Lunch Break Pt. 2

Story by Kandrel on SoFurry

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#2 of Lunch Break

Warning! Warning! Warning! This story contains all those things your mom and dad said they'd tell you about when you grew up, in hopes you'd never ask again. Avert your eyes, lest this missage burns itself into your retinas, for I can't be held accountable for your marred purity! And all the rest. You know the deal. 18 blah blah don't read blah blah legal blah blah... Okay, enough on with the story. Warning! Warning! Warning! __________________ Lunch Break - By Kandrel

  • * * Rife sat in the food court, nursing on cup of fizzy delight and chowing down on breaded deep fried flesh. As tantilizing as the food smelled to the gryphon, though, his attention was wandering. Instead, his eyes were glued on one corner of the food court, where the mall's corridor turned to the left. He'd been here waiting for half an hour, and he was starting to wonder if he was being stood up. Time had slowed to a crawl, and his previous giddy excitement had dulled into a dull resentment at being made to wait, even though he couldn't have reasonably asked for anything else. He shook his head, the feathery frills adorning his skull bobbing a bit before springing back into their normal pert and rather punkish spikes. He'd considered getting them dyed black, but every time he'd tried feather dye, he'd come away feely sticky and tarred for days after. Much to his delight, though, after just a few more moments of boredom, his wait was over. Strolling around the corner came another gryphon, tawny and grey. He wasn't as tall as Rife, nor was he as well built, but He had a svelte litheness that worked its way into how he walked and how he acted. He seemed to flow from step to steptail tracing a path behind him rather than rigid or at attention. He'd learned the gryphon's name was Kylarr, and through a little bit of observation, he'd also learned that the gryphon had just watched him undressing in the changing booth. Though he'd never let Kylarr know, he'd been so nervous that he almost left the clothes and ran. Ever since he heard the motor and saw the camera moving, he'd known that someone was watching him, and he sincerely hoped it was the cute gryphon he'd seen up front. And now that same gryphon was coming to meet him for a date. At least, Rife thought it was a date, no, hoped it was. He'd thought he'd known enough people when he came into the city, but all of his friends never seemed to be around. Even his roommate spent just about every night out at personal parties and invite-only clubs. Rife had never joined him. With a meek nod, Kylarr sat at Rife's table. Silence stretched out, uncomfortable, until finally Kylarr opened his beak. "I mean it, I really am sorry. I'm not supposed to watch, and I shouldn't have. I've been trying to think of what to say when I came out here ever since you left the store, and I couldn't think of anything more sincere than that." "Oh, I said it was okay," Rife responded, letting his beak fall open in a grin. "If I could have been sure it was you, I would have given you a real show." Color burned Kylarr's cheeks, even through the thick feathers covering his face. "Oh, that wasn't necessary. I mean, what do you do? Are you an athlete? Or a body builder or something? You're just..." He trailed off uncomfortably, still looking at the table. "No no no... I just do construction, mostly on the weekends. It keeps me in good shape, but nothing so grand as an athlete." He couldn't help, though, and flexed a little, chest muscles rippling feathers and puffing out his ruff a bit. Kylarr glanced up and grinned, eyes following the ridges of muscles, visibly drinking in the sight. "Anyway, by my reckoning, we're even as long as you buy me a good lunch and then spend the rest of your lunch break with me." Kylarr nodded enthusiastically. "That I can do, but, eh, you've already picked up lunch..." "This? Heh, this is just the apetizer." Half an hour later, both of them sat digesting their respective meals, cheap fast food chinese for Kylarr and another big helping of fried chicken for Rife. The large clock at the center of the food court clanged loudly once, marking the mid-point of Kylarr's lunch break. "So we have another half an hour. What'd you have in mind? More shopping?" "Hah! No. I can't really stand these malls for too long. Rather be outside. Fancy a walk?" Rife stood, holding out a paw to the smaller gryphon, cocking his head towards the exit. A little heavy with lunch to want to move, Kylarr stood uncertainly, taking the paw. Following Rife towards the exit, they dodged between the small lunchtime crowd that had started to stream in through the doors. Finding themselves in the open parking lot, Kylarr looked around. "Well, we could definitely do with better surroundings, eh?" He gave a wry grin. Rife smiled back, "When has anyone with wings ever needed anything more than a warm day and enough room to take off?" He unfurled his wings, stretching them and showing an almost 12 foot wingspan. With a couple of thunderous flaps, he ran forward against the thin breeze, flapping until he caught the hot air rising off of the black top. Lifting into the air quickly, he circled, rising on the thermal created by the parking lot. Kylarr, unwilling to be left behind, followed suit. He turned his head into the wind and ran, feathers billowing out behind him and catching warm air currents. He puts his hands to the ground as he ran, putting his body horizontal to the ground and relying on the hot air beneath his wings to left him into the sky. After a few seconds of struggling, his wings found purchase and carried him up far enough to take a few good strokes. Spiralling up after Rife, he finally leveled out when the cars in the parking lot were dots, and the mall blended in with the rest of the buildings surrounding it. The air was thinner and colder, crisp in his lungs. Just above him, Rife circled lazily, playing from thermal to thermal, legs stretched lazily behind him and kicking a little as he steered. "Why do you stay inside during your breaks when you could come out here?" Rife questioned, flipping onto his back and dropping below Kylarr, teasing Kylarr's wake. "I do, actually. I'd been dreaming about it all day. It's what I was dreaming about when you came in, actually." Kylarr mimicked Rife's maneuver, smiling. "Don't'cha feel like you could get away with anything up here? I mean, even I couldn't see someone as far up as us, and I've got good eyes for a gryphon." Rife smirked and looked down at the gryphon gliding below him, tipping a wing into the spiral and spilling the wind a bit as he drifted in a slow descent. "What do ya' *oof!*" He clacked his beak as something landed on his head, blinding his vision and clogging his nares. He reached forward and pulled it free, looking at it curiously. In his hands were a black pair of shorts, trimmed with silver. Looking up quickly, he saw the regal form of Rife closing in on him slowly, now completely naked, sheath bulged just like he'd seen before in the security camera, but now in full, vivid color. He opened his beak in awe, focusing his gaze at the tip peeking from the fat pouch. He knew from what he'd seen earlier that it was big, but he hadn't imagined that it was so intensely pink. After a moment of gawking, he kicked his feet, claws falling to his own jeans, pulling them down off of his hips in frenzied haste. Fur and feathers now bared to the sky, he transfered the clothes to his arm and steadied his flight. After just a moment of clean flight, a heavy weight landed on his back between his wings. His wings bent back uncomfortably and he lost altitude, the weight dragging him down quickly into a fall. A beak nipped at his neck and arms hugged around his mid-section as Rife whispered into his ears, "Fold your wings, you'll enjoy this." Closing his eyes and shivering, he folded his wings, sending him into a barely controlled stoop, plumeting towards the distant ground. Wind whistled past his ears and the form on his back spread itself, molding to his back. Hands stroked his belly and chest, then one dropped to his sheath. The same thick sheath he'd been gawking at earlier spread his rump cheeks, dripping wetly on his tailhole as a paw found his own sheath. The beak at his neck groomed his feathers, then nipping at the sensitive skin underneath. The paw on his sheath started stroking while the hips started thrusting, pushing the slick pink tip along the fuzzy cleft between his cheeks. Kylarr started to rock his own hips, pushing back against the length that was slowly growing and grinding against his rump, while pushing his sheath through the gripping paw caressing his emerging shaft. The pair drifted slowly, only the wind whipping through their feathers breaking the feel of the weightless caress. The air this high was chill, and the intensely hot gryphon pressed against his back caused him to pant and sweat. The arm around his midsection tightened, pulling his body taut across Rife's front, while the beak grooming his neck traveled across his shoulder blades. As the agile tounge pressed against his clavicle. The shaft buried between his cheeks slowly grew in length, pressing hard against his tailbone and dripping pre fast enough that Kylarr could feel the wet warmth even with the play of wind across his feathers. The air caressed his own shaft like a lover, and the feathery strokes of Rife's paw across his sheath drew his shaft into the howling breeze. Just as his shaft reached its full length, dripping on the paw stroking it, he felt the weight on his back push back, then disappear. In the giddy weightlesness of the plunge, he drifted, then opened his eyes and his wings at the same time. With a thunderous bang as the wind caught his feathers, his dive leveled out. Looking up, he could see Rife far above him. The gryphon was dark against the sky, one paw between his legs and moving vigorously as his wings flapped to take him higher. Kylarr licked the edges of his beak and caught the thermal again, powering his way through the air back into an upward spiral. As he flapped, his own paw dropped to his cock, stroking quickly as he fought his way to catch back up to the other gryphon. Focused on gaining height and enjoying the motion of his paw, matching strokes on his cock along with the pumps of his wings, he breached back into the crisp air high above the mall. A shadow passed above him, and he braced his wings as Rife landed on his back again. He arched back against the larger form, folding his wings again as a paw groped between his legs, pulling hips level with his rump. The same length he'd felt rubbed between his cheeks dripped on him again, and as the wind started to whistle past his ears again in the steep dive, Rife pulled his hips back and thrust. Penetration was quick, the thick cock sinking deep into Kylarr. Letting loose a loud squawk, he humped back, his own shaft pulsing in the tight grasp. At the base of Rife's cock, a thick bulge pulsed against his tailhole, throbbing against the slick flesh clenching down around the invading shaft. As the pair fell, Rife started to thrust. His hips banged against the smaller gryphon's, pushing Kylarr's cock through the grip of the paw around it, tail thrashing in the air behind them. Time seemed to slow in the weightlessness of the plunge, and Kylarr could feel each and every wisp of wind playing between his spread legs and teasing across his slickened cock. Every time the shaft spread his tailhole wide, he clenched, as if it were trying to pull the length deeper. His own hips started to rock, pushing back against the thickness invading his depths. He spread his wings half-way, pulling the flat dive into a controlled stoop. He lashed his tail and spread his legs, rocking into the thrusts with wild abandon. Kylarr called out on the wind, closing his eyes and letting the feeling of being taken as the world spun beneath him overwhelm him. He clenched hard and bent halfway at the waist, pulling Rife with him as he teased the length of the larger gryphon's shaft. For the first time in his life, he began to feel light-headed in flight, huffing loudly and arching his back against his lover. Rife put both of his arms around Kylarr's hips holding them tight as he started to piston himself quickly, focusing on the feeling of intense heat and tight pressure around his shaft, the friction driving him quickly to the edge of orgasm. Rife bit at his neck, beak leaving pinholes in the sensitive skin and making Kylarr cry out again. The paws at his crotch jerked backwards as the hips banged against him hard, and the tapered bulge slurped into his hole, locking Rife's hips in place and invading deeper into Kylarr's depths than he'd ever felt before. Even having taken canines before, he gasped, shivering as the furred hips came to rest against his. He clenched hard as his own cock jumped in the paw holding it, spraying his second load of thick gryphon cum for the day, scattering it onto the wind in jittery spurts. Rife growled behind him, and Kyllar could feel the shaft in his bowels jerk. He could feel each hard squirt of cum against his insides, filling him with warmth until he felt over-full. "Get ready, cutie." Rife whispered to him again. That was his only warning before he felt the hips give a strong tug, the knot tugging outward, then popping free. The warmth lifted from his back again, the liquid seeping from his pucker joining his own cum in a long spray behind him as he crept his wings open to bring the plunge into a long latteral glide. His hazy vision cleared, and now in the afterglow of his glorious orgasm, he began to feel open and exposed, easily in eyesight just ten or fifteen body heights above the mall's parking lot. He could see the little splashes of liquid against the pavement from his own leaking shaft and dribbling tailhole. He swooped up again, following the thermal in a lazy upward glide until he joined the larger gryphon on the breeze, cock still feebly dripping into the air. "So, was that worth it?" Rife asked, smirking as the glided wing-tip to tip "Do you even have to ask?" Kylarr smiled wide, shivering all over and laying his feathers back to rest. "One problem, though." "Oh? What's that?" "I think I dropped our pants." _________________________________________________________________ (Fin! Kylarr is copyright J. Fox Rosenberg, Rife is copyright his respective player, and any other resemblance to other characters is only incedental and unintentional. Reposting is permissable, however, all reposts must be in original form, and must contain the author's name unaltered.) Send Kandrel mail! fox at foxyonline dot com Comments and suggestions are welcome, flames can go to hell!