In the Life of the Cat 3: Happy Endings

Story by Cat Nyp on SoFurry

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Okay, I know it took forever, but here it is. The last part of "In the Life of the Cat." It's kinda short and to the point, but Ihope you still enjoy it! I am starting another series with James, a.k.a. the Cat, that takes place after this, so tune in for that one. It is projected to have around seven chapters. Anyway, here's the finisher for "In the Life of the Cat."

Beware, there is violence and blood and gore, but not a whole lot.


I sat naked on the pool chair watching the equally naked elderly vixen across the pool. She worked her way methodically through the rooftop garden of the apartment building in which we both reside. The air by the rooftop pool smelled of lavender and spring rose, instead of chlorine as one would expect. A gentile breeze added to the tranquility of the area, and I sighed contentedly. As I began to close my eyes, I heard Ms. Hollice, the vixen, make a fearful gasp. My eyes snapped wide open, and I leaped out of the chair, ran towards the edge of the pool, and jumped across it. Sprinting to her side, I kneeled beside her and asked what was wrong.

"It's just my flower, James! It's dying. My, are we jumpy! I thought you were relaxed." She smiled. Ms. Hollice was never short on smiles. "I know what you need." She said, standing and walking towards the small greenhouse.

She returned moments later with a small sandwich bag. Inside the baggie was the unmistakable form of dried cannabis buds. She smiled as she handed me the bag, then pointed at her satchel full of garden tools.

"You'll find some rolling papers and a lighter in there." She said.

I only nodded before retrieving the aforementioned items and returning to the pool chair. Ms. Hollice returned to her earlier ministrations to her plants while I rolled a fat joint. I put the rolled weed into my muzzle and was about to light it when a thought struck me. Removing the joint from my lips, I looked quizzically at Ms. Hollice, who was nursing the dying flower.

"Mother?" That's what she asked me to call her since I moved into the building.

"Yes, dear?" She said, not bothering to turn around.

"What's with the free pot? Why?" I asked.

She ceased all motion for a moment before putting down her hand shovel and standing up. She turned to me and, for the first time in a long time, she frowned.

"He called me. You knew he would. He always does when you do what you did to him last night." She looked at me in a sad and slightly disapproving manner.

I grinned wide and put the joint into my muzzle and lit up.

"I fail to see what's so funny." Ms. Hollice said sternly.

"My question is..." I began.

"Why does one of the youngest and most dangerous drug dealers and crime lords in the city confide his problems in an old vixen like me?" She finished my sentence.

I took a drag on the joint and held my breath a moment before exhaling. It had been so long since I had some weed, at least a month, that the hit went straight to my head and was already giving me a buzz. Ms. Hollice just looked at me. I took another deep drag and once again held it in. That's when I noticed something I should have noticed the first time. Ms. Hollice stopped talking and looked at me as though she were expecting something. I exhaled again, and this time, my eye lids got heavy and I started to drift.

I looked down at the joint, then up at the vixen quizzically. I slowly fell out of my chair with a muttered oath and the last thing I remember hearing was Ms. Hollice.

"He would tell me because I am the only person you'd accept free weed from without being suspicious. Go to sleep now." She whispered.

~ ~ ~

I awoke a while later in a small room. It was plain white and totally unadorned. The only furnishing the room could boast was the wooden chair I woke to find myself sitting in, naked, and the matching table Andrew sat on. I wasn't tied up or restricted in any manner, so my first reaction was to rush Andrew.

I stopped no less than a foot and a half away from him, afraid to move an inch. I stared straight into his eyes, trying to communicate my utter contempt for him at the moment. I didn't need to look down. I could tell by the shape of the object poking me that I had a gun to my chest.

"James, I didn't want it to come to this, but I love you. You could live a much better life with me. Can't you see that?" He stared into my eyes, his crystal blue orbs pleading his case.

I looked down to avoid his gaze. I couldn't stand it. It was unnerving and started to make my anger abate. I needed to stay angry. But my anger fled the moment I looked down. The gun that poked into my chest was my own .45! I could recognize it anywhere. I looked back up at him, fear painted all over my face.

"When my men arrived at your apartment while you were on the roof, they found your friend. Who the hell was he?" Andrew said.

"Was? Oh my fucking lord! You didn't...?" I couldn't say it, but I knew the answer before he gave it.

"You thought you could blow me off like that and go find some pretty boy to fuck!?!" He yelled.

"Andrew, it wasn't like that. He wasn't gay. He needed help and his story reminded me of my own. He was turning my life around."

"Yeah, well, you were tearing my life apart! I love you! And I know you love me!" He shouted

"YOU KILLED MY ONLY REAL FRIEND! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face.


I looked down and took a deep breath.

"No, see, the only one getting shot..." I began. I leaned out of the way of the gun and kneed Andy in the nuts. Then I snatched my gun out of his hands and stood back. He slid to the floor to sit in a kneeling position facing me. I backed up a few steps and pointed the gun at his head. " you."

I closed my eyes as I pulled the trigger. When I opened them again, I began to cry. Andrew's cheetah-corpse lay before me, his head leaking blood and brains. I began to cry again.

"I LOVED YOU!" I yelled, shooting his dead corpse in a random spot.



Each sentence was punctuated with a gun shot. When I was done, Andrew's corpse was a mangled mess, and I only had three shots left. I didn't know how many thugs there were between me and the exit, but I didn't care. I didn't give a shit whether I made it to the exit alive.

Walking over to the door, I tried the handle to find it unlocked. The hall was empty, but I didn't know which way lead out. I turned right and started to run naked with gun in paw. I was surprised that Andrew didn't bring anyone to the room with him, but I thought it was ridiculous that no one was in the hall, either. As I progressed, I made it to a staircase and finally realized where I was. I was in the Mouse's Ear. It was still early in the afternoon, or there would be a lot of furs here.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and thought I was home free, when I saw a single fur between me and the door. The lights were off and the place had next to no windows, so I couldn't quite make out who it was. I stared for a moment through the near-darkness, hoping to make out who it was before he or she noticed me. He was pretty big, but beside that, I couldn't tell anything.

The lights came on without warning. I hadn't noticed, but the other fur was standing right by the light switches. I blinked in response to the sudden brightness. When I opened my eyes, I saw William staring at me. The horse was clad only in a pair of jeans, and he was looking very sexy.

"You killed him, didn't you? That's what those gunshots were, right?" He asked sadly.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as a leveled the gun out with Will's chest.

"Yes, I did. Sorry."

I squeezed the trigger and watched in horror as the left side of Will's chest seemed to burst as he spun in a circle and fell. I walked over to him and checked his pulse. He was quite thoroughly dead. A quick inspection of his pockets rewarded me with the keys to his Mustang. I walked out of the club and over to the parking garage across the street to get Will's car.

It astonished me how cold and unfeeling I could be. Here I was, ready to drive off in my friend's car, a friend I had just murdered not two minutes ago. My only REAL friend was dead and I didn't even shed a tear for him specifically. The only person I ever really loved lay mutilated in a small sex room in the club he owned, also slain by my paw.

I found the car in due time and only then became aware of my nudity. I opened the trunk, knowing Will always had spare clothes. Sure enough, there was a duffle bag with some jeans and a white shirt in it. Sure, they were far too big and not at all sexy on my slim physique, but I didn't care at the time. The bag also had Will's wallet in it. He only had $50, but that was plenty. Besides, if I needed more, I could easily get it.

I got into the car and searched for some cigarettes. I found some in his glove compartment and lit up. It took an entire cig to get me buzzed, but as soon as the lightheadedness over took me, I began to drive. I didn't know where I was going, or what I was gonna do, but what did it matter? Three of my closest friends had just died, two to my own paws. It wouldn't take long for the police to find their bodies. The Mouse's Ear was a popular night club. They would be after me, soon. Once again, who cared?

It was just another fun-filled day in the life of the Cat.


I hope you like the story. Please send any and all comments to catnyp*at*cableone*dot*net. If you didn't like the story, please tell me why, so I can better author future stories more to your likings. Thanks!