Gym Buddies III: Part One

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Gym Buddies III

Gym Buddies III: Part One

The service really was beautiful, just as many of the mourners had said. "He looked so peaceful," whimpered a fennec. Her husband gently wrapped his arms around her frame to stop her from causing a scene.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" a badger pushed in no particular direction. "With the sun being out and a cloudless sky... do you think he's watching us? Do you think he's happy?"

The fennec lost control of her emotions at that point and wept into a handkerchief. The husband rubbed her back and gave a comforting, "there, there."

"Do you think it's true?" a wolf dared. His hair was unkempt - not the right look for a funeral at all. His suit was also a little tatty - not to the point where anyone's glancing eyes would notice, but if someone took a detailed look, the untidy clothes would be hard to miss. "Do you think he... you know? Killed himself?"

"Roger! Don't say things like that," I heard someone hiss. But why hide the truth? He had killed himself - I knew he would. He was so depressed the last time I saw him. I wondered for a moment if that was the last time anyone saw him.

Glancing down at the simple metal urn of ashes, I sighed. My breath became heavy as I wondered about him in some type of afterlife. A paw comforted my shoulder, though I didn't bother to look up at whose it was. I didn't know anyone here anyway, so what would it matter? Instead, I thought over what I'd had trouble coming to terms with ever since I knew.

"He's dead. He's really dead."

"I know. Are you okay, Al?" I'd recognise those tones anywhere. The rasp in Luke's voice still hadn't healed from that night. The night I nearly got him killed. The night Dan told me how much he hated me. I started to cry, so the husky span me into his body and rubbed his paws through my dark-brown fur. The husky looked good in a black suit, and ruining it with tears and my runny nose didn't make me feel any better.

"Luke," I whimpered.

"Shh, it's okay," he cooed, "it's okay." I smiled at how sweet and caring he was. He pulled me out of his body to let me see his face, which was painted with a huge comforting smile and two brilliant blue eyes. My eyes couldn't help but keep away from his neck - or rather, the burn on his neck. There was a huge bald patch where the dry skin was still peeling like dead wallpaper. I looked at the ground in shame and clapped a paw over my mouth.

"Luke, I'm so sorry," I rushed out.

"Stop apologising, Al," the husky insisted, "I know you didn't mean to." I shook my head vigorously, holding back another torrent of tears. "Listen, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you."

"And you're alone, aren't you?" The husky looked at me questioningly. "Well, I don't think Dan'd show up, would he?" Luke shook his grey-furred head and sighed.

"He thinks this is some kind of trick that you planned. He..." I knew what Luke stopped himself from saying. 'He hates you more because of it.' "He doesn't know what to think," he decided upon.

"It's hardly a trick," I said. Just because my father thought it would be good for me to share his name, I had to suffer. It had caused so much hassle whenever we were in the same room - so much aggravation over the past, and now it caused Dan to think I was playing with his emotions. "Does he even know you're here?" I asked, trying not to think about my dead dad.

Luke shook his head and held his cast for me to see. "I'm at physio for my paw if anyone asks. Hopefully, Dan won't go looking for my suit while I'm out." I nodded with a smile and thought. I really could have used an ear to listen to, and Luke was more than willing to put up with my moaning for a while.

"How long have you got? You know, until you're 'out of physio'?"

"A couple of hours?" he suggested.

"Well, why don't we go back to my house?" I offered. "I don't really know anyone here, so I'm not gonna be missed that much and I could really use a friend to talk to." Luke nodded and placed a paw on my shoulder.

"Well I'm glad to be your friend, Al," he smiled.

As we turned, I bumped into someone - the third face I recognised the entire day after my father and Luke. "Jason! What are you doing here?" The German Shepherd pulled me into a vice-like hug and I felt my eyes bulge out as he tried to squeeze the life from me.

"Al, are you okay?" His voice was deep and gorgeous, so I ran my fingers through the black fur on his head. He returned the favour as he tended to me. "It's okay, you're okay now."

"Thanks," I wheezed out breathlessly. He let up from the hug and smiled, still keeping his paws on my hips. It was nice to see him, but I'd had enough of all the sympathetic smiles - everyone was wearing them. When I thought about Jason and how he fitted into my life, it quickly became apparent that his smile wasn't out of sympathy. It was probably the most genuine of all of them.

"How've you been?" he asked. Not knowing how to answer, I just shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, what are you up to tonight? It'd be good to talk." I had to agree - it would be good to talk to Jason. We hadn't seen each other in far too long, so catching up was definitely in order.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Sounds like fun. Well, I'm just off out with Luke," I said, pointing my thumb to the husky next to me, "so-"

"Oh," Jason murmured, looking a little hurt, "I didn't realise you were seeing someone. Hi, Luke," he said, offering his left paw to the husky. I noticed him jerk his right paw forward and quickly back, which the husky obviously picked up on. Luke gave a slight chuckle at this as he took Jason's paw.

"Hi, Jason. But, no, we're not together," Luke went on. At a funeral, it shouldn't be right for anyone to look as happy as Jason did, but I didn't judge him for it one bit.

"Really? So you're still... available?"

I shot him a look. "Are you hitting on me? At my own father's funeral?" His smile quickly faded. Not out of shame for doing it, but more because he was trying to give the right impression. Before he could give me an answer, I looked into his eyes and questioned him. "What's your phone number?"

The Alsatian blushed at me and riffled through his pocket. He pulled out a business card, which I quickly glanced over. It simply said 'Jason V, Musician' with his phone number printed across the bottom.

"Musician? You finally did it, then?"

"I'll explain later. Now, you go off with your... not-boyfriend," he said, patting me on the shoulder. "I'll see you later." In seconds he was gone, so the husky and I walked to our respective vehicles. I played with the card in my fingers until I got to the car door.

"Okay, how about I follow you?" Luke suggested huskily. "It'd be easier than coming back and finding a parking ticket to pay for."

"Okay," I said, pushing Jason's number into my pocket. The car was roasting hot, and the leather creaked as I sat into it. I rolled down the electric windows as soon as the engine kicked into gear. My dad's house - which I would now come to call my house - wasn't far from where the wake was held. At tops, it was half-a-mile away from the mourners.

The traffic-free day meant that it was a quick journey. I kept my eye on the car following me, wondering whether or not Luke was struggling to control the car with his shattered paw.

We pulled up outside the house, and thankfully, there was enough space for Luke to park close. Taking the keys out of the ignition, I got out of the door, closed it behind me and locked it with the remote on the keyring. Luke was mesmerised by the building we'd parked outside.

"This is your house?"

"It is now," I said, moving towards the front door. Luke groaned as if he shouldn't have asked, to which I comforted him and told him I didn't mind. The door creaked open like something from a cheesy horror movie. The way that the sunlight caught the dust really didn't help, nor did the fact that we'd just come from a funeral. Our footsteps echoed through the hollow corridor and the door creaked again as Luke closed it. "Thanks."

"Jesus, this place is huge! The apartment Dan and I are staying in is smaller than one of these rooms," he said, peering in through each door that we passed. I smiled at his exaggeration, which he quickly picked up on. "What? I'm serious. We're on Warbreck, the places there are tiny." My eyes widened at this - Warbreck houses weren't big enough to accommodate one, let alone two.

"You're not gonna live there forever, though, right?" Luke nodded.

"Well, all the money's going on food and rent. We can't get enough for a mortgage, so... yeah, we are."

"Can't you live with your parents? I mean, they don't know about you two, do they?"

"No, they don't," Luke started, "but we're living alone together. Even though it's not perfect... it's kinda perfect." I felt bad for the huskies - they deserved something better. Luke was so nice to me, even after everything that had happened. And Dan... well, Dan hated my guts, but I'd love it if he could be happy.

"Do you want a drink?" I offered him.

"Yes, please," he accepted, following me into the kitchen. Knowing he was driving - and being the health nut that he was - I picked out some orange juice for him and poured a glass. I poured a second one for myself. I wouldn't have felt right drinking anything harder than whatever my guests were having. The husky let me lead him into the living room, which was lit brightly from the sunlight shining through the main windows. Luke sat in the main leather and sank into it.

"Comfy?" I asked, finding the one opposite him. He gave an agreeable murr before sipping from his glass and smiling at me. "Hey," I said, just noticing, "your teeth!" Luke jumped forward with a smile and pulled his lips back. A full set of pearly whites were sitting there, shining in the sunlight.

"Implants," he beamed, obviously happy with the work that had been done. "They were expensive, but really worth it!"

"I thought you said all the money was going on food and rent," I pointed out.

"Well, mum and dad bought them," he explained, "they blame themselves for not making me stay in the house."

"They're nice," I said, admiring them. He cleared his throat and rubbed his burn gently. I saw him start to scratch at the flaky skin, which he winced and quickly stopped when he realised how much it hurt. "So, er... h-how are you?" Luke picked up on the hesitation in my voice and glared at me until I gave in. "Fine - how's Dan?" He shook his head and looked at the orange liquid.

"You're not gonna like any answer I give, Al. Sorry," he said.

"I know, I know! But... I just..."

Luke moved forwards and leant into me. "Hey, you don't wanna be getting down today - not any more than you have to. You've just had your dad die." I nodded my head. "And I know you've probably heard this all day, but I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What for?" I had no idea what he could or should be apologising for. He sighed as if he didn't want to say whatever it was.

"Your father, Al," he eventually gave in. "I'm sorry that he died - it looks like it's really upset you." I chuckled a little and looked into Luke's eyes. I'd started to see what Dan was saying - the blue in them really did sparkle.

"No, Luke, I'm upset over what I did to you." He looked slightly confused at this.

"But weren't you close with him? Your dad?"

"Close?" I considered my answer greatly before committing to it. "I don't think so. I mean, I've never had emotions like these before, and they... they make me feel like a bad person."

"Why?" Luke hoarsely pushed. I took a deep breath and answered him and prepared to admit the truth.

"Because I've never been so glad that someone's dead."