Polytheism Within My Writing

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry

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#1 of general information

I've finaly taken the time to lay out the supernatural beings who ocupy the world of my stories. You may notice many similarities to the Greeks. This is a continuation of my seies of general information.

The Major Three

Eryn: Goddess of Knowledge. Presenting herself as a horse, Eryn has a troubled existence filled with the raw knowledge of the universe. Often the weight of her awareness will drive her into spells of madness. Only her husband Grantham can calm her at these times. Though they are difficult for her, it is believed that these periods of insanity account for many of the primaries' milestones in technology and science.

Grantham: Depicted as a snowy owl, Grantham is the god of wisdom and understanding. He spends the balance of his time caring for his wife Eryn and the rest of it overseeing the lives of mortals working to help them grasp the uses and reproductions of the knowledge they gain. He is the sometimes known as the grate mediator. He and his wife have many children among the minor deities.

Theo : The god of life and death. He takes the form of a wolf as he presides over the joy of new birth as well as the necessity of passing. Early in his reign he brought forth two twin daughters, the goddesses Claritina and Atalante. Shortly after, he had to take the life of Claritina's child at which time he swore never to have any more children. Theo often has troubles coping with his own domain at which time he seeks the guidance of his older brother Grantham.

The Minor Deities

Atalante - Daughter of Theo and twin sister of Claritina the goddess of balance and fairness takes the form of a stoat. Also known as the goddess of law. She is never seen apart from her sister.

Claritina - Theo's other daughter the lioness goddess is the pair of her twin sister as the goddess of necessity and inevitability. Though she has a sometimes morbid duty, she is always described as being cheerful, good natured, and generally friendly.

Frith - The god of sun and daytime who appears as a rabbit. He is constantly on the move, watching over the physical world. He is highly regarded among many mortals and devoted to his wife Kelda. Stories tell that he was born of Time itself.

Galena - Always shown as a snake Galena is the goddess of medicine, illness, and disease. The patron of most doctors, apothecaries. Lover of Nomikon, she has not accepted his proposal. Daughter of Eryn and Grantham.

Ignatius - The iguana god of fire and craft. He is the blacksmith, carpenter, and mason of the gods. Also commonly associated with volcanoes and earthquakes. It is said the he climbed from the fires of the world after it was created. Ignatius is strongly attached to his lover Streetanous.

Kelda - Appearing as Cardinal Kelda is the goddess of Spring, Agriculture, and Fertility. Wife of Frith and daughter of Grantham and Eryn she loves beauty, life, and heath. Myth states that she will make a bargain for the life of a mother in order to save a child.

Kellinnesi - The goddess of Athletics and Endeavour chose the appearance of a cheetah. Legends say that all sports are originally invented and tested by her before being presented to the mortal world. She is the wife of her young lover Rian and daughter of Tanis and Kimballinous.

Kimballinous - The god of war goes about as a fearsome dog of varying breed. The child of an affair between Frith and Eryn, Kimballinous is a troubled deity, not claimed by either parent for fear of Grantham's retribution. His only joys are fighting, his beautiful wife Tanis, and his daughter who barely talks to him.

Marinnell - Goddess of the seas and water she rules her realm as a great and attractive shark. She once suspected her husband Pillanous of having an affair with the goddess of the moon and put a curse on her. When her father Grantham heard of this, he decreed that Marinell may never set foot on land again.

Nomicon - God of Summer and Cunning, he takes the form of a red fox. Son of Grantham and Eryn he and his wife Galena have one son, Rian. Despite the fact that he dotes upon his wife, Nimicon is suspected of having had several affairs with various goddesses and spirits.

Orphina - Sister of Frith, the origins of the goddess of the moon are unknown. She is seen as a silver falcon as she makes her way through the sky. When the world was young, she would shine bright every night, but Marinnell, goddess of the sea, suspected Orphina of having an affair with her husband and placed a curse on her. From that time forward her light and beauty would wax and wane throughout the year. At the time a secret, but now open knowledge, she is in a relationship with Serenia.

Pillanous - The eagle god of the sky and weather. With his wife Marinnell at his side, Pillanous rules the reams above the land. He has never forgiven himself for causing the curse on Orphina and will unintentionally create great storms in his times of grief. Son of Grantham and Eryn.

Reani - The bear goddess of all widerness and unknown land is the daughter of Frith and Kelda. At a young age she deserted her parents over a disagreement and made an oath to remain a virgin for the duration of the world.

Rian - Son of Nomikon and Galena he is the god of Leadership and Strategy. The youngest of the gods, taking the form of a great elk, Rian is the patron of many commanders as well as mathematicians. He is deeply in love with his wife Kellinnesi who he meat after apprenticing with Kimballinous. He affectionately refers to her as "The Predator."

Serenia - Apearing as a graceful snow leopard, Serenia is the goddess of winter and the stars. Daughter of Grantham and Eryn She is very affectionate towards her mate Orphina and when the moon is dark, she makes the stars brighter to remind mortals of the beauty of her lover. Her greatest endeavor is leading travelers and explorers safely to their destination.

Streetanous - God of autumn and art. This stag god is often called "The Great Teacher." He commonly sends his disciple muses to anyone in need of inspiration. Son of Grantham and Eryn and partner of Ignatius.

Tanis - The Dove goddess of love and beauty. Wife of the god of war she spends most of her time day dreaming and romanticizing about mortal relationships. Though this daughter of Grantham and Eryn is commonly dismissed by many as being frivolous, her power over mortals is vastly underestimated.

Other Noteworthy Immortals

The Great Spirit - Very little is known about The Great Spirit. It/They created the universe and the gods, giving them full reign over the realm. It is speculated that at the end of time, The Great Sprit will return to take all back into it's being.

Fate - Fate or The Fates is/are easily the most curious of the spirits. Answering to no one and responsible only to their own insight. Across the eons, this spirit has been reported as an individual or group of individuals of varying species and gender as seemingly by their own whim.

Angel of Death - A creation of Theo, the angel of death is also a free spirit, though bound by the Law of The Gods, and Fate's decree. For the past many millennia, this entity has appeared as a slim female black cat with great raven wings, from which she takes her name. She never bargains, but will occasionally exchange favors, and has her own methods of circumventing the laws by which she is bound. Poses the ability to enter the physical world for limited periods of time (usually no more the 100 years to a stretch)

The Muses - Bound spirits to the god of their choice. Most are disciples of either Streetanous or Ignatius but it is not uncommon for them to sever other gods, exchanging fees or favors for their services. While fulfilling their duties, they are given unlimited access to the physical world. The Muses are innumerable, both male and female and have a wide variety of responsibilities from the planting of inspiration or ideas, to mating with or sometimes imply impregnating mortals.

The Phoenix - Easily the spirit with the most evidence to prove its existence. The Phoenix is the embodiment of the gods who appears in the world at times of great need. When their work is finished, they transcend by incinerating their physical bodies. Religious sects who devote the bulk of their worship to The Phoenix commonly believe solely in cremation.