The Law of the Pack Part VI: The Beginnings of Something More?

Story by Ragnarok1234 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Law of the Pack

Jim woke early the following morning, to a most wonderful smell. He smiled, eyes still closed, and leaned forward, grasping and laying his muzzle on top of the warm furry pillow, without considering what it was made of. With that, Jim fell back asleep.

Kate woke up a few minutes later, and felt like she had an extra layer of fur wrapped around her. She realized what that bag of fur was, and growled, trying to slide out from underneath the paws that were holding her there, but they grasped her tight against the sleeping body once more. Kate's eyes narrowed, and she kicked out with her right hind leg. It connected with Jim's thigh, and he jumped up, yelping. "What was that for?" he exclaimed.

"That?!" Kate replied. "That was for trying to sleep with me!" Jim growled.

"I did no such thing!" he replied, angry.

"You were practically riding my tail!" Kate replied.

"You wish!" Jim said, turning, and leaving the cave, fuming. Kate gave him a moment, and then went to apologize.

"Hey," she said, padding up beside Jim. He sidestepped away from her, and she moved back up next to him. "I'm sorry I kicked you."

"Whatever," Jim replied, looking away. Kate huffed, and walked around in front of Jim's line of sight, hunkering down before him. "What are you doing?" Jim asked, bewildered.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Kate asked, shaking her tail and hind end.

"Hmm, looks to me like an Alpha who's acting like an Omega," Jim said, the corners of his mouth turning up. "You would never do something like that, now would you?" Kate's response was to growl.

"I'm gonna get you!" she said, pouncing at Jim, who deftly stepped out of the way.

"Apparently not," Jim replied, turning around to face the female wolf.

"Yeah, watch... THIS!" Kate exclaimed, leaping through the air once more, and, once more, Jim moved out of the way. Though, at the last second, Kate twisted around, and knocked Jim to the ground. She pinned him to the ground, and he snapped at her, though he couldn't move to get up.

"Cheater!" he shouted, snapping his jaws at her.

"Winner is more like it," Kate replied

"Meh," Jim said, pushing the female off of him, and getting to his feet. "I'd like to see you do it again."

"That a challenge?" Kate asked.

"You couldn't do it, even if it was," Jim said, forgetting about his initial anger at being kicked.

"Bet me," Kate said, hunkering down one more time.

"Alright!" Jim said. "You and me, right now. You pin me, and I'll do whatever you ask me to do, one time." Kate didn't like where this was going.

"...and if you win?" she asked, nervously.

"If I win, you know what I want," Jim said, grinning.

"Jim, that... I can't..." Kate stammered.

"Hey, if you can't accept the consequences, don't run with the big dogs, girl," Jim said, laughing. "You lose, and you do whatever I ask you to do, one time. Take it or leave it." Kate nodded, and circled around, trying to think how best she could take Jim out. She eventually saw her opening, and took it. Jim had purposely left himself open to attack, and relied on his superior speed to spin around. In a flash of fur, Jim had Kate flipped upside down, and pinned firmly to the ground. Both panted from the quick physical effort.

"I told you," Jim said, "don't try running with the big dogs unless you can handle it." Kate frowned, and whimpered, knowing she had to keep up her end of the bargain. "Now, you know what it's time for," Jim said, grinning devilishly. Kate's breathing stopped, knowing what the male was about to do. She closed her eyes, and waited for the inevitable. It didn't come. She waited thirty seconds, and then opened an eye, wondering what happened to Jim. He was still holding her down when she opened her eyes, but as soon as she opened them, he climbed off of them, and sat down. "I want you," he began dramatically, causing Kate to whimper slightly, "to sit here in front of me, and keep your eyes open, for thirty seconds." Kate did as she was told, questioning the strange directives the wolf gave, and sat in front of him, their noses not a foot away from each other.

When fourty seconds went by, and Jim had not ravished her, she began to wonder what was going on, until Jim said, "you're done," leaned forward, and tenderly kissed her on the mouth. Shock crossed her mind, and all conscious thought slipped away for a moment, until she came back to reality, and realized she was kissing the male wolf back. Jim's tail swung back and forth, brushing dirt around on the ground, and she didn't even realize that hers was also. Jim pulled back as suddenly as he started, and Kate almost went with him, not wanting to stop.

"Does that count as what you were going to do to me?" Kate asked, dreamily. Jim shook his head.

"Nope, the only thing I asked you to do was sit in front of me for thirty seconds. You let me kiss you," Jim replied. "I would never do something like that to you without your permission, or, at the very least, your having not been forced to do it. Was it good for you?" Kate sighed, enraptured.

"I'm... not quite sure. Maybe you should do it again, so I'll know for sure..." she leaned forward, and met Jim halfway. Their muzzles locked, and Jim could taste the caribou that Kate had for breakfast the day before. He pulled back, and Kate asked him what was wrong.

"Is that caribou?" he asked.

"Um, yes?" Kate replied, rubbing her mouth with her paw, embarrassed. "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" Jim asked, leaning in to within an inch of her muzzle, "I love caribou." She kissed him, and he explored her muzzle with his long tongue. Kate's came out to meet his, and they danced around each other's mouths for close to a minute, before Jim broke off the kiss." We should probably get to class now," he said, and turned around. Kate yelled at him.

"Hey! Don't think you don't have to sleep on the opposite side of the cave now, because of this!" she growled.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Jim replied, grinning. "Come on!" Kate walked up beside him, and pushed him to the left. He pushed her back, and they walked to the Alpha's den, playfully shoving each other back and forth, their tails wagging.