don't want yer getting et by some dragon"

"Yes Missus Tanner!" Nicholas said breathlessly and ran behind James, hefting part of the saddle onto his shoulders, the pair looking like a long-legged tortoise as they made their way back to the storehouse.

Still shivering a little from the trip though the portal. Tommy walked alongside Shalla as she led him towards the main room of Nokala's lair. He could hear muted rumbles travelling down the passages along with the occasional growl and looked apprehensively behind him now and then.

Shalla walked slowly beside him, her own thoughts in a mess as she wondered how her mother would take this. It was one thing to be told about it and feel a little through the family link but face to face with her would be a different story.

They paused a minute to admire the poolroom and the warm sulfur-scented waters before making their way to the main room. Tommy found himself walking closer to Shalla as the rumblings got louder.

They turned the corner to find Nokala and Nakkour in conversation with Mella, Tommy swallowed nervously as he took in the sheer size of the dragons - He was supposed to help fight one of these monsters?

James had been a little vague on the problems surrounding Shalla's father preferring to let Nokala explain.

Nokala was shocked at what Mella had to say when she'd arrived agitated and upset.

"The Banns have been posted against Divitchka" she stated "He broke just about every law in the book and has been declared rogue and outcast. Eriga is still in shock and it is unsure whether she will ever be able to use her mana again as the oathbreaking was possibly life threatening"

Nokala growled and scraped the floor of the cave with a talon as Nakkour lowered her head and sighed.

"I shall speak with the Clanmaster about this. I do not want to allow Divitchka's dishonor to affect his offspring" he muttered.

Mella nodded and cocked her head to one side, "The other interesting bit of gossip is there is a vacant council seat now and they are talking about having you fill it Nokala"

Nokala paused, his talon poised in midair. The position of council member was vital and the Clanmaster would of course want a dragon sympathetic to his cause in a position of support. Carlina would revel in the fact that her mate was a council member and would be just as supportive of any action.

Nakkour wasn't looking too happy about this however and Nokala sighed.

"I cannot speak for the council, I'm sure there are many other worthy dragons the other councilors favour also"

Shalla and Tommy waited patiently, Shalla's arms wrapped around him as she sat on her haunches waiting for the adults to finish.

Mella looked dubious at this but was intelligent enough to realize that Nokala needed to appear neutral. She gave Nakkour a nudge on the shoulder and nodded towards the pair waiting quietly nearby.

"I think we have visitors" she murmured to the suddenly paralyzed dragoness as she saw her daughters mate for the first time in the flesh, conflicting emotions running through her mind and body as her talons twitched reflexively.

Tommy bowed nervously to all three dragons as he looked up at Nakkour, trying not to flinch as her eyes narrowed and the large vertical pupils swiftly contracted as they focused on him. Swiftly repeating the oath of greeting Shalla had taught him he extended his hands palms up and recited

"With peace in my heart and no malice for you and your kin I beg permission to enter. My talons are empty and I bring no harm"

Nokala grinned, by presenting himself as another dragon Tomako had effectively assured his survival and as it was his lair it was incumbent upon him to accept.

\ **Be welcome and at peace Tommy* * he rumbled \ **Allow me to introduce Nakkouralamina, the mother of your mate and Meliandria, a good friend of ours** he indicated each with a large paw as Tommy solemnly bowed to them.

"I am honored to finally be in your presence" he said to Nakkour, who it seemed was breathing rather heavily as she dug her talons into the floor, aware that she was now as bound by the oath of hospitality as if by heavy dragon-proof shackles.

Nokala watched her carefully, hoping that he would not have to intervene in a situation that would rapidly become rather messy.

Shalla stared, recognizing the signs of an impending motherly explosion and swiftly gathered Tommy to her side once more.

With enormous self-control and self-discipline she did not believe she possessed

Nakkour took a deep breath and let it out again slowly, not letting her gaze move from the impudent human as she did so, hoping it was a least causing him some concern.

*Be welcome in this place Tommy* Nakkour murmured, unable to prevent at least some hints of her displeasure from passing into her mental stream.

Tommy inwardly cringed at the feelings but did not dare let his fear show; instead he dropped to one knee and lowered his head.

"I realize that my actions in the courting of your daughter have lead to difficulties in your life and I humbly apologize and will do anything I can to repair any damage" he stated, still feeling the threatening heaviness in his head.

Nakkour grunted, no doubt the smooth-talking human had used his wiles on her daughter as well before trying them out on her. Yet they had the ring of honesty about them.

*My mate struck blood from me when she left the lair, yet I tremble to think what he would do to her if he knew she had mated with a human.* her enormous head snaked down to look at Tommy *Will you be able to protect her from his wrath*

Tommy swallowed nervously as he met Nakkours steady gaze "I shall do my best or die in the attempt" he said slowly

Nakkour flicked her gaze to Nokala "Does he have mana like James?" she asked privately.

"No" replied Nokala "But he is a warrior and I shall be teaching him how and where to strike - He and James will make a formidable team when I am done"

Nakkour grunted skeptically as she kept her gaze firmly on Tommy

*I am told that it was my daughter who involved you in our family's affairs* she asked delicately.

Tommy flicked his eyes towards Shalla whose ruffs were twitching and aflame in embarrassment.

"Our meeting was a little strange at first" admitted Tommy, not wanting to upset his mate "but it was worthwhile" he leaned against Shalla and gave her a hug.

"She did not intend any harm and was merely curious about us"

Nakkour gave another grunt and leant forward to look at Shalla squarely *One of your friends was harmed by your father* she stated slowly. *While not gravely injured he forced her into an oathbreaking*

Shalla gasped and her paw flew to her muzzle "Who? I'll go see her right away!"

*It was Eriga* her mother explained what had happened *Gergid was able to rouse the Clanmaster but they arrived too late*

Shalla turned to Tommy "I have to go see her! This is my fault!"

Nakkour pointed at the portal *She is in the clan infirmary, I'm sure she will be happy to see you*

Shalla gave Tommy a lick in parting then ran for the portal, flicking out as swiftly as they had arrived.

Nakkour's great head turned once more to Tommy who felt his knees tremble.

Giving a gusty sigh Nakkour folded her forepaws and lowered her chin onto them, a little puff of smoke rising from her nostrils.

*Now then Tommy, why don't you tell me the whole story?* she said quietly after making herself comfortable.

James and Nicholas made their way back along the winding paths through the bailey drawing a few bemused stares and comments along the way. Checking the coast was clear and Caroline was nowhere to be seen the pair trotted across to the storehouse.

"Cill hon," James murmured to her over the private channel "You wanted to meet young humans? I've found one who wants to meet you too...he's helping me bring the saddle over"

Cill gave a mental squeak of delight at the news and he could sense her pleasure, not only would she get her saddle but meet a young human too.

James gave her a few moments to turn off her glamour and get comfy so when they arrived at the door she would be looking stunning on the bed.

"Here we are " he said as they arrived, lowering the saddle to the ground with a grunt he tapped on the door "Alright if we come in dear?" he asked, knowing full well she was practically jumping up and down on the bed.

He opened the door and held it for Nicholas, the boy suddenly looking a lot more nervous than before

"You weren't kidding about her liking children - were you?" He asked nervously before peeping around the doorframe. There was a sudden intake of breath and a silence as he took in Cill's size and frame, her eyes meeting his with a steady gaze.

James looked round for something to hold the door open and settled on a nearby brick. "It's alright go and say hello" he chuckled "she won't eat you"

Lodging the brick against the door he picked up the saddle easily, able to use his mana now and pulled it inside to show Cill.

Cill looked Nicholas over slowly, *Hello there* she murmured to him over the public link and watched him startle much as James had done when she first spoke to him.

"You can talk?" he asked, fear turning to awe as he moved closer, curiosity getting the better of him.

James closed the door, lugged the new saddle over to the table and hefted it up. "Yes she can" he said with a grin "It's getting her to be quiet that's the problem"

Cill narrowed her eyes and flashed a look at him that promised mayhem in the near future so he wisely kept quiet as her attention turned to Nick.

*I'm Cill* she murmured, extending a paw in greeting towards the stunned youngster *What's your name?*

"N-Nicholas" he stammered, automatically grasping the huge paw "P-pleased to meet you Cill"

"His father is the carpenter here, I thought I'd commission him to make you a proper lounger sometime" James added, arranging the saddle on the table carefully.

*That would be excellent!* Cill exclaimed *this bed is too soft really*

Nicholas seemed reluctant to let her paw go but Cill didn't mind and looked him over. *I think he's a bit overwhelmed* she murmured privately to James.

James wandered over "Didn't you have some questions?" he asked Nicholas, who was still staring wide-eyed at his hand covered by Cill's paw.

Nicholas nodded "Um - do you eat people?" he asked, regaining some of his earlier bravado since it seemed he wasn't going to be eaten.

Cill gave James a look that spoke volumes then turned back to Nicholas *No - only bad dragons eat people. I prefer sheep or geese*

Nicholas nodded "How come you can talk but not move your mouth?" he asked craning his head up to examine her mouth


*I speak into your head so I don't need to move my mouth* Cill explained, slowly standing up and walking over to the table to examine the saddle *it makes it a lot easier don't you think?*

Nicholas nodded and watched as Cill admired the saddle, sniffing it and running her paws over it slowly *I think it's beautiful* _ she said, picking it up easily *_let me see if it fits*

Moving into the centre of the room she lowered herself so James could position the saddle between her shoulders and test it for fit.

Shrugging herself into the saddle she wiggled it into position, *It moves a lot* she humphed.

"I'll go get the girth strap" James said, "You can chat to Nicholas in the meantime" he added, making his way back to the leatherworkers to collect the strap and roll it back home. Returning he found the pair chatting together happily as he rolled it inside.

"Here we are" he chuckled, looking at the pair "let's see if it's long enough"

Threading the girth strap through the sides and around her belly James carefully measured the proper length off and left a bit of tail for future expansion. Nicholas giggling as Cill wiggled about, complaining about being tickled whilst they tugged and tweaked at the straps that slid beneath her shoulders.

Cill gave her rump and shoulders a shake, trying unsuccessfully to dislodge the saddle. *I think it fits well* she said with pride, wandering over to admire herself in the mirror, twisting from side to side to how the oiled leather looked against her silver scales

James had to agree; the shape of the saddle hugged her closely and noticed it did not move when she slid about in it, the movement subtly arousing. Turning to Nicholas he grinned 'So what do you think?" he asked.

Nicholas frowned in concentration, obviously thinking hard.

"I like it" he finally responded, 'but you might need something under it to stop it rubbing her back" he bent over and picked up something from the floor, holding it up. "It might make these fall off"

It was a freshly shed silver scale and Cill's eyes widened slowly as she took it from his fingers *That it might..* She murmured before handing it back to the wide-eyed boy *Here- you keep it*

Nicholas swallowed nervously and took it eagerly "Thank you ma'am' he stammered, sketching a hasty bow "I'd better head back I promised my Da I'd stay with Missus Tanner till he got back - I'll tell him all about this though!"

James grinned broadly "You're welcome", stepping over he opened the door to let the lad dash out clutching his precious scale in his grubby hand.

Cill frowned and checked herself over swiftly, it was unusual but not unheard of for a dragoness to start shedding her worn scales before her normal time but there only seemed to be a few patches of dullness marring her hide.

*That's your fault* she sniffed, *All that food fattening me up and making me shed* she rubbed against him slowly, the humor in her mental voice apparent *you'll have to oil me more often and help pull it off*

James grinned and hugged her around the neck, "Do they all come off singly?" he asked curiously, poking a dull patch and making her twitch.

*No, usually it comes away in large patches once it starts* Cill replied, slowly shrugging her way out of the saddle *I'm early though, like I said, probably all that good food and attention...*

James re-rolled the girth strap up slowly "We just have to get this cut to size and then we can try flying" he still felt a knot in his gut at the words but was determined not to let it show.

Cill could feel the doubts however and she leaned over to lick him slowly *you will come to love flying* she murmured.

James nodded, remembering the sensations the last time she'd taken him up into the air. It seemed unlikely that he would come to enjoy hanging hundreds of feet in the air but he had agreed to the deal with Duncan and so far it had all worked out well.

After lugging the saddle into a corner he scooted the girth strap towards the door "I'll get this cut off to the right length and we can try tomorrow if we can get out without Caroline seeing" He chuckled "we may need your invisibility spell"

Cill chuckled *She will have to find out sooner or later, you know*

"Just so long as it's after the wedding, it would be too late for my father to stop us now but I don't want it to be any more difficult than it already is." James said with a grin "and I don't want her putting clues together about Tomako"

Cill frowned slightly, lowering her head to her forepaws *I think you should talk to him soon - if he is going to be human for a while he needs to learn how to behave like one*

James propped the door open with a foot and pushed the strap out "I shall, I hope Caroline has forgiven him, I don't know what she's thinking about him or what she plans to do after the wedding"

Cill's gaze was speculative, her own impressions were that Caroline had shifted her goals towards Tomako and had her own plans to keep him close by or at least where she could keep an eye on him.

*I hope Tommy is making a good impression on Shalla's mother" she murmured, hoping that things were progressing well. Surely she would have heard if anything had gone wrong.

Duncan couldn't help feeling cheerful, Kat had settled well into the Keep and was adapting to living in the tower though she was still learning the area. He hummed happily to himself as he worked on the pile of parchment that had piled up on his desk over the last weeks.

There was a quiet tap at the door and at his bright assent, was pushed in slowly by Father Champlain.

"Ah, good day father" exclaimed Duncan, offering the cleric a chair, noting his color seemed to have improved and he was standing unaided once more "It's good to see you again, how are the preparations going for the wedding?"

Father Champlain smiled as he made himself comfortable "They go well" he said "though I have run into a bit of a quandary" he admitted, tugging a scroll from his sleeve "It's the vows - what should I put for a dragoness..." he flushed a little.

Duncan grinned "Why don't you ask James and Cill?" he said reasonably "I'm sure they will want their own vows" He hesitated as the priest went visibly pale at his suggestion.

"You haven't been to speak to them yet?" he asked.

Father Champlain silently nodded his head "I fear..." he mumbled, hands writhing in his lap "W-would you come with me?"

Duncan nodded, "You have nothing to fear from them Father, but I shall come with you if you so desire, we need to explain the ceremony at the very least to Cill who will have never seen a human wedding"

Father Champlain nodded eagerly "Yes, yes I do want to talk to them, I plan on baptizing the dragoness before the ceremony as well so she and James will be joined in the eyes of the lord as well"

Duncan was about to question the wisdom of this move when there was a fluttering at the window as Katreen landed delicately on the lintel, ducking inside with pantherlike grace. Duncan rose eagerly, forgetting the priest for a moment as he embraced his mate.

Katreen's bright eyes lit on the stunned priest as he sat locked in position, his mouth agape.

Duncan smiled as he walked Kat towards the priest whose hands were twitching towards his cross.

"Father, let me introduce Katreen, the ambassador for the local gryphon pack. She is staying here at my invitation"

Father Champlain swallowed hard but automatically held out his clammy hand though it trembled somewhat. "A pleasure" he stammered, feeling the rough-scaled palm caress his own.

Duncan guided Kat to a chair of her own, "We were discussing Cill and James's wedding, this is the human mating custom" he explained to her. "Though they have been wed in dragon fashion they have yet to exchange vows in a human ceremony and Father Champlain here is to officiate"

Katreen's eyes shone with excitement "How wonderful! I have never seen such a thing. Would I be allowed to attend?"

Duncan's eyes flitted to Father Champlain who seemed to have stopped breathing.

"Of course! It would be an honor to have you there. I know Cill will welcome anyone who wants to attend. I heard she invited her own clan leaders to visit though I don't know how many are coming other than the clanmaster"

Father Champlain turned a deeper shade of purple at this news and a vein started throbbing at his temple.

"This is very important wouldn't you say Father?" Duncan asked suddenly, causing the besieged cleric to inhale in shock.

Er...yes, yes" he stammered "h-how many dragons could be coming then?" he asked hesitantly, wondering if he was going to survive this wedding.

"James said there were at least fifty dragons at his ceremony" Duncan replied eagerly, "That would be a sight, wouldn't it?"

"Yes indeed", replied the gloomy priest "we would have trouble fitting them into the chapel though"

"Oh they would look like us Father, have no fear of that. I have met the Clanmaster and you would not look twice at him across a crowded tavern. In fact any strangers you see around could be sightseeing dragons"

Father Champlain swallowed hard at this revelation "...and there's no way to tell them apart?" he asked nervously.

"None that I could determine" Duncan replied easily. He wondered briefly if anyone had told the uneasy priest about Tomako.

Shalla hurried through the clan halls towards the infirmary. Rarely used it was almost empty except for a few elderly dragons complaining about their bones, the manners of young dragons today and how cold the bedpans were.

She found Eriga in a quiet room, the young female curled up tightly on her bed with ignored gifts stacked to one side.

Shalla stepped up to the bed and rested a paw on Eriga's side, murmuring a greeting to her "Eri? It's me"

Eriga's eyes flew open and she clasped Shalla tightly, babbling incoherent apologies amidst a flurry of tears. Shalla held her tight and let her babble on until the younger dragoness slowly slumped against her and calmed down.

"It's not your fault Eri" murmured Shalla, stroking down her friends back slowly "It's all mine. If I hadn't told you he wouldn't have done this"

Eriga sniffled, "He knows you mated with a human now" she murmured, "He was so angry I thought he would kill me. I couldn't keep him out of my mind"

Shalla hugged her tightly "You're safe now, He has been ejected from the clan and is outcast"

Eriga gave a sob and rested her head on Shalla's shoulder "He hurt me!"

Shalla felt something odd slowly building within her, it took her a moment to realize that the angry tension rising in her breast was rage. Father had destroyed everything good in her life in one fell swoop and was even now awaiting the opportunity to destroy even more. He had to be stopped.

She had felt the echoes of his anger during her mating and had unconsciously blocked them out, now she wondered if she could use those echoes to her advantage, holding the sobbing Eriga against her chest she narrowed her eyes in concentration, seeking the thread of memory and where it might lead.

James slowly rubbed Cill down, lifting off the odd patch of flaking scales as he used up the last of the oil on her, his fingertips pushing at the soft hide of her belly teasingly.

"mm... you are getting a bit plump" he teased gently, "perhaps we should cut down on the geese?"

Cill gave a lazy snort, too relaxed to respond to the prodding as she lay on her back, sprawled easily while her mate massaged and groped her in pleasing ways.

She drew her breath in sharply though when he slid his hand slowly and meaningfully over her sex, the delicious frisson it sent through her body jerking her from her reverie as it awoke another hunger.

"Shall we visit the lake mm?" he hinted, tickling beneath one of her breasts "we won't scare the merchants during the day that way"

Cill pondered for only a moment, a swim and a mating would top off a fine day and she felt that she had earned some time for herself and her mate.

*That sounds like a wonderful idea love* she replied softly, her paws coming up to caress him in return, lightly brushing over his belly *Away from that other female too*

James grinned "You have nothing to fear from her" he murmured, sitting astride her belly and reaching up to rub her chest "In fact you could learn a lot about female humans from her"

Cill gave a amused snort *I believe she thinks me feeble-witted. Every time she asks me a question I have to ask you for the answer*

James flicked away a loose scale from her belly before replying "That won't be for long, you'll learn fast and you may even become friends"

*We'll see* Cill replied with a hint of doubt in her tone, rolling over and giving herself a light shake *let's go have that swim shall we?*

Shalla arrived back at Nokala's lair to the echo of hearty laughter, stepping quietly out past the portal and along the corridor she could hear her mother chuckling and

Nokala guffawing in amusement at something out of her line of sight.

Dark suspicion grew in her mind, male dragons only laughed that hard at something embarrassing, surely he wouldn't...

Poking her head around the corner she caught sight of Tommy pantomiming carrying something in his arms as he tiptoed past both dragons, the human pursing his lips and placing a finger against them in absurd mockery of the escape they had accomplished.

She glowered at him from around the corner, talons twitching against the rock floor as Nokala barked with laughter once more and even her mother was fighting to keep a smile off her muzzle at the human's antics. Just wait till she got him alone at home!

Cill and James arrived at the lake and padded down to the water's edge, the afternoon sun was warm and the air filled with the sound of birds and insects. Stripping off his dusty clothes rapidly James let out a whoop and jumped eagerly into the water where he swam easily to the middle of the lake and teasingly splashed water at Cill.

"Can't get me" he taunted, ducking under the surface and swimming rapidly to a corner.

Cill narrowed her eyes at the challenge, her heat vision temporarily short circuited by the water. Careful examination determined a ripple in the water and she slunk in slowly, forepaws sweeping in front of her carefully, nostrils crocodile-like just above the surface.

Holding his breath James let the water buffet him about as he sat quietly, not daring to risk a peek above the water. He knew she would be using their link to try and find him but with nothing but lake water in front of him that wouldn't be much help.

Cill groped about randomly at first, clutching at nothing but handfuls of lakebottom ooze instead of her delinquent mate before trying to determine what he would do, there was no way he could hold his breath for as long as she could so all she had to do was wait. She cast her gaze to the wind-dappled surface of the lake and squinted.

James had other ideas, the reeds lining the banks of the lake were firm and hollow and he had little difficulty in finding one that would suit his purposes, snorkellike, the tip rose slowly amidst a dozen similar looking reeds and wavered in the warm air.

Cill was growing concerned. It had been several minutes and instead of the gasping form of James appearing there was an increasing sense of amusement over the link.

She grumbled to herself and resumed her paddling and groping about the deeper areas of the lake. It was when she swam past an innocent looking clump of reeds that something grabbed her tail in a tight embrace and yelled 'Gotcha!'

Cill squealed in surprise and thrashed about in the water until she found her balance again, James still clinging to her tail as she lifted it clear of the surface

*You have me, now what are you going to do about it?* she taunted, dunking him back into the water and giving her hindquarters a shake before lifting him out again.

James didn't reply but slid one hand under her tail and tickled between the firm lips of her sex, the probing digits freezing Cill's tail in an upright stance as she crooned in appreciation, rocking slowly from side to side.

Slipping off her tail, James continued his caressing, drawing his palm over the rapidly moistening lips of his mate as she willingly stood in the shallow water, her eyes meeting his with affection.

"I think I'm going to make love to you until I can't stand up anymore" he finally said, his head ducking beneath her tail to lap slowly and sensuously at her slit.

Cill gave a gasp of pleasure as he tickled her clit with the tip of his tongue

*I-I think I'd like that* she murmured as a small orgasm made her belly muscles ripple in appreciation.

Slowly sliding from her tail James made his way round to wetly hug her around her neck, tugging her towards the warm grassy verge where they had first met.

They had reached the dry grass when Cill gave a lusty hiss and pushed him down easily, holding him still with a paw.

*Gotcha* she husked as she slowly straddled him, writhing against him gently as she squatted over him. The fat lips at the base of her tail dragging over his suddenly rampant shaft.

James grinned up at her and his hands caressed down her neck and chest, his eyes locked on hers, missing the flash of white that suddenly flickered in one corner of the lake.

Lightly tugging on her plump nipples he arched up suddenly, pushing up into his mates heated sex as she pushed down at the same time. Cill's inner muscles tightened around him deliciously as he hilted himself deep within her.

Cill's hindquarters began a slow circling and her breathing grew ragged as she felt a growing urgency within her. Crooning with pleasure she bobbed slowly up and down, taking care not to crush her mate in her eagerness.

Flora hesitated as she watched from the rushes. She could see the love that the couple shared and also the egg slowly forming in the dragoness's belly. Knowing that she was somewhat responsible for the situation made her feel guilty which was also very unusual for an immortal fairy creature.

She narrowed her eyes and felt her own tail lift at the sight of the human and dragoness vigorously coupling not twenty yards from her hiding place.

Cill finally lowered herself with a loud groan, muscular ripples around the human's shaft showing the intensity of her orgasm. James clung to her neck as his own release echoed hers, the human shuddering against her with each pulse of his shaft deep within her.

Flora watched as both collapsed against one another, murmuring to each other, the human stroking his loves neck as they both enjoyed the delicious tremors of their fading orgasms.

She gave a nervous shiver of her own. 'Now or never' she thought to herself 'at least they won't have the energy to chase me if they get mad'

Stepping from the rushes and walking slowly towards the pair she swallowed nervously as both dragoness and human gaped at her. Lowering her head and extending a hoof, she bowed slowly before them.

"My name is Flora, I see you enjoy my pool" she said quietly.

To be continued!