Grease monkey Chapter eight

Story by Pyry Cole on SoFurry

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#3 of Grease-monkey

Grease Monkey Tech X Rev fan fiction Author: Pyry Cole As the readers should know by now... the characters in this story do not belong to me, and I am not using them with permission of their creators. However this is free fan art... if you for any reason paid for this... you've been screwed. Critique of the story is not only accepted, it is encouraged... please tell me what I can do to make the story more enjoyable. * * *

Chapter Eight: Culture Shock The team started their way down the stairs slowly. They absorbed the sights and sounds of an immense docking complex, ships of every shape and size imaginable were leaving and arriving constantly. Many ships were heralded by the sudden opening of a wormhole, while others seemed to stretch as if made of rubber. There were numerous modes of travel, and it seemed that any transportation theory that could be imagined was being employed. Their attention again focused once more on the creatures at the foot of the steps. Near them now hovered a small spherical device, some form of robot perhaps. It glowed faintly from a small indent on one surface, but aside from that was nothing but a tiny sphere. As they reached the foot of the steps, Tech had finished the analysis and deemed the air breathable. Upon hearing this, the team removed their helmets, figuring it would be more polite to show their faces. The shorter of the two lizard-men approached them swiftly, running up to Ace as a flash of shining black scales. The creature tackled the unsuspecting bunny to the floor, and then, forced his lips upon him, kissing deeply and forcefully. Ace had been surprised, and frightened out of his wits, uncertain of what to do, he had pushed the lizard off of himself, and wiped his lips on his hand. The creature had grown scared. He just stood still with wide eyes, and suddenly started to speak in an unknown tongue, filled with hissing sounds and harsh syllables, getting on his knees. "Ew!" he exclaimed, the others around him were caught in a giggle fit. A high pitched, almost childlike artificial voice burst forth from the sphere which floated nearby. "Oh dear, oh dear... I hope you weren't offended, this is entirely my fault." "Come again?" Ace replied. "You see, I was analyzing the data that had been taken from your computers. From the references I had found, the benefactors believed this to be the standard business greeting of your world. Please, destroy me instead for his offense. We would rather not have one of our top propulsion experts killed." Ace put his hands ahead of him, as if pushing something away, "hold up hold up! We ain't killin' anybody doc, dat wouldn't be very neighborly." "Thank goodness, we were worried you might not be a very forgiving species, what with the recent encounters we had been given. There are many... unsavory races we had come across, from the proud brutes of the system you know as Gliese 695, to the barbarian races of galactic sector 3392. My benefactors, whom you know as the Pholdarians, are a rather gentle species." Indeed, Pholdarian anatomy belied their true nature. However, their race, though kind hearted, had acquired much technology, and had become battle hardened warriors after many encounters with some less than welcome races. With their technological edge, even their peaceful nature would not save Acmetropolis if war was declared. The sphere floated towards Ace and hovered over his left shoulder. "May I ask of you your individual designations?" "Name's Ace, the pretty goil 'ere is Lexi" he said, putting his arm around her waist, then pointing in turn to the other Loonatics, "den we got Danger Duck, and the big guy's Slam Tazmanian, and dem two loveboyds ova dere's Rev and Tech." Rev and Tech, who were spending their time hand in hand, giggling and whispering little nothings to each-other suddenly, froze, realizing that everyone's attention had turned to them. They released each-other's hands and folding them over their chests, blushing, and started staring off in random directions, whistling. "According to the records we found, you are all from the same planet. Is this correct?" The sphere said, hovering towards Tech "It is." he responded "Fascinating, you mean five different races attaining sentience on the same planet? This is very rare, very rare indeed!" the orb said in its child-like tone while bouncing about. "Well, actually, Acmetropolis has over a hundred different self aware races." Tech said, wryly. "Amazing, simply amazing! I am sure the benefactors would pay well for data on how your world and its races have come to be, naturally the more detailed, the better the pay. The list alone may fetch a million credits." "I seem to have forgotten my manners" the orb continued, "My unit designation is TM-31375-N. I serve as entourage for professor Sodok. He's the shorter one. Also, he's a rising star in the field of propulsion and unconventional travel techniques, and has excelled far in spite of his lack of experience in the field. The other one is high admonitor Krussk. He works in the Xenomorphic Relations Department. His power extends over all alien visitations, and reserves the right to deny planetary access as he sees fit. He has already arranged lodgings for you in the first sector embassy. " "Well-that-was-nice-of-him.-Is-there-something-bugging-them?-They-seem-rather-quiet- and-we-haven't-heard-you-relay-a-word-to-them.-what-gives?", Rev asked. "Well" it started to answer, "I am a Translation Matrix unit. TM units are created with a cybernetic link to a particular benefactor. We are designed to be a sort of life long partner and entourage for the individual we are paired with. My link with Sodok allows me to read his brain functions, and thusly he can use thoughts to tell me what to say. Likewise, his brain can read my audio perception programs, allowing me to translate. All members of the Pholdarian race have a bio-linked unit. The connection is cacophonous and hard to control at younger years. However, as the unit and its benefactor grow older, their bond grows stronger, eventually the link with the artificial intelligence becomes dominant, merging both minds, often by the age of twenty-five earth years, which is nearly equivalent to sixteen of our orbits." "Amazing" Tech responded, continuing "But if that's true, wouldn't a robot like you become obsolete rather quickly? I mean... technology does have the habit of advancing." "This is quite true. As such the unit is required to receive annual upgrades, which is exactly why the admonitor's unit is not present. They usually require three days to finish upgrades, during which times, the unit and benefactor are separated, often resulting in high stress levels on both sides. Of course, they are generally much higher on the benefactors, due to the fact that they are organic beings, and thus cannot have emotional program overrides." The orb said in confirmation. "Well now, I must make sure you continue with your intended engagements. Krussk will supply your temporary enforcer visas. These will allow you to carry out general law enforcement duties, as well as allow you to work on the case for which you have come. At the embassy there is also an operations center and armory. Your visas have been upgraded to have limited weapons access as well as briefings to give information on the mark you are following." It continued "There are four enforcer visas. Another arrangement has been made as well. Two of you will be given a sum of credits, as well as access to the technology exchange interface aboard the station. Please state the delegation of duties." "Well les'see... Rev's hoit" Ace started, "So I guess he's gonna be on shoppin' duty where it's safe. And well, Tech'll be with em... he's smart wit da gadgets and toys. 'Sides I don't thing we'd be able to git em away from each-udda." Ace answered. "So Slam, Duck, Lex 'n I 'll be takin' the visas." "These assignments are acceptable... I now ask that you four accompany the admonitor." Ace was the first to follow the given instructions, followed shortly by Lexi Duck and Slam. Their gait seemed rather uncertain at first, but their steps gained confidence as they grew more comfortable. The four heroes followed the white scaled creature, their figures shrinking away until they disappeared from sight behind a thick metal door. Rev and Tech were now alone in the hangar with Sodok. "Well then" the orb said "I suppose we should get started. I have already taken the liberty of linking your vessel's systems into our primary exchange network. This will allow you to engage in the active exchange of information and technology from any computer terminal inside. It often helps our visitors' concentration to be in comfortable surroundings." The two of them started their way back up to the ship's airlock hand in hand. They were trailed by the short feathered lizard that was still looking over the exterior of the ship as he climbed. His eyes had become drawn towards the other two again and he observed their actions. Any creature with a brain could tell how they were feeling for each-other. As they stood inside the airlock something unexpected happened. Sodok tried to speak, and not in his original tongue. "y-you ... he... very much, happy, yesno? Forgive... learning... ssyntax" The two stopped and gave him a sideways stare, and then looked at each other and chuckled. "Oh dear, oh dear, is everything alright? I do hope he isn't offending, I was advising him not to speak until he had assimilated all of my language data, but he persisted on asking this himself." The orb said in a rather panicked tone. "No, no, it's okay..." Tech answered "And he's right, we are. We didn't picture this assumption coming out quite this way, mostly the question. Are we happy? We were expecting something more like... "You prefer other males? Are you two crazy?" "I dare say, his culture would probably be the last to react in that manner." "Any chance you can elaborate on that?" TM 31375-N began to comply, "Gender is of little consequence in the object of life bonds for the Pholdarian race. It stems from their deep past, many thousands of years ago. Back when their race was one of simple hunters and gatherers, each child would be chosen to bear children of their own with another upon maturity. Though they would remain committed to the pairing set forth for them by their parents, often developing a strong bond with them, however, it was very common for this to not be the only bond, or not even to become a bond at all. Some of this was due to the fact that through certain gender roles, most of the hunter's time would be spent with other hunters, and their companionships would often grow to something more. This would continue into the race's current times, leaving restrictions on relationships quite lax. Indeed, bonds of love and partnership between any that find them are honored above all else in our world." "Fascinating" Tech said, "Sounds like we grew up in the wrong star system." "Opinions on this matter vary from planet to planet. It was this freedom that was the primary cause for the involvement of Pholdar in the last stellar war. Our hand was forced once it had become apparent that should either of the other factions win, we would lose our way of life, and our way of love. This prompted the somewhat regrettable decision to use technological superiority to carve out a small empire of twelve critical star systems. This leverage secured our rights, but has unfortunately led to a universal militarization of our society, in spite of the wishes of nearly every Pholdarian, government and civilian alike." it said as they waited for the decontamination process to finish. Soon after, the inner door of the airlock opened up with a hiss and Tech walked them into the hall, telling them where to find things, finishing by showing them his and Rev's quarters. Once he was done, he allowed them free reign of the ship, well, except the quarters of the other Loonatics. Tech sat down on the bed and activated his portable computer. Holographic menus floated ahead of him displaying lists of options. As promised, anything linked into the ship's network was given a listed option labeled "Exchange". Rev scooted up to Tech's side and put his injured arm around the coyote's body. "Well hello there." Tech said diverting his attention from the display. "You've been unusually quiet. You alright?" "I-am-fine-I-just-didn't-have-much-to-say.-Fancy-that-me-without-anything-to-say.- My-hand-is-feeling-better-but-it's-itchy.I'm-also-feeling-a-bit-more-energetic.-I-think- that-bio-...." Rev said, starting to babble, moving his arm away from tech, his body language started to accompany his words. Tech grabbed Rev's beak and pulled him close for a forceful kiss, releasing the roadrunner's beak and using his hands to pull him closer. Rev held tightly onto the canine, his hand feeling up and down his furry back, moving down to his tail. They broke the kiss slowly the tastes lingering in each-other's mouths. "You know Rev." Tech said beginning to breathe more heavily, "I'm glad to see you have some extra energy back. How bout we burn it?" With those words he started to stand up, removing his body from the silken white sheets of the bed and headed toward the door. Rev's eyes widened "You don't mean?" "I do" Tech said, smirking. The roadrunner started bouncing about on the bed and exclaimed, "Oh-goodie-goodie-goodie-do-you-think-we-can-or-ooh-maybe-how-about-if-I-ooh -yes-that-could-be-fun-how-bout...." "Calm down, we'll have plenty of time to try out some things today. Besides, whatever we don't get to we can do later." Tech interrupted, engaging the locks on the door. Tech returned to the bed and put his first knee on the mattress, followed shortly by the second. He slowly approached Rev and put his hand on the bird's chest. He gently pushed him down to the bed, holding him in placed, forcing a powerful kiss onto his avian lover. Rev reciprocated, forcing his tongue into the coyote's muzzle, feeling the sharp coned teeth of a carnivore. He knew certainly, that now, he was ready. * * *

Chapter end: Well, I'm sure you can guess where the next chapter picks up... it's the event you've all... or at least most of you that have kept reading this far... have been waiting for!