
Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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The snow fall onto my fur

as my vision becomes blur.

The rest of the world is nothing,

I'm the only one with worth.

I used to feel unused.

Forgotten, erased, trash.

I finally realized my problem,

the past is now just a flash.

The pain of everyone and

the suffering of those who are alone,

it comes from the desire

to find a reason to be alive.

It's useless.

The life is just to be lived.

The proofs are already given.

The signs we get from the wind,

I wonder if everybody is blind.

No need to find more answers

for questions that are simple.

The sadness of our wolrd

comes from the excess of words.

We gather and sing together

for peace for our minds,

because those who have value

are always left behind.

We are brothers.

Qua 18 Mai 2011 18:16:50 BRT