Far From Home: How I've improved.

Story by Vorel Ashurha on SoFurry

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I wrote this when I was 11... ten years ago. XD And yes, I wrote it for Powerpets. LAUGH WITH ME I SAY. Shippou was my friend Jamie's character, Faye was mine. She was deep into anime and gave us all nicknames from the shows they played on adult swim.

Reading My Immortal made me want to dig this puppy up from its safe haven, buried in the bowels of the internet away from prying eyes, clutched to my breast like a dark secret.


As the wind howled, I flew toward the clock tower. The night was July 15th. Suddenly, the clock struck midnight. "I knew it was late," I muttered. I shuddered in the cold, and tried to wrap my wings around me. Stupid me. I almost fell from the sky. "I need the beach." I regained composure and paused to think. There was nowhere for me to go. I decided on going to the shuttle station. I knew a guy who would take me in. It took me a few hours, but I made it alive. The hangar was still.

"Hey, Spike!" I called. "Where are you?"

A man with green hair greeted me at a red ship.

"Oh, Hi Faye," he said when he caught sight of me.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"I guess so," he said with a sigh.

I mounted the stairs of the Bebop and went inside. I was greeted by Ed, Jet, Ein (the Collie), and a 12 year old with an attitude.

"Oh! Pretty!" shouted Ed, running forward and tugging on my wings.

"Hey, squirt! Lay off it, will ya?" said Jet angrily. "I'm sorry, Faye, she normally doesn't do that."

"Well, Jet, she's never seen my wings, has she?" I smiled at Ed, and flapped my massive dragon wings. Ed laughed.

"You see, my father was a dragon and my mother was a shape shifter," I explained to her. She laughed again.

"Ooohh... neato!" she said enthusiastically.

I folded my wings around me and pressed a button on my watch. I became a human. This seemed to fascinate Ed.

"Do it again!" she shouted.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

I was wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans, hidden by a black cloak. My black hair was pulled back in a camouflage bandanna, and my necklace tonight was a beautiful ankh, the symbol of the ancient pharaohs. I bought it for 77 cents for it at the Powermall. It was supposed to be a keychain, but I turned it into a necklace. The little 12 year old wore one as well.

Ed giggled, "Pretty necklace, Faye Faye. Where'd ya get it?"

I giggled with her. "It was 77 cents at the Powermall. I'll get you one, if you'd like one."

She nodded her head vigorously. "Oh, yes yes yes!"

Ein leapt up and started licking my ankle. I bent down and pet him.

"Hi, Ein!" I said happily.

The Collie wagged his tail. Since he was so happy, he ended up wagging his whole body. The child in the corner giggled at the sight. I walked over to her.

"Hi there. I'm Faye Valentine. What's your name?"

She looked up, "Shippo. Shippo Spiegel."

Her black hair was short, with a green stripe down the middle. She wore a white Oxford shirt and baggy jeans. Her hair looked like she never brushed it.

"I found Shippo here last week. She was abandoned.... Won't tell me her parents' names or when her birthday is. And, for that matter, I don't know where she lived either," Spike said with a shrug.

Jet nodded.

"She was just sitting there sadly. With this..."

He lead me to the back of the ship, to the back hallway, and into the storage room. Tied up there was a beautiful Samoyed. It wagged its tail happily, seeing the pendant on my wrist. The pendant was a black, red and white Samoyed, named Aranel. I found him last year. I smiled at it, and pulled off my pendant. I set it on the ground. Up sprung Aranel, barking happily. I walked him over to the other Samoyed and tied him up.

"I'll be back later, boy. Okay?" He smiled.

We went to a Japanese buffet for dinner. I had changed clothes and was now wearing a black and white '7' baby doll t-shirt, and black baggy jeans with the Korn logo on the left leg. I was still sporting the Ankh. We walked in and sat down. Shippo looked at me.

"So... how old are you?"

I looked at her, "Fourteen. But since I age at a dragon's rate, I am nineteen."

"Oh. I'm twelve," she replied cautiously.

I noticed why. There was a fourteen year old boy with his friends that was watching us. I smiled at him, then he smiled back and turned to a blond boy sitting next to him.

"Faye? FAYE!" Spike shouted into my ear. "Earth to Faye~Faye!"

I snapped back to reality. "What?"

"Let's go eat!"

I stood up and walked over to the buffet tables. I went immediately to the sushi. There were so many kinds! I went with eel and the normal kinds. Then, the wasabi! I got an insanely large amount, the headed to the table.

"Wow, Faye Faye! That's a lot of wasabi!" shouted Ed with a smile.

We all laughed. After dinner, they left Shippo and I to go get some pet toys.


I turned around. The guy from the buffet was walking toward us.

"Hi! I'm Faye, and this is Shippo," I said in a friendly matter.

"I'm Matt and this is Brad. I saw you... um... eat an insanely large amount of wasabi... how in the world did you do it?" Shippo cracked up.

"Well, Faye here isn't really normal," he laughed.

"I see. I was wondering... Would you like to go to beach with us?"

Shippou Lept up happily.

"It's too cold here in Xiang," they agreed.

I called Spike and told him I was leaving.

"Will you take Shippou? There's a... uh... problem."


He hesitated. "Well... we have to leave."

"Okay," I agreed and hung up.

They drove us to the beach that evening. When we arrived, Shippou ran to the water.


I turned to Matt. "Matt? We are gonna live here. Spike left, and Shippou is alone. We have no home, so we might as well stay here."

His Gray Fox leapt out of the car and pounced on me.

"Nessa! Down girl!"

Nessa wagged her tail.

"Okay. Can we come visit you?"

I nodded. "Sure. Well, thanks for everything. Shippou and I are gonna go make a house."

I made sure he wasn't looking, and then flew to the far side of the beach, near Shippou.

"We are gonna live here, okay? Spike told me to stay with you. He had to leave."

She nodded. "Okay. Need help with the house?"


We grabbed our Samoyeds and flew fast, gathering stones and building a house. It took us a few hours, but we had one. Once it was done and had everything it needed, she turned to me.

"Faye, we are so far from home... but I like it here."

I smiled. "Good. Now lets go build a sand Padam's shack."

She laughed, and we got to work.