Eudaemon: Part 6

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#6 of Eudaemon

It was actually more maze than hotel, however... all two floors of the beaten up, rambling place that likely had more hallways than rooms. The reptile walked in, gazed at the clerk in the lobby, and the ferret behind the counter shrunk back a bit as his eyes went wide at the sight of the dripping lizard, swallowing and trembling fearfully before he pointed to the side and said in a weak voice: "Someone... is already in your room, waiting for you, sir... the usual suite... it's... clean and... there's towels laid out... in case you showed up..."

"Good." Zerrex said shortly, then he dismissed him and turned, walking towards the rickety staircase that led up to a short balcony that ran around the top of the hall... most of it taped off for safety reasons. He then went through a plain fire door, holding it open and stepping to the side for Mary to pass through, before he turned and approached the first door - Room 201 - and reached down to open it. As expected, it wasn't locked... and then he stepped in, closely followed by a now-slightly-nervous Mary.

It was a basic hotel room... there was a small niche here, with the bathroom door to one side and a plain mat laid out on the floor, with one pair of shoes already standing lonely; they were joined by the reptile's boots and Mary's own shoes, as a glance for her confirmed a tiny bathroom crammed with a sink, shower stall and toilet, and then she looked forwards to see a small television sitting on a table... and closed curtains before a window, although she could hear the rain tapping against it. She also thought she saw a pair of feet on a bed... and it was confirmed when the reptile walked forwards and she followed into the square room that was dominated by the huge bed. Everything else seemed to have been removed... probably at Zerrex's request.

Laying on the bed was a cute female vixen - actually, not unlike the one they had encountered earlier - her ears perked forwards, her eyes half-lidded and apparently intent on seducing the reptile somewhat from the tight black, front-laced corset and tight black leather g-string she wore, her hands behind her head, legs stretched out with tight fishnet stockings, and plume of a tail beside her as she rested back on the bed, clothes folded neatly in a pile... and then Mary couldn't help the vague amusement she felt as she looked over the fox and realized that the vixen was definitely anatomically superior to her in terms of figure - she was lithe, huge breasted, sleek legged, well-groomed and hell, probably even younger than she was... and she couldn't help but glance at Zerrex, and felt a bit of a grin surface at the completely-unimpressed look on his features as he gazed at her, still sopping wet.

Before she could speak, the reptile asked in a mildly irritated voice: "Where's the goddamn towels?"

Immediately the vixen blushed and stood up... and Mary realized she was also wearing at tight leather collar as well, and then she had to reach up and cough to hide her widened grin as the vulpine humbly bowed her head forwards and spoke in a sensuous, serving-her-master voice that even she couldn't top: "I'm sorry, Boss... I wasn't thinking that you'd come here in the rain and be all wet... why don't you let me towel you off to make up for it?" Then she turned her eyes on the feline, and they gleamed as she added in a purr that again, even the feline couldn't match: "And I'll take care of your friend too, if you'd like that."

"If she's up for it." Zerrex replied, and his tone was mildly bored, even as he reached up and pulled his shirt off, then he tossed it aside as the vixen fairly drooled over his huge, muscular form, towering over her by almost three feet - even Mary was maybe an inch or two taller than the small fox, who seemed young and dumb enough to only have her lust incited to a greater degree instead of cowed as most smart females would be by the anticipation of what was about to happen. As she began to walk past, Zerrex reached a hand down and grabbed her shoulder, as Mary stepped aside and then walked into the room, feeling vaguely uncomfortable but at the same time reaching up to unbutton her own dress shirt - hell, it was just another girl right? It wasn't like... it was going to be sexual or anything, right? And sure, she might watch Zerrex... you know... but... she'd seen him naked before, even had sex with him, and it wasn't like he was going to kill her... she knew that from experience, even though the memory made her wince and reminded her of the ache that seemed to still be going in her lower regions.

But then she glanced up, surprised as the reptile asked a simple but intelligent set of questions that made the submissive vixen flush a bit... and Mary couldn't help but feel vaguely amused as she saw his emerald eyes focusing down on the sapphire ones of the fox, trapping her with his gaze... hell, the look he was giving her was almost enough to make Mary feel trapped, even as she undid the last buttons of the dress shirt and took it off. "Tell me. What's your name? How old are you? Are you a virgin? And..." now he glanced up, at what seemed to be a plain black purse, and then Mary blinked as he asked: "Why are you taping this?"

The vixen flushed deeply, then started to stutter, still staring up at his face but now with incredulity; and Mary couldn't help but smile widely as she now let her sopping-wet skirt fall to the ground, crossing her arms over her breasts as she stood in her underwear and bra, peering closely at the purse and realizing that there was indeed a small camera lens sticking out of a hole in the side, at the perfect angle to catch all sorts of interesting positions on the bed; it was fairly well camouflaged, but she doubted that alone would ever be enough to throw Zerrex off his game. And then she looked up as the vixen whimpered a bit as the reptile squeezed her shoulder, apparently tiring of her babbling as he said coldly: "Answer my questions. In order. And if you lie, I'll hit you."

Apparently that was something that the fox hadn't taken into consideration, and she quickly nodded, swallowing and curling her ears and tail down submissively as she looked up at him, reaching up to slowly stroke over his wet and gleaming, muscular chest. "My name is Melinda, but everyone calls me Mel... I'm... I'm seventeen, and this is my first time, and I wanna do everything with you-" Something the reptile hadn't asked, but he let it slide because of the entertainment it gave him... "-and because I... I wanted to... to prove that I slept with the Boss and... and because I thought it would be sexy..."

Zerrex gazed at her with mild entertainment, then he nodded before letting her go and walking past her, glancing down at the purse and reaching into it, then removing a pack of both condoms and the camera. He held the packet of the former up to his face, then he tossed them back down beside the television with a quiet snort. "I don't use condoms." He said plainly, then turned to look at her. "We go bare. No protection."

"But..." Mel stuttered, and then she was easily silenced by a glare from the Drakkaren, holding up her hands and backing up a step as her eyes widened and she swallowed thickly.

"I don't care." The reptile enunciated softly, then jerked his head towards the bathroom as he reached down and undid his pants, removing them and leaving them only in a pair of boxers that already seemed far too-tight, despite his seemingly complete lack of excitement... and the vixen's look of submission became tinged not with fright but lust once more as she stared at him, then quickly turned and ran into the bathroom as he crossed his muscular arms and gave her another flat look.

Then he turned and walked over to the bed, sitting on it and looking over at Mary, speaking softly: "You're going to watch for now. But I will ask you to join in afterwards, and maybe I'll feel like watching you and her for entertainment." He paused as she made a face, leaning back against the wall, but then she nodded with a sigh under his flat look, feeling embarrassed.

"I just... I've never even thought about going lesbian before..." she said slowly, then glanced up as Mel came back in with a towel, looking flushed and embarrassed, and so the cat finished the thought silently to herself, But... I guess it can't be that bad.

Zerrex looked over at the vixen as she stood with the large-size towel, then he jerked his head at Mary, who flushed a bit. "Clean her up first. Then you can do me."

"Yes, sir." Mel replied obediently, and then Zerrex watched as she carefully and sensuously dried Mary's fur with the towel; so far, he was ticking off points in his head, and he certainly enjoyed the submission of the vixen... he figured it would make things more fun later on. Especially once they got around to a few fun acts... and that made him smile slightly, which brightened the vixen's features when she turned around to look at him.

Then he allowed her to towel him off, letting the pleasure at her submission and her slow draws of the towel over his muscles relax him, enjoying the massage as much as he could as he rested back against the wall, looking down at her dominatingly the whole time... then, once she was done, he told her to put the towel away, then turned her back against him, pulling her against his body as he stood, massaging her virginal form slowly and rolling his hands over her sides, reaching up to squeeze her breasts and making her tremble and moan even with such small touches, as he realized she was a virgin even to being fondled and massaged as he was doing, and so growing to enjoy his gentle touches of her young body even more.

He slipped his down to her crotch and squeezed, and she bucked and moaned as her eyes went wide with surprise; he slipped his hand down lower, into her g-string, and she reached back to squeeze his hips hard, trembling and rubbing her body back against him as she shook her head from side-to-side, eyes closed as she panted quietly. Then he pushed her onto the bed, walked over to the camera, and angled it properly as she lay there, trembling and staring at him with realization of what was about to happen before he hit the record button, walked over, climbed on the bed and kissed her as he began to roll his hands over her again and her over him.

He gently moved his hands against her form, worked his much-larger muzzle down against her smaller one, fingers dragging against her sides and then moving up to fondle her breasts, squeezing them gently through the tight corset that bound her swells closer to her body as she pushed herself into his grip with a quiet moan. Then he settled one hand against her as the other rolled down her stomach and gripped her crotch, rolling two large fingers between her legs as his hand squeezed down against her g-string, making her gasp as she bucked instinctively into his hand and pushed her hands back against his body, dragging her own over his chest and powerful, chiseled abs, tickling along his waist.

Mary couldn't help the faint feelings of both jealousy and arousal that warred through her... but then, after Zerrex motioned for her to come over and switch with him, she felt nervousness replace jealousy as she climbed onto the bed, and then she simply let her hands do as they would with the young vixen. She squeezed and rolled her breasts through the corset, tilting her head back and watching the expressions of the younger female as the fox moaned softly, moving her own hands up and down her mostly-naked sides, tracing over her stomach and massaging her own breasts.

The fox was braver with her, perhaps because she was seeing another nervous, submissive soul instead of a dominating giant, as Zerrex leaned back and watched them with pleasure and entertainment... but apparently little or no arousal, and Mary soon got the feeling, as she felt her underwear being slowly stripped by the still 'clothed' vixen, that the pleasure he got was from the fact he had complete power over both of them...

She could feel her panties being slowly drawn down... then she gasped quietly as the vixen's hand slipped up between her legs and squeezed her crotch, the vulpine looking down into her eyes with deep lust as Mary stared back hungrily, blushing slightly, knowing that the fox would feel the slight wetness of her lips... but instead, the fox merely squeezed slowly again, then drew her fingertips back along the cleft of her vagina, making the feline moan quietly as her own hands squeezed the vixen's sides. As she began to massage upwards towards her breasts again, she felt the fox easily slipping her hand behind her to undo her bra, and then it fell to the bed, leaving her breasts bared. They were not untouched for long, however, as the vulpine gave her crotch another squeeze and then settled one hand upon her right breast, rolling the firm mound slowly and pushing her palm gently down into the hardened nipple.

Mary returned the favor after a few more moments of groping; that is to say, the favor of removing the other's clothing: and this part, at least, the cat didn't have a problem with. She stripped her down easily, gently bucking her hips and letting out soft breaths of pleasure as she felt the fox working her hand still at her crotch, tracing up and down the entrance to her passage but never penetrating, as the feline's own hands gently pulled the g-string down, then loosed the corset as they sat up together. The fox removed her hands for a moment from her body to throw her own scant clothing to the side, and Mary immediately took the chance to move forwards, reaching a hand down to return the squeezes that the vixen had been giving to her crotch and flicking her clitoris with her thumb as the other hand moved up to grasp a breast gently. The vulpine moaned, her back arching slightly out towards the feline... and Mary lowered her head, kissing the neck of the fox before hesitating as she moved her hand in slow, gentle circles against the entrance to the vulpine's passage.

Then she tried using her mouth on the bust of the vixen, experimenting as her hands touched places she never thought she'd touch on another female, causing the vixen to tremble, as Mary's lips settled upon her nipple before pushing forwards to claim part of her swell as well, tongue flicking the hard nub of flesh and teeth gently rubbing over it... and then Zerrex was back, and gently pulling Mary away to watch again as he climbed onto the bed and leaned forwards to say softly into Mel's ear: "Foreplay is over. Take my boxers off. Then make me hard... use your hands."

Mel nodded as Mary slipped back to lean against a wall and watch, her legs spread, still panting quietly as lust rolled through her body, pleasure emanating from the wet folds of her vagina and her well-massaged breasts... but it did bring another strange, voyeuristic pleasure as she watched Zerrex sit on the bed and the female fox reach slowly, nervously forwards, staring at the bulging boxers before dragging them slowly down and watching as inch after inch after inch of huge, black penis became visible... until finally the reptile was shed of them and he sat in a V, hands on his knees and looking strangely serene as he smiled down at the vulpine, who was staring at the massive and still-soft flesh.

Mel did the best she could, her hands squeezing and grasping the huge cock, trembling and bending it up and down slightly as Zerrex watched her, licking his muzzle slowly as he began to harden into the hands of the busty, nude vixen. She stroked up and down his huge cock slowly, looking back and forth from those piercing emerald eyes to the gigantic black flesh of the reptile, feeling it starting to heat in her hands, throbbing slightly as if it had its own life, thickening and lengthening as she fumbled with the huge penis. Yet despite her inexperience, it was enough, even though the sight of the reptile caused another brief war between lust and fear on her features, as she sat back and stared at the plus-thirty-inch, fully erect penis that went much of the way up the giant lizard's chest. But then, when his expert hands began touching her again, reaching down to grasp her breasts and guide her up to her knees by the underswells before he squeezed her nipples, then took her huge breasts in his own large hands, lust won easily and she found herself willingly submitting to the desires of the reptile...

Mary couldn't help but touch a few of her own places as Zerrex finally stopped with the between-foreplay-and-sex, and finally pushed her down and mounted her - and a part of her grinned as she realized he was doing it at an angle that fit the camera. Her hands moved over her own body as she watched the Drakkaren kiss her hungrily, working his huge muzzle against her much-smaller one, his tongue invading her mouth and wrestling, dominating her own, shoving down towards her throat as his body lay down against hers. One of his hands continued to grope a breast roughly, squeezing and rolling it back and forth against her chest as his other rubbed the top of his huge cock and pushed it down against her body, the thick meat rolling back and forth through the fur of her stomach as he thrusted slowly against her, her legs raising into the air as she bucked her hips back. The sight of it was enough to entice Mary into exciting her own passions further by slowly beginning to drag her fingers up and down her vagina, spreading her legs a bit as she leaned back against the wall and began to pant quietly, her other hand squeezing and rolling a breast, working her fingers against her nipple and her mound as she moved her body against her hands, watching the reptile moving against the vixen with hunger.

Then the reptile dragged his huge shaft back as he sat up, grinning down at the female fox as his hand slipped from her breast to grasp her hip, his thick penis still in his other hand as he pulled his hips far back and guided the head of the huge shaft to her trembling vagina. On her back, the vixen could only stare and grasp her own breasts, trying to look enticing and passionate despite the fear as she began to play with her own swells, and the reptile murred before he suddenly leaned forwards. With a grunt and a hard forwards thrust, he pushed into her, shattering her virginity and immediately stretching her passage wide, and the feline winced at memory and the sound of the vixen's scream as the vulpine bucked, squeezing her own large breasts instinctively. Immediately, Mel's hips shook and she clamped her hands onto Zerrex's shoulder, switching the grip as he leaned his body down over hers a bit more and moved his hand from the base of his shaft to her other hip, the vixen trying to bite back the next cry of pain as he forced forwards again, but then Zerrex whispered something in her ear, and Mel nodded before voicing another scream as he moved forwards again, giving Mary a flashback of what he'd said to her: Scream. I like it. And it'll make it easier on you.

He thrusted forwards again, blood flowing down the sides of his immense flesh as he dug his enormous length deeper into the vixen, as she shrieked and dug her claws into his broad shoulders, her mouth agape and eyes bulging with the pain as she tried to clamp onto him with her legs, her own hips bucking spasmodically as the reptile grunted, his own fingers digging into her hips as he jerked her towards him and thrusted forwards at the same time, ripping his long obsidian penis even deeper with every hard thrust as she shook her head from side to side and screamed loudly again, giving voice to her pain as she rocked her hips against Zerrex's huge cock as he continued to bury his length inch-by-inch.

She kept screaming for the next ten minutes, then for another good ten - or perhaps fifteen, the feline stopped keeping track of time as she began to touch herself, despite her best efforts not to but unable to resist the temptation, shocked that Zerrex should... arouse her so much, that watching this should do something in her when she knew it should have probably disgusted her... the giant reptile, forcing his impossibly-thick and long cock into the much-smaller vixen, as she clutched him and he just grinned and grunted, eyes burning with animal pleasure as he stared dominatingly into her eyes, seeming to drink up her pain as he rammed his huge, fleshy length into her, finally managing to hilt as his testicles smacked into her anus with a loud squelch, before drawing back and then beginning to thrust almost half of the gigantic penis in and out, ripping who knew how far into her as Mary stared, wondering if that was what she had looked like as tears rolled down the cheeks of the vixen and she cried out again and again before suddenly arching her back, her hands dropping and grabbing her bust as Zerrex sat up and began to put more power and length into his thrusts, keeping them just as quick but moving more of his huge penis in and out of her.

She still screamed now... but these screams were tinged with both desire and a growing pleasure, as she grasped herself and rocked her head from side to side, and suddenly Mary felt it was okay to let herself keep doing as she'd been to this point... touching herself, getting off to the sexual play being acted out in front of her. The feline moaned quietly before rubbing her mouth with the back of one hand, then she leaned back against the wall, watching with renewed passion as her hands moved over her own body, squeezing her breasts slowly before bringing both down to stroke her inner thighs, teasingly herself before moving one up to her vagina... and this time, instead of merely massaging around the outside of her lips and gently toying with her clit, she buried two fingers into herself almost immediately and bucked her hips at the feeling of penetrating herself, of her own wet warmth as she moaned and watched the two lustfully, working her fingers in and out of herself as Zerrex grunted and thrusted.

He worked his thick, veiny member in and out of her vagina rapidly, moving the huge cock powerfully as he leaned slightly forwards, grinning widely, eyes burning with pleasure and hot desire as the female jounced and rocked on the bed, continuing to scream and moan as she dropped her head back, squeezing her breasts and working them in her own hands, squeezing her nipples between two fingers as she bucked her hips back against the reptile, moving in time with him before moaning loudly as he began to slow his thrusts, working almost leisurely in and out as he gave his own low groan of pleasure, eyes slipping closed as his hands moved from her hips to grasp her ankles, pulling her legs wider out to the side as his muscles flexed in time with his thrusts. He worked himself back and forth, but it was more gentle, slower, more careful despite the blood that was flowing freely and pooling beneath the vixen's lower half... but she was moaning hotly now, all but drooling as she rolled and manipulated her large mounds in her hands, eyes staring mindlessly up at the ceiling, full of desire and passion as Mary bucked her hips and gave her own quiet sounds of pleasure, watching at the fox obviously took to the reptile's huge length much faster than she herself had managed.

He gave Mel her first orgasm as he softened his movements: he made his thrusts a bit longer, but put more power into them, his large testicles smacking wetly against her anus as he rocked his hips back and forth, inciting louder and louder sounds of pleasure from the vixen as her body jounced on the bed, hips bucking... then her eyes widened as she began to move harder against the reptile, moaning loudly and arching her back as her vagina clamped down on the massive shaft of the reptile and began to contract rhythmatically, the female's hips bucking as she let out another sound of pleasure and began to buck her hips powerfully up against him, as his own thrusts picked up speed in reaction to the newfound ecstasy, rocking back and forth as he grunted and held her spasming legs out, grinning widely as he felt her juices rushing down his shaft, lubricating him further and releasing in a flood over his cock as she screamed and arched her back, hands tightly squeezing her own bust.

The reptile achieved his own when he next roughened his movements, picking up pace in the extra-sensitive passage of the fox as her orgasm came to an end, beginning to thrust powerfully as he released her ankles and put his arms out to either side of her, leaning down over her body and moving his shaft powerfully back and forth, squelching his cock in and out of her through the lube of blood and juices, stretching her lips wide as she began to cry out again... and for whatever animal reason, Mary only found this all the more intoxicating to her, raising her own lust higher as she managed to spread her legs a bit more and thrust her own fingers into herself with a bit more force, moaning as she slightly lifted one leg into the air and squeezed her own breast roughly, almost to the point of pain. She watched as Zerrex growled, leaning down further and then kissing the lips of the vixen roughly as she screamed, invading her muzzle for a moment with his tongue as his thick cock began to pound mercilessly in and out of her, pummeling her body with his huge penis.

She shrieked, rocking against him and crying out as her hands clutched herself, then reached out to grab the wrists of the reptile, staring up into his eyes as she let loose cry after cry of pleasure pain as he dominated her, engorged shaft pounding in and out of her before he began to pick up even more, his testicles striking her like twin wrecking balls as her hips bounced and her breasts jiggled almost wildly on her chest, her mouth open with scream after scream as she squeezed his arms, staring at him as he grunted and worked himself in and out as he began to rapidly stiffen up before letting out a long, low groan of pleasure as he reached his own climax, ramming the long, blood-drenched pole of meat in and out of her as he released his hot load, white, viscous fluid pouring into her stretched and torn vagina as she shrieked and rocked her hips back against him, clutching him uselessly as she stared up into his eyes... but her own were still filled with lust, and not just pain as his semen poured into her, mixing with her blood, coating his own shaft and much of the huge burst of seed leaking back out as his penis continued to rapidly thrust for a few more moments.

But unlike with Mary ,after he pulled out, he looked down at her and ignored the blood and other fluids, merely moving to the edge of the bed as tears continued to leak down Mel's face and she panted with near-exhaustion, trembling, her legs finally falling as her hands grasped the sheets for a moment, squeezing them before letting them go as well. Then the reptile spoke in a dry voice: "You wanted to try everything? Go get a cloth and rinse off my cock, then you can put it in your mouth." He paused, then jerked his head at Mary, who looked at him with a deep blush as she removed her fingers from her hot, wet vagina, her own orgasm close but not yet achieved as she leaned heavily against the wall, legs trembling slightly. "She'll help you out."

The vixen's submissive side took over as she stared at his muscular back... but her eyes also shone with lust again, nodding and then quickly staggering to do as he bid, forcing herself up to her feet; she took an extra few moments in the bathroom, and then came back with a less-bleeding lower part and a more-than-bloody cloth as Mary felt a strange, rolling lust twist through her loins and body.

Mary moved over to kneel beside the vixen as she slowly began to clean his girthy flesh, rubbing the bloody cloth over it carefully and gently as Zerrex watched with a slight grin, obviously enjoying the humility of the vixen and feline as they both kneeled before him.

He murred quietly as the cloth stroked over his still-hard flesh, then reached a hand down to place on both their heads, a slight smile playing across his features as both Mary and Mel looked up at him with equal submission and an emotion that was almost some form of needy love from the slight gesture of physical praise he was giving unto them. With just his presence, he dominated both of them completely, made them both feel as if he were some all-powerful king and they were just his pawns - for him to play with as he willed. And for whatever reason, neither of them had a problem with that, even as he turned his gesture of affection into one of power as he dragged them both forwards and said softly: "Lick."

They both did as the reptile bid, the vulpine moving forwards with a bit more eagerness than Mary, but both females pushing the ends of their muzzles against either side of his huge shaft and Mary nervously extending her tongue to drag it slowly up one side of the reptile's penis. Mel, on the other hand, was already working her way up the other side of the Drakkaren's large shaft with gentle kisses at the end of each short lick, moving to the head before rolling her tongue around the engorged, flared tip of his penis as she looked up at him with wanting eyes, and Zerrex looked back down with a quiet murr as he stroked the back of her head, grinning widely. "That's what I like, bitch..."

The vixen murred quietly at the words of the Boss, as Mary continued to slowly take long laps up the length of his shaft before she began to work her way down, licking upwards as she lowered her head, one of her hands reaching up to grasp the knee of the Drakkaren as the other went down to massage the outside of her crotch slowly, inhaling the strong scent of the huge male, pressing her muzzle a bit closer as she reached the base of his shaft, then dragged down a bit further to find his testicles, putting her mouth against one and working her lips against it for a few moments against the grapefruit-sized orb before lapping at it gently as Mel continued to lightly drag her tongue teasingly around the head of the reptile's shaft, kissing along the flare before lapping slowly at the sensitive tip of his penis.

The Drakkaren thrusted lightly upwards against the pleasures of the two females, murring in his throat as he massaged his hands against the backs of their skulls, pulling them closer against his fleshy length as he felt Mary nuzzling and lapping slowly at one of his deep blue orbs before nuzzling the loose flesh of the sac between testicles and the base of his penis. One of the busty vixen's breasts pushed into her head, rubbing against the back of Zerrex's hand as Mel traced her tongue along the underside of the flare of his cockhead, then she began to drag long licks up the body of his immense obsidian member as Mary worked her way up from the base of the black cock again.

Before Mel could start to go down any further, he pulled her easily by the head upwards, making her groan a bit as she dropped the cloth she'd been wringing in her hands and reached up to grasp his thick waist, looking up at him as he pulled her up until she was just above the enormous, rounded head of his penis, his other hand stroking Mary's skull as he asked softly: "You seem to like it more, so why don't you show Mary here how to really suck a cock, huh, slut? Why don't you see how much of me you can swallow down, bitch?"

His tone suggested it was far more a command than a suggestion, as did his hand when he began to push her down towards his shaft, thrusting up at the same time so the huge head rubbed back and forth along her lips. His other hand pushed Mary gently back down to the base of his cock, fingers squeezing into her furry skull as he kept her lips against his shaft and she opened her eyes, her hands still settled on his knee and her own crotch as she watched Mel stare up at Zerrex with lust and want for a few moments. Then, ever so slowly, she opened her muzzle as the end of his penis moved against her lips, and she began to descend painstakingly downwards, the girthy shaft stretching her jaws as it first filled her muzzle, then journeyed towards and then down her throat.

Mel gagged a bit as she managed down almost a foot of black Drakkaren meat, then she closed her eyes tightly for a moment as her head gave a little jerk, forcing maybe another inch down into her throat as Zerrex rolled his head back, grinning in obvious pleasure at the feeling of his shaft buried down her muzzle. The female feline, meanwhile, was still continuing to lap and kiss at the base of his penis, watching with an arousal that she found almost shocking as the vixen struggled to take even more of the huge penis into her throat, as Zerrex thrusted teasingly forwards to choke her further, his shaft bending forwards as her large, firm breasts bounced a bit.

The Drakkaren's hand on the back of her head forced her a bit deeper... then finally allowed her to withdraw as she began to pant harshly around the huge penis buried into her throat, restricting her breathing and jamming her jaws open. It moved back, inch-by-inch, finally allowing the vixen enough space to breathe, panting hard and then opening her mouth wide to moan as the massive cock pulled free from her jaws, streamers of drool and saliva hanging from it and many of them still attached on the other end to the fox's mouth, as both she and Mary stared. The female feline had drawn back at Zerrex's urging, and then the reptile swiveled his hips, body turning slightly to face her as he tilted his head, eyes burning with desire and grin wide as he asked in a nearly teasing voice: "Your turn now... you think you can handle as much as this whore here?"

Mary swallowed thickly, staring at the massive shaft before meekly shaking her head, looking up at the reptile with a slight tremble as she squeezed her own hot loins - only made hotter and wetter by the feeling of the reptile's attention changing to her, however. She looked up into his burning emerald eyes, then changed her gaze to his thick shaft as Mel coughed a bit, looking away... before the vixen slowly moved backwards, then grasped Mary's hips and pulled her so she was straight-on facing the giant lizard and his monstrous penis, her breasts warm hills pressing into her back and her hands squeezing her hips... before one snaked around to roll up her stomach, then settle on one of her breasts as the other reached up to grab the base of the Drakkaren's cock and gently angle it down.

The black flesh descended as Zerrex murred, pulling his hips back slightly as the thirty-two inches of engorged penis formed a straight line between his hips and her mouth, the huge, rounded head rolling against her lips as Mary tentatively pushed her muzzle forwards, then she gently licked it, moaning quietly as she felt Mel stroking and fondling her breast and watched her other hand stroking about a foot of the Drakkaren's meat, her hand moving leisurely over his girth.. Then the feline slowly opened her mouth and settled her lips on the head of his penis as she felt his fingers squeezing and massaging her scalp, kissing it, tongue rolling back and forth over the curves of his penis as her lips worked slowly against the sensitive flesh.

She could feel him thrusting slightly, a bit more of the end of his black-fleshed member sinking into her muzzle before she stretched her jaws as wide as she could and forced her muzzle forwards, eyes shutting tightly as she felt the great penis sinking into her maw, the flesh rubbing against her lips, tongue, teeth, his strong taste filling up her muzzle as inch after inch after inch of cock flooded into her mouth. She could feel Mel's manipulations through his shaft, feel the heat and pulsation of his cock, became focused on that enough to not notice herself forcing a muffled moan out around the huge penis or the firmer fondling and squeezing the vixen was laying into her breast. It filled her with a strange bliss, as his penis began to sink into her throat now, choking her slightly but still wanted, almost needed as her fingers moved against her vagina, fingertips teasingly stroking her lips before plunging first one in, then adding another and finally a third, thrusting them back and forth into her passage as she felt her wetness leaking out onto her hand and down her legs.

The huge penis continued to invade her throat, pushing deeper as his hand shoved on the back of her head, stopping her from jerking her head back even as she felt herself gagging slightly... but she managed to force the reflex away, at least for the moment, her eyes opening as she felt a strange, choked feeling mixing with the pleasure... he was massive enough to easily suffocate someone, and she was becoming all too well aware of that now as his large cock forced its way down her throat. She began to jerk her head against his hand, eyes staring up at the grinning reptile as he easily held her, feeling her own fingers working mindlessly in her and the other hand squeezing into the reptile's knee as Mel continued to heedlessly stroke the reptile's cock and work her bust... but then she felt the hand reduce the pressure, and the huge shaft was pulling free as Zerrex half-lidded his eyes, looking down at her with pleasure and entertainment as he withdrew his hands from the females to sit back, massive cock pulling free from her mouth as Mary dropped her head forwards and rested back against the busty vixen, quietly gasping for breath as he said teasingly: "Only ten inches or so, huh? That's too bad... the fox got at least fourteen or fifteen, it looked like. I was impressed with her... and she's got a nice pair of breasts, too, doesn't she?"

His gaze turned to a slow leer as Mel looked up at him with a smile, Mary glancing back at her as she brought her hands up to rub the legs of the Drakkaren, feeling strangely embarrassed and almost wanting to give another try before looking up as Zerrex laughed softly, then he slid his body forwards a bit as he said softly: "So let's put those to use... Mary, you turn around and lay back against the bed, give my balls a good tending to... Mel, I want you to use that nice set of tits you got on me. They're big enough you shouldn't have too much of a problem."

Mel nodded, looking at him hungrily as she got up in a squat, reaching up to fondle her large bust slowly and staring up into Zerrex's emerald eyes hungrily, as Mary rolled over onto her back and then slipped so she was half-laying against the bed, tilting her head upwards as Zerrex spread his legs out on either side of her, enormous testicles hanging down. She leaned her head up, then gently mouthed one before dragging her tongue quietly around the orb, closing her eyes as he let out a soft moan, then she opened them to watch as the movements of the other female as much as she could, murring quietly as she slipped one arm under and around a muscular leg of the reptile, the other settling down on her wet crotch again, greedily slipping her fingers back into her as she spread her own legs and began to work her three digits in and out slowly again, desiring the orgasm she felt so close...

The vixen, meanwhile, had her large, firm breasts wrapped as best she could around the girthy, massive cock of the Drakkaren, looking up at him with quiet pants as she began to move her whole body up and down with her legs, the immense cock buried into the warm flesh of her bosom, making her moan quietly at the feeling of the huge member resting between them. She had never done anything like this before... but as the reptile let out a soft groan, she couldn't help but feel a strange pride and pleasure as he grinned and settled his eyes on her hungrily, saying in his soft but powerful voice: "You're a natural, bitch. Keep going."

Mel did so eagerly, moving herself up and down to roll her firm swells up and down the huge cock of the Drakkaren, who was panting quietly now, eyes burning with pleasure and arousal as his firm, huge member throbbed between her bust, the reptile beginning to thrust slowly in time as he moved his hands up to settle on her shoulders, his jaw slightly agape as he felt Mary only adding to his pleasure as she worked his testicles with her mouth, tongue lapping and rolling against the firm orbs, her muzzle nuzzling and taking them in. Mary herself was still working her fingers in and out, feeling her vagina starting to contract against her working fingers as she bucked her hips and moaned quietly.

The vixen continued to work herself up and down the ebon length of the Drakkaren, her breasts squeezing his huge cock between, her hands out the outside of her bust and holding the mounds tight against his long penis as she rocked her body up and down, feeling the heat emanating from the shaft seeming to grow and expand as Zerrex's rhythmatic thrusts became a bit harder and faster, urging the female to move quicker herself up and down the huge penis. His muscles bulged, scales covered in a thin sheen of sweat that glinted in the light as he looked down at her with a wide grin, muzzle slightly open to voice hot pants as Mel looked over his huge, muscular body and up into those dominating emerald irises before he felt her drawing her away, fingers digging into her shoulders as he pulled back at the same time, freeing his huge length from her breasts as he sat back slightly and commanded in a voice that held the hint of an animal growl: "Both of you... kneel in front of me... time for a little something from the Boss..."

Mary quickly climbed to her knees as the vixen fell to the same, looking up at Zerrex with passionate hunger in her eyes as she watched him grasp his cock with one huge hand, working his own long length with strong strokes, the cat turning around and then moaning in surprise as the female fox wrapped an arm around her waist, and then the vulpine was kissing her cheek, down her muzzle, and she couldn't help but feel her own arms wrapping around Mel's waist, squeezing her, feeling the fox's larger bust pressing into her own smaller breasts as their bodies moved sinuously together, fur rubbing against fur and mouths meeting to work hungrily against each other, tongues dancing as their eyes closed, hearing Zerrex giving a growl of appreciation as he leaned forwards and continued to stroke his huge meat. The reptile's eyes danced with pleasure and his grin stretched wider as he felt himself stiffening up rapidly in his own grip, and then he let out a groan as he said harshly: "Look up at me, look up at your Master, sluts!"

The two immediately did as they were told, and then both were letting out moans, Mary of surprise and shock at the fact she was actually feeling pleasure at such a thing and Mel with deep lust and passion, her eyes full of bliss, as if she'd been thirsting for this her entire life as he Zerrex released thick, long bursts of his hot seed, the reptile leaning forwards and raising slightly to his feet as he sent out long streamers of white load pouring onto the features of the feline and the vixen, as the continued to press their bodies together, the cat merely staring up at Zerrex with half-closed eyes but the fox swaying her head back and forth under the hot flow of seed.

After a few more moments his orgasm slowed, as his hand continued to stroke his girthy length rapidly before finally coming to a halt, squeezing the base of his shaft with one hand as he grinned down at the two; Mary was covered in a good amount, muzzle, face and breasts streaked with his seed... but the vixen had the full effect of the facial, muzzle literally dripping with load, which was pooling in her cleavage and rolling down her breasts, droplets hanging off her large, hardened nipples as she stared up hungrily at the Drakkaren, giving voice to a quiet whine that was almost a moan of ecstasy. The two huddled together before the reptile as he stood up, then his grin turned to a pleased smile as he voiced: "Lick each other off."

The two nodded, turning to each other, but before Mary could start, Mel locked lips with her and now she could taste the Drakkaren as well as smell him on her fur, as the female's tongue danced with hers and she felt a wad of his seed flow into her mouth - the female had apparently done more than just allow herself to be doused with the semen of the Drakkaren, after all. Then she pulled back as Mary moaned quietly, and the two began to lap slowly at each other's cheeks, faces, muzzles and breasts, their tongues often crossing and rolling together in the air as they moved their heads about. Mel easily finished off Mary first, with her lesser amount of seed, then she wrapped her arms around her neck as the tongue of the cat traveled through her fur, carefully licking up as much of the reptile's seed as she could find before she moved down to her breasts, working between the cleavage of her huge bust and then settling on one nipple, gently suckling back on it and making the other female moan.

Then Zerrex reached down, separating the two and jerking his head at Mary to move back again; she did so with what was almost reluctance, standing shakily and returning to her spot on the wall to watch as he grasped his now flaccid but still large, hose-like shaft and pushed it silently towards the vixen's muzzle: gladly, the female took it in, suckling quietly on the head as Zerrex arched his back slightly and murred deeply, before the female pulled back, grasping the large penis and moving her mouth up and down the length, slowly licking free the seed that coated his black member.

He pulled back, then pushed his hand out towards her, the palm saturated with his load, and the vixen nuzzled it before slowly licking it clean, eyes turned up in submission and staring up at the reptile with pleasure as Mary watched. The feline felt her hips bucking as she massaged down her stomach with her hands, sweating lightly as she reached down to begin rubbing at the entrance to her vagina again, feeling hot and unsatisfied as she slipped two fingers into her vagina with a quiet moan and began to roll her thumb around her clit, staring as Zerrex first stroked along Mel's muzzle, then grabbed her neck and guided her slowly up onto the bed on all fours like a tamed pet and moved her close to the wall.

The reptile rolled her onto her back, spreading her legs, then he climbed on himself as his hands pressed into her inner thighs, moving up to kiss her stomach, then raising his head higher to gently settle his mouth against a breast, working his large muzzle against the mound and making the vixen moan quietly as she bucked her hips towards him, his hands still roving up and down her sensitive thighs. His jaws worked gently against the firm flesh, tongue moving down to flick back and forth, then circle the nipple before he drew his head back, murring quietly before dragging slow kisses down her stomach, heading towards her crotch as she sat up slightly against the wall behind her.

He gently lapped at her waistline, then kissed outwards to the side before trailing the same gentle affections down the inside of her leg, making her roll her head back as she reached down and began to gently play her hands into his hair, panting quietly as he rose his head to look up at her before moving a hand forwards to trace down her still-slightly-bleeding lips, his eyes settling on the entrance to her vagina as one thick digit trailed up and down the stretched lips of her passage before pushing gently against it, forcing inside and making the female moan, then buck and groan louder as another finger joined the first and both pushed deep.

He began to move them slowly back and forth, lubricated by the still-flowing blood of the vixen as he worked his thick digits in and out, glancing up to watch her face with slight entertainment for a few moments as her head rocked back and forth, her eyes closed as she released another sound of pleasure and reached a hand up to grip one of her large breasts, squeezing it slowly and rolling it gently against her body.

The reptile lowered his head, nuzzling her waist gently, then he dragged his tongue gently downwards as he continued to thrust his fingers in her, his other hand massaging the inside of her thigh and then slipping up to grasp her hip. He gently drew his tongue around her clitoris, then nipped it lightly, using the edge of his teeth and causing her to gasp as he bore the end of his muzzle down into her waist, nuzzling her as his fingers continued to work in and out of her.

He drew his head and fingers back after a moment, then lowered his muzzle further, pushing the end of it against her vagina as his other hand reached up to grasp her hip. He nuzzled her slowly, then gently pushed his tongue outwards, lapping gently between her stretched lips and pushing lightly at the entrance to her passage as he dragged his tongue upwards, then back down, tasting blood and the flesh of her passage as he tilted his muzzle to the side and nudged his head forwards a bit more.

He worked his head slowly forwards, using his thick muzzle to stimulate her further as he rolled the end of it against her lips, at the same time pushing his tongue deeper into her vagina, dragging it slowly around the stretched confines of her sensitive passage and making her moan loudly, her hands grasping into his hair and tugging on his head lightly as she felt him working against her, large muzzle shoving into her crotch as she groaned and bucked.

Mary, watching all this, couldn't stop herself from working her own vagina with greater passion, continuing to thrust her fingers in and out of herself as she spread her legs and gave her own soft sounds of passion, reaching up to squeeze and fondle a breast as she stared at the huge reptile as he went down between the legs of the vixen. Whatever else, she could imagine that the feeling of the big Drakkaren must be, at the very least, a very distinct and different pleasure from his penis: she thought that his tongue would be far easier to deal with than the thick muscle dangling between his legs.

She was still amazed by how much it helped though, as she watched the two and moaned in her throat, fingers working blissfully in and out of her vagina as he legs began to tremble and twitch powerfully, on the very edge of a powerful orgasm as her eyes hungrily devoured the sight of the two. In her head she put herself in the place of Mel, made her fingers the probing tongue of the reptile, and it caused another sear of wonderful ecstasy to rise through her body as she began to buck her hips harder before her passage began to contract rhythmatically against her pistoning fingers.

The feline threw her head back, moaning loudly in pleasure as she felt her passage gripping her fingers, continuing to shove her fingers in and out of herself as she felt her fluids bursting free, flowing down her hand and soaking into her fingers and palm as she rocked herself forwards against her fingers again and again. She cried out again as her hips thrusted down against her pushing fingers, her vagina rapidly contracting against her hand as she finally achieved her long-wanted orgasm.

Zerrex glanced up for a moment from the vixen, grinning widely as he watched Mary convulsing in erotic pleasure against the wall, seeing her juices spilling out down her legs and hearing the distinct squelch of her fingers sliding in and out of her sex before he turned his attention back to the vixen, who was moaning loudly and rolling her hands through the hair of the reptile, blissfully unaware that he had ceased his erotic lapping at her vagina for a few moments as she tilted her head from side to side, bucking her hips upwards lustfully.

He lowered his mouth back to the lips of her sex, lapping slowly around her crotch before slipping his tongue back between the wet, blossoming folds of her vagina, pushing it down into her passage and slowly swirling it around to taste her again, making her moan as he delved into the depths of her sex. The reptile pushed his muzzle forwards hungrily, working his jaws against her as she trembled and moaned, further intertwining her fingers into his hair and pulling on him as she let out a loud cry of sexual elation.

He felt her tensing up as she bucked her hips a bit harder against his muzzle, her sex throbbing against him as he worked his mouth forwards before slowly drawing back, pulling his head away and then giving one final long lick up her lips before his tongue returned to his muzzle, and he murred softly as he tilted his head, then said gently as he sat up and back a bit: "This is enough. Now there's just one last thing to do... get up on all fours and raise your tail... Mary, come over here, get beneath her, sixty-nine style."

The feline blushed slightly as she walked over, feeling her inner thighs coated with her juices, her hand still sticky with the same as she quietly suckled on one of her fingers. The taste of her own juices somehow added to the lust that was still burning in her loins, the orgasm she'd managed still not fulfilling her in the way she wanted to be fulfilled... but as Mel slowly turned around and rose in the classic doggy-style position, she felt whatever anxiety she had at such a position - especially when the reptile was going to be reaming the poor soul above - faded into lust for a way to fulfill the needs her body now had.

She slipped beneath the fox, who lowered herself a bit as the feline and spread her legs as the feline moved her own lower limbs wide, and then she let out a sigh of pleasure as the vixen lowered her muzzle and slowly lapped at her wet, tingling lips, making her tremble a bit with an onrush of the sexual ecstasy she so thirsted for. In return, she raised her head and gently nuzzled the waist of the other female before slowly pushing her lips against her clitoris and suckling lightly back on it, causing the vixen to moan softly and buck her hips downwards, trembling slightly - although some of her shuddering this time came from nervousness at the impending loss of her tailhole's virginity to the Boss.

Zerrex himself was on his knees behind the vixen, slowly stroking his now half-erect penis back to full hardness - Mary, laying on her back, couldn't help but stare at this even as she slowly attended to the vagina of the other female, lapping and thrusting a finger gently in and out but watching the reptile's huge shaft come back into life, the almost ridiculously-massive and girthy penis hardening up until it was at full thirty-two inch glory... and then he lowered the huge pole of flesh and pressed the head of his immense length of meat against her tender, as-yet-untouched rosebud, grinding the gigantic, round fleshy head forwards as he rotated his hips slowly, firmly guiding it against her and making her moan, hands clutching into the sheets as she tried to focus on giving slow laps to the vagina of the female below her, as her own was tended to slowly and blissfully... and then she bucked her head upwards, staring straight forwards and letting out a shriek as Zerrex's hands squeezed into her hips and yanked her back as he shoved the amazingly-hard, amazingly-huge and fleshy muscle forwards, burying just the engorged, enormous head into her rosebud and causing the vixen to release another howl of agony as her tailhole was stretched and torn into beyond reason.

The Drakkaren grunted, leaning over her and closing his eyes with an expression of deep pleasure contorting his features in a half-grin, half-snarl of animal lust, his hips rocking forwards again to pulverize her passage further with his huge girth, ripping her anus apart as he rotated his hips again, screwing his immense length into her and making her shriek again as more of his gigantic member sunk into her depths, tearing and stretching her as the long muscle penetrated deeper and deeper.

Mary knew she should be horrified all this, and further disgusted by the blood that was flowing down the vixen's legs from her ravaged tailhole as Zerrex growled and worked his meat deeper into her: she knew that her first reaction should be to get out of this mess, as Mel gave long cries of definite agony, as she tasted blood with every lap of her long tongue against the trembling vagina of the other female... but her only instinct was to grasp her waistline firmly, just above Zerrex's strong grip, to hold her better in place as she kept her head raised enough to work her muzzle at the lips of the vulpine, closing her eyes as she felt rivulets of blood dripping down onto her face, rolling along her cheeks and muzzle as she continued to work her tongue and lips against the sex of the female. She knew this wasn't what you'd call a 'clean and wholesome' sexual act... but right now, in the middle of this lust, and as she felt the gigantic reptile moving, forcing his way into the ripping and tearing tailhole of the vixen, as she heard him grunting and snarling with distinct animal pleasure... she felt that this was more than what she had to do. This was what she wanted to do.

Inch after inch of hot, obsidian flesh sank into the female as Zerrex thrusted forwards, more than half of his enormous cock already buried into the vixen, and then he leaned his body over hers again, angling her and forcing her legs to part a bit more so that Mary had to drop her head back and Mel sank forwards, the tips of her huge breasts touching the waist of the feline beneath her and her screaming maw much closer to cat's own hot vagina, the reptile moving to a semi-squat position as he shoved his huge member forwards with a low roar and yanked hard back on Mel's body, causing her breasts to bounce and then Mary to startle and moan as she felt the reptile's large testicles collide with her nose and the vixen's hot sex. Then the reptile made another short piston forwards, making Mel scream even louder as he gyrated his hips at the same time, grinning widely as he felt himself push to the hilt as rivers of blood and fluids rolled down from the annihilated ass of the vulpine. He could feel Mary only working faster, however, and now he could hear the feline moaning as she worked her muzzle against the screaming vixen's vagina with eager passion and hunger... and the reptile let out a deep murr of pleasure at the apparent lust of the cat.

He rotated his hips slowly again, grinding his cock against the stretched and torn sides of the female's passage and making her shriek in agony again, tears leaking down her muzzle and fingers digging into the bed as she stared straight ahead, sobbing hard and shrieking in agony at every movement of the reptile. He spread his legs slightly on either side of her as he leaned his powerful, muscular form over her much slighter body, then he began to thrust slowly, making her moan and cry out in agony, her body trembling as he leaned his heavy form onto hers as reached one hand down to squeeze and grope at her breasts roughly, working her large bust in his hands as he growled quietly and groaned in pleasure that was almost pain at the sheer tightness of the female's penetrated rosebud.

The screams this time took a long time to become tinged with pleasure, as the reptile moved back and forth, thick cock plunging deep into the female's body with every hard thrust, then tearing back as Mary continued to moan and lap at the shivering vagina of the other female, despite the vixen's pained screams and the blood that was running down the feline's face in a nearly-steady flow from the damage Zerrex had done to her anus. She could also feel the reptile's huge testicles smacking into the end of her muzzle and banging into the lips of the fox's sex as she lapped and nuzzled them, but that only added to her erotic bliss - so did the screaming, perhaps, but that she didn't want to admit.

Yet eventually, she heard the distinct change in note as the shrieks from Mel began to turn to those of erotic ecstasy instead of agonized pain, and Mary couldn't help but wonder how the hell the vixen could enjoy her ass being reamed by the giant, grunting reptile, as the Boss moved his huge meat back and forth with growing speed, his claws digging small gashes across her hip as they dug in deeper and his other hand continuing to play and squeeze her breasts painfully hard. But the sounds of bliss were becoming louder and louder, moans and loud cries amidst the occasional breaking shriek of agony when the Drakkaren shoved his hips forwards extra hard or gyrated his huge shaft inside of her, and Mary couldn't help but work her own muzzle faster against the vagina of the vixen, hoping for an orgasm she knew the fox was unlikely to achieve... but she could always dream, even if a dream like that disturbed her somewhat, like the dreams of having the giant reptile thrust that massive pole of flesh in and out of her...

And again it was amazing how long the reptile could last, although by the end of it he'd been growling and panting like an animal, face twisted in more of a snarl than anything else, hands digging into her hips as he sat up behind her and began to piston his immense, fleshy cock even harder. His testicles slapped powerfully against the sex of the vixen and the muzzle of the cat again and again as Mel shrieked with every hard shove of his huge cock forwards, obviously once more in pain than pleasure as Zerrex moved his girthy meat in and out of her over and over, slamming her with his immense shaft as he felt himself stiffening up inside of the tight passage of her anus.

His enormous penis moved faster and faster in and out, as his fingers dug into the vixen's waist and he leaned forwards, jaws gritting and hips pummeling his obsidian member in and out as he felt his orgasm rising, rising, and then suddenly his pleasure slipped over the edge and he arched his back, letting out a loud roar of sexual elation that mixed with the scream of Mel as she fell forwards against Mary, shoving her head down into the cat's crotch as she shrieked again at the feeling of the reptile making rapid but hard thrusts into her again and again as his thirty-two inch cock took on all the hardness of forged steel and then began to release burst after burst of his thick load, sending his seed pouring into her body again and again as he released another animal sound of erotic pleasure, the viscous white fluid spurting out and flowing down his shaft as he squelched in and out of her tailhole, sending a rain of his load splattering down onto Mary's face as the cat dropped her head back and moaned loudly into the fall, her hips bucking upwards against the fox that was groaning and crying into the hot folds of her vagina, her tears slipping down to mix with the much different wetness emanating from her hot and wanting passage.

Zerrex finally began to slow his thrusts, panting softly, and then he grinned as he slowly rolled his hips, making Mel cry a bit harder as she let out a loud, broken cry and slumped down against the cat - then the reptile slowly withdrew his huge cock, a good volume of his fluids following with the removal of his obsidian shaft and pouring down onto Mary's face, and the feline coughed for a moment and spluttered, reaching up to rub her eyes slowly as Mel rolled off of her and spasmed lightly on the bed, her hands traveling over her body and eyes bleary with tears, pain, and erotic excitement as she stared fuzzily over the Drakkaren and the feline. Mary herself was looking at the reptile sitting on the edge of the bed, stretching and regaining his composure as he brushed his hair back, grinning over his shoulder at the two with a primal burning in his eyes.

And then he'd gotten up - Mary gaped at the sight of his large and perhaps still mostly-hard penis, gaining another reason to add to her database of why the Boss was so sexual... it seemed he could last forever and have ammo enough for a war's worth of play, if you caught the drift of the metaphor - and left them both panting on the bed, Mel crying a bit from the pain but looking both ecstatic and in total sexual bliss, bleeding as well and a bit bruised from the reptile's rougher gropes... but then he'd paused before heading to the camera. Instead, he climbed back onto the bed and then on top of Mary, leaning down to look into her face as he spread her legs and said softly: "It'd be rude not to take care of you."

He was fast, but it was good, and there was less pain than the first time - quite possibly the result of permanent stretching. She still cried out though, as his bulging but well-lubricated shaft pressed into her, shoving forwards almost immediately against her wet lips with his huge, engorged head to rip into her vagina as her body bucked up against him, crying out as he growled and forced almost half of his immensity into her with the first thrust, then hilted himself with the second and caused her to scream just as loud as the vixen ever had as she reached up to grab his shoulders, her muzzle gaping, face covered in blood and his semen, her eyes staring hungrily into his as he looked down with equal desire and passion. He began to piston his hips powerfully back and forth as one hand settled on her breast and the other grabbed her inner thigh, pulling her leg out and pushing it upwards as his black shaft tore in and out of her, a bit of her blood now sliding down the veiny penis as the reptile shoved the slick length in and out.

He thrusted into her again and again, filling her up and making her cry out in blissful passion as she bucked her hips back against the huge shaft, feeling the well-lubricated shaft easily tearing in and out of the wet folds of her vagina as he pistoned his immense member back and forth. It shoved into her depths again and again, causing her breasts to bounce and her body to rock back and forth with every deep push of his penis. She released a loud moaning yell of pleasure with every movement of the reptile's girth, as he pounded into her relentlessly with his shaft, large navy orbs slamming into her anus with every shove forwards.

His rapid movements and the loud sounds of ecstasy emanating from the female, all aided the Drakkaren in achieving a quick rise towards orgasm, his hands settling beside her head as he arched his back to look down at her, a light sweat shining on his scales as he hungrily watched her breasts jiggle and bounce, watching her entire body shiver with every ram of his thick rod of meat forwards. He growled as his eyes lapped up the sight of her shrieking and the ease with which he dominated her body with his own, how every movement of his muscular body made her cry out and buck against him, jouncing with every movement and crying out each time he buried into her, every time his testicles battered against her tailhole. The reptile groaned as he felt himself already stiffening, penis sensitive from his multiple orgasms and his pre already leaking into her wet vagina as she bucked and moaned against him, exciting him all the more.

He began to piston in and out faster, Mary's fingers digging into his shoulders as she pushed her body up towards him, crying out as she felt herself finally heated in the way she wanted, finally being given what she felt her lust calling for as she rocked against him, feeling her vagina beginning to contract before she suddenly arched her back upwards and closed her eyes, muzzle gaping in a wide moan of bliss as her hips bucked violently up against him as her passage began to contract, clenching against the gigantic penis that was pummeling into she convulsed against him, legs clutching at his waist as her juices lubricated his shaft even further, his girth squelching into her again and again as his penis stiffened up under the rapid, rhythmatic clenching of her vagina.

He grunted as he rocked his hips faster, then he arched his back, grinding his body down against her as his fingers squeezed into the bed beside the head of the feline. He panted hard, his hot breath washing over her face as she screamed in an exotic mix of pleasure and pain at the rapid thrusting of the reptile's huge penis into her again and again before he pushed down on her, letting out a loud, masculine groan of pleasure as his muscles bulged and he ground his heavy form against hers, working his hips powerfully and pistoning his stiff cock in and out of her over and over again as he began to release burst after burst of his semen into her, pouring the last of his hot load into the female's excited passage as she bucked upwards against him again and again, fingers clawing against his broad shoulders as the reptile's oversized penis shot long streamers of seed into her over and over, spilling out of the sides of her vagina and down his black, fleshy shaft as Zerrex groaned and dropped his body against hers, hands slipping down either side of the bed as he emptied his seed into her moaning and quaking body.

The reptile panted hard as he finished, resting inside of her for a few moments as he dropped his powerful body on her own, closing his eyes as Mary's limbs clutched his body. She trembled slowly, their bodies resting together, her breasts pressing into him as he blanketed her with his body, then he slowly pulled out, a small flood of their fluids following as she trembled and moaned, clenching her eyes shut at the burst of cold air that hit the widened opening to her passage and letting out a final short, barking cry as the reptile gyrated his hips lightly at the last moment, rolling his rounded cockhead against the lips of her vagina before dropping his body back onto hers and panting softly as he rested his muscular form atop the much-smaller cat's. He paused for a moment as he realized something seemed to be missing, then turned his head and smiled slightly as he saw the vixen all but drooling, still bleeding from her lower regions, but obviously in no danger from the slight gape of her muzzle and the fixed eroticism in her eyes.

Once he felt he was done making Mary scream too, he rolled off her and then walked over to the camera, sweating and with a strangely-pacified look on his features, finally flaccid again, then he flicked it off - it had perhaps two hours' worth of footage on it. Mel was drowsing, and Mary was relaxing in the aftermath, panting softly a bit still, bleeding... but nowhere near as badly as the vixen, who'd endured far more than she had, sexual experiences combined. Then the reptile settled himself between the two, glancing out at the closed curtains and putting an arm around either female, pulling them against his body as he closed his eyes and rested back into the pillows. They both curled against his thick form, then Mel murmured quietly: "Thank you, Boss... and for this, too..."

"It's nothing special. Just payment and my pleasure." Zerrex replied dryly, looking down at her, then he glanced over at Mary. "We'll stay here for a while longer. Make sure your bleeding stops and that we've rested enough, then Mary and I will walk back home. However, the video was not part of the deal... therefore I'm going to take your camera with me and review the tapes." He paused as Mel looked at him with amusement dotted with the exhaustion she felt, then she dropped her head against his chest and he continued on, absently reaching up to stroke the back of her neck. "You know where I live, like everyone else in Baskin's Grove, I expect. You can come over in a few days and pick them up; I'll have the footage I think is appropriate ready for you." He stopped again, then added: "But I'll also expect other services from you to compensate for this."

"I'd be honored..." the vixen smiled up at him, nodding quietly, and Mary couldn't help but feel mild amusement as she looked over at her and saw a strange kind of awe on her face, then watched as her hand moved slowly from the reptile's chiseled abdominals to reach down and quietly grasp at his groin.

Zerrex's hips twitched a bit as he squeezed the two females tighter to him, then he rolled on top of Mel and pinned her, reaching down to grasp her arms and hold them out to the sides. He slid down so they were face-to-face, his hot breath washing over hers, feeling his naked, massive and thick-with-muscle body pressing down on her, and she closed her eyes, moaning quietly up to him and trembling before she felt his muzzle descend and kiss hers passionately: she worked her jaws back as best she could, feeling his girthy tongue invading her muzzle and rolling with hers, as she felt him controlling her and dominating her in a way that she knew no one else ever could... and then he pulled back and sat up on the edge of the bed, standing and then glancing over his shoulder, eyes softened from how they'd initially viewed her but still cold, yet now a slight smile on his features as he glanced over her body, then said softly: "Although you too are from Apple Villa... feel free to stop by here any time. You make a good bitch, so I'll be glad to have you around."

Mel stiffened and stared at him, then she glanced down remorsefully and asked quietly: "How... how did you..."

"No kid looking for sex in Comfort Town could afford a corset like that." Zerrex responded dryly, then he paused and reached down to grab her collar, hauling her up to a sitting position as Mary stared, barely able to hear him whispering in her ear: "But I like you, slut. And I know what you want... you want all the dirty things that the perfect side of Baskin's Grove can never offer but I can. I don't resent you for that, because I happen to enjoy whores like you." Then, now fully grinning, he easily lifted her by the collar off the bed and into the air as he drew her in front of him, holding her just above his head, her legs kicking as she stared down at him with total submission, choking as her hands grasped his wrist and held her up as best she could... yet, under the dominating gaze and grin of the reptile, Mary could see she was... could she be enjoying it? Enjoying the humiliation, the ease with which the reptile threw her around?

And then, when he shoved the vixen into the wall and she let out a cry of pain, Mary sat up, opening her mouth to tell Zerrex to stop... but then, as she reached out, she caught a glare from the vixen... and it wasn't at the reptile, but at her. Slowly, she dropped her arm as Zerrex reached a hand forwards, and made the fox cry out as he shoved his fingers rudely into her two most sensitive areas. Then he drew them back, and reached up to her muzzle, silent, still pinning her by the throat to the wall, her hands still squeezing into a thick wrist... and she willingly opened her muzzle and quietly suckled on them before he drew his hand back and nodded, setting her down as he looked at her quietly... and Mary could sense the smile in his voice as he said gently: "We're both freaks, aren't we? Me because I enjoy sadism... you because you enjoy being controlled, right up to being hurt, don't you? That's why you were so quick to adjust to me, isn't it?"

Mel nodded meekly, then gazed after him, clasping her hands in front of her breasts as the reptile began to put his clothes back on, watching him with quiet eyes as Mary took the cue to do the same. "I... I'm just... I hate Apple Villa, and I hate what it's done to Comfort Town... and... my best friend, Sarah... she's always getting picked on and everything because of how her dad is always trying to... you know, protect Comfort Town and stuff..." she sighed quietly and shook her head, then blushed as she looked at the reptile, watching as he pulled on his pants and then turned around, searching for his shirt. He found it, and she continued to watch him silently before continuing: "I've... always been given everything myself... pony rides, stuff... stuff that I'm never really in need of but... I say I like it, and I get it... and... I got so tired of it. I started to totally hate it, always getting my way and stuff... and... so... I wanted to find out what it was like to be... slaved and controlled... and... Sarah told me more about you and stuff and now..."

"You found out you enjoy it." Zerrex responded simply, then he glanced at Mary - she had everything on but the dress shirt, which she was slowly buttoning up and watching the exchange intently - before turning his gaze on the naked vixen. "It's alright. Some people are that way... they enjoy abuse when it's sexual." He shrugged as he looked into her eyes squarely. "No big deal... and I think it's a good trait for me. And since I know you're Sarah's friend... you feel free then to come over and forget about the fake job stuff. Any friend of Sarah's is... is someone I'll be nice to." The reptile finished lamely, not willing to lie and say a friend of mine.

But the vixen smiled and nodded, looking from one to the other softly before asking the feline quietly: "I'm sorry... I never got your name or... how you got to know Zerrex."

"It's Mary..." the feline replied in the same gentle tone, then she smiled and looked over at the callous-looking reptile as he crossed his arms, a slight frown of impatience on his features. "And it's a long story... so I'll tell you when you're over at his place sometime. I'm his maid."

"Slave." Zerrex corrected absently, earning a look of incredulity from the vixen and one of embarrassment from Mary. Then he bit his inner cheek, feeling a rising sensation that he had wasted too much time here, and motioned for Mary to follow. "Let's go. Come by later..." He paused as Mary left ahead of him, then turned around and added softly with a gaze that made the vixen's eyes light up with submission: "You cocksucking slut."

It made Mel smile and clasp her hands, bowing her head towards him at the use of the harsh words towards her; for her, however, they merely reminded her that this was a place where she could indulge the side of her nature other than her obnoxious elegance and richness, and so instead of anger... it made her feel warm, which she thought was somewhat embarrassing. But before she could say 'thank you,' the reptile had turned and left.