Casting Call the Sequel Part 1 of 4

Story by Xerotiger on SoFurry

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Casting Call the Sequel

Part 1 of 4

It was a warm sunny day in Anaheim as the four friends met in front of the amusement park for the first time. They introduced themselves to each other and got along quite quickly. Mike, Grant, Tim, and Josh proceded thru the gates and began discussing where they should go first. It was decided that they would go and visit Donald Duck first as it would be better to work their way around the park from the back towards the front. Arriving by the Ducks house they were amazed to see no one waiting in line yet. Then a greeter approached them and told them that Donald would be out in a little while and asked them if one of them would like to help him get ready. Explaining that he was a bit shy today. As it was Mikes idea to see the duck the other three decided to let him be the one to go. Happily Mike followed the greeter as he was led backstage. Finally making their way to a room with brightly colored walls and oversized furniture he was asked to sit down in a large blue chair. Just then a raccoon and a meerkat walked into the room carrying a limp and lifeless duck followed by a red fox.

"Ah! So you want to help Donald get ready do you? Well I have been waiting to test out my new symbiote suit design. You seem to be a bit tall, but the suit should have no trouble adjusting you to fit it." Looking at the meerkat and raccoon they seemed to wiggle a bit in pain or pleasure as if to resist her stare before the meerkat grabbed him and the raccoon brought the suit closer and closer. The raccoon unzipped it and showed him the emptyness inside as the meerkat held him while the host removed his clothes piece by piece. Mike knew what was going to happen and began to struggle.

The raccoon began by grabbing his feet shoving them one at a time down the silky feeling duck tights each foot ending up in a hollow flat duck foot that didn't quite fit. The duck tights pressed firmly against his legs, but only up just past his knees. Still struggling however not quite as much as he was due to the fact that he was kind of enjoying this a bit. Although he would never admit it. As the suit was jerked up from the bottom he was snapped out of his trance. A big empty space was now encompasing most of his lower body from just above his knees to just below his chest. This was the ducks belly and it's big wobbly rear. He began to panic once again. Squirming and trying to kick his feet to get away, but finding it almost impossible as his feet were now trapped in those of a large duck. Trying to resist as each arm was shoved into a four fingered white puffy hand before the back was zipped up slowly by the raccoon. Finally with fear in his eyes a smiling duck head with large plastic eyes was shown to him. The raccoon and meerkat looked at him with their fixed expressions seemingly with regret as it was forced down apon him.

A voice was heard in his head as the head was pressed upon him.

"Hello my new duck. Experience my new design. Your body will merge with the costume. You are Donald. You want to be Donald! Your old feet will fill the new duck feet I have given you!"

"NO!" Mike screamed. The head muffled that scream and reshaped it into "Heheh I'm Donald Duck" His feet began to feel weird he tried to get up and realized that he was still being held down. By who he could no longer tell as he could only look thru the cold plastic eyes of his new prison. His feet began to swell and flatten his toes melting reforming to match the duck feet he was forced into. Now feeling cold and rubbery.

"What are you doing to me!?" Was muffled and reformed again by the head into "Would you like an autograph?" in a ducky voice. His legs merged with the shiny yellow duck tights very quickly. Then his butt began to expand into the empty duck tail merging with it. While his belly did the same pushing forward until it met the fabric of the costume and became part of it. His arms fused quickly with the white exterior his fingers merging to form a padded four fingerd duck hand.

"Please....." was all that came out as his head began to change. His nose and mouth pushed out filling the duck beak nicley. His mouth open and accepting the new smile that was given to him as it was formed permanantly in hard rubber. Tears rolled out of his eyes for a moment as he realized his fate. No longer able to close them as they widened becoming shiny plastic eyes. His head finally filling the empty void of the suit. The vixen looked at her new project.

"How do you feel my new toy?" said the red fox.

"I want my Daisy" quacked the new Donald without moving his inanimate mouth.

"You mean that other guy you came in with? Interesting. You shouldn't have retained any memory, but I could use a Daisy. I'll have to use the old method until I make more like you. Come here." proclaimed the vixen. The new slave did not hesitate at all and waddled over immediately. "Turn around!" ordered the fox. The duck complied. She reached to the top of his back and found what she was looking for a hidden zipper. She grabbed it and forcefully pulled it down as far as it would go. The duck slumped over and stopped moving. She reached her paw inside finding it empty warmth was all that was left of the former human. She zipped it back up and he sprung back to life. "Now that we have a talking character it would seem we no longer need a host." she said smiling slyly; glancing at the meerkat and raccon who quickly grabbed the host........