The Scent of a Lover Part 1

Story by Castro Talon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Scent of a Lover

Okay! First of all i want to apologize for the last submission i sadly pressed the upload button instead of the save sorry Again please don't hate me! I am serious about your opinions though and i hope i won't upload a blank story again! Sorry like I said I am new! Anyway enjoy! P.S Just a warning my story will go in and out of my two main characters just a warning!

The dream started out as it always did, him wearing black armor that was as black and soulless as the night carrying a sword that was on fire a burned with a fire as if it had been forged from hell. He stands in the middle of a body littered and blood soaked wasteland standing over fallen warriors who tried to kill him and unfortunatly met their gruesome end.

Then suddenly it felt like a heroic tale, he walked up a hill and looked down in a valley that had also fought the same carnage as he did then he raised his sword and screamed a cry of victory yelling at the top of his lungs "WE ARE FREE MY BROTHERS!" then a roar of what seemed like thousands came out of the valley shouting over and over again "ALL HAIL THE CHAMPION! ALL HAIL THE CHAMPION!" ..........then after that I would wake up

The alarm clock went off again making me jump at the sudden and loud rock music as it always did. I sighed and turned over on my bed to turn it off and set it up for the next day.

My name is Collin Casperson I live in a cabin far out of town called Glendale in Minnesota, well maybe more like a small mansion. It was about 4 floors high including the basement and the attic filled with either antique vases or other small useless things. My house contained the usual things a kitchen, living room, dining room, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms and a secret room i will discuss later

I was a normal kid i was 17 and had short dark brown hair that matched my eyes a normal but muscular build that i honestly didn't like to show off because of my scars....that is a story for another time. I lived alone my parents are dead as are my 3 brothers and 2 sisters....again a story i dont wish to discuss.

I was in high school in the 11th grade to be exact i did pretty well on my own mostly made the B or even sometimes A honor roll. I was truly a nerd and a loner if anything at school at first that gave me unwanted attention or punishment from the bullies there but after one confrontation (and 5 kids with broken bones later) I was left pretty much alone as i should be.

You see i'm not just your normal kid, sure i looked like one but my family well....they were different from most people, most kids parents are doctors or business men or policemen, my parents and family were....well....werewolf and vampire hunters.

Yeah i know what most people would say "Thats not possible! Their just myths!" Well for me and my fellow hunters its good to hear that our effort to keep it a secret is working. Werewolfs and Vampires do exist but not just the savage beasts we may think.

Some werewolfs learned to speak our languages and set up secret societys for themselves like our midevil times, as in kings, queens, knights, and worse assassins. They mostly keep to themselves though thankfully all humans who either trade or deal with werewolfs must swear to keep it a secret least the US fight a bloody conflict on our own soil.

But not all is well some werewolfs called "Ferals" sometimes escaped the dungeons of their kingdoms and kill whoever they can. Most of the time the werewolfs can contain them but once in awhile a feral escapes their grasp and can't be found. Thats were the hunters come into play. We kill without mercy and a feral to us is the same as a rabies infested dog and must be put down for its own good.

I only wish my fellows would like the other werewolfs as i did. To them their all the same just ticking timebombs waiting to go off they say. I don't believe in that personally i think we could be capable of great things together put saying that outloud would earn me a silver bullet to the head or a set of powerful jaws to my throat.

I have never meet a feral or a 'normal' werewolf as Glendale is at least 100 miles away from the nearest settlement of werewolfs of which i am both glad and disappointed. I really want to meet a 'normal' one and just talk about things. Like that will ever happen still its up to me to eliminate any threats to Glendale and keep the existence of werewolfs a secret.

Vampires though are a different story they are blood sucking abominations who kill whoever and as many of either humans or werewolfs as they can. Their 'society' as they call it is based simply the strongest of them all. The vampire packs would usually be between 20 to 30 in numbers and would have either a dominate female or male who commands them all and fights other dominate vampires in hopes to be a vampire overlord or something.

Either way there's no way to reason or bargain with them they will kill you and the only way to save yourself the pain of having your blood sucked out of you was to either kill yourself or kill them first.

Even though Glendale only has 4000 people in it a recent dominate vampire and his/her pack wants to take over Glendale and use it as their little playground. Its up to me to stop her its been 4 months since the first attack and i've only killed 10 of the beasts and theres no other hunter in calling distance to ask help for. It didnt matter to me i was ready to claim my 3rd dominate vampire fangs and hang them in the room were all of my other hunter accessories were.

With that overview of my situation in my thoughts i got up took my shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my regular garment. first the regular boxers and black socks then a dark muscle shirt that showed off my fit build then a pair of tight,crisp jeans, dark leather boots that went halfway up my knee that also contain varies small knives and chemicals that i use against any suprise attacks by vampires and then dark leather jacket and black barret on my head. My leather jacket hid all of my more deadly weapons like sawn off shotguns, pistols and the occasional gernade.

My favorite weapon though the UZI i found it off of a dead arms dealer in Glendale and used it to kill the vampire that killed him and his crew i kept it at my side ever since.

It was about 7:30 when i woke up and had my quick bite to eat as i headed out my reinforced door ,incase if the vampires ever found my home, and looked at the scenery i lived on.

to the north there was a great lake filled with fish and hardly distrubed by anything. The water in no matter what kind of weather almost always was glass flat and hardly ever created a wave. To the west and south there was great grasslands and wheatfields that went one as far as the eye could see. Then to the east there was a large secluded forest that i found quite peaceful and breathtaking when i went there to train my aim or take a simple walk.

I walked to the west of my small mansion and went to the nearby toolshed that hid my ride. It was a motorcycle custom built by me it was large and had many designs like angel wings and enchanting vines that were pure white and stood out clearly against the Midnight Black coler around the designs.

I went over to it stroked it gently and felt the ignition handle. I loved my bike it was my pride and joy, to the side i had a secret compartment that contained my helment(also black) and my assorted weapons incase of an ambush. I put on the helment put the key in the ignition hole and listened to my baby purr.

I took off at high speed to the west were Glendale and my school was located, passing by the amazing scenery of the fields and lake. It was truly heaven for me to ride like this, i just wanted to ride and ride and maybe watch some more scenery then ride some more. My thoughts diminished as i entered Glendale then eventually the highschool and my dreams quickly dispersed into "just another day"

The school was decent enough it was up to date on some things but i truly didn't mind i just wanted to graduate and just leave. Its not like i hate the place it would be just better if i was all alone and spent more time on hunting rather than education. But as i would know a kid how avoids to much school will eventually be investigated and they would no doubt find my armory of guns and knifes and probably think i was a terrorist or something.

The people at this school were varied, you had your jocks which, after my 'bargain' years ago, left my alone. The rich kids how hate me for my appearance and clothes, then the nerds who ,after showing off my wits on mythical creatures, thought i was a show off. I was truly alone in the school not a single friend or person to talk to. As a vampire hunter it was a small cost to protect but my heart ached for another.

Girls,suprizingly, never even looked at me twice. You would think a muscular kid with a small mansion, a cool motorcycle, and no parents to bother us would be more of a ladiesman but instead they saw me as that "out of town kid"

The classes were dull they would begin at 8 and be done at 3 i luckily had every class be beside a window so i could look out and daydream of my future. I really wanted to just leave buy an even more out of nowhere place find a lover and have kids then life the rest of my life living off the land and our love.

The teacher would always bring me out of it though and i had no choice but to pretend to study for the tests or big exams. I sighed and looked into the books and said to myself "just that perfect someone....someone...anyone!"

The final bell rang and i had got on my bike and began patroling Glendale from the inside out for any signs of vampires. This was my schedule from 3:30 to midnight and it exhausting for my mind, body and imagination to ride pass the old 1960 buildings and see absolutly nothing out of the ordinary.

Finally night came, there was a party at a bar i had to wait outside for a long time to make sure a vampire decided to crash the party I,of course, wasn't invited. I had my usual garment on including the Black barret hat and a black bandana around my mouth and nose to hide my identity in case I had to kill a vampire in front of some people.

Then at 11 all of the cars left the bar and i assumed that everything went okay as started my motorcycle I heared a cry of help coming from the back alley.

"HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!" The voice came from a woman and it sounded like see was in desperate need of help.

I opened my side compartment and took out a M9 pistol and ran as fast as i could to the back alley hoping i would reach the damsel in time.

I heard the threats from the attacker or the 'attackers' in this case there were 3 of them for sure

"Aren't you a pretty girl, i wonder what your blood tastes like I bet it will be sweet so I better not bleed you dry to fast." one vampire said smiling evil and pinning the helpless girl from the throat with his elbow.

"Yeah its been so long since our last human meal that we can't remember the taste of a delicious girls such as yourself. I say we take her to the base and milk her for all she's worth" another vampire said crossing his arms amuzed by the girls efforts to escape

"PLEASE LET ME GO! I'LL GIVE MY PURSE! JUST PLEASE DON'T RAPE ME!" The girl said crying in desperation and pleading for her life.

" Rape you? A human? As if! Don't you get it sweetheart? Were not going to rape you. Were going to kill you." the last one said calmly meaning every word in his eyes.

Their eyes turned blood red in front of the terrified girl and their fangs started to grow out of their mouths and were prepared to feast. I entered the alley just in time.

"Let the girl Go!" I said showing my side arm at least 20 feet away from the vampires

They all turned around showing their fangs and hissing at the sight of me

"Your the hunter aren't you? I'm tired of my leader letting you live and you interupting our kills it ends now! KILL HIM! the one holding the girl said barking orders at others

One of them charged straight at me gruntly loudly and showing his claws to strike fear into my heart. The other jump on the walls and was jumping back and forth against the walls in order to make himself a harder target to hit.

I quickly rose my pistol and shot the one vampire charging at me right in the head. a stream of blood exited the back of his head while he was still charging but quickly dropped dead on the floor twitching slightly and blood drowning his moans of pain. It was clearly over for him.

i raised my gun up to the sky and shot the vampire jumping back and forth from the building hiss and growling in my attempts to kill it. I fired 3 shots everyone missed it by inches then when it was in leaping distance of me it leaped down hissing loudly and showing claws and fangs. If i missed this shot it was all over for me.

Then i squeezed the trigger and i heard a yelp in pain followed by a hard thump on the ground. Then screams in unbearable pain come from the vampire i shot just above the heart while in midair. The hard landing probably did it no favors. I went over to it slowly and put my dark leather boot on its throat make it squell in pain then shot it again in the chest 3 times when i could stand the screams no longer. I killed the vampire with absolutly no emotion what so ever.

I looked up at the remaining vampire how quickly let go of the girl and ran into the street hoping to escape my wrath.

I ran after it only turning once to girl how was still in shock but looked unharmed and continued my pursuit. When i got to the street i saw it turn around the corner before i had a chance to shot at it. "Dammit!" I thought "I can't let him get away!" if he did i would only bring down the whole pack on Glendale.

But as i continued my pursuit after it until I heard a another cry this time it sounded as if it came from the corner. "Shit!" I yelled "It may have found a new victim!" I thought loudly as i ran and turned the same corner the vampire did a few seconds ago

But when I turned the corner I saw the vampire on the ground, twisted into an unbelievable position and its blood surrounding it. It wasn't moving it didn't even grunt or twitch.The vampire was dead.

But that wasn't what was concerning me right now. I was focused on the figure standing over the dead vampire its hands were bloody and was letting a few drops of the vampires blood hit the ground. I approached the figuree slowly puting my M9 right at it.

Whatever it was it was big and obviously knew how to kill a vampire which frightened me even further. The beast had its back turned towards me and was staring at his recent kill. But as i approached closer it turned slowly towards me and i was looking the straight at the beast.

It was tall, very tall, alot taller then me, its arms were massive and built to fight, it had a pair of ripped jeans on and thats all it wore. Its chest showed a figure how had clearly fought and won many battles and was stronger for it. It had an amazing 6 pack and pecs that shined off of the moonlight. Its hands and feet had long sharped nails that extended at least 3 inches from the fingers. But what confirmed my fears was the face. It was the face of a wolf and its teeth still showing from the kill and the eyes beamed down a feeling of unimaginably wrath straight into my entire being.

I was stunned and shaking in fear at what i was facing

I was facing a werewolf

Before i could act i heard it grunt

"Hello....human." it said in a calm but intimidating voice

Then i saw nothing but darkness........

Thats my story for now I hoped you liked it! I again apologize for the last mistake and I hope it will never happen again. I will take any writing tips you can give me and try my best to make the story better and if you like i will write more of this! Thanks!