Welcome To Suburbia. Chapter One. (Welcome To The Neighborhood.)

Story by Juneia on SoFurry

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The little white bunny girl sat on the roof, Watching the clouds slide by in the sky, listining to music off of her MP3 player. "Why did we have to move?" She thought with a sigh, Laying down just outside her window. She was a special girl, most did not understand the fact of what she could do. Even her own mother didn't much care for her daughter's powers, But then again, She didn't much care for her other children's powers either.

"Hey Sithany? Where are you?" Her older brother Corey thought. The three siblings had figured out how to send their thoughts to each other, To talk without so much as opening their mouths.

"On the roof, Go through my room and out the open window." She sent back, Moving out of the way so when he came through she wouldn't be stepped on. Sithany heard her bedroom door open and close after about three minuets.

"Mind if I hang out with you for a bit?" Corey asked, Poking his head out of the window.

"If I didn't want you to I would have said elsewise earlier." The rabbit girl said as her climbed out of the window, His foot catching on the sill. "Smooth move." She giggled as her brother sat down next to her.

"Shut up!" Corey said, Pushing her playfully.

"So, What did you want to talk about?" The female asked, Laying back down.

"Actually i just wanted to ask you something." He stated. "Do you want to come with me down to the park? We might meet some people there." He continued after she nodded her consent.

"Uh, Sure why not? It's not like I have anything else to do." She said, Jumping up and heading towards the window.

"Ok, Grab whatever you want, We might be down there for a bit. I'll meet you by the car."


After they had put their thing in the car and went to the gas station to grab a couple drinks and some snacks they were on their way. "So why exactly did you want me to come anyway?" Sithany asked, Sipping on a soda for the time being.

"Because i know my twelve year old sister to much, And you need some freinds. You skulking around the house since we moved is starting to make me depressed." He concluded, Stopping at a red light.

"You make it sound so much worse then it is." Sithany sighed, Rolling her eyes for good measure.

"No i'm not, Now make your talent useful and give me a light." He chuckled, He knew talking to her like that constantly pissed her off.

"Fine you fucking asshole." She growled, Raising a hand, palm turned upward and let her power flow out lightly, Bringing a small flickering flame to life and lighting her brother's cigarette.

"Thanks sis." Corey chuckled, Taking a hit off of his fag. The rest of the ride to the park was ridden in silence, The brother and sister's mind both in diffrent places. "Well here we are, Go do something." Corey said as they pulled into a parking spot. The park itself was full of people, Divided into groups. The adults and littler kids had the actual playground. The kids of Sithany's age were hanging out by the trees and basketball court, sitting in the grass all over the area, doing what they did best.

"Thanks bro, I'll see you later." She said, Hopping out of the car and running over to the group of kids her age. As she got close to the area she slowed down, Trying to act as cool and calm as possible. She sat off to the side, hoping she would be noticed eventually by someone she could hang out with.

"Hey, Who are you?" A wolf girl asked, Walking up to her, Her head cocked to the side questioningly.

"I'm Sithany, I just moved here." The bunny girl answered.

"I'm Vitany, Everyone just calls me Jinx though." The dark furred wolf said, Sitting down next to her. She motioned for a group of girls to walk over. "So, Do you know anybody from this town?" Vitany asked as her freinds came closer.

"I would get going if I were you, They're going to try to beat you up." Corey's thought's projected into her mind.

"Hey, Jinx? Can i ask you a question?" Sithany asked, Trying to sound as honest as possible. She nodded her head. "What makes you think I was going to fall for that?" The bunny girl said, Standing up. Vitany smirked at this.

"Just because you're the new girl doesn't mean we're going to be easy on you!" Jinx grinned evily as she stuck out her leg and spun around, Trying to trip her. Sithany jumped back, This was deffinetly not going as planned.

"She looks so scared! Whats wrong bunny girl?" One of the girls teased as they surrounded her.

"Back off." She growled, ready to do anything necessary.

"What? You think you can take us all? Yeah right!" Another girl said as they advanced in on her, Closing the circle. That was all the prompting she needed, She let her control loosen, Fire spread out of her feet making a circle around her, Pushing her assailants backwards

"What the hell!"

"How is she doing that!"

"I'm out! If she can do that what means she won't burn us to a crisp?" With that the group started to disperse, Running away from Sithany and the ring of fire.

"How?" Jinx asked from behind her.

"How what? And how'd you get in here?" She asked suspicously.

"I mean how can you do this?" The wolf asked, Gesturing to the still burning fire.

"I've always been able to do this, Honestly you should have learned more about me before you tried something as stupid as this." She shook her head, Extinguishing the fires so she wouldn't burn the park down.

"So... Can you forgive me?" Jinx asked, Sitting back down next to Sithany.

"I could." She said

"Will you?"


"Ok then, Mind if i come to your house? I'm tired of sitting around here."

"Sure why not?" Sithany finished, Shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey, Corey? Mind if you give me and Jinx a ride home?" She projected.

"Women, I swear you always make up way to fast. Yeah come on then." Came the answer.

"C'mon i got us a ride." Sithany said as she started to walk back to her brother's car.


Please tell me how goo i did with this, Comment's Feedback, All is welcome.