A WindDragon named Shiin

Story by Demon the WindDragon on SoFurry

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this poem goes to Shiin and please no negative comments thank you!

He may be small.....

But for his courage.....

You can see he has a true heart that cares....

Half breed means nothing to him....

He will do anything to keep his mate protected against anything.....

He will give his life to keep the ones he loves protected......

Why he does this?

He wishes to keep things at peace.....

He doesn't like trouble makers that ruin the peace.....

He will harm any enemy that seems to threaten his family....

Why do this?

Because he loves his family and speacies......

He will do what ever it takes to keep them safe....

No matter what the cost it is.....

Life and death won't matter.....

For he will be ready for when doomsday comes......

He will survive as a half breed.....

With his mate who will help him give this once beautiful world....

Life once more......