Star Fox Lost Adventures: Tinted

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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This took while. It may be shorter then the rest but I really enjoyed writing this. :D

Insparation: Star Fox charecters do not belong to me.

Star Fox Lost Adventures


Crimson got off of his bed, thinking about all that has happened. His fists were clenched and he was enraged. He then sighed and walked towards the door. He looked back at the room with a revengeful look in his eye and grinned, "I will get him back." He said. The automatic door slid shut and he was ready for this mission.

He walked over to an elevator and the metallic doors slid open. "Going up." He thought. Next stop was the hangers.

Fox and Raven were both sharing glances in the hanger, waiting for Crimson to come in. They knew that even though he walked out on them that he would come back. Once he got over his spell Fox thought, then he would want to go to the planet to hunt down Nightshade.

And sure enough, Crimson was walking down the hanger toward the A-wing and he jumped in. He clicked a button on the dashboard and the cockpit slid over onto the aircraft with a hiss. Fox grinned. "See told you so." He elbowed Raven and Raven nodded and smiled "So I guess the mission is still going on?" Fox nodded.

Fox walked over to Crimson A-wing and tapped on the glass. Crimson noticed the sound and looked over to see Fox standing on a lift. "So you up for the mission I presume?" Crimson said nonchalantly "I am not doing this for you but for everyone who died to Nightshade." Fox was knocked back by the comment but then understood that the real reason that Crimson was going on this mission was for revenge.

"Alright," Said Fox, "Just don't get yourself into any trouble." Crimson grinned, "I can't promise anything." Crimson's two guns Blue and Yellow gleamed in the light from the hanger. Crimson also grabbed extra precaution, a dagger dangled from his right pocket.

"Oh and by the way Crimson, the object of this game is NOT to get yourself detected." Fox leaned on the aircraft by his elbow. "And you might want to practice up on boarding unless you want to fall off of it at 70mph." Fox grinned, Crimson squinted and sighed. "Nice advice." Crimson then chuckled. "Hope you have fun here foxy, I have a certain date with an individual."

Fox nodded "Actually I have to monitor your progress from the General's office, so I won't be having much." Fox smirked. "You're the one who gets all the action." Fox then pulled a lever down on the lift and said "Well see you from the monitors on Planet 16!" Crimson give Fox a thumbs up and activated the engine. It roared to life and a blue flame shot out the back.

Peppy gave thumbs up from the control room and sleep smiled and waved. Crimson was off in a burst of speed into the unknowns of space and floating on the outer atmosphere of Planet 16. The planet was beautiful. The bluish-teal atmosphere was in perfect harmony, almost like a symphony. It was both Raven's and Crimson's home planet. Memories started to flash by Crimson. He remembered school, children, friends, and parents. He then remembered the planets real name, Equinox.

Flowers marked spring time fashionably as purple, orange, and yellow cascaded together in perfect harmony. The flowers were in bunches and could be seen from space during blooming time. Some flowers only opened during nighttime, glossing the sky with an array of colors and new life. Most of the planet was surrounded by water and the sea known as Utopian Sea taken over the territory of the southern part of the planet.

Crimson was in awe in space, this was only space also, he still had to land. Crimson controlled the aircraft dexterously easily breaking thou the atmosphere. Crimson aimed for the blue and yellow flower bed. Wind turbines were up and running which powered most of the island and a wind came from the Utopian Sea, powering the windmills. Crimson decided the Central side of the island was his best bet, considering that wildlife ran wild on the south.

Crimson descended along the flowerbed, sending yellow and blue flower petals everywhere. They danced in the air, leading up into the sky and disappearing. Crimson decided to change out of his uniform and into something more, rouge. He put on a red scarf so no one could see his nose or mouth and put on a white tee shirt with black running pants that had a white line going down them. He then added the special touch, a pair of goggles.

Crimson tucked his dagger inside the pocket of his running pants and put the two guns in his pants belt on the back. Despite all the wondrous looks of the planet, it really is one of the most dangerous. Many gangs flocked to the streets and fire fights often broke out. Even though the streets were paved with sadness, the wilderness of flowers that he was in made him feel certain calmness. They say that only the most pure of hearts can make these flowers change colors.

Crimson jumped out of the A wing and onto the flower bed bellow. Petals circled around him and danced in the wind until they were blown away. Crimson was well hidden with his clothing choice and walked along like any normal person. Good thing the running fox on the A wing was sprayed over so no one will notice a change.

Crimson looked up at the sky and saw another A wing monitoring his progress. Hmm Crimson thought, must be the Star Fox team. Crimson watched the craft hover over the landscape, its bird-like shape feeling the air and watched the metal reflect from the sun above. Crimson grinned, I guess this is the best time to practice my boarding skills.

Crimson pressed a button that was on the back of his shirt and a board popped out onto his hands. Crimson's board was a reflection of him in every way. His board needed his DNA to run so the team had to pluck a piece of hair out of his fur. The board was red on the outside and had a white center. In Crimson's hands the board felt like the weight of a snowboard.

Crimson then put it on the ground and stood on top of it. It just stayed there and did not float or anything. Crimson then felt his phone ring. Crimson picked it up and heard "Crimson if you want to turn on the Chronic you have to think of yourself floating." This voice was Slippys. Crimson gave a thumps up and put Chronic down on the ground.

Crimson stepped on top of the Chronic and felt the power inside of it. Crimson thought of a flower petal floating in the breeze. Crimson closed his eyes and a hum came from the back of the board. It was the Chronic, he was floating. Crimson then heard his phone go off again, Crimson picked it up. "Now all that you have to do is lean left and right to turn." Said Slippy. Crimson nodded and leaned forward and the board moved forward, making flowers fly everywhere. Haha this is easy, thought Crimson. Crimson leaned even more and was going extremely fast. Crimson felt his fur ruffle and sway and the wind flew past him. Crimson flipped on his goggles and his scarf was moving violently.

Crimson leaned to his right but realized the movement was too quick and flew off his board, the board crashed and flipped into a nearby flower bed while Crimson rolled 4 times and eventually came to a halt. Ow, he thought maybe not so easy. Crimson got up holding his arm and wiped dust off his clothes. Crimson smiled, I guess I better join that tournament now. Crimson leaned over and picked up the Chronic. It had a little bit of scratches but why not ride into town? Crimson jumped on the Chronic and he headed to town hoping to avenge his mother.