How should I know? Chapter 12: To keep going?

Story by Pod155 on SoFurry

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#12 of How should I know

Chapter Title: Chapter 12: To keep going?

Author's Notes: Our hero must continue on his path alone or what he thinks...

Story: How should I know?

Chapter 12: To keep going?


I awaken in the dark room somewhat confused; I took my right hand and rubbed my head. 'My right hand' felt much better than yesterday." Damn guess the nurse was right about fixing me up. Now to figure out where the heck am I."

I rose out the bed and looked around the room the moon light provided a bit of a shine within the room. The entire room was empty I was completely alone...'perfect...' Now I can get out of this place without anyone bothering me and get on over to the Lake of Rage.

"Yeah don't want to have to hurt or kill anything else, and claim it an accident. Now do you killer?" The voice said returning.

"Well if it isn't the unwelcomed voice, how are you my friend?"

"Save you sarcasm for someone and get a move on, you wasted enough time here. Your little pet might be catching up and you know you're too weak to do anything about her. Unless pushed maybe HAHAHA!"

"Hmmm you must be talking all the shit I've been feeling lately, because that was crappy even for you. Though you are right it's time for me to leave this place." I said as a comeback.

I jumped down to the floor, making a small skip on how cold the floor was. Once my feet grew use to the temperature, I stealthily made my way towards the door. With my back now up against the wall I slowly twist the door knob, to be as quiet as possible.

I pulled on the door slowly to silence any creaking noise. Once the door was opened I poked my head to through, the halls were just as dark as the room I was in. Taking a deep breath I quietly tip-toed through the halls. The halls connect to the main lobby so I was only a straight shot away from the exit. As long as I remained quiet I'll have no problem making it out of here.

I placed my back up against the wall as I tried to make myself blend in with it, but was really doing a terrible job. I kept my hand on the wall as I slid further and further down the hall. Once my hand felt the edge of the wall I knew I must have been at the end. I stuck my head out a little to see what was around the corner. I notice my snout was sticking out much farther than I anticipated, so I quickly took a look around and brought my head back in.

There stood the Chansey from earlier when I first came in; I guess it must be on guard duty. I can't have it raising an alarm or anything like that, so I'll most likely have to knock it out in order for me to pass through I guess.

I slowly walked around the corner to see it standing behind the counter; I quickly approached it with an ice punch. When I got within striking distance I slid to a stop once I saw that the damn thing was sleeping on its feet. I took a deep sigh and turned a around flicking my hand a few times to get rid of the building ice on my hand.

I walked away slowly, somewhat giggling at the thought of 'what if.' I shook my head at the thought and made my way to the exit. I pushed the door open, and then heard something fumbling behind me. I looked back to see that the Chansey had awaken and was making its way towards me. I quickly pushed the door open and dashed down the street.

'Now that was way pass creepy!' I thought to myself as I now ran like Krystal when she's mad at something. I would occasionally look back to see if anyone was following me, I was relieved to find that there was nobody. I only stopped my running only to get down on all fours and continue; the night was cool and relaxing hopefully it stays that way.

Slowing down because I seen a sign, I kept crawling until I was right in front of it and gazed up at it. It read 'Ecruteak City this way and Route 42 that way'. I looked at both directions and sighed, "I knew this would be a lonely trip, but damn being alone sucks." I said aloud as I walked towards the Route 42 direction.

"Don't worry you fat shit! You have me to keep you company..." The oh-so delightful voice said returning.

"Now I think I've truly gone mad talking to my inner voice."

"Aww is the Killer sad it doesn't have it's play thing?" It said sounding like a comforting parent.

"You know whatever you say about me, you're saying about yourself right? After all I am in control of your body."

"Yeah whatever I'm describing you like I would myself, so I don't care."

"You should I mean man what the hell got you this way?" I asked it in a concerned way.

"You did ok...whoops almost spilled the beans there, quit asking questions and keep moving!"

I could tell it was becoming annoyed, but I didn't want to keep pestering it. Though it does sound crazy, it was the only talking companion that I had. I would most likely lose my mind if I didn't have someone to talk to.

Crawling onto the new route wasn't too much of a problem, though it was rockier than expected. About twenty minutes of fast pace crawling, my feet and paws were starting to hurt. I stood up and looked into my hands and saw a few rock imbedded into them. Using my other hand I scraped them out, I stood up and checked my surroundings. I was basically in front of a fork in the road, one road split into a cave and the other was where the woods continued.

"Hey you inside, which way?" I said in a demanding way.

"Wouldn't you like to about we make a trade?"

"What the hell are you talking about now?"

"If you promise that you'll kill the one responsible for all this I'll tell you." It said rather calmly.

"I'll tell you what if the situation boils down to it I'll do it."

"Hehe you're not lying either! That's all I wanted to hear killer, go through the woods and you'll see the sign showing you where to go." It said with a sadistic tone.

"How do you know where to go, and why should I trust that you're telling me the truth?"

"In due time fat ass, in due time." It repeated before fading away.

I shrugged at the insult and placed it behind me.

I got down to all fours and began crawling through the woods again. Not stepping on hard ground and pointy rocks was a much welcome relief to my feet. The night life of the woods was relaxing, so much so that I didn't feel tired or annoyed. The cool breeze that occasionally blew through felt great. As if the burden of me learning about my past was a distant memory; something that should be forgotten for another moment like this.

The moment felt like an eternity of happiness before I knew it I was standing in front of another sign saying 'Mt. Mortar this way, Mohogany Town that way.'

Well I guess a death promise will make the anger spirit inside speak the truth. I really wish it didn't have to be this way; I'll try to come reasonable terms with the 'one responsible'. I can't turn into a monster like it wants me to, I still have my humanity and with that I have compassion as well.

I mean if it weren't for this transformation I wouldn't have met the love of my life. No matter how far I go or what I do I can't get her out of my mind.

While I stared at the sign I felt my stomach growling, I tilted my head back. With my face in the air I took a deep breath and started laughing. "Guess the hospital food went right through me." I said now sighing to myself.

"Well I guess sitting here won't get any food in my stomach." I closed my eyes and began to take slow deep breaths. Wanting to catch the smell of something, at this point anything would do just fine. Just to get me by into the next town hopefully The Lake wasn't too far from here.

That's when the smell of something heavenly passed my nose. My mouth began to drool up as I kept my nose in the air. "Now I know what it's like to be sniffing high." I said as I lowered my head in the direction of the smell. "I'm sure if I were to go get something to eat, I shouldn't lose any time for me getting there." As I approached the smell I saw what was causing it, I saw a small camp fire. Sitting above the fire was a pot that was boiling over.

My stomach was aching for me to steal the food, but I couldn't bring myself to do so... I think the feral being in me took over at that moment.

I looked around for any campers that could be in the area, all I could see was a tent with folds open, but no campers. I stealthily made my way over to the pot and open it there was a white cream base pasta dish with shrimp inside. Taking another deep breath of the heavenly scent, I stuck my finger inside the pot just to pull it out from being burned. I spat some water on the side of the pot in order to cool if off a bit. The water ran down the pot and fell into the fire and thus putting it out.

"Well that'll stop the heat..."

I picked up the pot once it was cool enough to touch, and began to make my way out of the camp site. I thought that was weird, that there was nobody there to protect the food. I atleast expect fight some wild Pokémon that wanted the food as well.

'But this is to easy,' I thought to myself as I made my way into the woods. When I made myself further into the woods I started tip the pot into my mouth and gobble the food. As it slid down my throat the contents were still hotter than they appeared.

"I hope it taste as good as it burns!"

I quickly turned around to face the angry voice. There stood a woman with golden blonde hair; she wore a light blue skin tight suit. She had her hand on her hips and began to smile at me. "So this is what I find when I use the bushes... So how does it taste you big moron."

I jumped back and let go of the pot allowing the rest of the food to spill onto the ground. I dropped into a defensive stance keeping my eye on the mysterious woman. Something about her wasn't right; something about that suit she wore seemed familiar. 'Big moron...' I've heard that from somewhere.

I decided to ignore my own rule and talk to the woman. "Hey do I know you from somewhere?"

"Oh so it talks does it?" She asked casually.

"For someone who just heard a Pokémon talking you aren't making too much of a fuss." I said pointing out the obvious. "Now I feel like I've met you before. Why should I feel like that?"

"Oh you feel like you know me eh. Then tell me you know what this is I'm wearing?" She asked seductively.

"I'm not entirely sure, but..." Now starting to bear my fangs and looking at the woman intensely, and not wanting to take my eyes off her. "I think you're going to tell me or else!"

"Or else what?" The women replied smugly.

"Else I'm going to have to beat the answer out of you, and oh yeah I'm not afraid to hit a girl."

"Is that the truth now, seeing how you don't have that little witch with you I'll take my time with you. I'll be paying her a visit later to retrieve my Absol as well once we're done here." A large grin began to stretch across her face.

"What little witch you mean Krystal how do you know her....Absol....wait are you that woman we fought?"

"Hmmm...there seems to be something blocking me from reading up your mind, as if you were to have another presence inside you. Tell me are you hiding anything?" She said in a more serious tone.

"The only person hiding anything here would be you!" I yelled as I charge at her at full speed.

The same grin was still spread across her face as she step forward to intercept me. I stuck my right claw out first to end this fight in one blow and since she couldn't read my mind, she can't predict me. She just stood right in front of my claw and didn't move an inch. I pulled back a bit so I wouldn't put a hole inside of her.

She stood her ground as my claw connected with her stomach. I closed my eyes trying not to think of what I've just done to her. My eyes shot open once I felt something grab my arm, I look down to see that it was her. "HAHAHA I was hoping to try this suit on the generation one, not it's pet." She said as spun around to her right throwing me off balance by jerking me forward, then tripping me with her left foot, and then throwing me in to a tree.

My head was the first thing to connect with the hard wood then falling to the ground. I rolled over on my back grunting loudly, trying to figure out what the hell happened.

"It would seem you saved me time for looking for you, but it looks like it was only a matter of time before you came to me 'eventually' anyway. Since I can't read your mind I'm assuming since you're heading this way you must be going to The Lake of Rage? Am I right?" She said with the same grin on her face placing a hand on her forehead.

"What you know about that?" I asked her concernedly as I began to sit up.

"Oh there are many things I know about you...Ferali was it now? Quite the name change since your human days..."

I stood up immediately and crouched down; I grew more and more angry the longer that woman stood in front of me.

'You can't kill her.' The voice in my head said returning.

"What are you talking about, I sure she doesn't hold a candle to Krystal." I said loudly as I bald my fist up and formed ice over them. Turning my hands into ice gauntlets, then shot a glaze at the woman to show how serious I was.

Why is it all the women I meet are all weird, creepy, and strong...

"Oh my you're getting serious aren't you...well I guess I might as well end this now." She dropped down into a fighting stance of her own. When she took her stance, a stretching latex material looking thing wrapped around her head. With the sound of an opening Pokéball revealed her new form, there she stood wearing a solid blue mask to match her outfit. The mask had a plain look to it, but only that large butterfly wings extending from the back of it. The wings seemed to be connected by two white lines on the edge of her eyes. Her eyes glowed a bright yellow it was somewhat intimidating.

Not really knowing what she could be capable of I shot an ice beam directly at her, to see how she'd react.

Her eyes began to glow purple as the beam closed into her. The beam stopped about two feet in front of her and split off into two paths around her. The beams landed further behind her instantly freezing a tree and a bush behind her.

The wings on the back of her mask began to grow and the grass beneath her feet started parting as she began to hover off the ground.

'You might want to get out of here, the way you are now she's going to kill you!' The voice in my head yelled loudly.

"If you have something to say tell me now!" I yelled back at it.

"All I have to say to you is...don't die." The woman said using some sort of voice changer on the suit to make her voice sound more intimidating than it was before.

'Guess you're going find out why I didn't want you mess with her the hard way then...' The voice said in my head then faded away.

I was to focus on the woman to pay any attention to the voice.

She stuck her on the right side of her hip and dropped into a sword drawing stance. While still in mid-air she never took her face off me. "With the power of understanding I summon 'Leaf Blade!'" She yelled as a green glow shone from behind her.

My eyes wide when I saw it, and not wanting to experience whatever she just did I took off running to her. I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was going to happen to her, as I extended my right arm and hand out for a powerful blow. When I opened them back up she was gone... I blinked and looked around for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

That's when I looked down at my arm to see that it had a large bloody line extending from my hand to the upper part of my arm. The ice on my hand was cut clean apart, at that time my arm fell to my side limp. I use my left hand to grab my right arm; the pain was very intense as I continued to look around for her.

"Seem like that was more effective than I thought, though I'm surprise you're not screaming your head off." She said as her voice echoed from around the trees. "But I'm going to have to end this now...With the power of understanding I summon 'Extreme Speed and Double Team!'"

She sudden appeared in front of me, I quickly swung the back of my left hand that was still covered in ice at her. Only to hit an afterimage, the image came back together and hit me in the stomach with a left jab. The force was so great I felt a rib pop; doing my best too hold the blood from spilling from my mouth; I tried to swing back at her only to hit another afterimage. Again the image reappears and delivered another powerful blow to my stomach. I spat blood all over the place involuntarily from the immense blow.

At this time I began to pass out the pain was unbearable, she was twice as fast as Krystal and much stronger. Whatever that suit is must be giving her all that power, not only that she's using moves that no human should be able to use, moves that only Pokémon should know.

'I have to stay up; I can't go down without finding out...the...truth.' Were my final thoughts as I fell over almost blacking out.

"Father this is Rebecca I have the package, do you want me to terminate it now and continue to search for the prototype?" The woman voice echoed.


"Are you sure we can't just kill them both and get them out of our hair."


"I know I know just kidding jeez lighten up, but that witch has an Absol of mine that I want back. So start the capturing process and bring him to the lake?"


"Ok I will, but 'fyi' he has another consciousness in his mind that told him where to go, you wouldn't happen to know about that now would you?"


"Sure that's fine; I'll tell you about the statistics of the suits operational functions when I meet with you at The Lake."


"Rebecca out...Now let's get started with you, without a Pokéball its going too hard to carry you. I have other means of carrying you though." She snapped her fingers and a loud noise rumble the ground. "For now we need you to keep going."

At that point I passed out.

End Notes: things are starting to get interesting! Please let me know what you think of the story so far! See you next week! ~Pod155 outta here!