Tina II Chapter 9 -Tina's Diary- A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina II Chapter 9- Tina's Diary- A Gray Muzzle story

Tina wondered what to do. It was only eight, and the kids were staying with the grandparents in the pool house tonight. Ray was downstairs doing something on the computer. Then, it hit her. Moving quickly, before she changed her mind, Tina slipped out of her clothes. After taking a long shower, she did her hair carefully, and then slipped on a special outfit. It was a sheer babydoll, trimmed in maribu, with matching fur trimmed panties. Then, she changed the sheets on the bed to black satin. Settling in to the armed backrest, she reached into the nightstand for a pink leatherbound diary, and a pink plumed pen.

"Dearest Diary,

I fear that I have bored you with the humdrum details of my everyday life long enough. Tonight, I shall do what I have meant to do for some time. I will relive the best, and most interesting details of my sex life. Toward what end? What end need there be? Isn't reliving life's finest sexual moments reward enough?

My first sexual feelings were when I was about seven years old. It was the day before school began. I was busy with my play, and, rather than go in, I dropped my panties, and squatted in the yard. What a beating I got! I was still urinating as my mother dragged me into the house. But what I've never told anyone, save you, dear diary, is how exciting I find peeing in the wild, just as our ancestors did. There have been times, when I went into the woods at a picnic, or stopped at the side of the road, and squatted in the woods. It always brings back childhood, and those memories of the wild past. Being in the wood, and releasing on the forest floor will ALWAYS be a huge turn on.

On that first day, I made the mistake of squatting in poison ivy, of course. The next day, my first day in the new school, and I was in AGONY! Luckily, sister saw my discomfort, and took me to the nurse's office. She lay me on the examining table, and immediately saw my problem. With my underpants off, and my uniform jumper pushed up, she rubbed lotion all over my itchy parts. The relief was a Godsend! But sister rubbed and rubbed, until I got this funning feeling. As Sister touched my girly parts, laying on the exam table, I experienced my first childish orgasm. Massaging that cool lotion over and over my sex, I felt the flush of release wash over me. It was a little frightening, as I had no idea what I had experienced. I just knew I liked it, and I wanted it again.

That night, of course, the itch came back. Going for the lotion, I checked my parents bedroom. There, in the moonlight my father lay over my mother. Neither one was wearing clothes. What I remember most was my father's sex. He was so black, and his sex so huge! I stood in the hall there, just looking at them like that, even though I risked getting caught. I had never seen one before; I had no idea that boys were different there. It was then I saw it disappear inside mommy. He kept bumping her, and they made strange animal noises. I watched and watched, until they stopped doing things. Then I went to my bed, and rubbed lotion on myself, just like sister did. I rubbed myself until it happened. That night, I made myself cum for the very first time. I must have been very slow in school the next day, as I did it again and again, until I fell asleep, exhausted. Momma must have found me there the next day, with my sex exposed, but she never said anything. I've never told anyone this, but I often think of Daddy's sex. It is the single hottest thing I've ever seen, then or now. Sometimes, when I pleasure myself, I still think about it, of how big and black, and of what he did with Mommy that night.....

When I was eleven, twelve, I had my first heat. Momma hadn't told me anything about the heat, so it caught me by surprise. I was just miserable. It was Summer, and all I could think about were my girl parts! Masturbating seemed to help, so I did it all the time. It was Summer, so I'd get up late. I'd be in bed, touching 'it' until maybe eleven. Then I'd go to bed, and touch it at night. There was this anthro boy, a Golden Retriever, in my neighborhood. He liked me, and he'd come by to talk. Sometimes we'd take long walks. Momma didn't much like that, but then her illness was getting ahold of her, and she sat there, smoking cigarettes and watching TV. Well, he came by, and we walked a long way, all the way to the fields on the edge of town. We'd often go there, just to talk. Sometimes, we'd hug, or even kiss. This time, though, when we kissed, it must not have been like before. I felt something through his trousers. I knew it was the same thing my father had- he had one, too! I felt it through my clothes. I pressed against him, but I couldn't stand it long. He seemed hurt when I stopped That made me so sad, seeing him like that, so I unzipped his pants. I took his sex from his underpants, and rubbed it, like I liked to be touched myself. He seemed to enjoy it, right up until he got all rigid, and funny looking, and then his 'thing' started pumping white sticky all over. I wiped him with my hanky, then ran home. I was afraid what might come next. I never saw him again.

It was many years before I met Ray. I was busy with school, with life, with getting out of my parent's increasingly nutty house. When I got a job at the state DMV, I moved into my own place. I never expected to find anyone like Ray. He was unlike anyone I'd ever met. So patient, so funny, so.....different. I sensed an honesty, a decency in him I'd never seen. After our first date, I wanted him.....bad! Unfortunately, in the middle of this great date, I got my 'friend'. As wonderful as it was, as much as I WANTED it, I ran home and locked the door. Luckily, Ray asked me out again. He took me to ballet the next Saturday. I was still in heat. Doing my routine, feeling his eyes on me, I was ready to explode! When we got back to my place, when he kissed me, touched my shoulder....well, it was all over. We showered together, then, I took him to bed. I knew what it meant. I should have said something. Truth is, it didn't matter. If he didn't fuck me, I would have fucked him. I felt him break my hymen. Then, shortly after, I felt myseld fill with his semen. The minute it happened, I knew. A bitch knows. I was going to have his offspring. I hoped, PRAYED, that he felt like I did. We made love all night. I never felt more a woman than I did that night.

The day I saw Ray's home was special, too. We saw his apartment, and lay out by the pool. Ray took me to see his parent's house. When we got to his parent's bedroom, my knees got week. They had the most awesome bed I'd ever seen! I was getting bold by now; I told Ray I wanted to have sex here. I pulled my wool tights down, and pushed my skirt to my waist. The thrill of doing it, the thrill of getting caught was exhilarating! I had this HUGE orgasm when Ray unloaded inside me. In terms of just hiot, hard core sex, this was damn near the best.

Not long after, we took a day off. Ray bought me my first car! A red convertible, all my own! I drove us to this place Ray knew- a waterfall deep in the woods. We fell in the water, and kissed and hugged in the falls, soaking wet. We then found this high rock. We both stripped, and lay in the sun. When we made love, it was incredible! I won't bore you with how many times we made love in the sun, but it was TONS! It was sooooo perfect- I felt loved, accepted, totally safe. Then, there was the whole thing about being in nature, which I find hot beyond belief. I walked bowlegged for a week after we got back.

I've got a confession. I've got this feral fetish. There's something that draws me to uh, 'doggy' sex. Not just the position; sex with canines. I've never told Ray- I'm sure he's FREAK! Still.......There was this time......I was home alone....in bed.......I was in heat, so I'm sure I had this scent to me....well, ......he tried. I resisted at first. When I lay down to masturbate, it happened. My boy....he ENTERED me! At first, I went to shake him off, but he'd have none of it. Hard and fast, I felt him knot, and his seed fill my womb. I was scared that I'd have his puppies! It was a tense month or so, let me tell you! When I wasn't pregnant, I had him fixed. Did we ever,......you know....again? No, never. Do I THINK about it? What do YOU think?

And then, there was the time I went out with the girls. I dropped off my friend, then headed home. I'm not sure what came over me, but I was SO horney! A few blocks short of home, I stopped at a stop sign. Even though I was two blocks from home, and had to pee REALLY bad, I stuck my hand down my panties, and, with an eye in the mirror, played with myself, right there in the street! Yes, I masturbated at a stop sign in my own neighborhood! Of course, this only made me hotter than ever. When I got home, I woke Ray up, and he got the fucking of his life!

Of course, there have been other times. This cat girl in my office, Felicia, told me about having sex with a stranger in a bar restroom. My own mother gave me the details of my father's infidelities in graphic detail. You can imagine what THAT did to me.

Well, Diary, if I got thinking, I could go on all night- perhaps I'll have to do a second edition someday! Looks like Ray is back, and I see what looks like a huge hard on in his sweats. I think he knows something is up. Guess it's time to get to work.....

Until next time.

