Roo and Mutt

Story by Lynx-Hunter on SoFurry

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Note : this story takes place in the rain forest/sugar cain farms/banana farms area of north Australia

Joe stood up tall from his hard work, stretching his paws high over his head till his back cracked, as sweat made dirt rivers down his arid red fur. The red kangaroo looked around seeing himself alone he fanned his face with his hat and half walked, half hopped back to his beaten truck and pulled away as the sun started to kiss the horizon.

He nodded to the bar tender as he hopped into the pub, removing his hat, his broad chest covered by a sleev- less shirt, sleeves were too hot in this weather, even at night. His kaki pant shuffled as he sat down at the bar, nodding to a few of his mates, everyone knows everyone in a small town. "Damn Joe" the collie wiping a glass for him said "what's got you down, mate?" Joe smiled his whiskers twitching "just work ya know?" the collie barked with a short laugh and handed him his beer "I hear that"

Collie's brown eyes flicked up to the door as he watched four cain toad walk in. he didn't like serving these guys, rude and mean, and that was when they were sober, and a taste and a full pocket for getting drunk and causing a mess. They croaked eyeing the kangaroo; Joe nodded sharply to them but turned away. An old grey rabbit nearby shifted nervously on his chair. The black and white collie cleared his throat watching the toads sit at a table and kept talking to his friend "I hear your gramps uncle Ernie, the elder is showin' a few collage kids around the forest parts, to learn about the ecosystem or somethin'" Joe raised an eye brow at his friend "how's that goin'?"

he shrugged "dang if I know mate" he brushed his white and black fur back and picked up the four beers the toad-men ordered and left Joe sitting by himself, he sniffed and shifted on his seat taking a sip of his beer, his strawberry blonde head fur flicked a bit of dirt on to the bar, his long ears flicked as he heard the door open and a few girl's and guy's voice he didn't recognize, 'must be them rich kids' he thought and snorted, some were always coming here, to learn about the forest, or the birds, or the banana farms, or to tell the cain farmers, like him, that their doing it wrong. He let out a heavy sigh and took another sip, a toad croaked approvingly at the new comers, making a few lude comments, the roo snickered hearing the reply of a girl and heard them sit down, the collie was back at the bar and wiped it down, the small pub was filled with idle chit chat, Joe munched on some seeds idly, Collie looked up his tongue lolled out as he eyed one of the new group, Joe poked him gently snickering at him, the collie blushed and move paw to paw, "what? I like poodles" he said embarrassed, Joe shrugged, Collie frowned "well I aint ever seen you look at a girl you like" Collie pointed out to him, Joe grunted and shrugged "there's no shelias that are worth my time" the dog snorted "that aint right mate, even if you look at men that's fine, but all ya care about is your work mate, it aint healthy" the roo shrugged, "don't see the point in shelias long term mate, pretty sure, very fun but still..." he shook his head and shrugged

Collie rolled his eyes at him, "one day soon, a girl is going to walk past ya, and you won't know what hit ya" the dog shock his paw at him "oh so like you then?" Joe snapped back at him, Collie's ears drooped "that was below the belt, mate" he turned and left the dirty kangaroo by himself, as the small bar would let him, a cute little white poodle walked up and lent on the bar "hi sweetness, been waiting ages for some service over there love you going to or what?" the collie blinked at her, confused, Joe heard another pair of feet walk up "Christ Bree, it's a pub not a restraunt" the girls voice was sweet but Joe didn't care only listening out of boredom, staring down into his drink, Bree rolled her eyes, her earrings making annoying jiggerling noises "just go sit down, I'll do it" the second girl said to the poodle, who barked "whatever Sarah" and walked off, "thank god for that" the other girl said and smiled at Collie "sorry she's more of a bitch than she looks, I've had to spend 2 weeks with her and the rest of those city slickers" the girl laughed, Joe's ears flicked, her accent was funny, it wasn't like the other girls, but it wasn't local ether, "should of seen her freak out when we walked through mud! She got so dirty!" Collie laughed too "well what I can get you then?" he said, point his head to the groups direction "To keep them quite at least" she leant against the bar "ah they'll be fine for a few, kinda sick of them" Joe could hear the smile in her voice "but I guess a round of drinks would be good, just beer, I'll tell them it's light" she snickered "sure thing" Collie laughed and started pouring the drinks in front of Joe.

"so I take it you're not from the city like them?" the dog made idle chit chat as he poured "ah yeah, they don't like me very much, too much dirt under the nails, I come from gold country, but the family is in sheep" she shrugged "they don't like me cause I'm a mongrel and I know more about this stuff then them" Joe blinked hearing her words, none of the shelias around here farmed, mostly nurses or wives, never out in the paddocks, he looked up at Collie and the dog grinned at him, Joe looked confused and stole a glance at her, his jaw nearly fell into his drink.

She was more gorgeous than he could of guessed, he couldn't put a finger on her breeding though, her body and paws said she was a kelpie, but her tail, ears and face said she was somewhat feline. Her dark green shirt hugged her body gently, her white bra straps visible across her shoulders, her cream pants were a little too low cut for the top but perfect for her fluffy tail swishing behind her, her fluffy fur a mix of blacks and browns, but where visible on her stomach and throat (and he couldn't help but wonder where else) was the cleanest white, her long flowing head fur was pure black and fell in a curly mess down her back and over her face in a fridge, her bright green eyes wondered over the walls as she talked, a small thin silver necklace shimmered across her fur and hide just under the neck of her top. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, as he eyed her shapely body, her pants showing off her nice rump but hid anything lower, she smiled at him and he quickly turned, Collie laughed quietly, and handed her a few drinks and helped her take the rest to her table, Joe stared dumb-struck ahead of him, his long ears twitching at the slightest sound of her table as they chatted but she was quite, only making a well placed comment here and there that made people laugh, when Collie came back he shook his head at Joe and waved his paws in front of his eyes "well.... I didn't mean it that soon but hey that's timing aint it?" he laughed, Joe shock his head to clear his thoughts "huh?" he asked "whatever I'm going to need a refill" he pressed his glass to the Collie "sure, sure" the dog snickered again.

Though out the night Joe kept stealing glances her way, hoping to see her, but she was hid in amount of the other city furs, few times when he saw her and picked her out, she looked totally bored, having heard the argument of who is hotter than who a few times, he rarely heard her name uttered unless to pass the nuts. A few more towns people wondered in, rabbits, toads, dogs, birds, mostly all men. Collie was soon running everywhere on his feet and the room got hot and stuffy, the toads got louder and louder everyone heard a few sexual jokes about the city slickers, Joe growled lowly when he heard one or two jokes about 'the mongrel girl' and gripped his glass tightly but didn't do anything, Collie watched at him carefully, he went to say something when the large city group started getting up and walking out the door, mostly in pairs of boyfriends and girl friends or friends leaving Sarah, she padded quietly up to the bar "sorry it's getting late for them" she smiled and paid for their drinks, Joe only watched her out of the corner of his eye, finishing the last of his beer as he could of sworn she made a small smile and looked him over as she turned to leave. He sighed putting his glass down and looked around, he and Collie were the last ones there, Collie lent on the bar top looking at the door where she just left "I don't think her friends will wait for her" he said, Joe looked from him to the door and grunted, "you need to shove off too mate" Collie said with a smile, Joe nodded and headed to the door "add it to my tab" he mutter before walking out to the cool night air, he hadn't planned on staying so late but he had so he was cold now. His ears flicked hearing some voices ahead, still too far to actually hear what was said but they were mostly males, one female, they were arguing. normally he'd just keep walking but something was wrong, the voices were to adulated and she didn't sound happy, he looked around quickly, then hopped as fast as he could, self conscious if anyone saw him, to the voices, he nearly tripped as he recognized the toads from the pub and Sarah. He skidded as he turned a corner, she was calling out, trying to get away from the group of men, it was still too dark to see clearly but he knew where they were, they were drunk "come on love! surly you like me!" the toads words were slurred but his movement aggressive, he grabbed her arm "I said no, so let me go!" it would of been fine if she kept her voice assertive but panic was seeping in to her voice "let me go!" she kicked out at one but another grabbed her leg, holding her there "Now come on don't be like that" he said, his wart covered lips kissed up her arm, she gagged and tried to pull away but his hold was too strong. "Let her go" Joe snarled rising up high as he could on his feet, using his strong tail for balance, they turned sluggishly and looked at him in contempt "This aint none of yours business roo-ie, fack off" the toad who was trying to kiss her said, she wriggled in their arms "help me! Please!" her voice was high pitched in panic. He snarled as he stomped forward "let her go" he boomed at them, the smallest one of the four took off running, the one not holding her walked in front of the group "no." he folded his arms across his chest and half croaked half laughed, Joe growled rearing back lifting his legs off the ground supported by his tail and kicked him hard enough sending him flying onto the empty road, normally it would of tore up the toad's belly leaking his guts but Joes feet claws were kept short for safety and by day to day walking, the other two looked for each other to Joe, the one holding her leg let go and shoved her on to the brick wall where she slumped to the ground, the other soon followed Joe went to hop after him but he let a frightened spurt of poison out from his back landing on the red kangaroo. Adrenalin and alcohol was pumping though his veins rapidly, he carefully walked over to the girl leaning down carful "hello? Hello? Can you hear me?" he asked a bit unsteady on his feet, she mumbled a response, shaking her head "its o- ok" he swayed, "you might have a concussion" he said resting his hand on her forehead kinda lost in how soft her fur was, dots danced in front of his eyes, he shook his head, and scooped her up into his arms hopped clumsily to the bar.

Collie barked seeing him, Joe carefully laid her on to the table as Collie called an ambulance, Joe's large form teetered to the side, the adrenalin fading off, and he fell heavily.

Joe blinked softly, his eyes adjusting to the light seeing his roof he sighed and shifted slightly, pain shot though his sides and he groaned. What happened? every muscle sore. He thought about what he could remember. Was he dead? Was he asleep? Did he dream it all? He blinked softly. His long ears flicked as he realized someone was in his kitchen, he tried to get up but his muscles protested heavily, he sighed and laid back "hello? is someone there?" he called out, his throat hurt, and his voice sounded horse and the harsh sound made him wince, the movement stopped, he sighed, but his ears pricked as he heard footsteps coming down the hall, the was a knock on the door "can I come in?" a feminine voice asked he didn't want to speak but he had to "sure" his voice cracked. The door opened slowly, Sarah's face poked in, she smiled softly at him "hey there trooper" she nudged the door open further with a bump from her backside, juggling a tray of food in her arm. She walked in quietly, watching what she was doing carefully as Joe just blinked, watching her stunned, how could this be happening? she sat at the edge of his bed, her fluffy tail sitting over his legs, only the sheets separating them, "Can you sit up?" she asked her green eyes softly gazing at him. He nodded wriggling up, trying not to show on his face how badly it hurt. She smiled and placed the tray of food on his lap "I uh didn't know what you liked" she blushed softly, there was bacon, eggs, pancakes, cereal, bake beans, toast, it was a whole buffet. He cleared his throat "wh-what happened?" he looked up though his long lashes, his brown eyes studying her closely. Now she cleared her throat "can you at least eat while I talk?" she asked. He nodded and started on his food, rarely looking away from her though. she thought for a moment "well when I was walking back to my group I got jump by those guys" she gently brushing out the fur on her tail "then you came, but I ended up with a skull injury still, only minimal" she smiled looking up at him "but poor you, the poison got on your fur, and your body had a nasty reaction to it" she gently moved the sheet back to show where he remembered the goo had fallen, the fur on his leg was oddly short and his leg twitched under it spastically but calmed as she gently laid her paw on it, he could see her paw, feel how hot it was but only around the area, not on the area itself "I had to stay cause the hospitable didn't want me flying with my head injury, and no one was going to be here taking care of you when you got out, so I volunteered, it's the least I could do for the man that saved me" she smiled but Joe blushed his eyes flicking down to where her paw was on his thigh his eye brows pressed together "will I am able to walk soon? I got work to do" She laughed at him, making him blush with embracement. "Calm down Skip, your neighbors heard about what happened, everyone is helping out with your farm" she smiled "and the guys are doing their time don't you worry" she leant over and brushed his head fur out of his eyes, causing her eyes to fall into his as she smiled, she blushed softly and picked up his empty tray "well I'll be here if you still want me to, but for now you need to rest" she flicked the sheet back over his leg as walked out "if you need anything just call for me" she was about to close the door behind her "oh I'm Sarah by the way" she smiled, "I know" he said dozily, the look on her face was amusement and shock "I'm Joe" she giggled "I know" she said and closed the door.

Joe woke in the middle of the night, he lay awake, trying to hear what he thought woke him, and he could hear nothing out of the ordinary. He grunted softly and gently moved himself out of his bed, gently lumbering down the hall way favoring his unhurt leg, till he reached the end of the hall way, the lounge room, kitchen, dining and front door all met, he looked around in the dark, he signed, lumbering to drink of water, he gulped it down and turned to leave but noticing the outline of the couch rise and fall steadily, he realized it was Sarah, he hadn't thought about where she was sleeping, he didn't have a spare room. he looked down the hall to his beckoning room, but he silently limped over to her, her tail poked out the bottom of the sheet, her bare back to him, she shivered gently in her sleep, he pulled her blanket up over her shoulder, he saw a cut in her scalp, hidden mostly by her hair but it was there, he squatted and leaned close peering at it, it was relatively new, like his leg, his paw gently traced the scar tissue, hitting a tender bit she grumbled in her sleep and pulled away, he stood up gently and went back to his cooling bed, laying down, but he couldn't sleep, thinking of her black shape breathing gently, outlined in the dull light.

As the time grew on Sarah and Joe grew closer as Joe grew stronger, he started showing her around the area and his property, on night when Sarah was sick of cooking she convinced him to come out. "Sarah I'm telling you there's no decent places to eat 'round here!" he said, but she was stubborn "oh come on Joe, let's just go out to the pub! please!" she looked up with him with big eyes and a little whimper, "that's cheating" he pointed to her puppy dog face, but it only made her green eyes bigger, her ears lower, and her lip tremble. He sighed place his paw over his eyes "ok ok ok! You win!" he laughed, she giggled and hugged him, almost dragging him out the door. She was always bouncy and happy and it was starting to rub off on him, the whole town was starting to visit him, all of his friends, some brought their families, wives bringing him food before meeting Sarah with raised eyebrows, she was even good at entertaining the little kids, playing hide and seek and chase-y outside while the adults talked, but Joe's brown eyes couldn't help but slide to her and smile watching her tickle one of the bunny girls mercilessly. He always felt a twinge of guilt when he was able to see the back of her head, even though all her long lovely hair he could see her scare bright as day, but she hid it well and never even told him, he couldn't help thinking if he hadn't seen it, would he know about it? Probably, he thought. He smiled limping slightly as they walked though Collie's pub, it was early, no one off work to drink yet, Collie looked up at them surprised, "oh, wow, hey guys, long time" he smiled but his eyes looked sad as they wondered down to Joe's leg " yeah I can finally start walking distances now", Joe smiled and shook his paw "tomorrow back to the salt-mines" he said proudly , Sarah shook her head at him "do you know he's been saying that since he could get out of the bed?!" she laughed and face pawed, mock horror plastered Collie's face "no! Really!? Would never of guessed eh Joe?" the red kangaroo rolled his eyes at them both but laughed "I'll just be right back" Sarah smiled and left the boys her jeans shuffling as she walked to the bathroom, Collie laughed at Joe's face looking after her " well she's sure as hell good for you Joe mate" Collie smiled at his friend patting him on the shoulder, Joe blushed and shrugged "so when's the wedding?" Collie teased. "Wait, what?!" Joe jerked looking at him, Collie barked laughing hard "calm down buddy" he snickered "Unless there's something you need to tell me, I was just joking". Joe laughed uneasily, Collie's face went blank "shit mate you aint got her pregnant have you?" Joe's jaw dropped, "Collie, mate, I just started fricken walkin' how the eff am I meant to..." his paws waved uneasily trying to say the word with actions. Collie's jaw dropped "are you serious?" he blinked, Joe growled, Collie put his paws up in defence"Hey I'm not saying she's not a lady, I just sayin'" he looked around the walls hoping they'd say the words for him, his paw waved in the air absently "uh well, she's just so... with you" he shrugged. Joe rolled his eyes and sat down "you're crazy, mate" Joe shook his head at his friend as Sarah walked back in and both men's head turned to her. She smiled "My ears are burning" she winked at Joe causing him blushed deeply, Collie went to give Joe a beer "no thanks mate, it's not good with my meds" Collie blinked and raised his eye brow but shrugged and handed it to Sarah, who lapped at it, her tongue long and flat like a dogs, Joe averted his eyes and pick up the food they had ordered before she left and went to a booth just as the first lot of people started to traili in. She sat down beside him and he laid her stake in front of her, stealing a chip, she barked and stole one of his lettuce leaves and looked at it "I think you got the better part of the deal" she giggled and put it back, but he ate her chip, she kept lapping at the tall glass of beer, soon it had dropped to below half "whoa slow down Sar - that's a big pint" Joe said moving it slowly away from her, she let him, but kept drinking.

Soon it was dark and Joe got up to leave, Sarah slide out of the booth to, stumbling slightly, Joe caught her gently and shot Collie a dirty look before half walking her half carrying her home. They walked along the dark deserted streets, the air crisp and cool, Sarah breathed in deep and sighed stumbling as she walked, not from drunkenness but staring up at the sky, she lent against his shoulder, holding his paw for support, not looking away. "Joe" she whispered to him, he grunted, ears flicking "yeah?" she smiled and giggled gently, "you know there are no stars where I'm from? the city, it's so bright, it drowns out them all" he nodded and kept walking making sure she didn't fall as she stared, "at home, home there are some, but the city is a monster" she whispered to him, her free arm moving widely as she spoke "its stomping and making its drowning way out to my home" she sigh and lost her balance, he caught her just before she hit the ground, her tail dirty, she giggled manically, he rested her down like a child, worrying over her, brushing her hair out of her eyes as she giggled, enjoying how soft her fur and hair was before shaking his head and returning to what was happening. She giggled looked up at him and he smiled, she purred and nuzzled into his paw, Joe blinked surprised never hearing her purr before. She ruffed softly "can I get up now?" she giggled. he sighed and gently helped her up, but she nearly fell again and he quickly caught her, she nuzzled into his arm, her tail swishing which wasn't helping her balance, "I need to get you home but you can't walk..." he wondered looking at her giggling body "how about a piggy back?" he asked she looked up at him "don'tchya have a pouch?" she slurred, he roared with laughter, she frowned at him "what did I say?" she was genuinely confused, she snickered and smiled "pouches are for the girl kangaroos, I'm a boy" he laughed again seeing her turn a bright shade of pink, "come on hop on" he smiled leaning down so she could get on his back, after stepping on his tail and finally holding tight he smiled at her "if you puke on me that won't be good for you, but I think you'll enjoy this anyway" he grinned and held her legs to him and bounded hop after hop down the road, she giggled and shut her eyes tight against the wind, her hair streaming out behind her, as he bounded effortlessly down the path under that star studded sky, his powerful legs working up and down, his muscles rippling, soon he slowed and stopped and let her down gently and helped her up the steps to his house "was that fun Sarah?" Joe smiled widely, she clapped and nodded "holy cow! that was so fun!" she giggled and hugged him unsteadily, "we have to do that more often" she smiled, and he chuckled but was secretly loving every touch and glad she loved how he hopped, he looked at the couch that had been her bed but it didn't seem like a good idea, "come on your stay with me tonight" he smiled leading her down to his room, scooping her up and snuggling her under his sheets, she ruffed and purred, her big green eyes glittering in the darkness "thank you" she smiled, he kissed her forehead and watched her eyes close slowly, he looked up at the open door about to leave down the hall way when he heard her faint voice "Joe... don't go, don't leave me here alone". he blinked his ears twitching, he lumbered back to the bed and laid on top of the sheets facing her face, eyes still closed, but she smiled and snuggled up to him, he could see her tail wag under the sheets and feel the top of her head pressed to his chest, he sighed contently and patted her head, humming a lullaby he knew, she purred, her body vibrating against him as they both drifted off.

Sarah blinked looking into the darkness before her, she fumbled for her watch on her wrist and her eyes hurt as it lit up 4:25am, she hear a groan and a shift under her ear and she bent her head to look, her eyes adjusting slowly to the darkness again, she gaped as she saw she was in bed with Joe, she quickly checked her pants and underwear, and sighed thankfully, they were still where she had them, something moved in the darkness, one of Joe's paws came over and pulled the blank over her more, she purred, and noticed he was shivering on top of it, she gently sat up and pulled up the blanket at their feet over him and nuzzled into his chest, listening to the beat of his strong, slow heart, and the evenness of his breaths, "Sarah?" his voice was soft but loud in the small space and silence, "yeah?" she whispered back looking up at him, "are you awake?" he said, she smiled watching his whiskers twitch "yeah I am, are you?" she felt him stroke her arm and he chuckled softly "yes" he smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of her head between her ears, she murred at her weak spot pawing gently at his chest, she wriggled up so she could lay eye to eye with the kangaroo, watching his dark eyes flick in the non-light, she leant forward softly, kissing the tip of his nose, he made a strange sound and she giggled, it sounded a cross of a moan and a gasp. she flattened her pillow and closed her eyes, but opened them feeling him kiss her nose back, she giggled and smiled wriggling close, which he copied, closer still, then they were touching again, she kissed the side of his muzzle, and he kissed her back in the same place, she nuzzled over his jaw, he copied, this went on and on, what she did, he did, soft strokes, gentle kisses, nuzzling, even when she laughed softly, he did too. she stared at him, gently touching his side, her heart was in her throat as she thought of something, she could taste her pulse, "Joe..." she whispered, "hmm?" he answered half asleep, she kissed his nose and whispered to him rapidly "I love you" she quickly snuggled her head into the nock of his shoulder, she felt his breath catch and she held her own worried she did the wrong thing, but she felt his paws on her chin, drawing her out, her heart pounded and she felt him kiss her lips, a bit timidly, but soon got more powerful as she kissed him back, his paws gripped the side of her arms holding her tightly to him, she broke the kiss, panting and smiling ear to ear, he held her closely to him, stroking her soft ears, his head light. He felt her kiss his chest and he smiled. "Sarah?" he asked, "hmm?" she purred half asleep and blissful in his arms, it made his fur stand on end, "marry me?" he whispered but her canine hearing picked it up easily, he felt her stop breathing for a moment, he was starting to panic trying to think of ways to try and back track, when her heard her whisper something, he couldn't understand. "What?" he asked, she griped his fur tightly in her paws and kissed his throat "I said yes" she barked at him too loudly, grinning. she eked playfully as he whooped joyfully and hugged her tightly, kissing her deeply, she giggled and pushing him back after a bit "carful big boy, need to breath if you want me to marry you" she giggled and kissed him, his heart was pounding he could feeling her pulse in her throat doing the same as he ran his paw over her neck as she giggled and murred, stroking over the back of his head and neck, running her paws though his long hear fur and short strawberry blonde body fur. They broke their kiss panting, holding each other tightly, nuzzling and murring to each other. they lay there together in the darkness, wide awake in each other's arms, enjoying the closeness they both been begging for, for so long, the watch the shadows fade and form as the world outside theirs warmed and lit. Sarah purred closing her eye and slowly drifting off. He watched her, hoping he'd never need to wake from this surreal dream and just hold her forever, he chuckled feeling her tail wag against his legs, he snuggled close to her as he could, sighing contently.

Sarah shifted in her sleep, frowning as something poked her, she opened her eyes, still in the kangaroo's embrace, she looked back at him as his long ear flicked and his leg kicked gently in his sleep, she turned back, looking at the time, it was midday, but she didn't care, she shifted again, feeling something boney poke her in her back again, she went a deep shade of red as she realized what it was, she had to admit, she kind of didn't mind it, she never noticed him having morning wood before, she murred and slipped off her pants and underwear as still as she could, soon naked from the waist down, she guided one of his paws down her body, it went eagerly, playing with her fur in his sleep, she murred and started him over her thighs, he gasped softly but still asleep, she gently rolled so she was facing him, soon putting his paw on her inner thigh, her breath caught as he went straight to her sex, she shivered and his eyes blinked, trying to realize what was happening, she gasped as his paw stopped working and he turned pink as she smiled and he went to take his paw away, but she held his arm "please..." she whispered as she looked up at him. He was shocked but he didn't take his paw away, slowly starting moving it gently in and out of her, she murred, resting her forehead on his as her slick sounds and their breathing was the only sounds in the room. He gulped loudly, pausing his working paw as he lent and kissed her softly, she kissed him back eagerly, her tail wagging under the sheets as he gently rolled her to the side, kissing and licking along her neck softly before she pulled his muzzle to hers. "Joe..." she whispered "yeah?" he gazed down at her, drunk on her beauty. "I..." she panted her body growing warm with need, "...I need you Joe... " she tugged at his shirt, gently tugging it off, she murred in awe of his broad shoulders and chest and soft coat. He smiled down at her, slipping her shirt off and kissing her deeply once more, his paws wondering down to her white breasts, her pink flesh visible tough it as he teased and rubbed them, running his paw down her belly and up again, feeling her warm body under him, beckon him to her, she mewed softly as he found one of her belly nipping hidden in her fur, he smiled down at her as he kisses of her chests and breasts, licking teasingly at her as he felt his member throb for her more. Her paws gently scratched his belly fur, as he kissed and teased, then she side his pants off as they grew more eager and excited for one and another. "Sarah I... I love you so much" he moaned to her, before she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly, "I need you, I need you so badly Joe" she whispered to him, rubbing her body against his softly. He gulped and slid off his pants tossing them aside and tossing the blankets back. She mewed softly, finally getting a good look at his fully naked form. Well toned from years of work, built up subtly, his thick coat golden and his eyes shining, her tongue lolled out noticing... how unique he was, with his beans above his sausage like all male kangaroos, causing her to blush deeply, eyeing his pink, thick, long curved member calling her. He shifted nervously "I uh, have to admit your sought of my first, so I don't really have any thing... to compare myself to..." he scratched the back of his head nervously "your... wow huge actually" she murred, taking her eyes off him to look into his eyes, "I'm just not well versed in kangaroo" she giggled. He gave a faint smile leaning over her and kissing her softly as she gently spread her legs either side of his as he pressed himself closer to hers, their heart rate jumping, their musk growing stronger to the other's nose, Joe paused, inches from her entrance, waiting. "Joe... I want you, I want you so badly" she whispered to him "I want to be yours and only yours and I want you to mate me..." she looked up at him, his face burned but he grunted and nodded, easing himself forward and her lips apart slowly, her arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he gently started stretching her, he stopped at her groan "you ok?" he whispered, brushing the hair out of her eyes, she smiled and nodded, watching her carfully as he pressed deeper still till he was hilted in her with a perfect fit, she moaned, her body throbbing around his member as it struggled to adjust to the sudden size, he whimpered softly above her before drawing him self back and thrusting himself forward in her making her breasts bounce gently, she murred loudly as he began to move faster and with more confidance each time, thrusting harder and harder into her. She yowled and arched her back to him, pressing their bodies together as her sex clamped down around him, he grunted and shivered feeling her cum on his member. He pressed all the deeper with a grunt and moaned, holding her tightly as he came into her.

They panted, holding each other tightly in the coolness of the room, sweat though out their furs.

This was written by Lynx Hunter

All writing and characters belong to Lynx. Do not use or reproduce without the author's permission!