In Convenient Proximity

Story by EspressoCat on SoFurry

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In Convenient Proximity

by Espresso Cat

It was one of those days for the college freshman. He concealed a perpetual boner under his desk during a session of Business Writing. Diligently he would try to keep notes on text line spacing and proper font usage in between drawing tiny characters in the margins engaging in all types of debauchery. Luckily for him, he snagged one of those coveted lone desks near the corner of the room next to a wall to fend off wondering eyes.

The gray malamute was a bit disappointed that he had to spend the upcoming weekend at his parent's house babysitting his fourteen year old brother. Jack thought his brother was old enough to take care of himself for three days. Jack was left planning how to keep the devil between his legs busy with a USB stick full of porno and skin mags.

Friday, late afternoon Jack arrived at home. He dropped his bags inside the door and proceeded to listen to his parents run down the list of where the food is, emergency numbers, to water the plants, all the stuff he already knew. He pretended to pay attention with a ritual of, "Yes mams" and, "Yes sirs". Finally his parents were gone and the house was quiet. Besides the boredom he was about to face he did think about positive. He liked how the house always smelled nice and clean compared to the thick smoke he normally lived in at the slimy off-campus apartments he lived. The fridge was full of great food in contrast to the mountains of ramen noodles and mac-n-cheese he was accustomed to eating.

His brother Paul was a little pip-squeek and nerdy. The runt usually spent his time browsing some dumb game message boards or playing boring-ass RPG video games. Jack just couldn't relate with that, he was into testosterone fueled football games, shoot-em-ups, and some of those premium channel crime dramas. Despite the differences Paul still looked up to big brother. His fur was more of a pale blue with white, while Jack was a much darker gray. In contrast Paul's eyes were unusually dark for a malamute while Jack's were icy blue. Eye talk is boring though, you only notice those things in the after-glow anyway.

"Yo bro, what up?" Jack said as he went in to Paul's room.

"Oh hey, just working on some homework." Paul answered, not gazing up from his textbook. "How is your college classes going?"

"Ah, same old prerequisite bullshit." Jack absently replied as he looked around the room, hoping his brother had grown out of anime. Apparently he had not. Shelves lined with collectible vending machine gotta-catch-em-alls. "You wanna order a pizza or something?"

"Sure, sounds good. I think we need some soda though. You know how mom and dad are about buying soda. They end up just getting grapefruit soda or something nasty."

"Cool, yeah, I'll get some Cokes."

Did Paul always have that kinda ass? Kinda cute. All laid out on his bed on his stomach doing his homework. Jack imagined jumping right on him, pushing his books of his bed and ripping those pants down so fast...Jack caught himself thinking some dirty stuff all of a sudden felt his pants get a bit tighter. He thought he had better relieve himself in the bathroom before he ordered the pizza so as to get that out of his oversexed mind for a bit.

One part of Jack was grossed out that he was thinking about his brother in that way. The other part was picturing a stuffed ass getting 'Jack-hammered'. It didn't matter what kinda ass it was to him. Especially an ass with a light girly-blue fluffy tail.

Soon the pizza arrived and the two brothers gobbled up the pizza as they watched reruns of 90's sitcoms.

"Got yourself a bitch yet?" Jack asked.

"Nah, not really interested, school and all keeps me busy." Paul said in a low tone, being a bit annoyed with the big brother banter which would soon follow.

"Yeah right. Maybe you don't wanna tell me. Oh, I know you're crossing the species line - got yer sites on a kitty or a big ol' bear chick. Ya know they got some nice big ol'..."

"No, I'm not. I really don't think about it." Paul interrupted.

"So you're batting for the same team than? Heheh." Jack joked.

"You're stupid, no I'm not gay. What about you then?" Paul was trying to deflect the question.

"I have one chick I'm seeing, she's kinda boring though. Nothing to talk about. Typical stuff like, 'Why don't you call me everyday?', 'You never say nice things about me.', 'Let's go out to eat.', 'Spend more money on me.'" Jack laughed, imitating her with a high pitched annoying voice.

"Haha! So you know why I don't bother." Paul added.

"Yeah yeah, but when you can get them in the sack they make better sounds, if you know what I mean." Jack prodded Paul with stiff finger into the shoulder then pushed him over on the couch.

"I'm sure they do." Paul said with a blushing grin, "Welp, I'm probably gonna have some buddies over tomorrow and play that new game I got. They'll be over kinda early so I'm gonna hit the hay." Paul yawned as he gathered the empty pizza boxes and soda cans.

"Cool man, later." Jack said as he looked at the cleavage of some women on a television commercial - selling cars or something.

All was quiet in the house again. A perfect stagnant to breed more dirty thoughts. It was soon after Paul went to bed that he put in some hardcore smut and began absently massaging himself. Jack was unzipped and his balls were popped out over his underwear. The volume was down so the moaning doe on screen getting plowed in both ends by dingos wouldn't keep his brother up. He wasn't really worried about his brother seeing it. Jack knew that the hormones started flowing just around Paul's age. Besides, jerking off with his bro would be kind of fun. Maybe he could even coerce him into something a bit more taboo.

Jack's mind began to wonder from the porn and to his brother upstairs. He had such a feminine body yet and with just a bit of meat on just the right bones. He could pretend that Paul was that hot dalmatian chick in his philosophy class. Jack was convincing himself that Paul might enjoy it too. The heat was building as he thought about doing things with his brother. All other logical thoughts had been pushed out. At the boiling point he got up off the couch and headed upstairs to see just how far he could take things.

Paul was still up, sitting indian-style on the floor in front of a glowing screen. He was clutching a controller choosing some magic spell to cast on his enemy.

"Yo, I thought you went to sleep?" Jack asked from the doorway.

"Nah, couldn't sleep." Paul answered looking up at Jack who was only wearing a tank top and tighty whiteys. He seemed unfazed by what Jack was wearing. Paul himself only wore some thin pajama bottoms. Jack was thinking that just maybe there was nothing underneath those.

"I know what'll help you sleep, a little work out before bed." Jack said as he crouched down in a pounce-like stance, slowly approaching Paul.

"Whoa, hold on lemme save this..." Paul said as he quickly tried to get to the save screen, giggling. It was too late. Jack tackled his little lanky brother.

They began rolling around on the floor trying to get the other in some kind of hold. Both had tried their hands at wrestling during high school. Paul laughed as he wiggled under his much larger brother to try and keep his back off the floor. He couldn't stop from noticing the light spice smell from the manly body shampoo Jack used. Jack had his head in Paul's chest trying to get the momentum to push Paul down flat on the carpet. Paul had the advantage of being able to move quickly. He squirmed out of Jack's advance and got to his stomach where he grabbed Jack's ankles, trying to cause him to loose his balance.

Jack saw the perfect opportunity and grabbed the stretchy waist band of Paul's pajama bottom pulling them down to just below the bubble-butt cheeks of his little bro. Paul quickly grabbed at his pants giving Jack the chance to pin Paul to the ground with his knee planted firmly in the small of Paul's back.

"Hey, no fair, you can't do that! Heheh." Paul giggled shyly.

"Oh really. I just did. I guess you would say I can't do this either..." Jack said as he reached out and fondled the cute white furred ass, one hand on each cheek.

"Heheh, what the heck are you doing?" Paul laughed a bit nervously. His brother had never touched his ass like that before. He was weirded out by it but at the same time he noticed how nice it felt. In the back of his mind he knew what his older brother was planning. He had fantasized it briefly on occasion. Paul decided to just play along and submit. He was going to see just how far his brother was going to take this. Jack was right. Paul had recently gone through puberty and his hormones were freshly raging.

"Yep, whelp, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take care of ya good this time. I'm horny and you're the only one here. I can go in the shower and jerk off now if you'd rather not but I can't say that would make me less likely to boink ya later." Jack added as he lifted up a bit turning to his brother.

"Boink me? What? You won't." Paul dared Jack.

"Oh ho! Is that a dare? I bet you do play for the same team, dontcha squirt?" Jack toyed with Paul.

"I'm not gay I'm just as horny as you are I guess." Paul quickly responded pointing to Jack's bulging crotch.

Jack was shocked and relieved a bit by his brother's reaction. He thought of something to respond with but just made a deep chuckle as he lifted Paul up and threw him onto the bed. Paul was rolled over on his back so Jack could take Paul's bottoms completely off. A bit of pink was just popping out of his little brother's sheath and his sex smell said, "yes please" which made Jack realize that Paul wasn't lying. Cute little balls, bit of meat on his thighs. Long legs with feet that looked bigger than the were supposed to be. Those toes...It was all to much for Jack to handle. His brother was a theme park and he was gonna make Paul ride the biggest coaster there.

The pajama bottoms fell into a pile on the floor. Jack straddled Paul's legs as he lifted his tank top over his head, throwing it into the growing pile of clothing. Paul's eyes glowed as he looked up at his older brother's defined physic. Jack looked down at his vulnerable brother lying underneath him for his taking. Leaning down he steadied himself on paws on either side of Paul's head. With a lick on his younger brother's nose he smiled and chuckled to himself.

Slowly he moved down over his young brother. Paws tracing every detail from chest, down to his side, over his belly, around his navel, and finally to the prize.

"Dang, bro. Good sized dick for a little guy!" Jack was a bit surprised that his bro was already completely erect.

It was more pink than Jack's more reddish dick. Jack took it in his hands and thought it to be around six inches long. Rubbing some pre-cum from the tip to his thumb he slowly worked over the length. The natural lubricant creating a shiny pink plaything in Jack's hand. Paul's eyes began getting heavy. He began to moan a little bit as his fluffy white belly fur began to rise and fall as his breathing got heavier.

"MMmmm, feels way better than jerking myself off." Paul cooed as he looked up to see a very happy husky studying every curve of his cock with his paw.

Jack began to notice the strain in his white briefs becoming more and more uncomfortable. He let go of Paul's dick. It bounced against his stomach with a sloppy sound. Jack sat back and tore off his underwear and threw it aside.

"Ahhh, much better." His cock now at full mast and slightly bulging with his ever increasing heart beat. Jack's tool was about seven and a half inches long with a three inch girth.

"Can I touch yours now too?" Asked Paul as he sat up on his elbows.

"You don't even need to ask." Jack grabbed the thick comforter from around him and made a pile behind him to lean back upon.

Crawling up, Paul took no time in grabbing a hold of his older brothers cock. He moved it around in his hands causing Jack to moan. "Uhhhhh, yeah. You should just go ahead and put that in your mouth, dude."

Now things were progressing so fast Paul's head was spinning. Though he was a bit unsure, he looked up to his big brother and didn't want to disappoint. There were a few smutty videos he had found but that was the only knowledge he had of blow jobs. "Sorry, um. What's the best way to..."

Jack grabbed the back of Paul's head and pushed his muzzle down onto his cock. Not enough to choke him but enough to startle Paul a little, his eyes went wide. A monster of lust was growing out of control in Jack, he was loosing patience, "Just be careful not to get your teeth on it. Use a lot of tongue and suck." Paul replied with a full mouthed, "MmHmm"

A masculine musk wafted through Paul's nose, blurring all his senses. His brother's penis in his mouth tasted a bit salty. The pre causing new flavors every so often. It was big in his muzzle so he had to carefully avoid getting his front canines in the way. He let his tongue roll out, licking from the base knot all the way up the shaft. The legs of his brother were trembling and he knew he was doing okay by the loud moaning coming from Jack.

"Fuuuuuck, dude. That's it..."

For a moment Jack's consciousness spoke to him about how shameful it was to be using his naive little brother in such a manner. The guilt washed away as he felt the warm maw engulfing his member causing waves of pleasure through his veins. Jack's tongue lolled out, dripping saliva as his noob brother worked his cock for the next five or so minutes. For it being his first time he was doing a fine job.

"Mmmf. Stop! Stop..." Jack finally snapped out of his daze.

Paul pulled off with a sloppy muzzle. "What's wrong? What did I do?" He looked up at Jack still holding the glistening rod with both hands.

"Nothing, it was great! A little too good. Almost shot my load down your throat." Jack chuckled. "I'd like to put my jizz somewhere else." He slid off the bed and went to the bathroom to retrieve a container of petroleum jelly. Jack noticed how cute Paul was, sitting there on the bed on his legs with a leaking hard-on a pair of dainty little balls. Paul knew what was coming next and he was nervous.

"Lay down on your back." Jack instructed. Paul smiled shyly and laid back on his bed, head in a pillow. Jack pulled Paul's knees up and stuck a pillow under his lower back. Paul's fluffy tail and ass were right where Jack needed them. The dog felt a bit silly with his feet now in the air and his butt so exposed. "Oh yeah. That's some cute stuff right there." Jack scooted up.

He teased apart Paul's cheeks to see his cute pink pucker. With a finger of lube he began to massage the tight hole. This was a new feeling that Paul wasn't expecting and cooed in response. Jack noticed his prey's little toes curling with pleasure so he grabbed one of his ankles. As he began to nudge his finger into the hole he began to use his tongue between Paul's toes. The light blue fur in contrast to his pink foot and toe pads drove Jack crazy. Paul giggled and squirmed as his toes were licked and sucked. Meanwhile, Jack had gotten his whole finger into Paul's tight, clenching ring. Slowly he moved the finger around, loosening it as much as possible.

"Alright. Now I'm going to put another finger in. Try and relax more."

Paul nodded and felt his butt get stretched even further with his brother's second finger. He whimpered and stroked his dick with his eyes shut, biting his lip. The feeling was intense but the total loss of control, letting his body be used by his brother, was intoxicating. Feeling the burning in his butt caused him to loose any nervousness he had and now he just wanted more.

Once Jack felt that his brother's virgin hole was properly stretched he lubed it up along with his dick. "This might feel kinda rough for a sec. I'll try and take it slow." Jack lined up his dick to take the plunge. Grabbing a hold of Paul's thighs he slowly entered the tight hole. Paul's teeth were clenched and eyes were closed. He held his breath until he felt his brothers hips meet his and knew that it was in as deep as he could, sans knot.

The little malamute exhaled and moaned, "Ohhhh, geeeez."

"Are you okay, dude?"

"Yeah. Wow...mmmm"

"Heheh, nice. Glad you like it so far because I'm about to make it feel even better."

Jack leaned over Paul, still impaling his little brother, so that now he was on his hands and knees over him. The massive dog dick slowly slid out of the hole and just before it would have popped out Jack moved in a bit quicker than before. Paul whimpered a long moan and wrapped his legs around Jack's back. Again, he let his dick slide out a bit quicker and replaced it. The moans and grunts from his brother causing his lust to burn even wilder.

Creaks, panting, and moaning filled the air. The pace was becoming steady. Occasionally Jack would look under him to see Paul's face lost in ecstasy. Every time he would hammer into the pup a bit harder than usually he would hear loud yelps in return. He got back up on just his knees so he could could look down and see his dick's work. In and out it slid effortlessly in the newly claimed butt. Jack again noticed Paul's animated toes and took a foot to his muzzle again while he continued to thrust in and out at an even interval.

"I'm gonna...I'm gonna.." Paul groaned.

Within a split second Jack lifted Paul off the bed and onto his lap. Jack on his knees leaned back with Paul on his rod. Paul was lifted and Jack engulfed his pink little dick with his mouth just in time for Paul to shoot load after load in his big brother's throat. Holding tight to Jack's ears he screamed in pleasure, "Guhhh!!! Aahhhh! ....mmmmm!"

Once Paul was spent he had no time to bask in the afterglow as he was lowered back down onto his big brother's cock. After he bounced up and down a few times Jack lifted Paul off his cock and placed him back on the bed. He instructed Paul to get on his hands and knees. As Jack got in behind he couldn't help but noticed the now red, gaping hole and fluffy tail laid back in a "more please" posture. Jack was a bit too tall and had to put a few pillows under Paul's knees.

"You are fuck'n hot little slut puppy, aren't you?" Jack said as he gently smacked Paul's ass. Paul giggled at his dirty big brother.

Holding onto Paul's tail Jack thrust in eliciting more moans from the blue malamute below him. The fucking got heavier and faster until Jack grabbed Paul's hips, burying his knot with a pop into the little dog. Paul gasp as his loins were filled to the brim with dog dick and semen gushing in. Jack howled and groaned until he was spent and collapsed on top of Paul causing them to both sprawl out awkwardly onto the bed. They rolled to the side and panted.

"Fuck yeah, that was good." Jack panted. "Guess we gotta wait a bit for my dick to be able to pop out of your butt. heheh." He hugged Paul.

"That was fun! It felt crazy!" Paul really couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Now that we found something to do that we both like, doesn't seem like we'll have any trouble getting bored this weekend."

"It's only Friday night. You want to keep doing this all weekend?" Asked the pup.

"I mean, if you want."

"Heck yeah!"