Lost at a strange world 3

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#3 of Lost at a strange world

Lost at a strange world chapter 3. Kris thinks Keith is dead and goes on with his life with Regina. Someone saves him a couple of times and acts familiar.

Military base hospital, three and half months since the landing accident.

MC cloud watched as the nurses unwrapped the bandaged form. The fox watched with interest as light gray fur appeared instead of human skin. Eyes opened, but instead of round pupils of a human, there were like the ones of a cat. A black furred hand touched the narrow muzzle of a silver fox. "What happen to me!!?" Yelled Keith, but his voice was different due to of having the muzzle of a fox.

"Sorry Lt., we can reconstruct a badly burned Cetian, but not a human. It was either use skin off your friend Kris or grows a pelt that would cover your body. We had to make you one of us and have you in a drug induced coma for three and a half months." MC cloud said in a commanding voice.

Keith felt his head again feeling a muzzle instead of his human features. "Three and a half months, I was out for three and a half months. Kris must think I am dead." He thought to himself feeling his chest breathing a sigh of relief that it's the way he remembered except it is furry. With caution he felt between his legs feeling a large set of testicles.

"Lt. you don't want to touch down there with dry hands." MC cloud said to Keith. "You're still a male, so don't worry."

The formal human who is now a male anthropomorphic silver male fox looked at MC cloud. "So, what is going to happen to me now?"

The fox grinned at Keith. "Well, we did a scan of your memories; it seems that your brain had the complete schematics of a type of fighter. You sure had dirty thoughts of a certain female wolf." MC cloud laughs at the expression of made by Keith. He helps recently created fox out of the bed. "Come on, lets get you use to your new body."

Keith sighed as he tries to get use to having a tail and digit-grade feet. "This is going to take some time to get use to."

"Don't worry Lt.; your new fighter won't be ready for another two weeks. By then, you should get use to your new body." MC cloud said letting the stumbling fox lean on him.

Regina's house, one week later.

"Is he dead or being studied by the military?" Kris question himself thinking looking at the sky thru the window.

Kelly didn't have any information regarding Keith. The last time she talked about Keith it was three months ago. According to her sources, Keith was still in the ICU. But that was the last time the wolfess mentions his best friend.

Regina walked in the house looking at the human in thought. She felt sorry for Kris because now he's the only human around. "Sorry Kelly, he's mine, you had your chance but blew it." The vixen walked up to Kris resting her hands on the human. "I got some good news; we're going on a trip in a couple of weeks."

Kris stiffens. "I don't know if I should go on a road trip."

"Aw no we are not driving; we're going to fly instead." Said the vixen doing a chuckle sitting on Kris's lap hugging the human.

Kris sniffed hugging the vixen back feeling her body. "I lost my best friend; I just don't want to be alone now."

Regina let Kris rest his head on her breasts. She felt his warm breath and some tears. "Don't worry Kris, I won't leave you. We're going to leave here for a week, relax and have some fun." The vixen murred sticking a hand down Kris's pants fondling him. "Want to go a round?"

Kris grinned and followed his mate to her room.

Two weeks later, a commercial flight flying west.

Regina stroked the brown hair of Kris running her claws on the human's scalp. The vixen looked out of the window looking at the wing. "In a few hours, we will be landing at our vacation spot." She thought to herself watching a couple of silver specks streak towards the airliner.

The plane lurched and tried to out maneuver the two fighters attacking it. Regina knew that it was a hopeless cause. She heard of a few flights going missing once in a while. "Well at least we will be going together." The vixen thought to herself holding Kris to her listening to the other passengers screaming in panic.

Kris finally woke up looking at an enemy fighter lining up to destroy the airliner. He hugged Regina as if it was the end. The young guy can see the missiles under the wings as the fighter gotten closer to them.

Then the fighter exploded in midair and he saw something black streaked by. Another explosion was heard a few seconds later. Kris looked out of the window and shuddered.

The fighter flying in formation with the airliner gave Kris chills when he took a good look at it. It is known to him because he saw it in person. "I know that fighter." Kris whispered to Regina.

The vixen nodded looking at the sleek black fighter looking at the sleek construction. Kris has told her about it while he held her when he was falling asleep. She saw the pilot wave at the airliner and it peeled away doing a strange roll. "Our pilots don't fly like that Kris." Regina said to Kris.

Kris felt shivers going down his spine. "I seen that move before and I know that I am the only human on this planet."

"I think he's still alive because the military has very good healthcare." Regina said in a low tone.

Cockpit of the Cetian made F-18 Hornet.

Keith grinned looking at the four engine jet liner growing small. The anthro silver fox looked at the LCD panels looking for any threats. "Base this is patrol, two enemy fighters destroyed. No sign of any more threats, no damage to the civilian airliner." He said in his radio.

"Roger patrol, return to base." Said MC clouds' voice in the headset.

The fighter turned to a different heading and it went to full afterburner streaking away real fast.

At the base MC cloud looked at the wolf general who ordered Keith to get reconstructed. "I better call those investigators to let them know that one civilian flight was saved by an experimental aircraft we're testing" The fox said to the wolf who nodded in reply.

He nodded watching the fox pick up a telephone. The wolf grinned to himself watching the gun camera footage of the two Croax fighters getting destroyed being replayed. "Boy I am glad that it was armed today and in a month we will be producing this design of fighter." Jones thought to himself leaving the room.

MC cloud grinned watching his CO walking out listening to the ringing sound at the other end of the phone. Someone answered the phone. "Yes, we saved that flight; tell the pilots we were testing an excremental fighter at the area." The fox said into the phone, he grinned at the reply and hung up the phone.

That afternoon at Regina's home.

Buddy opened the door after hearing someone knocking on it. The young wolf did an involuntary shiver looking at the silver male fox looking at him. "Keith, is that you?" He whispered staring at the blue eyes that has silver and gold coloring mixed in the blue coloring.

Keith hugged the wolf patting him on the back. "Yeah, it's me. I was out for three and half months." The fox placed his hands on Buddy's shoulders gazing at the wolf. "Where's Krist, I got to let him know that I am still alive."

"Krist and Regina are at the Caribbean taking a weeks vacation." The wolf answered wondering why a wolf like him is afraid of this fox. He watches as the fox who use to be a human that was like a father to him nodded and walked away. "They're staying at the Paradise hotel at the old section. When are you going to visit again?"

The fox stopped and looked at him grinning. "I'll be here for a week in a couple of weeks. MC cloud gave me a couple of days off. We'll catch up later on Buddy."

Buddy said good bye to Keith watching the fox get on a motorcycle and drove away fast. "Man I want one of those, but Regina and Kelly won't allow it. But why was I afraid of a guy I count as a father?" The wolf thought to himself watching the motorcycle speeding away.

Caribbean town that night.

Krist held Regina's' hand as the couple walked down the street looking at the different stalls selling stuff. The young guy leaned on Regina feeling comfort from the vixen. He still feels shivers from thinking of the mysterious fighter that saved the airliner they flew on. "The airline hasn't said anything about the incident. A couple of military personal talked to the pilots after we landed and the pilots remained quiet after the military talked to them." Krist thought to himself feeling the vixens' warmth.

Regina screamed when two humanoid figures walked down the street pushing anthros around. Furry boiled inside Krist as he grabbed a piece of pipe to use as a weapon. The young guy went to attack the two Croaxs. Right now he enough of being pushed around. "OK, this is for you Keith, just to let you know that I can take care of myself." He said aloud swinging the pipe.

Another figure jumped from a roof landing on one of the Croaxes. Krist watched as the figure in a black flight suit dismembered the Croax ripping the limbs off the torso. While watching sparks shooting from the torso a chill went up his back as the mysterious figure attacked the other Croax. "They're robots! The Croax are artificial, they're not alive." He thought to himself as their rescuer cocked his helmeted head looking at him.

That familiar chill from earlier today when the F-18 saved them went thru his body. Walking toward him and his mate from the shape of the figure is a male anthropomorphic fox. A black bushy tail with a white tip is flipping around. Gloved hands removed the helmet showing a fox head mostly black with a gray pattern looking at him with dark blue eyes with gold and silver mixed in the coloring. "Keith is that you?" The young guy asked with a shaking voice.

The silver fox grinned running his fingers thru his light gray head hair. "Yes bud it's me."

Krist heard Regina started to pant and starting to make strange sounds. He turned his head watching Regina starting to rub herself between her legs. "What has gotten into her?" The young guy thought to himself watching his mate act crazy.

Keith tossed a couple of bracelets to the couple. "Here put these on, when I was treated for my injuries, the military put something in my musk glands. They wanted enemy males be afraid of me and females as you just noticed how Regina acted."

Krist nodded putting on the bracelet, after he slipped it on, the fear and coldness went away. The young guy cleared his throat replying. "How does it feel having fur instead of bare skin?"

Keith chuckled. "I admit I had a hard time learning to walk with different feet, plus its kind of strange not wearing shoes." The fox grinned at his friend. "It takes a while for me to dry after I wash myself, but I am learning."

Krist noticed that Regina wasn't acting strange. The vixen is looking Keith over nodding. "Well, have you run into Kelly recently" She asked the fox.

Shaking his head, Keith replied. "I haven't seen her in months, the last time I seen her was when I was at base a few weeks before my accident." He grins showing his new teeth. "Let her know that I'll be coming home in a couple weeks for a visit." The fox tosses three more bracelets to Regina. "Be sure to give these Nate, Kelly and Buddy, I don't know my effect to female wolves." Keith said to his goodbyes to his friends and climbed a building to vanish.

Regina shivered pocketing the bracelets. "Well, now we know who was flying that fighter this morning."

Krist nodded as the vixen lead him to the hotel room. He felt that her body temperature was warmer than normal. The young guy saw that Regina didn't put on the bracelet given to her by Keith. "What? Sly my mate is. She must like being worked up." Krist thought to himself. The mischievous grin of Regina is giving him a hint that he's in store for a busy night satisfying the vixen urges. But he didn't mind because he loves the feel of her pelt against his naked skin.

Outside of Reginas house, two weeks later.

Keith kicked down the kick stand of his motorcycle looking at the Suburban parked at the front of the house. When talking to Krist yesterday, he found out that the drive train was changed to what this world uses on their vehicles. The fox looked at his reflection at the driver's side mirror. "I've been thru a lot of changes, but now I can't return to Earth or I'll spend the rest of my life being studied at government lab. But a few of my furry friends will be very jealous." Keith said to himself walking to the house.

Kelly looked at Keith after he walked in. The wolfess decided to take it slow with her friend. She looked him over liking what she's seeing.

Keith is wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt. By not wearing a shirt, Kelly can see his gray and black pelt pattern. She took off her bracelet for a few seconds feeling a hot warmness going thru her body, an itching went between her legs and felt wetness is seeping from her sex. "Whoa, what will happen if I kept it off?" Kelly thought to herself feeling her body temperature going back down.

The rest of the evening was spent talking of Keiths' rehabilitation and his adjustment from human to a fox. "You see Krist; it took a few days before I can walk without assistance." Keith said to the other people sitting at the table.

Krist nodded looking at the fox who is now his best friend. He fingered the bracelet looking at Keith. Right now his friend looked like Nate who is sitting next to Keith other than Keith is a black and gray instead of red orange and white. The young guy was told that a silver fox is a rare coloring for a fox.

Regina looked Keith to liking the pelt color because the last time she saw him, he was wearing a type of one piece suit covering his body. Right now the vixen can take a closer look at him noting that he has the same size build when he was a human. "Well, how long did the military knew that the Croax were robots?"

The fox looked at everyone at the table. "This doesn't leave this table." He said in a serious tone keeping his gaze at Buddy and Nate making the two young males shivered while doing a nodding motion. "We knew about it since the first attacks, plus we don't know where they come from. The only thing we can do is keep defending ourselves for now." Keith noted Kelly nodding in agreement.

Minutes later, Keiths' room.

Keith took off his clothing looking at his reflection at the large mirror on the wall. The fox ran his hands over his pelt feeling the fine fur. He turned to the door opening seeing Kelly walking in only wearing a bra and panties.

Kelly looked at Keith knowing that she's not going to miss out a chance to make love to Keith. The wolfess removed the bracelet from her wrist feeling her body temperature rise and her sex starting get wet and itch. She removed the rest of her clothing bending over the bed raising her tail. "Give it to me Keith." Kelly murred looking at him.

The fox looked at the form Kelly looking at him seductively lifting her tail to expose her sex. He felt his blood run hot and he felt something exit him. Looking down, Keith saw his pink wet tapered penis exit his body.

Kelly felt a form get on her back and felt something enter her sex. The wolfess sighed as Keith wrapped his arms around her and felt his open muzzle grabbed the back of her neck. She clamped her vaginal muscles around the fox's penis.

Keith didn't know why he grabbed the back of Kelly's neck with his muzzle. He felt her body heat on the front of his body and the wetness around his penis. The fox released his muzzle grip and started to lick the area his mouth was at.

Kelly knew the mating habits of canines, they usually let go of a female's neck. But she knew that Keith was recently changed into a fox and is still getting to know his body. The wolfess sighed as Keith's hands massaged her large breasts.

Keith moaned as he caresses Kelly's large breasts. The fox ran his hands down her sides feeling the wolfess's pelt. He stopped licking the back of her neck and gazed at the red and white color pattern of her pelt and dismounted her.

"What's wrong?" Asked Kelly feeling the penis exited her. She saw Keith lying on his back with his penis still unsheathed.

"I want you on top; because that's the way I prefer it." The fox said looking at the wolfess.

Kelly sighed straddling the fox's hips grabbing Keith's penis. She kissed him as she felt him enter her. "I am sorry; we should have done this sooner." The wolfess said hugging him.

"AAAHHH, don't worry about it, we were just not ready back then." Keith answered as he embraced Kelly returning her kiss.

She strokes his muzzle looking at his unique eye color. "This is going to take getting use to, but I love your eye color."

The fox stroked the curves of Kelly's breasts admiring the size and the whit fur on them. He thumbed the pink nipples making the wolfess moan.

Kelly grabbed his muzzle looking at his eyes again. She saw a mischievous glint in them. "I knew it! You were staring at my breasts on that first morning when I sat down at the breakfast table." The wolfess said to Keith.

He grinned at her. "I can't help it, I have a breast fetish. My weakness are large ones, you must be at least a 42 D cup."

Kelly grinned. "Close, I am a 44D." She answered hearing Keith doing a strange cry with the feeling of fluid splashing inside her. "That was too quick, we're going another round." The wolfess caresses the fox's muzzle with tenderness. "We'll just see how good of job the military did in rebuilding you."

Keith sighed admiring the view of Kelly on top of his body. One thing he left out of tonight's discussion was that his superiors knew where the Croax's are coming from. The problem will soon go away due to him giving the Cetians the way of making a special type of bomb. He despises nuclear weapons, but they're a necessary evil, Regina and Kelly didn't see the results of some of the aftermath of Croax attacks. "It will be over in a few months Kelly." Keith thought to himself.

Three months later, an aircraft carrier.

Keith looked at the F-18 Hornet on the catapult ready for launch. The fox examined the two foot diameter missile being fifteen feet long. He double checked the connections and rechecked the outside for any signs of problems.

MC cloud walked up to Keith. "In one hour, we will be in position for launch. One thing I didn't tell you is that those bastards Croax's killed my sister and parents when they shot down the airliner they were on. So just to let you know, you will be doing this planet a major favor by eliminating them with that weapon, just don't feel sorry for them. They're machines with no feelings."

Keith nodded; he thought he could go though out his Naval career without firing a shot in anger. But in less than a year he downed a bunch of enemy fighters, sunk some ships and now he's going to launch a nuclear weapon at another planet. "Just keep my involvement secret sir." He said in a professional tone and watched as MC cloud nodded in agreement.

An hour and fifteen minutes later, climbing into the sky.

Keith watched as the altimeter readout in one of the LCD displays showed the fighter at forty thousand feet and still climbing. The fox slid the throttles to max power. "Silver Surfer, this Castle, authentication code Hotel, November, Echo, 9, 5, and Bravo." Said MC cloud's voice in his headset.

The fox sighed to himself looking at a page on his flight plan knowing that's it's a valid launch order. "Understand Castle, I need the arming code." Keith said feeling a lead ball in his stomach.

MC cloud replied. "89, 56, 32, 55, 22, 41, 44, Hotel, Delta, Bravo, Alpha."

Keith typed the numbers and letters in the keypad near his right knee. The fighter computer's voice replied in his headset. "Weapon armed, launch time, sixty seconds and counting." A LCD panel started with the number 1:00 started to decrease in value.

"So it begins with a countdown." Keith said to himself wondering how the crew of the Enola Gay must have felt as they flew toward Japan back in 1945 before they dropped the first Atomic bomb. But his feeling of guilt of what he is doing goes away from the memories of pictures MC cloud showed him of what was left of a school yard after a Croax napalm attack during a recess. "Well like he said, they're emotionless machines without feelings." He said to himself as the missile launched knowing that he is doing the right thing.

Hours later, standing at an observation window at the carrier.

MC cloud looked at Keith looking at the sky. The fox looked at his watch and back at Keith. "It won't hit for another eight hours."

Keith looked at his CO. "I know, I hope it works so that we won't be seeing the aftermath of another napalm attack."

"If this attack succeeds, we will be fighting them for a while because we don't know their numbers on this planet. When we destroy one, they're not getting replaced by new ones and they don't have the means of making them here on this planet due to materials not available here." MC cloud said to Keith.

Keith nodded still looking at the ocean. "I am hitting the rack, see you in eight hours."

MC cloud grinned and looked at the area in the sky Keith was staring at. "I hope that's the end of you bastards."

Eight hours later, Reginas' house.

Krist sat next to Regina looking at the sun set leaning on the vixen. Kelly walked up to the couple and sat down. "I heard that Keith is going to be on base for a refresher course for a while." The wolfess said looking at the setting sun.

Regina nodded. "Looking forward in seeing him again." The vixen saw a white flash in the sky. "What is that?"

"Don't know, must be a shooting star or a meteorite." Answered Kelly looking at the area in question. "Good it hit, now we can only worry about the ones left on this planet." She thought to herself and grinned. The wolfess found out about Keith's attack a few weeks before it happened. "Can't wait to see him again, I'll give him something extra special when we're in bed again for doing us a favor." Kelly thought to herself leaning against the couple. The area dimmed as the nuclear explosion subsided and very soon the Cetains will be able to live without fear of airliners getting shoot down and school yards getting attacked.

THE END for now

(Author's note) I am kind of busy at my current job, but I hope I can send my friend Raven Fox another chapter in the future. Hopefully this gives a closure, but did the attack succeeded? Will see when I get some time to write again. To all the members who like my works, I'll be sending some work once in a while to Raven Fox. As for that story that's mention on his page I'll tell you a little about it. The title is: The end of an Era: The Earth gets bombarded by an unknown race and a good portion of humanity gets taken off the planet. Earth gets sold to a race, but some humans who are left don't want to get evicted and one human male is going to be hard to catch. This was a story I was working on a few years back and I ended up stop working on it. It sat in my hard drive till I visited Raven Fox in Wyoming. He knew I was working on it and he talked me into giving him that story. Hopefully soon you members will be enjoying it. SHETLAND