Enter the Ferret

Story by Oswald on SoFurry

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#1 of Oswald Furo; Freelance Journalist

This story is dedicated to Finley, who helped me unleash my inner Ferret. © 2007 by Oswald, all rights reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is a figment of your imagination, and you should really get out in the fresh air more. * * *

Chapter 1 Enter the Ferret

  • * * Man, sometimes I really hate being a ferret. Anything goes missing in this burg, and the first thing the cops do is haul you in for questioning. It doesn't help that I have a bit of a record from before they invented Kleptolin, the medication designed to curb the stealing instinct of the ferret, and I haven't stolen anything in years... Of course that doesn't matter to the police. So here I sit in a little bitty interrogation room, being grilled by the Fuz. They'd dropped to the point of personal attacks now, so I knew that they had nothing on me, and were just getting in a few more shots before they let me go. Some fat bastard came in through the door, made a big show of sniffing and said, "Jesus, why do you Furs always stink so bad." That pissed me off. I'm a ferret, right? It's not like I can help it. "Well I'm sorry officer," I replied testily, "If I'd known that you were gonna haul me in tonight, I'd have taken my weekly shower a day earlier than usual." The cop's nose wrinkled in disgust, "once a week? Fuck! You Furs are disgusting!" That set me off; we didn't ask to be here, after all. I stood up, leaned forward and planted my fists on the table as I stared into his eyes. "Alright, Pinky, I'll make you a deal. You invent a blow dryer that can dry me off in less than four hours, and I'll try to shower a little more often so's not to offend your delicate sensibilities. Kay?" Piece of advice, never call the cops Pinky. It's an ok term for some furaphobe on the street, but the po-po gets pissed at that kind of thing. If the asshole hadn't bloodied my lip, I probably would have been there longer, but my lawyer got there just as the jerk popped me. So here I was beating feet back to my apartment. Which was ok, I like to walk. As I strode along the sidewalk, I decided to "unwind" a little bit once I got back to the apartment. After all, I'd had a hard day. The only question was how? I could get together with Rosie... No wait, I had an even better idea. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed it. Fifteen minutes after reaching my pad, I answered the door. There stood a beautiful vixen, wearing a raspberry beret, and not much more. "Hi Oz," she said in a voice that caressed my nerve endings and reached straight into my libido and pulled the switch marked 'defcon 5', "you rang?" She strode into the room and wrapped her lithe arms around me, planting a deep soulful kiss on my mouth, our tongues entwining. I ran my paws through her fur feeling the silken hair whisper against my hands. I could feel my loins heating up, and my body responding. She pulled away from the kiss, and twirled across the floor to the couch her tail standing up. She flopped down on the couch, hooking a leg over the couch displaying her lack of underwear to me as well as the moist, pink haven between her thighs. She was driving me crazy, sitting there with her come hither stare; I walked across the room, pulling my tight t-shirt off over my head. She murrred in anticipation, and started undoing the buttons on her blouse. Before she was halfway down, I covered her breast with a mouth, my tongue flitting across the sensitive mound of flesh there at the peak. I heard her shorts hit the floor as the murr turned into a moan and one of her hands slid down my belly to the waistline of my pants, and undid the button and fly. As my mouth slid over her peaks, her hand played over my cock, sliding it out of its sheath and wetting it with my own juices. "Take me now... I can't stand it anymore," she whispered into my ear, and I felt her guide me to her entrance. "Ohhhh god" I moaned and began to push... suddenly a male voice cut in. "Oh Jesus Christ! For the Love of God, Oz! How many times do we have to go over this?! Just because you CAN perform fellatio on yourself, doesn't mean you SHOULD perform fellatio on yourself, and if you DO perform fellatio on yourself, GO INTO YOUR BEDROOM!" Crap. That's my human roommate Jimmy. He hates it when I do this. I think he's just jealous. "Mmph, mmph mm mmphhh" "DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL!" We're like an old married couple, really. I walked back into the room, buckling my belt. "Hey man, I've had a rough day today, alright? Cut me some slack for crying out loud." I was pissed, that had been my best fantasy yet. "Oz man, I'm sorry I yelled, but put yourself in my shoes! I walk in and, there you are slurping away and moaning. Shit, dude what if I'd had a girl with me... again?!" Ok he had a point there. Slobbing my own knob was bad enough, but asking her if she wanted to help... He never heard from her again, and I heard stories of a temporary restraining order. It's been tough on Jimmy since he moved in with me. "Alright Jim, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I called, and you weren't here so I thought you were pulling another overnight in the lab." Jim was a lab lackey at the university. They were working on vaccines for common Fur diseases. Most human diseases didn't bother us, but likewise human vaccines didn't work on us, either. Not only that, but animal vaccines wouldn't really do either, the dosage just didn't work. So labs like the one Jim worked at tried to come up with stuff to save us. I know that it's a little late in the game, but I feel that an introduction is in order. Hi. I'm Oswald Tobias Furo, my friends call me Oz. I'm a ferret. I know that's pretty generic, so let me get a little descriptive. I'm about five foot four, a hundred and twenty pounds. I'm not big, but I'm wiry. My guard hair, that is to say the top color of my coat, is black, except on my arms to the elbows, and my feet to the knees, where it's white. Oh, right the last ten inches of my tail is white too, but I keep that dyed sort of a Muppet red color. My undercoat is white, just like most ferrets. My mask is a V shape that ends a couple of inches above my nose. I usually wear a tight t-shirt and baggy green khaki cargo pants. I also usually have a purse with me. Not purse as in "fabulous!" but a purse as in the medieval sense of the word. Actually it's an old army issue messenger bag, that is adorned with pins and buttons and patches and other assorted shinys. Ok so I may have my klepto instincts under control, but I still can't say no to a glittery button. Out of this pouch, I pulled another, much smaller leather one. I opened it up and pulled out a packet of rolling papers. I then selected one, and prepared it and filled it with dark, fragrant tobacco. Twisting it between my fingers I fashioned a roll-up. Yeah, yeah, I know it's bad for me and it makes my fur smell like an ashtray, but you know what? It helps keep me calm and besides I think there's something romantic about a guy who still rolls his own in this day and age. I slid out an Ohio blue tip match, struck it off of my thumbnail and lit my smoke. "You know what your problem is, Jimmy? You need go get laid. Bad," Jimmy hadn't had much luck with the ladies lately; he said it was because he was too busy. I said it was because his standards were too high. None the less I made a decision right then and there. I was going to be Pedro to Jimmy's Don Quixote. I was going to help him tilt against windmills. I was going to get him laid. While I was caught up in my private musings, Jimmy had said something that I missed. "What was that," I enquired. Jimmy replied, "I said, yeah but how? I mean, I'm as horny as all get out, but I don't have enough time to go around looking for someone to hook up with." I looked at him in disbelief; it was like he was speaking a different language. "It's not about time, when has it ever been about time? It's about style!" I leapt to my feet, stubbing the dogend of my cigarette out in the ashtray. I looked him up and down. He'd just come from work, and was still decked out in his scrubs. He was good looking enough, with red hair, cropped close to his head, clean shaven, and 6'3" and well built. He worked out. I'd do him myself, but he didn't swing that way. I grabbed him by the arm and despite his protestations dragged him by the arm into his bedroom. Wow. That took lots longer than I thought it would. Two hours later, after scrubbing and shaving and cleaning him up. I had him toffed to the nines and looking perfect, for the place we were headed. Jim still had no idea exactly what I had in mind for him. The heels of his shoes and the claws of my toes clicked on the pavement as we strode toward to our destination. "So where are we going, again," asked Jimmy for what had to be the tenth time. "Jimmy, saying 'again' implies that I told you in the first place. I didn't." he was trying that old ruse on me and it wasn't going to work. I would have been getting irritated about now, but one, we were almost there, and two I was looking forward to getting some myself. We rounded a corner and there it was Profligacy. Profligacy was the best club in our fair city. It was a Fur bar that didn't exclude humans and so a perfect place to take Jimmy on the hunt. Its not that Fur girls were easy per se, it's just that they didn't have the same hang ups about sex as human girls. Venereal diseases didn't cross species lines, and as far as pregnancy goes, forget it. As I walked towards to the door, I realized that I was alone. I turned around and looked at Jim. He was standing looking at the façade of the building. "Oh no... Oz I know what this place is... It's a Fur bar!" the way that he said that drew a few looks from the assorted people, both humans and furs in line. Furaphobia was falling out of fashion, and Trolls, as people who hated Furs were commonly called, were looked down on. I pulled him to one side and asked, "So? You and I both know you're not a Troll, what's the problem?" Jimmy still didn't get it. He replied, "Ok yeah so I'm not a Troll, but I'm not a Furvert either." Furverts are humans who are more attracted to Furs than other humans. He took a deep breath, "look this was a mistake, so I'll just go home." He turned and started walking away; I rolled my eyes at his back and caught him up. "You don't have to be a furvert to enjoy getting down every now and then," I said as I caught his arm and turned him around, "look what do find attractive about a girl?" Jimmy looked thoughtful for a moment; I could see the rest of the argument playing out in his mind. He won. Or lost. Depends on how you look at it. He had one last feeble attempt to worm his way out of it though. "Oz, I've... I've never... really... been with..." he was trying to tell me in his cute little halting way that he was a furgin or a human that had never slept with a Fur, a sadly common state. I rested my paw on his cheek and said, "Oh, Jimmy why didn't you say so? I would have brought you here SO much earlier!" I reached down and grabbed his arm and dragged him up to the door, as I draped my camera around his neck. There was a line, but that didn't bother me. I did freelance work for Anthropop, the biggest Fur magazine in the country. That made me media, and that meant that clubs like Profligacy were happy to see me coming. I flashed my press pass at the bouncer at the door (a closet queen, I had proof) and pulled Jimmy along after me. "Who's he?" the burly Great Dane inquired. "He's my camera man," I replied. I know that pawning off Jimmy as part of my team is cheap, but it got us in fast, and kept us from having to pay the cover charge. "I thought you took your own pictures," he asked dubiously I guess that he'd had this pulled on him a time or two. "Yeah I usually do, but I got lumbered with Skippy here for this assignment," I said, being careful not to imply that the assignment was anything other than personal. The bouncer shrugged and waved us through the door. "Oz I'm not sure that this is such a good idea," Jimmy shouted over the music in the club. "You're right," I shouted back, "it's not a good idea, it's brilliant! The girls here are gonna eat you up!" Jimmy nervously eyed a pair of girls, one a grey wolf, the other a black panther walk past us arm in arm obviously enjoying themselves. "That's what I'm afraid of!" I laughed and walked up to the bar. I ordered myself a gin and tonic and him a fuzzy navel. He doesn't really like frou-frou drinks, but I thought that it would be an auspicious start. I walked up to him and handed him his drink, when he asked me what it was, I just grinned at him. We wound our way through the packed club and towards the dance floor. Jim was still trying to look everywhere at once, goggle eyed, nervously sipping his drink. When we reached the edge of the floor, he'd finished it off. I looked at my watch. In about thirty minutes he'd be relaxed enough to throw him out there. I caught the eye of a cocktail waitress passing by, and secured bourbon on the rocks for him. That plus the first drink should get him loosened up enough to go the distance tonight. After about twenty minutes Jimmy was showing the first signs of acclimating to his surroundings. He was talking to people, of every species and was ready to move on to phase two. I spotted a couple of girls dancing together on the floor. Not together as in 'couple', together as in 'we don't have anybody else to dance with'. I pointed them out to Jimmy. One was a white tail doe, with tawny fur on her back, and snow white on the undersides of her arms, belly, and insides of her legs. The other was a cottontail female. She was just a little shorter than her friend, her fur was a darker brown, and it looked so soft in the lights of the club. They were moving to the music and moved so gracefully that the pair of them was poetry in motion. I couldn't resist it. I reached over and grabbed my camera from Jim, and spun it up to my eye. I sighted on them across the dance floor, and clicked the shutter just as two beams of light speared down from the setup over the stage. They saw my flash go off, looked over at us and smiled. I looked at Jimmy, and nodded in their direction. He followed with his eyes, and then looked back at me, not getting what I meant. I rolled my eyes at his obtusiveness and grabbed him by the arm (again!) and walked on the dance floor with him in tow. An hour later the four of us were sitting in the chill room. After my roommate had gotten over his initial fear of rejection, and reticence at the prospect of sleeping with a fur, plus a little Dutch courage, he was being both charming and engaging. The girls were giggling and their body language was definitely suggesting that they were very interested in making our further acquaintance, the doe of Jim's most of all. The doe's name was Kia, and the bunny's name was Sara. They were both students at the university in the middle of their undergraduate studies, Kia for Art History, and Sara for Theatre. They had come to the club to unwind after finals week and were looking for a good time. A good time was just what I had in mind. Jimmy certainly wasn't going to do it, so I suggested that we head out back to our place to "look at my photographs". Jim excused himself to the restroom, and so did Sara, leaving me and Kia alone. I decided to help things along a little bit. I pulled her ear down to my mouth and whispered, "you may need to take the lead a little bit with Jim... he's never done this before." She looked at me with her eyes wide. "Are you serious? I mean, never? What... Are you sure that I should be the one that..." I looked at her. "Look, you like Jim right?" she nodded. "And Jim likes you, that I know. There aren't any shoulds our shouldn'ts about this, there's only what you both want. Don't let the expectations of others dictate your actions." Kia looked at me for a second. Finally she said, "Wow, Sara's really going to have to keep on her toes tonight." She planted a kiss on my cheek, and softly said, "Thanks for the vote of confidence." I smiled at her, as Jim and Sara rejoined us and we linked arms and walked out of the club. A little while later we were cuddled up in pairs on the sofa. Kia sat with Jim leaning back on her between her legs. I had Sara wrapped in my arms on the other end. The conversation had continued about art, music, movies, and a cornucopia of topics. After a while, there came a lull in the conversation. Kia leaned down and kissed Jim quite deeply and thoroughly. He started a bit at first, but she must have been a good kisser, because after his initial shock he slid his tongue into her mouth. Sara and I took this opportunity to begin a little foreplay of our own. My eyes slid shut as our tongues intertwined and slid over one another beginning our intimate exploration. Her hand began roaming my chest, sliding up under my shirt, and roaming over the fur there. One of my hands slid up her back to the nape of her neck, which I gently cupped in my hand. The other slowly, teasingly slid up her thigh, over the skirt she was wearing and began exploring the fur on her belly. As we kissed I snuck a glance at Jimmy and Kia. They still had their tongues intertwined, and I could see Jim's hand working underneath her shirt. Meanwhile she was running one had through her hair, and the other was gripping his thigh, high up near his groin. It seemed like he was taking to it like a duck to water. At that point Sara growled at me deep in her throat for attention, and I stopped worrying about him. By now, my cock was fully erect and straining against the fabric of my pants when I felt the other two rise from the couch. I heard the door to Jim's bedroom shut and a muffled "oh WOW" come from inside. Now it was my turn. Somewhere along the line, my pants had been unbuttoned and unzipped. Sly minx, I never even felt her do that. I scooped her up, and we proceeded to my bedroom. We entered and Sara took a minute to survey the tapestries that I draped over every wall. Black designs on ochre and purple fabrics covered every vertical surface, and the ceiling. I swept her to the bed, and gently laid her down atop the comforter. We kissed again, and our hands began roving one another with greater abandon. I pushed her top up over her breasts, exposing the pink areola in their nest of fur. I lowered my body on top of hers, and covered the button of flesh with my hot, moist tongue. Sara moaned and arched her back, pushing it harder into my attentions. I felt her hand slide down past the waistband of my pants and wrap around my sheath. She squeezed, hard enough that my hips involuntarily bucked. She chuckled at that, and did it again, just for my reaction, then gasped, as my finger slid into her moistened cleft, and rubbed against her clit. Sara rolled over and stripped my shirt and pants off of me, making a pile on the floor. Since I go commando that was all it took to get me naked. Not to be outdone, I unfastened her bra with one hand, pulled it and her blouse off in one motion, and peeled her out of her skirt. She pushed me over on my back, and settled herself with her opening just above my length. At this point I leaned up and took her breast into my mouth again rolling her nipple around. As I teased her with my tongue she slid onto my throbbing shaft. A hot, slick velvet glove encased my member. I could feel her muscles clenching me as she slowly raised her self and plunged back down. The lubrication that our delicious friction produced quickly soaked the fur around our loins where they joined. On her next thrust I rose to meet her, our hips meeting, stimulating the nub of flesh at the apex of her pussy. Sara sped up, moving faster and harder, her breasts heaving as she rode up and down on top of me. Then, her eyes shut and with a squeal of delight, I could feel her coming, her sex spasming around me as a powerful orgasm rocked her body. I rolled us over, and she lifted her knees to her chest. I was now penetrating her as deeply as I could. I slowly slid my cock out of her, and plunged it back in, Sara gasped in pleasure as my pelvic bone pressed into her clit. I slid out again, and again. Her fingers clutched at my asscheeks as she pulled me into her harder, and harder. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer, and sped up my thrusts to a manic pace. I needed release. She moaned and whined underneath me, as I pumped into her again and again. Sara swept up to meet me on every thrust, urging me on. Her eyes flew wide as she gasped, and I felt the fluttering of her vagina as another orgasm screamed through her body. I was at the edge of my endurance. Unable to hold off any longer, I drove my self into her one last time, as my seed spurted from me and poured into her. One or two more thrusts and I was sated. I collapsed beside Sara on the bed, and basked in the afterglow of our lovemaking. We lay there, and held each other for a little while, made love again, cuddled for a while and drifted off to sleep. Elsewhere, a group of humans met. They appeared to each other solely as silhouettes. "What is the current status of the Project?" one asked a male with a deep authoritative voice. This was a man used to giving commands, and used to having them obeyed. Another voice answered, educated, cultured, the voice of a scientist, "we are still working on a viable formulation, the last batch didn't perform as we expected. However, I foresee success by years end." "Not acceptable," the Commander snapped, "by year's end this project will have become impossible to hide. The money has to come from somewhere, and the books are getting harder to cook." The voice seemed about to begin a tirade, but a female voice interjected, "we all know the funding difficulties, and we are also aware that these things take time. However, time is running short. Something must be done, and soon before our society is irrevocably corrupted by these... vermin." The Scientist shifted in his chair. He seemed to weigh his words carefully before replying, "If I could get twenty more test subjects, the rate of trials could be accelerated." The fourth figure, heretofore silent spoke up. Her voice was seductive, like smoke curling through still air, "if it is more subjects that you require, then it is more subjects you shall get."