Soul of a Slave Part One : Where He Belongs

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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Soul of a Slave, Part One : Where He Belongs

Written by Solstice The Fennat, for Andy.

This has taken longer than I'd have liked, but a bout of depression mixed with other commissions, and a book project that didn't really take off, kept this from being finished till recently.

The commission for this was sold at Furnal Equinox 2011's Charity Auction, the proceeds of which went to Mississauga Humane Society. I have a disdain for many Humane Societies, mostly because a lot of them seem to be more about advertising and lobbying than the animals they purport to represent. When I heard all about them at the opening ceremonies to FE, I changed my tune. MHS is a rescue organization, without ANY of its' own buildings, and runs almost entirely on donations and animal foster families. They are a fantastic group, and if you want to donate your money to any animal welfare organization, MHS is one that you can trust in.

FE's charity auction got thousands of dollars for MHS. I wish I had been there to see them hand over the cheque. My $35 commission was only a fraction of that, but I feel good having put my effort into it.

The day that Andy's life changed forever was the day he was sold as a slave in the markets of the large castle town of Erekem. A large, bustling metropolis on the edge of the technologically advanced northern country of Winterlight and the much more primitive and unindustrialized countries of Avalon and Al'Qareem, the young skunk had gone there hoping to find work or education in one of the scholarly guilds.

All Andy had found there was hunger, cold and jeering laughter as strangers saw a thin, effeminate skunk with pink and white fur, and pale blue skin underneath. He had a quick wit and a sharp mind, but none of the guilds would take him on without any surety that their investment would prove fruitful. For weeks he'd relied on that same quick wit until he'd been caught stealing bread from one of the vendors at the market in the centre of town. He'd been given a choice; lose his hand, which was almost a death sentence in Erekem... or sell himself on the slave market to pay the exorbitant fines imposed for theft. Much preferring to keep himself whole and undamaged, he'd made the only choice he could; he'd agreed to be sold.

For a week, he'd been locked in a cell with a dozen other males of varying sizes and species, and every last one of them had shown him nothing but contempt. Every day they had taunted him with tales of weaker males like him being sold to visiting dignitaries from the far southern kingdoms... dignitaries that would make him a eunuch to watch over their harems. By the end of the week, it was all that Andy could do to keep himself from quaking in fear as auction day came closer and closer.

In a last bit of cruelty, two of the males had stripped him naked and burned the meager rags of his clothing, saying something as pretty as him should be dressed properly or not at all. They'd then thrown him a slave-courtesan's outfit; a pink and white corset, gloves and skirt. Once again, Andy had been forced to choose between two equally unpleasant options... being thrown onto the auction block completely nude, or dressed like a whore.

Modesty had won out over embarrassment at the outfit, and so, scarcely days after his eighteenth naming day, Andy found himself in the unenviable and terrifying position of being put up for auction, hoping against hope that someone merciful would take pity on him and buy out his 'contract' and pay the fine for his crime.

Andy was huddled in the corner of the cell, trying to sleep, when the guards came for his 'lot'. In a rare show of kindness, one of the guards, a tall rat with only one eye that everyone called Willard, left Andy unfettered while he bound the rest of the slaves in cords of leather and leg irons. When one of the slaves protested Willard's favouritism, the rat snarled at him and put his fist in their gut.

As the rest of the slaves filed out, Willard crouched in front of the cowering skunk and said softly, "Sometimes, I'm not feelin' it right, that they've done this to ya. Listen t'me right good, boy. If y'don't want t'be unmanned, I want y'to go out there smilin' and relaxed. I want y'to walk up onto that block nice 'n easy. I got a friend out there, boy, one who would want someone like ye. She ain't an easy owner, but Lady Renth is a fair 'un, and she's been lookin fer a boy like ye. T'alternative's worse, boy; there's a few sultans from th'southern countries out there lookin' for new slaves. All y'gotta do is go out there with yer head held high, and try t'act proud of who y'are. Lady Renth doesn't like whimperin' little shits, so if yer lookin' like some simperin' little spineless boy, she's not gonna wanna buy yer contract."

Andy's eyes widened in fear, but he nodded at Willard's explanation. The admonition that southerners out to get a new eunuch were in the auction house told him that if he wasn't careful he'd end up less than a man. But to step out into the auction house like he wanted to be there, like he was proud to be dressed like he was? He hoped that he could pull it off and fool this 'Lady Renth' as Willard called her.

"Ey, get that poofly little pink thing up here, Willy! Th'crowd's getting' restless!" Came a loud voice from just outside the cell. Willard frowned a little and reached out to squeeze Andy's shoulder encouragingly, then helped him to his feet. Spurred on by the rat's encouragement and the prospect that he might get out of his predicament with his masculinity (as questionable as it occasionally was) intact, the young skunk managed to walk all the way down the corridor outside the cell to the auction house's entrance without missing a single step.

Just past the doorway, he heard the auctioneer, a fox with gray fur all over, crying out, "Sold! A full lot 'o slaves for Lord Tavar 'o Tavar's Textiles!" The auctioneer looked back to the entrance of the stage and saw Andy standing there. For a moment he looked completely perplexed that the skunk was standing there, looking almost eager to step out. "W-well! Looks like th'last lot is just waitin to come up and sell isself! Come on up here... uhh... boy. I think."

Andy grimaced; sometimes he was mistaken for a girl, and the outfit he'd been forced to wear hadn't helped that at all. Trying to keep in mind what Willard had told him, he kept his nose high, striding onto the auction house stage as if he owned the place. There was a furious whispering between the auctioneer and the owner of the slave hall the moment he stepped into the harsh lighting. Andy couldn't tell just what they were talking about, but it seemed to be something about price.

"Well, uhh, folk, what we have here is a... skunk? 'E's lookin' like one at least, but boy, this boy's lookin' all funny-pink and stuff. Obviously not meant fer hard labour, this one, what?" The auctioneer took a step forward, "Just right fer a bed-slave or a harem guard or lookin' pretty, I'm thinkin' this lot is perfect for one lookin' fer a bit 'o collection, aye?"

Andy whimpered a little as he looked out at the audience. True to his fears, the front row was taken up by southerners in flashy dress, accompanied by stone-faced guards. They were looking at him and pointing excitedly. With a whimper, he tried to look for someone else interested in him. One of the older males from a noble house was looking at him appraisingly, and the skunk felt hopeful until he remembered where he'd seen him before. He'd been solicited for sex from the noble the first day he'd come to Erekem.

Finally, he saw Her. She wasn't like any of the others in the hall; most of them were rowdy, loud and leering, but one person at the back with her hood up was peering at him, luminous eyes watching with keen interest. He couldn't be certain that this was the Lady he had been told about, but nobody else had that... seeking gaze. Almost unconsciously, he puffed out his chest and stood taller, trying to exude a casual confidence that he certainly didn't feel.

"Th'biddin' starts at ten silver knights, do I hear ten? Ten! To th' Lord Markle o' House Feldhyn... do I hear twenty?" The auctioneer seemed almost as surprised that the lord had bid so quickly. Andy groaned when he saw that the bid of twenty was from one of the southerners. Slowly, the bid crept up and up, but all the while, Andy saw that the lady in the back of the dim hall hadn't moved at all.

"Sweet Audrim 'o th' Scales, this one's getting' popular," The auctioneer muttered an oath to the local god of commerce; the bid was approaching the value of the whole last lot, a full three gold sovereigns. Andy was almost awestruck by just how much the southerners wanted him; by now, Lord Markle had dropped out and the southerners were sqabbling amongst themselves. "We're at three sovereigns, folk, do y'wanna see this pretty little piece 'o skunk go for more?"

The bidding reached four and a half sovereigns before the Lady at the back of the hall finally stepped in. She raised her paw and called out in a clear voice, "six sovereigns." Instantly, the whole room went quiet; nobody had ever paid that much for a single slave, no matter how attractive or promising. The auctioneer stared at the Lady and stammered out his acknowledgement of the bid, eyes wide with surprise.

The southerners in the front of the hall were equally awestruck, and everyone of them looking disappointed. The price was too high even for them. "Going once, then... s-six sovereigns. Twice. Any bids higher 'n this?" The auctioneer barely even missed a beat before calling out a third time, and ringing the bell next to him to close the sale. "Sold to th'Lady Kara Renth, settin' a record. Considerin' th'value, our own Willard n' Avelard will be escortin' him t'Lady Renth's home."

And with that, Andy's life had changed forever.


The next few hours passed in a daze. Willard had seemed amused at the price Andy had pulled at the auction, but he'd remained silent for the entire trip through the streets of Erekem. He was shuffled through the back door of a huge mansion, and in moments, found himself shoved into a bedchamber that looked fit for royalty, then told to sit and wait for the Lady of the house.

The bedchamber was huge and opulent... the large bed was covered in silk sheets, there were at least half a dozen large mirrors, a solid stained oak wardrobe big enough for a full quartet of adult furs to step into it, a large fireplace in the corner, and massive double-doors that led out to a balcony overlooking the mansion's courtyard. The room was so tidy and clean that Andy was almost afraid to breathe lest he inadvertently blow something out of place.

For what seemed like forever, Andy sat in the plush chair, waiting for someone to come in and tell him just what in the hell he was supposed to do. The look on Willard's face as he'd stepped off of the stage had been knowing, but almost relieved. If he'd been given a chance, Andy would have asked the rat just what kind of servitude he'd been sold into.

Just when Andy thought he'd scream from the anticipation, the door to the bedchamber opened and the vixen he'd seen in the auction house stepped in. This close, he had a chance to actually study her. Standing nearly six feet tall, she had waist-length dyed-black headfur that was pulled back in a simple braid. The rest of her fur was that of a simple red-fox, though she had white 'socks' starting at her forearms and her shins. The last food of her luxuriously-maintained tail was also white. She was dressed in nothing but a simple black silk night-dress that left the top half of her ample breasts easily visible.

Despite a lack of any strikingly exotic features, Andy thought she was one of the most beautiful females of any species that he'd ever seen. There was just something about her, be it the way she held herself or the way she looked back at him, that had the young skunk staring at her, his mouth slightly open.

The vixen strode over to the bed and sat down, then pointed at her feet. When she spoke, it was with a smooth, mildly amused tone, tinged with the accent of one of the northern countries. "Over here, boy. Willard certainly did not understate just how compelling a figure you would be. I owe him a night with one of my best girls for finding you." The vixen stared back at him, her expression growing impatient when Andy didn't immediately obey. "I would suggest that you kneel at my feet... now, boy, unless you would happen to be a daft little thing."

Andy felt a flash of anger at the implication, and began to stammer, "I'm not 'daft', lady. I'm just-"

The vixen's voice cut through the room, interrupting Andy. "Well then, you should know enough to obey the owner of your contract, yes?" Her gaze had hardened, and the look on her face told Andy that if he didn't follow through soon, she was fully willing to retrieve him and drag him over herself. Realizing that it was something that would only heighten his embarrassment, Andy quickly scrambled to comply. He was thankful that the floor at the vixen's feet was carpeted, at least.

"Like this?" Andy stammered, falling to his knees and spreading them slightly. The position had the added effect of hiking the skirt up so much that it showed that he'd been denied the dignity of any sort of underwear. He kept his gaze on the floor, not wanting to look up.

The vixen's response came in a pleased murr, "Perfect... good boy. Now look at me." When Andy, once again, didn't immediately comply, the vixen leaned forward and took his chin in hand and forcibly lifted it, locking her blue-eyed gaze to his. "Truly unique. Never found one with such interesting colouring as you. Perhaps someone with fae blood mingled with your line in the past." She clucked her tongue and then sighed a bit, "You are not exactly trained, are you? How, then, did you know how to stand, how to look... how to dress?"

"T-the rat, lady. He told me y-you would be there. I m-mean, if you're Lady Renth, and not a s-servant yourself," Andy managed to stammer out. He couldn't tear himself away from her piercing gaze, and was suddenly very afraid that she was going to send him away. "Please, Lady, d-don't be mad at him. H-he looked l-like he d-didn't want me h-hurt or sold to th-the southerners... so he told me w-what to do.."

For a long time, the vixen appeared to be weighing her options before her gaze softened. "Damn that Willard, he fooled me," She said, finally, then continued, "You understand that selling yourself means you can be used in any manner that does not result in your death? Do you have any idea what, exactly, I am? What I intend for you?" Andy shook his head and whimpered softly. The questions the vixen was asking told him he may not enjoy the job that she would have for the frightened skunk.

The vixen sighed and then leaned forward. "I have two choices right now. First is that I send you back to the auction house. The southerners have likely left by now and you'll probably be snatched up by one of the textile mills or smithies. I will even give you some proper clothing so that you don't have to look so... deliciously pretty. You will likely end up working for whomever buys you for the rest of your natural life. It is not what I would prefer to do with such a prize as you, but I will do it. "

Andy flushed when the vixen said this; he'd almost forgotten how he was dressed. Squirming, he closed his legs and laid his hands in his lap to protect at least some shred of his dignity. "I... I... don't know how good I'd be at that. But I... I... lady, why did you buy me?"

The vixen finally let go of Andy's chin and then laughed. "You really do not know. Well, the second choice is, of course, that I keep you and use you for what I intended. Your service to me will last a total of two years. Six months of intensive training. One and a half years of actual service under me. At the end you would be free to pursue your own fortune, with enough personal funds to seek membership and education in any one of the guilds. Or you could stay."

A suspicion had begun to form in Andy's mind, small but insistent. The situation, the position, the allusions... even the way he was dressed, were giving him hints. He couldn't put words to it quite yet... but the idea that was forming horrified him... and thrilled him in a way that he didn't want to admit.

"You will have your own room and clothing, and you will be well fed. You will be prized and wanted for all the charm you can muster. You will share the private confidences of the highest of nobles and the lowliest of peasants. Your two years will be devoted to bringing others whatever they desire. You. Will. Be. A. Whore. So, which will it be, my dear little pretty skunk. Stay here and be trained, then work... or someplace else."

There it was; the truth of why his contract had been bought. Willard had to have known from the start what Lady Renth would want him for... had he known something about Andy that even the skunk hadn't? The thought of spending two years as little more than a sex slave for whoever the Lady Renth told him to lay with filled him with a peculiar kind of fear... and had him trying to hide an inexplicable erection from the vixen's sight. His next words would determine the course of his life, and he knew it.

The vixen had rather effectively painted Andy into a corner. There really was only one possible choice for him; he wasn't very strong and would likely be miserable in any other situation the auction house would find for him. Two years wasn't a very long time compared to a lifetime in someplace like a smithy. And, try as he might, Andy couldn't deny that there was something compelling, something that tugged at a place deep inside him, about living out his 'sentence' in that particular fashion. "I'll s-stay here, lady. Is there really any choice?"

Renth smiled and stroked Andy's cheek in a bizarrely affectionate manner. Her voice was a low, smooth near-purr as she spoke, "Boy, there is always a choice. Others can advise present the options the way see them, but the choice is always your own." She reached down and took hold of the ring on Andy's collar and pulled his head forward, leaning his head against her leg. "I am gratified that you chose the option that will benefit both of us." She shifted position a little, spreading her legs slightly.

Andy squirmed. This close, he could smell a soft feminine musk that hinted Lady Renth was slightly arouse, a fact that added to his own confused excitement. A sweet scent wafted from him, and he tried to stammer out a response, but the vixen laid a finger over his lips. Her nose twitching, the vixen furrowed her brow, "Hmm. That is a decidedly un-skunklike musk. Smells like confectioner's spun sugar. And it is getting stronger." She pulled her finger away from Andy's lips and looked at him expectantly.

"I... I get... that's what I... that's what I get when I'm... h-hard. I don't... well, you can tell I'm not a normal skunk. My parents were completely normal. You were right... I th-think. My mom said th-that her great grandma was umm... a faerie. Umm... like a real one, n-not like a boy that wants b-boys..." Andy explained, distracted by the growing scent of Renth's own arousal, a much more typical feminine scent.

Musical laughter came from the vixen's throat, and she petted soothingly at Andy's head. More than anything, that gentle stroking was helping the boy relax. For just a moment, Andy let himself go completely, pressing his head against Renth's thigh, forgetting everything that had happened to him. It occurred to him that if this was how Renth treated her slaves, it might not be so bad, a thought that filled him with no small measure of surprise. "You are aroused, then, boy?" The vixen asked softly, breaking the moment of peace, reminding Andy what else Renth intended for him.

There was no point in hiding it anymore; he had agreed to do what the vixen told him, and it wouldn't do to lie to her. "Yes, ma'am... I... I'm with a beautiful lady. I'm almost naked. I'm g-going to be turned into a s-sex toy for two years. And I c-can smell you, m-ma'am. You're... excited, yourself. How could I n-not be?" And stammered, his ears flattening against his skull.

Renth clucked her tongue and then stopped petting Andy. "Ah, boy, I am aroused because I am thinking of the pleasure I will find in training you personally. I had thought I would hand you over to one of my girls for proper training, but I have decided that I will attend to you myself." She spread her legs even more and tugged on Andy's collar again as she used her other hand to hike up the night-dress. Before the young skunk could react, she moved closer to the edge of the bed, draping her legs over Andy's shoulders. "I see no reason not to begin your training immediately. Lick."

Andy went totally still, caught completely off-guard by the vixen's command. And it was a command, not an invitation, delivered in a tone that gave no semblance of choice. His moment of hesitation was enough to make the vixen grip the scruff of Andy's neck and forcefully pull his muzzle against her sex. "Lick," Came Renth's the command a second time.

His face buried against that damp muff, nose filled with the scent of aroused vixen, Andy didn't hesitate anymore. He didn't want to tell Renth that he'd never done it before, quietly praying that she wouldn't find him wanting. He wanted desperately to please her, and though he wouldn't admit it to himself, it wasn't just because he was afraid she'd give up on him if he was no good. He began to lap at her petals almost clumsily, but the sounds that came from Renth told him he had to be doing something right.

"Mmnh, good boy, you have a good instinct. Higher... higher... shorter licks, boy, do not use your hands at all. Only tongue," Renth breathed huskily, a bit of the harsh, commanding tone leaving her voice. Andy did as she told, changing from his slathering licks to short flicks of his tongue. "Ah... AH! There! Deeper, boy, push your tongue deeper. Look for the n-UUUB!"

Even before she had finished directing him, Andy had found the stiff nub of her clit. Without being told to, the skunk sucked a little on it to see what sort of reaction he would get. His eyes rolled up to watch Renth as best as he could, and he was greeted by the sight of her freeing one of her heavy breasts from her dress, twisting and pulling at the nipple, her expression one of bliss. He was definitely doing it right if that was any indication. The thrill of pride that filled him at the revelation confused him a bit more, but not enough to make him stop.

If Andy hadn't been hard before, he was stiff as a board at that point. Without even thinking about it, he began to stroke the smooth blue length, slicking the length in the large droplet of pre-come that had formed at the tip. The next thing he knew was that Renth was pinching his right ear painfully, showing that she was much more aware of what was going on than her closed eyes and lust-filled moans let on. "You do not touch yourself without permission, boy," She said firmly, not letting go of Andy's ear until he let go of his cock. "Never do that unless you are sure you are allowed t... did I tell you to stop licking?"

Andy let out a dismayed squeal and immediately returned to licking at Renth's snatch, but she pinched his ear again, even harder this time. "W-wha... th-that hurts!" Andy exclaimed, half in defiance, half in pain. The pinching continued until he tried to jerk away. Before he could, though, Renth had gripped the ring on his collar to hold him in place. It was only when his eyes began to water and he began to cry that she released his ear. He looked up at Renth, who was frowning, her right breast still hanging out of the top of her dress. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry m-ma'am. Please... I..."

Still frowning, Renth spoke in a deadly whisper, "Now that I have you, I will not let you go. You were doing well, boy. You only hesitated a moment, and you have a skilled tongue. But I will not have you slacking. We are going to go through rules for your training. I will not coddle you, boy. You are inexperienced, but I still mean to see you fully trained and working for me as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Andy whimpered a little, swallowing. To his amazement, his erection had not diminished at all, even though he'd nearly been brought to tears. "Yes ma'am," He whispered, trembling a little. He could see the hunger in Renth's eyes, the smoldering lust that told him that she still wanted something from him. "Should I... keep doing it now?"

Renth's expression softened, and she stroked his muzzle, once again petting him. "No. I am going to do something else to you. You will not enjoy it..." She trailed off, smirking a bit on seeing that Andy was still erect and showing no signs of growing soft. "Or maybe you will somewhere deep inside. I hope you come to embrace that feeling, because it will serve you well. What I am going to do will serve to remind you that you chose to stay, to submit to my training, and that I will do whatever I wish with you. You had a chance to deny me your service... I give you that chance again, boy. Go or stay. Choose now, understanding that there will be no more chance to leave. Should you run away, I will have you hunted and you will stay in a cage."

The vixen leaned forward, still petting with one hand, her other reaching down to give Andy's member a firm, skilled stroke. Once again, she lowered her voice to that seductive purr that tugged at Andy's head and heart. "Search deep inside yourself, boy. Willard had it completely right. No matter how rough I get - and I will be rough make no mistake, as will some of your... patrons - no matter how much pain I give in punishment or pleasure, if you embrace what you are I promise you will be happy. When your two years are done, I daresay you will choose to remain... or go out and make your own way with the skills I teach you."

Andy looked up at Renth, still kneeling. The vixen's scent teased his nostrils still, but he shook his head to clear his thoughts, jerking away so that she wasn't touching him. He closed his eyes, breathing through his mouth, shutting out all thoughts but the choice before him. He said only one word, "Stay."

The vixen laughed happily and then pulled on his ring, lifting him to kiss him, licking her own juices off of Andy's muzzle. "Kneel like you were before. There, good. Rules. First rule. Obedience. You will do as I tell you or you will be punished. Second rule. Self-denial. You will from this point forward not pleasure yourself. If you do and I find out, I have ways of ensuring you cannot. They are cumbersome and I do not wish to use them. Third rule. Answer all questions. If I ask you a question, if you are able to respond verbally, you will, unless you were told not to speak at all. Fourth rule. Grooming and fitness. You will maintain your health and your fur as if you were a pretty princess." Renth stopped and grinned at the way Andy squirmed at the comparison.

"Fifth rule. Attendance. You will have a chamber connected to my own. At the second chime of morning, if you are physically able, you will be where you are now. Naked and ready for me. Even if I do not have anything to teach you and I wish to give you a day of respite, you will be here. If you do not, I will have you in a cage next to my bed for as long as I feel you need to be. Sixth rule. Name. You respond to whatever name I choose to give you. Boy, pet, whore, even girl if I choose. That is your name." It was then that Andy realized that Renth hadn't once asked for his name.

Renth smiled and petted Andy one more time, "Seventh rule. My name is Mistress Renth. You will call me Mistress at all times. When speaking of me, you will tell them you belong to Lady Renth. The final rule. Asking questions. You will ask questions when you are unsure of what to do. If I command you to do something, I would rather you ask for elaboration than be clumsy about it and get it wrong. Do you have any questions now?"

Andy shook his head and said weakly, "No, ma- Mistress." Each rule had made him flinch a little, and he began to understand the gravity of the choice he'd made. He was going to be a whore, and the vixen that sat on the bed in front of him, with legs still spread, her cunt glistening with moisture, was going to teach him how to be one. And he had chosen to let her. His cock jerked, a small spurt of pre dribbling onto the floor, and his stomach clenched just a bit.

Renth smiled and then pulled him up again to give him another kiss. "I have two questions, boy. First question. What is your name, my sweet-smelling skunk?"

Andy opened his mouth to answer, then grinned almost impishly despite his nervousness, hoping that Renth would appreciate a sense of humour. "Your Sweet-Smelling Skunk, Mistress," He murmured, voice catching. For a few tense seconds, Andy began to worry that Renth would think he was mocking her rules. His fears seemed confirmed as she frowned severely and her eyes glittered dangerously.

"I... I..." He began to backpedal, but then Renth began to laugh, a mirthful, honest and genuinely amused laugh. Moments later, she had pulled him into a warm, affectionate embrace, still laughing. "Andy. My name is Andy, Mistress," He whispered. Her reaction told him all he needed to know, that he'd made the right choice. Here was a female that would take care of him.

When Renth finally let Andy go, she had managed to compose herself, "Oh, I am going to have a delightful time training you, Andy My Sweet-Smelling Skunk. Let us just call you Andy for the time being." Seeing the grin on Andy's face, she actually winked. "Andy, the second question. I am still... unsatisfied. I am going to do something that will hurt you, because I doubt you have experienced it before. With time you will grow used to it, but for now it will be unpleasant and potentially quite humiliating for you. Regardless, it will please me greatly to make you feel that way, and it may be something you will have to do for others. Are you afraid? Of what I will do, and of me?"

Andy wilted, letting out a little whimper, having hoped that she wouldn't follow through, and let him continue what he'd started. Looking up into her eyes, he could see that her smoldering need had been stoked to a burning need so intense that he was surprised she wasn't tearing his clothes off and grinding against his length. If he'd felt that aroused, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. Still, he answered honestly, "Yes, Mistress. To both."

The vixen smiled happily and said softly, "Good. Get on the bed. On your paws and knees, Andy, your head on the pillows, ass in the air, looking away from me. Do not peek." She hopped off the bed and walked to one of the cabinets, trusting that Andy would obey, especially after having told him the rules. Andy flushed and climbed onto the bed, stealing a lick at the small pool of dampness that Renth had left there. As he moved into position, it was all he could do to suppress the urge to peek at whatever the vixen was doing.

"One other question," Renth said conversationally. Andy heard the cabinet open, and then the creak of leather and metal. He squeezed his eyes shut and bit his thumb to distract himself from the gnawing curiosity. He didn't fail to notice that he was still erect. If possible, he was even more aroused than he had been before, the uncertainty of Renth's intent almost exciting. "Even knowing that this will hurt and humiliate, do you still wish me to proceed? I will, but I am simply... curious." There was an odd slippery sound and Renth let out a soft, ecstatic moan.

There was no question that could have shocked Andy more at that point. How any could want pain and humiliation was beyond him, but even more surprising was the answer that spilled from his lips. "Mistress, if it helps me become like you someday, I want it more than anything."

Andy heard Renth stumble as she dropped whatever she was carrying. He couldn't help the grin that spread on his muzzle. He'd managed to surprise the vixen to the point she lost her composure. As she retrieved the dropped gear, Renth murmured, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and gratitude, "It will, Andy. It will." She dropped a pile of leather and steel on the pillows next to him. "It will probably frighten you, boy, but if you wish, you may look before I begin."

Curiosity immediately won over apprehension, and Andy turned his head. He let out a low, terrified whine at what he saw. A long steel bar, five leather cuffs and three lengths of chain lay on the pillow, but that was not what had scared him. Renth stood next to the bed, a predatory grin on her muzzle. She had shed the night-dress completely, her large breasts on display, but she wasn't naked. Not completely, at least; she was wearing a... thing, an odd contraption that he'd never seen before, it hid her sex from him, all leather and buckles. Attached to the harness, for that's what he guessed it to be, was a perfectly shaped and sculpted replica of a canid's erect penis, minus the knot. The detail was exquisite, and it looked both rigid and pliant at the same time. Shaking his head to deny it even as his tail curled to hide his pucker, he whispered, "You... you're going to... I... please no... I'm no pansy boy..."

Renth laughed and climbed onto the bed, "Oh, I am. And for tonight, yes you are. I am going to fuck you like the pretty little whore you are. This lovely toy is something one of the Winterlight nobles brought with her once. I purchased it from her and had her bring as many as she could next time, promising her unrestricted access to my employees in return. Arms behind your back, Andy. Now. As a reward... if you are still able to, I will allow you to spill your seed on my bed."

Andy hesitated only briefly, but it was enough for Renth to growl impatiently and pull his arms behind his back with enough force to make him cry out in pain. She slipped a cuff over each hand and then twisted them slightly, using the lengths of chain to attach them to the smaller rings on the back of his collar. "Please, Mistress... please... I'm scared..." Andy stammered. The weight of his torso kept him from pushing himself up.

The next thing Andy knew, the vixen was attaching a cuff to the middle of his tail, yanking on it roughly. She attached the third length of chain to the back of his collar, and Andy found himself unable to lower his tail. The vixen wasn't quite done yet, though; he felt cuffs attached to his calves just beneath his knee, and then attached to each end of the steel bar. He was helpless, his tight pucker bared for his 'Mistress'. His balls hung free, his cock hanging from its sheath, and the frilly skirt he still wore was flipped up on his back.

Andy sobbed a little, and the fear in his belly made him feel almost ill. Renth leaned over his helpless frame and murmured in his ear, "Oh, you are mine. Just think, you could have said no..." She stroked her paws down his sides soothingly and then continued, "Seeing you like this, a new toy, a new slave, a new recruit... about to lose his virginity in a way he had never thought... oh yes, my boy, I am going to enjoy this."

Knowing it was futile to beg her not to, Andy only whimpered, "Please be gentle... please go slow... please..." He couldn't help but wonder why he still felt more aroused than he'd ever felt in his life. The vixen's stroking continued for a few moments before she stopped. The next sensation he felt was truly unique; something cold and wet and slippery was being drizzled on his pucker, then spread around liberally.

Renth hunched over Andy, nestling the tapered tip of the toy against his tailring. She wiped her fingers on his headfur, matting it. She laughed and pinched one of his ears lightly, before whispering as huskily as she could in his ear. "No." With no warning at all, she thrust forward, spreading that tight ring of muscle and almost fully hilting in one single motion.

For a single instant, it felt to Andy like a fiery lance had been shoved into his bowels. He couldn't help the scream that spilled from his lips, agonized and desperate. His tailring clenched and spasmed, trying to close, but unable to. He wanted to escape, but the cuffs and the steel bar kept him from doing anything more than to writhe desperately. His eyes watered and he began to sob desperately. Renth had been right, of course, it was both humiliating and painful.

As soon as Andy's scream faded into the little sobs, his Mistress began to thrust in earnest, putting as much force as she dared to into her motions. "Good boy," She exclaimed, beginning to stroke and pet at Andy's ears and tail even as she rutted him. "Mmmh, Willard was definitely ... mnngh... right."

Andy continued to cry helplessly. The initial agony of that first brutal thrust had faded to a low throb, though each rough thrust still made a little wave of pain thrill through his helpless body. The dichotomy of Renth's relentless fucking and the gentle, loving strokes of her hand left Andy unsure and confused. Even with the discomfort, the softness of her petting had him slowly relaxing... and as he relaxed, the pain of each motion lessened. "Hurts..." he stammered, followed by, "More..."

"I know it does, Andy," Renth whispered in Andy's ear, and she began to lick at the tears that had dampened his cheeks, "I loved your scream, boy. Just..." She gave a purposeful shove of the toy into him, "As. I. Love. How. You. Sound. With. Each. Thrust." Each word was punctuated by a savage shove of her hips.

As the pain continued to fade, though it never disappeared completely, Andy felt something else growing. The angle of Renth's fucking motions had the toy rubbing something inside. Soon, every rough thrust was accompanied not only by a fresh wave of pain, but by an increasingly insistent thrill of unfamiliar but intense pleasure as well as a tiny spurt of pre-come on the sheets beneath him. "W-what's h-happening... don't s-stop..." He stammered.

"Oooh, there, you feel it..." Renth murmured shakily, and Andy could tell by the way her voice quavered, that she was close to her climax. Oddly, she slowed deliberately, changing the angle, purposefully holding off her orgasm. The slight change in position rubbed that spot in Andy's bowels even more insistently. "Do you want more, whore?" She asked.

"Please, Mistress, please go faster," Andy nearly yelled, "What's happening to me..." When Renth obliged, it started to hurt again, but the waves of pleasure came faster. The sheets beneath him were growing more and more wet with his pre

"Still wanting me to be gentle, whore?" The vixen crooned half-mockingly. "I see you are no less... at attention. I wonder if your seed is as sweet as its' scent."

Andy squirmed, realizing with a humiliated moan that he was trying to push back against Renth, "No, Mistress," he groaned desperately, each thrust still making him cry out, though even he wasn't sure just whether they were cries of pain or bliss. In that instant, though, he realized that it didn't matter to him anymore. The older vixen was claiming him for her own in the most intimate way possible.

"Good, Andy..." Renth murmured proudly, and shifted again so she would be able to support herself with one hand. Her free hand reached around and gripped Andy's length, stroking with a deft skill that could only come with years of experience. It took only a few of those smooth strokes for Andy to finally come. The climax was so unexpected and sudden that that Andy screamed against the bedsheets even louder than when Renth had first spread his pucker. Streamers of pale blue semen spurted from his cock, filling the area with a sweet, musky scent.

Almost immediately after the last spurts of Andy's come spilled onto the sheets, Renth pulled out, wiping the fake fox cock on the fur on the bound skunk's rump. Exhausted and spent, Andy couldn't even turn his head to look back as he heard Renth unbuckling her harness. Weakly, he stammered, "W-what about you?"

"Oh, darling, I came three times. I simply did not show it. That is something that you, sadly, will not be able to do... hide when you have climaxed." Renth laughed as she spoke, and there was a wet squelching sound. "Suck this off, Andy. Clean it well." Without warning, a thick black length of rubber was pushing against Andy's lips. It was covered in slippery, musky fluid that he realized was Renth's own pleasure.

Before he even knew what he was doing, Andy had opened his muzzle and began to suck and lick at the toy, tasting his Mistress' pleasure, something he knew he would do quite often in the coming weeks and months. As he cleaned every inch of the toy, he felt the cuffs on his knees being undone, and the one on his tail as well. Next came the release of his wrist-cuffs from the length of chain on his collar, though the cuffs themselves she left attached to each other. Immediately, he slumped down, not caring that he was laying in a messy puddle of his own seed.

"I do not know about you, boy... but I am quite spent. Tonight you will stay with me in my bed. In the morning, I will begin to teach you everything I know." Renth laid down next to Andy and pulled him close, hugging him possessively. Before he was even aware of it, Andy had fallen into the deepest and most restful sleep he'd had since arriving in the city of Erekem.
