Toys 4: The Handkerchief

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#4 of The Toys

Here is the fourth installment in my Toys series. I'm sorry it took so long for me to put out, I got depressed halfway through and almost didn't want to end the story. I plan on writing a fifth installment if I get inspired enough, which means I am open to ideas.

Toys 4: The handkerchief

By Wolfbane

The wolf, Bane, wagged his tail teasingly as he walked away from the bunny he had met only hours earlier. If anyone had told him that he would have anything in common with a rabbit he would have thought them insane. Bunnies were so small and timid, but there was just something about this one that broke all the stereotypes Bane was accustomed to.

He took a peek back into the room to see Ori staring at the handkerchief he had left sprawled out on the table. He wondered whether or not the gray bunny was contemplating picking it up. A small nose twitch proved that it wouldn't be possible for him to resist for long.

Only a few hours, Bane thought, how could I have fallen so hard for someone in only a few hours? It's not like he had never been in "love" before, all of them ending with heartbreak. There weren't many, and most ended before they could even begin. Standing in the doorway watching the boy in the other room, he couldn't help but realize that all of them had something in common. Each and every one of them were with wolves or foxes. Maybe this rabbit could change his whole life around, or maybe he was just wasting his time chasing another dead end.

He could only imagine the thoughts running through the bunnies mind. He had already been through so much that evening and for some strange reason he was still willing to stick around. With everything that happened he could barely even remember how the two of them had met. Was he the one who first said hi as they bumped into each other on the side of the road, or was that only in his head? Maybe the bunny had made the first move when they realized they were both standing in line at the music shop. Or maybe it was fate when there was no more room on the bus and the two of them were forced to sit next to each other.

Whatever it was that drove them together, it didn't matter anymore. He pulled the knife out of his pocket and placed it down on the counter. Flashes of an amazing evening using the toy that had scared so many away flew through his mind. Ori had been worried at first, but Bane recognized the hint of curiosity hidden underneath. He wasn't planning on telling the bunny about his toys that he had inherited, but if Ori was going to be scared away at some point it would be best to scare him away sooner rather than later.

The half smile, half blush, that came to the rabbits face as he explained how the knife worked was shocking. It was the first time Bane had ever explained how the knife worked before just jumping in and using it.

"Can you use it on me?" Those were the only words he needed to hear to know that he had found someone special. Bane was hesitant at first, knowing that if he pushed as hard as he had in the past this bunny might go running away from him as fast as his long thin legs could possibly go. He started slow, proving that any cut made by the magical knife didn't hurt or cause bleeding.

Ori grew to love the knife over the next few hours, the two of them experimenting with it until both of them had been satisfied. The evening flew by in the blink of an eye, a weird tangle of body parts and yiffing. When it was over the only thing running through Bane's mind was that he did not want it to end. He wanted to spend every minute he could getting to know this bunny who was like him in every way imaginable.

He couldn't allow the night to end, without thinking about it he had pulled out the toy chest and grabbed the first thing he could reach. It was a thin piece of red cloth with a warning on it, 'Handle only by the edges.' He hadn't had too much time to learn about it, but there was one small note attached to it that gave him some clues as to how it was supposed to work.

Bane looked out through the door, the rabbit in the other room thinking he had gone to grab some drinks. He had left the Ori with a similar warning about the piece of cloth, knowing full well that his guest wouldn't be able to resist picking it up. Soon enough just as he had expected, the rabbit tried to sneakily make a grab for the handkerchief. He was caught by surprise as it changed color in his hands from bright red to a deep purple.

Bane giggled as he watched the silly rabbit try to make it look as though nothing had changed. He spread the cloth back out over the table where the wolf had left it before heading into the kitchen and sat back down, whistling as though it would help his case. Bane grabbed a couple glasses of water and went back out into the living room.

"Hey, didn't that handkerchief used to be red?" Bane pointed out, questioning it even though he knew it to be true.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I think it was always purple." Ori tried to lie and it took all Bane's might not to start laughing. There was nothing Ori could do that wasn't incredibly cute.

"I'm fairly certain it was red, didn't I mention that this cloth attaches itself to whoever picks it up?" It wasn't entirely the truth, a person could pick it up by the edges and nothing would happen, but the bunny didn't need to know that.

"What do you mean?" A worriedly excited look crossed the bunnies face.

"You'll see, but first, did you know that anything that can be folded can only be folded at most seven times?" Bane struggled to hide his hardon, he was seriously hoping the power of the handkerchief worked exactly as it had in the small note he found attached to it.

"No..." He could tell that Ori had no idea where he was going with this.

"Yeah, let me show you." Bane picked up the handkerchief, no longer worried about its effects since it was already tied to the rabbit. Taking two of the corners in hand he folded them until they touched the other two corners and then placed it back on the table.

Ori didn't seem too impressed by the simple folding act, but Bane was more interested in what resulted because of it. Ori shifted in his seat, it could have been a trick of how he was sitting but already the bunny looked shorter than he had been previously. On top of that, he didn't seem to notice that anything had changed.

Bane eagerly grabbed the handkerchief and folded it over a second time, no longer able to contain his excitement. Sure the two of them had already gone at it once today, but there was nothing like trying out a new toy to bring those feelings right back. The change this time was too great for the rabbit not to notice, he had lost another foot in height due to the second folding.

"Whoa... when did you get so much taller than me?" Ori asked, having to look up at Bane for the first time. Bane caught himself rubbing his member, turned on by the smaller rabbit, and stopped to answer.

"Every time the handkerchief is folded, you lose another ten inches of height." Bane had determined that the tall bunny had to have been around 72 inches in height before he started playing with him. Now after only two folds the rabbit would have gone from a full six feet tall, down to just over four feet.

"W-what? So... if we fold this five more times... I'll only be..." Bane could see him trying to figure out what he had already determined.

"Just about 2 inches tall." Bane finished for him. He folded it a third time before the rabbit could object and watched as he lost another ten inches of height. The rabbit was now just under half his original height and was having trouble holding up his now way too oversized clothing.

"You aren't going to need that soon." Bane picked up the tiny rabbit and removed the pants from a protesting Ori.

"No please..." Ori was blushing but his pants slid easily off, leaving only the oversized shirt to keep him protected. Bane set the cute bunny back down on the ground, allowing him to keep the shirt for now. He was now just barely tall enough to see over the table as Bane folded the handkerchief a fourth, fifth and sixth time.

"Nooooo..." The bunny had a very worried look on his face as he dropped another thirty inches in less than a couple seconds. The shirt went flopping down around him. Everything was proportionally correct, just much much smaller than it normally would be. Bane bent over and picked up the very tiny bunny and set him down on the table next to the handkerchief.

The bunny looked very embarrassed, and was trying to hide himself. Bane wouldn't allow it, he reached down and pulled the bunny to him, moving his arms away from covering himself up. He licked the bunny from bottom to top, something he had done on impulse. The naked bunny shuddered before him.

"And now here we are at the final fold." Bane pulled a rubber band out of his pocket, knowing full well that he would need it.

"Please... don't..."

Bane picked up the handkerchief, folded it a seventh time and wrapped the rubber band around it so that it wouldn't open back up. Ori dwindled down to a mere two inches in height. The small rabbit walked over to the banded piece of cloth, he was too small to remove the rubber band, but he tried anyway. Watching the rabbit squirm was enough to get him horny again. Bane looked down at himself and couldn't help but laugh, the rabbit on the table was so much smaller than his rock hard erection.

"Come on turn me back." Ori pleaded and tried to cover himself up again by hiding behind the handkerchief. The reddening of his cheeks was the cutest thing Bane had ever seen and he almost felt bad for what he did next... almost.

"I can't believe just how small you are." He picked up the rabbit again, knowing full well he couldn't say or do anything to stop him, and placed him down on the tip of his erection. "You're even smaller than me."

"Eep!" The bunny gasped as he landed on the large member. Ori struggled to hold on, only causing pangs of pleasure to shoot through the wolf's body. It took a couple minutes of protesting before Bane realized that the poor bunny truly wasn't having any fun. He placed him back down on the table and took the rubber band off of the handkerchief.

"I'm sorry hon," He said and let the cloth unfold a couple times.

"It's okay... I kind of like being smaller than you, but not that small." Ori was quickly shooting back up to his normal height, when he grabbed the handkerchief from Bane's hands.

"Let's keep it folded once for tonight, we can always unfold it tomorrow morning." Ori smiled up into Bane's eyes and pulled him from the table. Ori was just slightly smaller than him, he looked back at the cloth one last time before the two of them hurried off into his bedroom. Who knew a small piece of cloth could lead to such a fun night? He certainly hoped that the two of them would get to explore more of the toychest at a later date in time, even if it would turn out that the two of them weren't actually right for each other.

Whatever sad occasion would separate them in the future, at least they had each other for one very special night.