After the war: An old heart

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#2 of After the war

Hey everyone!

My god that took a long time to write! I wanted to make things a little different in this one. Again, this is a complete experiment and it may seem to be pointless, but actually there is a reason for it. You've got to trust me.

But I kinda thought that Ignitus had too much back story left out. I wanted him to have had a life as well (I'm wierd like that)

But anyway this section revolve's almost completely around Ignitus and my own OC

"Ariel" is a blue dragon and she's my own creation!! NO STEALING!!

Anyway, you've got lots to read... so i'll let you get on with it, Enjoy!! XD

The ancient library was immaculate, the books rearranged themselves in the correct order as they floated to their allocated space in the seemingly endless shacks of shelves. There was not a speck of dust lying about, though in this library nothing was swept, it's quiet difficult to get dust in a place which technically does not exist. The chroniclers library was a strange place, it defied all laws of existence yet still, there it was.

Ignitus was still getting used to being the chronicler, the job was easy yet there was so much to do. He to supposed to be supervising the books, but he found that actually, the magical gifts bestowed on him thanks to the large shining crystal on his chest made everything so easy. Books literally wrote themselves and with the merest whim he could reorganise the whole library if we wanted, but that would take a couple thousand years. Besides, the old dragon was far too intently focused on the event unfolding in the living world.

He smiled at the happy couple and he felt so proud. He had been watching them on and off for the past few days, giving them privacy of course, but all the time he was eager to find out what they were doing. He felt such joy in his heart when he saw their young love blossom and flourish.

He had watched Spyro and Cynder make a grave for him in a truly beautiful place and he had almost cried in happiness. They had truly cared about him and it was more than he could of asked for. Then when all seemed to collapse, they had found each other, it was a tremendous moment when they finally admitted their love for each other. His old heart was full of fatherly love for the two, Especially Spyro.

Ignitus slowly reached out to touch the head of the purple dragon, but all the he felt was cold water. The image gently rippled out of focus then faded to black. This was the curse of being the chronicler, always watching, but never being able to touch.

He sighed slightly and got up, he went to the book that was floating and with the tiniest gesture he sent it back to his shelf. He signalled and another book presented its self, his own book. Every last detail of his life was stored in it.

Ignitus flicked his head slightly and the pages flew open, Eventually the book rested on a page and he smiled softly as he began to remember. It was the proudest moment of his life, The day his child had been born into the world.


The small purple egg sat motionless ,but it radiated life. A younger Ignitus was sitting down happily cuddling his mate, her blue scales shone brighter than ever as the over-whelming joy coming from the couple filled the room. He felt a smooth head rub underneath his and a soft voice said.

"Iggy... what are we going to call her? I like Sapphire... or Jade"

Ignitus chuckled a little and said quietly back.

"We shouldn't make our mind up yet... he could be our son still"

He felt a tail tighten around his and the head was taken away from his chest, he looked sideways and two massive blue eyes stared at him, they gave him a scolding look and she spoke in a mock serious voice.

"You... always assuming, sometimes you just annoy the hell out of me"

Ignitus just looked at her confused.

"But you..."

He trailed off as he realised that she was joking, he tried to give an apologetic look but in the end he gave up, instead letting a massive grin spread across his face.

"It doesn't matter anyway... we're having a child! We're going to be parents!"

He laughed slightly and nuzzled his mate. She giggled a bit and said.

"We knew that weeks ago... but yeah... we are!!"

She squeaked with excitement and Ignitus said quietly.

"I love you Ariel... I couldn't dream of a better mother"

Ariel laughed slightly and leant in, she whispered softly.

"nor I a better father"

She kissed him softly on the lips and they just sat there quietly showing their love for each other. Ignitus slowly broke the kiss and laid back, he gently picked the egg up and held it to his ear, desperate to hear sounds of life from his unborn child. Ariel just carefully reached out and plucked the egg from him, she placed it back in the heated slab of stone where Ignitus took it from. He looked at her with a look of exasperation but she just said.

"You're not going to hear anything yet... it's barely a day old"

Ignitus just sullenly looked at the egg, like child having a toy taken away. Ariel just shuffled even closer to him and said quietly.

"It's ok... It won't be long now, only a few weeks. If he is a boy I bet he'll be just as handsome as you"

Ignitus just looked over at her again and smirked.

"And he's got anything from you, I know he'll be more handsome than me! You are an angel... have I ever told you?"

Ariel pressed herself softly against him again and said happily.

"Yes... many times"


Ignitus slowly came out of his memory and he slumped back down again, his tail seemed to flick out and reach for the imaginary tail of his partner. It met nothing but empty space, it slowly curled backwards and Ignitus quietly said to himself.

"I should have told you Spyro... many years ago. Your mother would be so proud, like I am. I'm always proud of you"

Spyro had her eyes, her massive blue eyes. Ignitus could see so much of her in him, it made him smile slightly every time he saw him. Ignitus kicked himself slightly as he thought back to the time he had spent with him in the temple all those long years ago.

"I should have been with him more... I should have looked after him like I should have"

He grimaced and let out a long sigh.

"I should have known from the start... damn me being so nervous"

Ignitus had spent forever thinking about the purple dragon, Ignitus hadn't been sure at first whether he was his son. He was always too pre-occupied with other matters, but now only in death did he realise the mistakes he had made. As soon as he had spent even a tiny amount of time just wondering, it had all became so clear.

Why did Spyro look up to him so much, even when he didn't know him? Why had he trusted the boy before he even knew him properly? The bond was there before they even knew it. Ignitus knew the answer was so painfully obvious that anyone could have seen it. They had mostly same build, the horns were similar even though a bit of Ariel had crept in. The egg had even been purple and Spyro was purple! How could have Ignitus look over such a painfully obvious thing? But deep down he knew the answer, he was still so distraught about Ariel...

He beckoned another book over, it was a bright sky blue. He just stared at the cover for a while before sending it back to its resting place. He couldn't ever find out what happened to her, not ever. He knew if he did then the pain would kill him again and again.

The old dragon gave a long and shuddering sigh, he rested his back against a pillar. His mind was working still and he slowly began to slip into another memory.


The young red dragon was sprinting as fast as he could, the dense undergrowth of the forest failing to slow him down. The cries for help were getting louder and louder, and Ignitus wasn't going to let them go unanswered. Suddenly a rough voice cut over.

"Someone shut her up! You dragon's is nothin' but truble! Da boss is gonna have fun cuttin' you up!"

Ignitus recognised that type of slurred and crude speech anywhere... apes!

He charged through a bush and into a clearing. Four apes were standing around a blue dragoness, she cowered from them as they drew their weapons. Ignitus yelled out to them and advanced, his teeth bared and smoke slowly beginning to pour out his mouth as his internal flame began to flicker into life.

"HEY!! APES!! You better start running now!"

He growled viciously, the apes turned to stare at him. The leader of the group yelled.

"More frikkin' dragun's... you take care of dat one! I'll deal with the yellin' one"

The apes nodded and charged at Ignitus. Ignitus sprung into action, he let out a massive stream of fire, the first ape was incinerated before he knew what was going on. The two remaining ones remained undeterred bellowing at the tops of their voices. Ingitus leapt at the first one going for the head, his claws dug into the soft flesh of the apes neck. Blood spurted out over him as he slashed out the creature throat. The pair toppled over and the full weight of the dragon crushed down on the already dead ape, as if to make sure that he truly had been killed.

Unfortunately this gave the second ape to swing viciously with his crude blade. Ignitus gave a roared of pain and he felt the blade hack into his hind leg. Ignitus reached out with his tail and grabbed the ape by it's throat, it gagged and gasped for air, clawing desperately at the tail. But Ignitus squeezed with all his strength and a sicken crack filled the air as the apes neck broke.

He tossed the limp body aside and turned to the final ape, it was hold a sword to the blue dragoness throat Ignitus growled menacingly. The apes was screeching madly and it said.

"Take anotha step dragon boy! And your missy 'ere gets it!"

Ignitus growled viciously and said darkly.

"If you hurt her in anyway, I'll tear you into little pieces and eat you! But if you let go and run now, I won't chase you... your choice"

The ape looked behind him and then back to the red dragon, the look in his eye proved beyond all doubt that He meant every word. The ape considered it for a minute then threw down the dragoness. Without another word he ran off behind him and into the forest.

Ignitus instantly forgot about him and ran to the dragoness, he forgot about the pain he was in as he filled with worry and concern for the blue dragoness. She was bleeding from an open wound and she cried softly from the pain.

"Shhh... it's ok... I'm here to help"

Ignitus soothed, he quietly stroked her head and she went a bit quieter. He smiled down at her and said.

"I'm Ignitus... everything going to be ok"

The blue dragoness looked at him with a mix of thanks and awe, she said to him in a quiet voice.

"Thank you, I'm Ariel..."


Ignitus chuckled as he remembered the time they spent together, his memories were the only way he could get close to her. He had relived them thousands of times, yet every time he did, his remembered the Flame in his heart. The one that burnt for his only love. His mind flicked through more and more memories, but eventually it settled on one of his most treasured memories, the best day of his life.


Autumn was beginning to close in, but the world still he a few drops and warmth still in it. Such days were a treasure, and everyone was always out to enjoy them. Three months had passed since Ignitus had rescued Ariel from the apes, for the entire of that first month, Ignitus had visited her almost everyday to check up on her. The two had became close friends and often spent time with each other.

The afternoon was growing dark and the last bits of sun were beginning to set. The sky was cloudless and a crimson glimmer began to shine off the lake.

Ignitus was sitting down, he was quietly picking up stones and tossing them into the lake, trying to make them skim across the surface. He was trying to find a distraction from the conflict within him.

"Just tell her"

He muttered, tossing another rock at the water. He didn't hear the splash as he muttered in response.

"But what if she rejects me? I've got too much to handle anyway"

He sounded so sullen in reply to himself, he gave a small groan and stopped throwing the rocks. He laid on his back and basked in the last vestiges of sun. Soaking up every ray of light he could. He was desperate to ask Ariel out, they were best friends and he had a massive crush on her. But Ignitus had gained too many responsibilities.

He had just been made fire guardian, the highest honor a fire dragon could hope to achieve. But with that honor came responsibility and it took up so much of his time. This was the first time in days were he had a bit of relaxation.

He gently hit his head against the ground and he muttered.

"If you can become the fire guardian, you can tell Ariel your feelings, it's not that hard... but why can't I do it"

He felt a knot in his stomach and he gave another groan, the sun was fading rapidly now and the shining red glimmer from the lake was almost blinding.

Ingitus slowly clambered to his feet, he quietly turned around but to his surprise he was met a smiling face and two massive blue eyes. He jumped slightly and his voice squeaked a bit in surprise.

"Ariel! It's you! You scared the hell outta me!"

He grinned nervously and said.

"Umm... how are you doing?"

He looked sheepishly as he panicked on the inside. He had no idea whether she had heard him or not and he was petrified that she had. Ariel just smiled sweetly and said.

"I'm fantastic thank you, i've been looking for you for days! What on earth have you been doing?"

Ignitus gave a tiny laugh and said in a tired voice.

"Guardian work... Something always needs doing, and i've got to do it"

He groaned a little and said.

"I'm absolutely shattered"

Ariel just kept smiling, a glimmer in her eyes. Ignitus loved the way she smiled, it was hypnotic as her teeth glinted slightly in the sun. Ariel just slyly said.

"Really? Sounds like you were busy planning something else"

Ignitus froze, she had heard. He gulped slightly and began to stammer, he couldn't get his words out.

"Well ummm... I was..."

Ariel just cut across him and asked excitedly, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"Did you mean it? Did you really mean what you said?"

She pawed the ground nervously. Ignitus gulped once more, but this time the straight truth came out.

"Yes... every time a see you I am desperate to, but I just... I think I love you."

Ariel practically jumped on the spot through happiness, her voice squeaked a bit.

"Thank you! Oh Yes! Thank you!"

Ignitus just stood, stunned. He felt his heart swell and he stammered.

"You... you don't mind? Why are you thanking me"

Ariel just said back, a tone of disbelief.

"I just got told by the most handsome dragon I have ever met, that saved me from death, cared for me and has become the fire guardian that he loves me. What dragoness wouldn't be excited!?"

She leaned in and rubbed her head along his.

"I've had such a crush on you for so long now... Ignitus, I love you"

Ignitus couldn't believe it, it was like a story, an absolutely perfect story. Ariel pulled her head back then they both leaned in, there lips connected and the world stood still. The still image burned forever into the brain of the red dragon, never to leave.

A tear rolled down the sides of his face as Ignitus felt the love of long ago still burn brightly within him. He quietly made his way back to the visions pool and the image of the two cuddling dragons floated to the surface. Ignitus eyes shined brightly and he whispered down at them.

"Everythings going to be Ok now Spyro... everything is going to be just fine"

I haven't actually proof read this yet so i have no idea what mistakes i made, i'll get round to it. But either way comment below and vote!

Be nice.

Till next time
