Crashing Through

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#27 of Cycled life

"I told you it was the new guy...they can't just bring in someone out of nowhere and make you think they expect to keep him on," Lucas said with a chuckle.

"You've seen it before I bet," Jake huffed.

"What? Stop being such a sore loser," Lucas said and nuzzled his mate. They were in the sun room watching television. They had actually gone out and gotten the first season of a crime show they both liked. It was a comedy too, it was about a dog that joked off, claming to have parapsychic power so he could read auras of people and of places, he often solved the crimes though-it had a good blend of humor and twist to it.

"I'm not being a sore loser," Jake said and pulled roughly on Lucas.

Lucas yelped lightly and chuckled, "Sore losers respond with violence,"

"You think I'm being violent?" Jake asked with a smile.

Lucas kissed the bear under his muzzle, "'re never nice to me," he said with a chuckle.

Jake leaned his head down to meet the wolf. His nose touched his mate's and they stared at each other for a moment, "I can make it up to you can't I?" he asked and licked the wolf's nose.

Lucas smiled and pushed his muzzle up a little, "Maybe," he said as their lips stayed in constant contact. He felt Jake lean down and begin to return the kiss. He felt Jake's chest vibrate with a growl and he chuckled lightly into the kiss. In the background he could hear the opening of the show playing, but he ignored it for the most part.

Jake felt the wolf's tongue rub across his own and leaned further into the kiss. He pulled a bit more on his mate and heard Lucas give off a light moan of enjoyment. The wolf nestled closer to him, making Jake's growl only increase. They kissed each other, both enjoying the closeness of the moment. It was just a kiss, one they could both enjoy, nothing really driving it, nothing really to stop it.

"OK, I got the sandwiches," Mr. Vadikson said as he walked into the room. He turned around, "For Lucas there is th-woah!" he said and turned away.

Lucas let out a yelp at the intrusion; Jake had bit his tongue again in surprise. He looked over at his father who was hiding his face.

"You two done?" Mr. Vadikson asked. He was under no disillusion that his son never kissed the bear like that, but it didn't mean he wanted to see it. It wasn't because his son was gay, he just didn't want to see anybody making out. He encouraged them to be affectionate, just not like that around others. There was also just the fact that it was weird to watch other people making out; it wasn't supposed to be a show.

"Umm...yeah..." Lucas said, not sure how else he could respond. He looked up at Jake whose face was as red as he'd imagined it'd be.

Mr. Vadikson turned back around and looked at the two. His son's face was a bit red, but it seemed like the bear was about to die from embarrassment. Jake hid his face by nuzzling his son's neck and Mr. Vadikson smiled at the two. If not a bit strange for him to walk in on, it was good to see they got along so well. He handed Lucas two plates, "OK, so which episode are we on?" he asked, changing the topic for them.

"Oh...well, this one is about an arsonist I think," Lucas said and looked back at Jake. The bear looked up and he mouthed some words to him. He handed Jake a sandwich and smiled at the bear. He saw the bear mouth an apology for biting his tongue again, but Lucas shrugged his shoulders and didn't blame the bear for it. Jake's face began to go back to normal, and he leaned back into the bear.

They ate and watched the show, all eating slowly and taking moments to make sure they were keeping up with the dialogue. It was the second day of the New Year, and they were just enjoying their time. Jake enjoyed spending time with the wolf's family, though he didn't see Mrs. Vadikson a lot. He saw her at supper, but besides that she tended to avoid him; he didn't complain though. Mr. Vadikson usually hung around them, and he liked to have the wolf around. After the end of the week he knew that Mr. Vadikson would be going back to work, and Ana would be going back to school. Ana would come around pretty often and barrage him and his mate with her joyful demeanor and endless questions. Right now she was at a friend's house, and Mrs. Vadikson was working. That tended to be how it went, the days spent with Lucas and his father, and the nights with the entire family. They hadn't had any real personal time yet. The morning after the party they were awoken by Lucas's father, and they found no real time to themselves. It was beginning to be hard to deny his urges for the wolf, and from the stares and touches from Lucas he was thinking the wolf thought the same thing.

As the show progressed everyone gave their guess as to who was guilty, it was like a ritual. Lucas was sure the chief from the other division did it; Mr. Vadikson thought that the killer wouldn't be shown till the last minute and Jake thought it was the wife. Lucas looked up at the bear, "Really, you think it's the wife for once?"

"She doesn't seem right to me," Jake replied and stuck his tongue out at the mocking wolf.

Lucas smiled and felt Jake pull on him gently, and he nuzzled the bear. The show passed pretty quickly, and it was a twistful episode. Within the first half of the episode both Jake's and Lucas's guess as to who was guilty died, and Mr. Vadikson felt surer of his guess. At the end it turned out Mr. Vadikson was right. Jake thought it was pretty funny, and Lucas was still trying to figure out what had transpired. Lucas looked over at his father, "Good guess,"

"Uh-huh, a think I cheated, don't you?" Mr. Vadikson asked with a laugh.

"No, I know you did," Lucas said and felt his mate pull on him.

"Don't be a sore loser Pup-" Jake said and stopped himself before he could say the wolf's nickname. He was sure it would embarrass the wolf and hoped it hadn't sounded to strange to stop in mid-sentence. It was silent for a few seconds before Mr. Vadikson spoke up again.

"Well, maybe he'll get it next time...I'm going to run out and get some groceries for supper tonight...Jake you're going to be helping me. Tonight I'll begin to show you some of my tricks," Mr. Vadikson said as he stood up. He stretched and took the plates back into the kitchen. He thought about what Jake had almost said, wondering why his son had blushed, the wolf rarely did so. He chuckled at how his son had reacted and realized the bear had a nickname of his own for his son. He yelled a goodbye and closed the door behind him.

In the sun room Jake looked down at the wolf, who was staring at him a little. He smiled at the wolf, "Sorry about that Puppy..."

Lucas felt his ears twitch, the bear was obviously enjoying how he was reacting. He was being pulled on and pushed against the bear, "You're being a jerk,"

"I'm sorry Puppy," Jake said, accenting the nickname.

Lucas leaned back into the bear, and felt Jake kiss the top of his head. He chuckled at the bear and felt Jake's paws run over his chest. He looked back, "You're still being a jerk," he said, but nuzzled the bear. He looked up at the bear, they were alone for once and he was almost willing to settle for a quickie with Jake. They were together all the time, and he enjoyed the time, but he also wanted to have a more personal moment. One that had eluded them with expert precision due to what was beginning to seem like planned intrusions.

Jake rubbed the wolf's chest more roughly, "What can I's just what I do," he said with a light growl. When the wolf leaned up he let his lips brush along his mate's and couldn't help a smile, "What can I do to make up for it?" he asked, the words a bit muffled by the wolf who was giving him a lot of small kisses.

Lucas turned around in Jake's arms and leaned forward, "I might," he said and kissed the bear again, "be able to think up something," he said, kissing the bear in between the words as he talked. Jake slowly began to return the kisses and he let out a low moan as the bear's chest vibrated; it reverberating to his muzzle. It only took a few moments to draw the bear's tongue into the kiss, and with that the bear was fully involved. He could feel his mate pull on him more roughly-needful. The growl only grew stronger and Lucas felt himself let out a weak moan, practically melting at the touch of the bear. After a few seconds he pulled from Jake, only to catch a breath though. He couldn't help but chuckle as the bear began to kiss along his neck, obviously not willing to let go of him or showing any signs of stopping his assault. Lucas rubbed his paws over his mate's body, "So...I'm not the only one growing a bit impatient?"

Jake broke away from the wolf's neck, it was moist now from his kisses and looked at the wolf, "Impatient? You're understating it don't ya' think?" he asked with a loud growl, it was innate, he had no real control of it now. It showed his feelings though-both his need and passion.

Lucas felt his breaths catch a little as the bear's paws ran over him, "Ma-maybe," he stuttered.

Jake chuckled, and did a quick maneuver, switching their roles, the wolf now below him and him on top of his mate. He nuzzled his mate roughly, "I love you you know?"

Lucas smiled and hugged his mate closer to him. It was strange how it sounded almost, the bear's growl making the words sound gruff and choppy, yet the mask of it didn't hide the sincerity. If anyone else had heard the kind words they would've sounded more like a threat than romantic words. Even if they were, for lack of a better word, horny and ready to dive at one another the bear never seemed to miss a chance to say something like that. He kissed his mate, "I know it...and I return those same feelings Big-guy,"

"What feelings?" Jake asked, now a more playful tone. He wanted to hear the wolf say it.

Lucas smiled up at his mate and leaned forward giving him a brief kiss once more before pulling back. He knew that Jake just wanted him to say it, and he was more than happy to do so. "I love you Jake Yellat," he said as the bear nuzzled at his own cheek. He returned it affectionately and felt Jake's paws run up his shirt. He felt the bear move up right at his ear.

"I love you too," Jake said, a whispering growl to his tone again. He felt Lucas shudder underneath him, the wolf was a sucker for some tricks, and that was one of them. To just whisper into his ear, and Jake loved to do so, always reserving that for telling the wolf how much he loved him. He pulled back and smiled at Lucas, who leaned forward and kissed him roughly before any more words could stop their assault upon each other's tongue. He moved his paws further up the wolf's shirt, the only thing stopping it was Lucas's head and arms. They broke the kiss for a mere second to remove the clothing before reuniting, Jake allowing his paws more freedom to run over Lucas's chest; to pull on his mate more.

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle into the kiss at how the bear could blend his lust and romance together so well, one moment being a romantic and the next someone who was practically trying to rip clothes off of him. He didn't mind though, it was a strangely nice trait of Jake's. He could feel Jake's chest still rumbling, the growl showed no signs of stopping any time soon, but with the affect it had on the bear's tongue, Lucas was glad of that. He let out a moan and moved a paw up to Jake's head, pulling him deeper into the kiss-an approving moan from his mate along with a slight increase in the tone of the growl. His other stray paw ran down the bear's back and slipped into the bear's pants, not wasting much time.

Jake let out a grunt of surprise when one of the wolf's paws moved to his butt and groped at it. The wolf pulled on him, their hips grinding against one another's. A door opening only made them stop, but neither was surprised. In all honesty, they had been interrupted so many times before they could do anything that it was almost ritual. Jake pulled away from Lucas, "Do you have any motels in this town?"

Lucas smiled, "That's beginning to not only look lik a tempting offer...but our only chance too,"

Jake chuckled and kissed Lucas, but tried to stop himself also. It was getting harder and harder to stop the foreplay. Jake sighed and settled for a single lick on Lucas's muzzle, "I'm sorry..."

Lucas chuckled at the bear, "Don't worry about it...I am too. Let's just make it up to each other later...sound good?" Lucas asked with a smile, as he rolled over, both changing their positions to something less intimate and crude. The bear was behind him and held onto him as they both started another episode, like they could do little else now. After a minute Lucas's mother came in.

Mrs. Vadikson looked at her son and frowned a little, "Lucas...put on your shirt,"

Lucas felt Jake's paw stop playing with his chest fur, they'd both forgotten it was even off of him. Before he could say anything his sister ran in though.

"Guess what I did today?!" Ana shouted.

Lucas chuckled and broke away from Jake's embrace, looking at his sister with a smile, "You played with your friends,"

"I got to ride the cups at the park!" Ana said, as though it was the most amazing thing in life.

"The cups...?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, you know the things that spin and spin and spin and spin," Ana replied and kept on saying that.

"She means at the amusement know you sit in them and snake around," Jake said, understanding what the small pup meant. He wasn't sure if that meant he was crazy, or if the pup had actually made sense.

"Yeah!" Ana said exuberantly.

"Oh...did you have fun?" Lucas asked with a smile. His sister, he was beginning to think, no matter how old she was his sister would always feel the need to narrate her day and speak in a manner as though the world hinged upon every last detail. Not something he found annoying, if anything he just found it humorous. He chuckled as Ana nodded her head vigorously.

"Lucas, aren't you forgetting something?" Mrs. Vadikson asked.

Lucas looked up at his mother, "Umm...oh, Ana, did you want to watch TV?" he asked with a smile, making a seat for her.

"Nope!" Ana said and quickly moved off, running into some other place of the house, probably her room to play or draw.

Lucas leaned back into Jake, laying down again and let out a yawn.

"I'll be letting your father know about this one," Mrs. Vadikson said with a scowl as she walked off.

Lucas cocked his head, not really sure what she meant. Sure, he hadn't put his shirt back on, but was that such a huge deal. After all, he and Jake weren't groping each other as they had been earlier, not to say they didn't give the occasional pat. He looked back at Jake, who was, as usual, more scared of her words. The bear was still not comfortable around her, and, in truth, he didn't blame him. He ran a paw up the bear's shirt and smiled at his mate, licking him once on the nose.

Jake smiled at Lucas and let the wolf turn around again. He pulled his mate close to him, and let out a disgruntled sigh.

"You OK Big-guy?" Lucas asked, the question holding a double meaning.

"Could you start this episode over...we missed the beginning,"

Lucas smiled and hit the rewind button. They began the episode at the song, and Lucas felt the bear's paws tussle with his fur again. He knew Jake was OK, the bear was dealing with his mother, and she was doing the same. He knew his mate didn't hate her, and that his mother didn't hate him, but she definitely didn't like the truth of their relationship. They didn't really have to worry about anything, his mother wouldn't come back around, unless she wanted something. And Lucas didn't really think Ana was sure why they acted like they did; besides, it's not like they ever did anything really that a couple did around her. Today was the first time, and that was only because Lucas hadn't really had enough time to put on his shirt, and Jake hadn't sat up. He doubted the small pup thought much of it.

The show progressed and after a bit both of their members were willing to deal with the lost chance of a mating. Lucas still enjoyed nestling closer to the bear behind him, the warmth he offered was really nice-it was a bit cool in the house. He shivered lightly and tried not to let it show.

"Put your shirt on," Jake said.

"I'm fine,"

Jake smiled, "Come-on Puppy...I don't want you to get sick,"

Lucas smiled and licked the bear's nose. He knew that Jake was just looking out for him, the bear still loved the cold though. He stood up and then seemed to have an epiphany, running out of the sun room. He grabbed a blanket and ran back to the bear. For some reason it'd escaped him on most days, such a simple solution to an easy problem. He smiled and draped it over Jake, the bear holding a spot open for him also. Lucas got in and smiled, it was still cool, but he knew he'd warm up soon enough now. Within a few minutes he felt warm and cozy again, good enough to drift in and out of sleep. He was slightly aware of the bear's light kisses, and of the occasional wondering paw.

Jake smiled and turned the DVD off, he didn't want to progress into the show if Lucas was going to be asleep. He turned it to a more regular channel and heard the door open again. He guessed that Mr. Vadikson was returning and heard the familiar sound of bags being set on the counter. After a moment he picked up on the familiar sound of the wife and the husband talking to one another. They spoke as if it was a normal day, and Jake could picture a brief kiss between them, but the tone changed soon enough. That was all he picked up though, he couldn't catch the words at the moment and he wasn't about to mute the TV to find out. He, instead, turned more of his attention to the TV and let out a low sigh. Lucas nestled closer to him in his sleep and Jake kissed him on top of the head, the wolf was a comfort, even if he was asleep. A few minutes later Mr. Vadikson came in and smiled at them. Jake nodded at him, not saying much for fear of waking up Lucas. He felt a bit of fear, wondering if the wolf was going to get angry at him for anything they were doing, even though they were just laying there. Despite how much he was shown that he wasn't, or how much Mr. Vadikson said it, he was still afraid of being despised. He felt the wolf's stare on him and looked up, a bit hesitantly, " I need t-"

"You're fine Jake..." Mr. Vadikson said, putting the bear's fears to rest before they grew in his mind. He smiled at the two, his wife told him that they had been lewd when she came home, and the worst he could tell was that Lucas didn't have on a shirt. At worst he could imagine his wife walking in on them in the middle of a kiss-a personal experience. His wife had described them as though they were in the middle of something more personal. He picked up the shirt and placed it on the back of the couch, "My wife told me you two were being vulgar...but it doesn't seem that way," he said with a chuckle.

Jake blushed, not able to reply. If Mrs. Vadikson had come in a few moments before then there would've been merit to that, but as it were they had stopped beforehand.

"So far my only complaint is to not let your clothes just fall anywhere...but I see that's just reserved for my son," Mr. Vadikson said. He stood up and began to walk away then turned back, "Oh, Jake...I expect you in the kitchen at fifteen to six,"

Jake nodded. The wolf was always kind to him, he never seemed to judge him or to try and degrade him. Instead he only seemed to encourage his relationship with Lucas. He smiled down at his mate and hugged him closer. He turned his attention back to the TV and played with Lucas's chest fur as the show progressed. Near the middle of a different episode the wolf woke up in his arms. Jake smiled as the wolf let out a long yawn and then began to nuzzle him, as though the wolf did it on instinct. Jake lightly returned the affection and after a moment pulled away, "Did you sleep well?"

Lucas rubbed a bit of sleep from his eyes, he'd been out for three hours-which was a good nap for him. He smiled at Jake and nodded his head, "Yeah..." he said and rested his head in Jake's chest fur. He breathed in the scent and let out a few sighs of enjoyment. He looked up at Jake and licked him on the nose, "Thanks,"

Jake cocked his head and smiled, "For what?"

"For staying with know...all the time," Lucas said and buried his head into the bear's chest again.

Jake chuckled and kissed the wolf on the top of his head. The wolf could be very strange when he first woke up, usually saying things that he normally would only say if they were both trying to be romantic. It was nice though, the wolf always praised him. The praise was nice now, he actually enjoyed it, and Lucas never seemed to miss an opportunity to do so. They stayed like that for awhile, neither feeling the need nor want to move. It was nice, yet like everything, ended too soon.

"Jake!" Mr. Vadikson yelled through the house.

Jake jumped in surprise and felt his heart beat increase three fold. He looked around and realized that the wolf was calling him from the kitchen. "Oh no..." he said and looked to a clock; it was five twenty. He knew that if Mr. Vadikson gave them a time to do something then that time was the law, and he looked down at "I'm sorry Puppy, but I've got to go,"

Lucas only hugged the bear closer, "That's too bad..."

Jake smiled and kissed Lucas on the top of the head once more. He pushed Lucas away and got up. He heard Mr. Vadikson whistle, calling him once again. He began to run to the kitchen and arrived after a minute. The wolf was staring at him and Jake fidgeted under the glare. Mr. Vadikson was a great guy, strict and sometimes on the verge of cruelly expecting, but a great guy. "Sorry..."

Mr. Vadikson smiled, "I want to see you crack an egg with one paw...Lucas said you could," he said with a stern tone.

"Sir?" Jake asked and let out a gasp as he saw an egg coming at him, the wolf surprising him. Thankfully he caught it, and let out a sigh.

"Crack the egg with your paw...come-on, I want to see you try it," Mr. Vadikson said and tapped a foot on the floor, "Going to keep me waiting another half hour?"

Jake smiled and walked over to a pan, quickly doing as the wolf asked. He smiled as the wolf seemed to be surprised. It was a nice reaction and he chuckled, "You aren't going to teach me just how to crack eggs are you?"

"OK wise guy..." Mr. Vadikson said with a grin, "Tonight, we're going to be tenderizing the meat, steaming milk for a crème to put on top, and I think I'll make up some sliced sides for it...I'll make them," he said and chuckled. He waved the bear over, "So, let's get this tenderize...well, let me just show ya' how that works...if it isn't self explanatory,"


For the next hour and a half Jake helped the wolf cook a meal, nearly by scratch. He was currently throwing some bread into a pan with oil, to see if the oil was hot enough. The wolf had taught him not to ever use anything with fats, just in case it blew up on him. The bread browned quickly-telling him it was ready. He'd never cooked with any oil before, his normal tools were the oven and stove. "Hey, Mr. Vadikson,"

"Yeah? And Jake...really you can call me Phil sometimes," the wolf said with a chuckle. He knew that the bear was just being kind, but it was still pretty strange for someone who knew him well to call him by his fatherly title.

"OK...but...where did you learn to cook?" Jake asked, slowly sliding in some vegetables he'd chopped. There had been no reason for the bread, the wolf simply told him to do it for a demonstration.

Mr. Vadikson smiled for a moment, pulling something out of the oven and putting it onto the counter, "My father taught me...and he learnt from his father...who was taught by his mother...who was taught by her parents in the Far East,"


"'s kind of a tradition..."

Jake felt his ears twitch a little, "Can I ask another question?"

Mr. Vadikson smiled, "Shoot," he said, having an idea what the bear was going to ask.

"Why aren't you teaching Lucas how to cook then?" Jake asked, chopping some vegetables for a salad now. He moved over and stirred the vegetables in the pan for a few moments.

Mr. Vadikson chuckled and stopped what he was doing. He looked over at Jake, who was a bit nervous looking; it was obvious the bear was searching for an answer. Mr. Vadikson didn't mind, he knew enough about Jake to know about what he liked, wanted, and the things he tried not to show in some cases. At the moment Jake was stirring the vegetables and trying to act calm, as though the question was just a passive on to him. "I tried, but he didn't like to...and as you learned...he could burn a salad. My son isn't much of a cook as you saw...and I'm not about to force him to do some stupid tradition if he doesn't want to. But...I never's ok if I teach you a few things right?"

Jake nodded, "Yeah...I guess...I mean, yeah, it's fine. I'm really grateful for know..." he said and tried to cover the tone of the words by trying to put more force into his current task.

Mr. Vadikson smiled at how the bear was acting; his suspicion being confirmed a bit more. He didn't really analyze Jake, but if the bear seemed nervous he made a habit of trying to find out what was wrong. "Cool...I'm glad..."

Jake turned the stove to a low temp and continued to chop the vegetables, his heart beating a bit. He didn't know why he felt like it was so important to him but it was. He wanted the wolf to accept him for some reason, to be kind to him; which he always was. A part of him told him it was stupid to want the wolf to like him so much, but it was out powered by the want. Jake knew that it was important to him, because Mr. Vadikson was not only Lucas's father, but the man who knew the most about him besides Lucas. It was strange, he saw the large wolf as someone he looked up to, wanting to be accepted as part of the family by him. He didn't just want to be accepted, merely acknowledged, but to actually be liked-something he rarely aimed for. He couldn't shake the feeling though that as the wolf got to know him then there would only be more of a reason for Mr. Vadikson to never really want to get to know him. It was a stupid though and he hated to have them, but they weren't something he consciously thought about most of the time.

"You OK?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

"Yeah...I'm fine," Jake said and stopped chopping the vegetables. "OK...I finished chopping what next?"

"Yeah that's fine," Mr. Vadikson said and began to stir them all together-throwing them into a salad. He smiled at Jake who gave a small smile back and washed his paws. "Jake...I'm glad you're letting me teach you,"


"Yeah...the tradition still gets to stay in the family this way, you know?"

Jake tried to say something but his tongue was tied. Apparently that was what the wolf had been aiming for.

"Don't be so worried're family, got that? If you want to ask a question...don't be afraid if it's going to be too rude...I'm not going to bite your head off and I, personally, don't think you would ever ask a question that would be fact, most of the ones I think you want to ask are important-you're important to the family,"

"Uhh..." Jake managed to get out. It had been what he'd wanted to hear, but he didn't know what to say to it. He wanted to tell the wolf thanks, but he didn't want to seem pathetic, like he was trying to squirm his way into their home. In the end it didn't seem to matter what he thought, because Mr. Vadikson was always nice to him. "Thank you..." he managed to finally say.

They finished setting up more calmly, Jake had his answer and Mr. Vadikson was happy the bear was acting normally again.


"Supper time!" Mr. Vadikson's voice yelled and rang through the house. After a few moments the table filled with people, his family coming-like they always did. He smiled and looked back at Jake who was carrying out the salad.

Jake sat the salad down and then took a seat by Lucas.

"You're alive!" Lucas said, faking surprise.

"Barely..." Jake said and leaned closer to his mate, "He's crazy," he whispered, loudly enough for Mr. Vadikson to hear.

"Haha," Mr. Vadikson said and looked at his family, ", tonight we've got some steaks,"

Lucas smiled, " Jake knows how to cook 'em the way you do now?" he asked, obviously happy at such a fact.

Mr. Vadikson nodded, "Yep..." he said and looked over at Jake, "Don't feed him steaks every night,"

Jake looked over at Lucas who smiled at him and he returned the smile, "I won't..."

Mr. Vadikson chuckled and shoveled some vegetables onto his plate, "Well, let's all eat up,"

The meal passed peacefully and Jake actually talked with Mrs. Vadikson a few times, though they were never actual conversations. As the meal passed Ana soon went to go take a bath and Mrs. Vadikson was watching TV. After a few minutes a phone rang and Jake realized it was his own. He reached down and looked over at Lucas and then walked away to take the call.

Jake walked into the kitchen and opened the phone, "Hello?" he asked and found it was Jim on the over end, "Hey man,"

"Hey Jake," Jim said, a bit solemn.

"Something up?" Jake asked.

"No, I mean...well, kind of...what are you doing?" Jim asked.

"Nothing..." Jake said and saw Mr. Vadikson walk into the kitchen with some plates. He walked out and went back to the table and looked at Lucas. He mouthed something and then walked to the door, going outside. "What's up?"

"Jake..." Jim said, his voice was sad.

Jake felt his stomach drop. He never liked to hear this kind of tone from his friend and worried what was happening.

"Me and Jules...are finished,"

"What?" Jake asked, not sure what the gorilla meant.

"....Don't make me say it again,"

"H-how?" Jake asked, in slight shock. His tone was still quiet, he wasn't screaming the questions in surprise, even if a part of him did that in his mind. It took a good bit to get a reaction like this from him, and Jim had managed to do it in just a few words. He leaned against the wall of the house and looked at the night sky. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Me too..." Jim said. He chocked away a sob. It had happened last night, but he'd only been able to work up his gut to call the bear right now. He needed someone to talk to, someone he could trust. He felt a tear fall down his cheek and shoved it away.

"What happened?"

" know we hadn't been getting all chummy all to lately, she was nervous about the wedd-" Jim was trying to say but found he couldn't finish the sentence at the moment. He tried again after a minute, "She was nervous, you know...wondering if we were really going to be good for each other...we're still young...all that stuff. Then I told her that she couldn't be so bi-polar about it...and that insulted her. I apologized and she forgave me...and then she hated me, and then she loved me...get the idea? She gave me back the ring...saying that we wouldn't do well together, but there was more," he said, crying now.

Jake didn't know what to say, he wasn't sure how to handle it. The information hurt him, but he could barely imagine what Jim was going through-though he guessed it was much like with him and Lucas during summer. "Is it cold feet?"

"No...she practically gave me a checklist...of rea-reasons we couldn't make it," Jim said and cried a bit.

"Where did all this come two were fine at Christmas,"

"Good acting...right," Jim said with a weak chuckle.

"Well..." Jake said, waiting for Jim to continue.

" all started thanksgiving. She is looking at a job...and we're not even done with college. I told her she should wait and see, to at least finish school here to begin with,"

"That's reasonable," Jake said, understanding. He wouldn't take a job yet.

"Yeah, but she doesn't think so. I told her she wasn't thinking it through well, and she told me I was just being selfish," Jim said with a sigh.

"Well, did you just say that?"

"Yeah...I mean, it kind of escalated. Her parents say she should take the job, and all that stuff,"

"Where is this job?"

"Out west...with a scholarship she could continue school out there and the company she'd be working with would pay for it. I mean, it's not like she's totally dropping. So don't get me's a good thing for her," Jim said and let out a louder sigh.

"But not for both of you,"

"No...she told me she'd want to be able to meet other guys while she was out there. I told her that was as good as a breakup,"

Jake didn't say anything. He just decided to listen to the gorilla for right now. He agreed with him though.

"I mean, come-on...she basically said that in those words. We can't just 'see other people' when we have...I mean, when we had these rings on our fingers...that's not what I wanted when I gave the stupid ring. It's not a 'maybe I'll marry you', it was supposed to be a freaking promise!"

"Did you tell her that?"

"Yeah..." Jim replied, more calm again.

"How'd she react?"

"Well, I told you she threw the ring at me, right?"

"What?" Jake asked, surprised.

"Yeah, she told me I wasn't being reasonable when I told her that the rings were a symbol of our commitment. She said that I was just trying to mark my territory and that if I really loved her I'd be happy for her. It was like a one way street, she never told me she loved me. She said that if we were going to be apart then it wouldn't work,"

"Do you believe that?"

"I don't know...I don't think I do. I mean, I was happy when I heard about the job and I think it's a great opportunity for her, but she then turns it into a way to break up with me...God what if she was planning it like this?" he asked with a choked sob.

"Jim, listen to yourself. Do you think she'd do that?"

"I don't know...why would she want to see other people?"

"I don't know,"

Jim wasn't crying as much now, but there was some anger, "She didn't even ask if I wanted to wait, or if I'd consider going out west with her...she's just getting up and going...not asking and not caring about me at all,"


"No, it's true. She didn't even cry when she gave me back the ring! I feel like I'm the only one who put something into this!" Jim said with a growl. It was silent for a bit longer and Jim let out a sigh, "Jake..."


"Do you think trying to find someone so young was a mistake?"

Jake smiled lightly, "No...I think it's admirable and that you followed your heart,"

" heart can't be trusted," Jim said, misinterpreting the words.

"Jim, that's not what I's not your heart you have to worry about's where you put your heart,"

" say really cheesy things that make people feel better when you need to, you know that?" Jim asked with a light laugh. In all his years with Jake he'd not heard the bear seem to be so kind. The bear always had words to say if he needed them but usually preferred to just stay in the background. Jim felt himself cry a little. Instead of going away this time the tears just flowed for a few more minutes, and neither of them said anything. Jim chocked away his tears.

When it seemed like Jim was done Jake felt like it was OK to talk again. "I'm really sorry man...I really want to talk about it more?" Jake asked.

"Not really..." Jim replied, blowing his nose a little. "I've talked with my parents about it, with some friends, with everyone...even you now...they say it'll be fine and in an attempt to make everything better they never shut up about what I just want to not be said,"

Jake understood what the gorilla meant. He knew better than to try and force him into some conversation the gorilla wanted to avoid-what he'd said was true. He smiled lightly, "Hey...I started watching an awesome crime show,"

"Really?" Jim asked, happy the bear was taking the lead. In the talks he usually had to initiate talking with the bear. But for Jake to be the first one to talk was good-the bear could say a lot when he needed to.

"'s cool, I'll have to get you to watch it,"

"Is it on-going?"

" see, it's about this dog who says he has parapsychic's a pretty funny show too," Jake began.

For the next two hours he talked with Jim, talking about a variety of things. Sometimes they talked about Jules, and other times about everything else. He only talked about the gorilla's newly ex when Jim took the conversation down that road on his own and asked him a question relating. He just wanted to be a shoulder for the gorilla, to be someone he could lean on. At one point Lucas came outside and looked at him for a few moments but Jake actually ignored his mate-giving Jim his full attention. He did however feel Lucas kiss him on the side of the cheek and walk back inside. The wolf was really understanding and he made a note to make sure he thanked Lucas later. As the fourth hour neared Jim finally began to show signs of ending the conversation. Jake stood up and let out a sigh.

"Hey...Jake, thank you for letting me talk,"

"Don't thank me...just call if you need anything. I'm always here to talk,"


"Not a problem...I'll speak with you later, OK bud?"

Jim chuckled lightly, "Yeah...sure," he said and hung up.

Jake let out a sigh and watched as his phone blinked the time of the call. He'd spent the past four hours being a solace for Jim, and he didn't mind that. As he closed the phone he felt sad, really sad. Throughout the conversation he couldn't help but feel terrible, not only for the gorilla, but to feel scared too. He'd been sure they would get married, and he knew that only time would tell if things would work out but it scared him. How could two people who he thought loved each other go so off target. His thoughts ran to him and Lucas and he shook them away. He stared out into the dark neighborhood for a few minutes. A door opened behind him but he didn't really bother to turn around.

"Jake?" Lucas asked. The bear had been outside for nearly four hours, and he was in short sleeves. He knew that Jake liked the cold, but it wasn't just cold outside, it was frigid, and practically bitter cold at night-even by Jake's standards. He pulled his arms closer to himself and stepped closer to his mate, "You OK Big-guy?"

Jake let out a sigh and watched as the humidity from his breath dissipated into the cold air, "Yeah...I'm good," he said and closed his eyes for a moment. The facts were still settling into him, though that's the last thing he wanted them to do. He felt a pair of arms around his chest and Lucas nuzzling his neck. Jake didn't return the affection; he didn't really feel like it right now. Before he'd been so happy to be with the wolf, and now all he felt was grateful-grateful that he had someone like him in his life. He really couldn't imagine his life without Lucas, and the thought made him scared to death. After a moment he could feel Lucas rest his head on his shoulder and he rested his own head on his mates. He didn't say anything, and neither did Lucas. At first a minute passed, then another, Jake wasn't sure why but it seemed that it was so easy to just stand still-to just do nothing at all. Life could've passed him by in a minute and he'd never know it, and still, Lucas was with him.

"The stars are nice tonight...and so is the moon," Lucas said after a few minutes. The night was crystal clear and there was a waxing half-moon in the sky. Lucas liked the way it was tonight, even if the cold did bite at his fur.

Jake nodded, "Yeah...they are..."

Lucas hugged Jake closer to him and let out a small whine.

"You OK?" Jake asked.

"I'll be fine...and so will everything else,"

Jake felt a smile cover his muzzle and he actually looked up at the stars. He nuzzled Lucas once and let out a sigh, "I know..." he said. It was strange, Lucas had no idea what was wrong yet he was more than willing to stay with him. "Don't you want to know what's wrong?"

"Only if you want to tell me,"

Jake let out a huff of air and sighed. He looked back at Lucas, "Jim and Jules broke up, ended their engagement..."

Lucas stopped any questions. He knew that the bear was good friends not only with the gorilla, but with the fox also. "I'm sorry..."

"I am too..."

It was quiet for a few minutes and Jake was the first to move. The bear turned around and smiled at Lucas. Lucas cocked his head, Jake's fur was a bit damp, the bear had been crying. He hadn't even noticed it, and he wondered if that was a bad thing. The bear didn't cry often, but he didn't think too much of it, it wasn't an easy fact to accept. He leaned forward and nuzzled his mate, drying the bear's fur a little in the process. The feeling of Jake returning it made him feel better. He pulled away after a minute and stared at the bear, "You...OK?"

"I'm sorry...making you feel sad when it's the New Year time...and we're supposed to be relaxing,"

"Aww come-on Big-guy...I'm there for you through the rough and the good,"


"No problem...of course, it's rare to have someone who's so great with stress and life as you,"

Jake scoffed and hugged Lucas closer to him. He knew that even in that the wolf was managing to continue to say nice things to him.

"I mean it Jake..."

After a moment Jake pulled away and looked at Lucas, "Where is your jacket?" he asked and the wolf tried to hide his jittering teeth.

"I'm fin-"

"Inside," Jake ordered.

Lucas gave the bear a look but Jake moved forward.

"I don't want you getting sick on me," Jake said as he wrapped an arm around Lucas and kept him close. Just like that it seemed like he put aside his own problems was looking out for Lucas. He couldn't say he wasn't chilled but he was OK, the cold didn't affect him as much as it did Lucas. He went inside and the warmth of the house was a strange feeling to his body. He stood still, not moving, and just stared off into the distance.

"Want to watch some television?" Lucas asked. His mate may have been trying to put on a face, but this was one of his weaker ones. He could tell just by his eyes that he was sad and scared.

"Nah...can I go to sleep?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, of course Big-guy..." Lucas replied, and smiled at Jake.

Jake leaned down and kissed the wolf on the top of the head, "Sorry..."

Lucas nuzzled his mate, "Just go get some rest," he said and the bear soon walked off. He watched him move off and then went into the living room and sat down. His mother and father were both in there. He sat on the floor and watched TV for a bit. About halfway through the next show his mother got up and went to bed, kissing both him and his father good night. He wished her a good night and continued to watch what was on. After a few minutes his father's voice caught his ear.

"You OK?"

Lucas looked over at his dad but before he could respond he talked a bit more.

"How about Jake...did something happen?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

Lucas smiled, his father knew where the problem was; maybe not what it was, but definitely where it was. He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know right now..."

Mr. Vadikson cocked his head, "Need to talk?"

"Not really...I'm just sad because Jake is...kind of weird...but I can't really control it,"

Mr. Vadikson nodded, he knew the feeling-it was the same as with his wife. Even if they didn't agree they tended to share similar emotions at times. He looked at his son and smiled. This was normally the place where he told his son that all he really needed to do was to be there for his mate, but he knew that he was. His son was learning very well. As more time passed they didn't say much, exchanged a few words, and Mr. Vadikson even found out what had happened, though he only knew as much as Lucas. He frowned at the fact, sad to hear that such a relationship had ended. They didn't say much, there really wasn't a lot to be said, his son pretty much had everything as it needed to be. He couldn't give him any life lessons, none besides life sometimes isn't fair, and that bad things are going to happen-some things that didn't need to be said. After a bit he saw Lucas get up and he hugged his son, "Good night,"

Lucas hugged his father in return, "Night...enjoy your last few nights of freedom,"

Mr. Vadikson grimaced, "Thanks for reminding me, jerk,"

Lucas smiled at his father, "I had to do something to agitate you today," he said and walked off. When he got to his room he saw that Jake was still up, not much of a surprise in truth. He hadn't expected Jake to just fall asleep, he knew that the bear would stay up for some time just thinking. He saw Jake look over at him and he smiled at the bear. He walked closer and saw that Jake's muzzle was still a bit damp-he was probably still crying a bit at times, "How you doing Big-guy,"

"I'm...kind of scared," Jake said with a sigh. He felt Lucas lie down next to him and rest his head on his chest.

"What's up?" Lucas asked, happy to hear Jake was opening up to him without him having to even dig for answers.

"It's stupid..."

"Probably..." Lucas said with a chuckle.

Jake looked down at his mate and smiled. He knew Lucas wasn't being mean, the wolf was really just agreeing with him. He knew that a lot of his fears were just stupid, but that didn't mean they could just be thought away. "I don't know, Jim and Jules seemed so great for each other...I really thought that if anyone could make it in the world it would be those two. Did you know there were times when I asked Jim about love advice...and that I used some of it on you? That was awhile back, last spring...I just wonder...they didn't make what about us?"

Lucas nuzzled the bear's chest, "We've made it this far,"

That didn't help too much. Jake didn't even bother with a reply. Making it 'this far' didn't mean too much to him, not if that was basically meaning it could all fall apart at any moment.

Lucas draped an arm over Jake and nestled closer to him, "Jake, I've already told you that you're my mate, an-"

"But do you really want to be with me forever?" Jake interrupted.

Lucas cocked his head. The bear's interruption was a bit strange. He smiled and licked Jake on the nose, "Yeah, I really do. Don't you?"

Jake looked down at Lucas and looked into his eyes, "Of course I do..." he said and nuzzled his mate-burying his head into Lucas's neck. He stayed like that for a few minutes, it was silent and he just hid there for a bit.

"Then what is the problem?" Lucas finally asked.

"That's it...I don't know...I'm just scared. Aren't you at all?"

Lucas shrugged his shoulders, "Not really..."

Jake rolled over and hugged Lucas closer to him, "I wish I could be like you...I'm too scared,"

"Give yourself credit aren't scared of anything that anyone could really do to're fearless when it comes to the world...jut not with anything that's not measurable with physicality to it,"

Jake held the wolf and buried his nose into Lucas's neck again. He took in the wolf's scent and it did what it always did-calmed him. He pulled more on the wolf, "I love you..." he said, though it was filled with the fear that he hated.

"I love you too Jake," Lucas said and nuzzled his mate. He held the bear until Jake made the first move away. The bear let him turn around in his arms and he did so. He felt Jake pull on him occasionally, and began to drift in and out of sleep.

Jake wasn't sure how long he stayed awake, but he knew it was a good amount of time. He continued to stare off into the distance and think about what had happened, and about himself and Lucas. He knew that he wanted to be with Lucas, and wasn't even sure what the problem was. It was just that he felt scared. At one point Mr. Vadikson opened the door to check on them, and Jake wasn't sure if the wolf knew he was awake or not. He didn't bother to make eye contact with the wolf or to even acknowledge his presence, he didn't really want to do anything. The only thing that seemed worth looking at to his mind was the wall just in front of him. His mind played games with him, told him things he'd managed to push away, and he wished they'd never have come back. He pulled on Lucas throughout the night, never really knowing what he was thinking. As time continued to flow he did finally manage to fall asleep.

Lucas nuzzled the bear as he woke up and let out a content sigh. The morning had come very quickly and he wondered just what time it was. He felt Jake pull on him, the bear's warmth his only source of heat. It was like everything was well, that nothing bad could happen, even if the reality of life so blatantly said otherwise. He felt Jake kiss the top of his head and looked up at the bear, "'re awake?"

Jake smiled at Lucas, "Yeah..."

"You doing OK?" Lucas asked as the bear nuzzled him.

"I'll be OK...I'm worried about Jim though..." Jake said with a sigh.

"Hey, he's your friend right?" Lucas asked and saw the bear nod. "See, that's more than a reason he'll be fine,"

"That's no-"

"I know..." Lucas said and hugged his mate. He nuzzled him for a few moments, and then looked back up at him before licking his nose lightly. When Jake smiled he felt his tail wag a little and repeated the action. This time it made Jake chuckle, and he repeated it once again, doing so more frequently. He began to just lap at the bear, who was now happy and pushing on him playfully.

Jake began to laugh a little and pushed on Lucas, "Lucas...please," he said with a laugh.

Lucas rolled over on top of Jake and stopped licking him, "OK...I stopped," he said and then rested his head on top of his mate's chest. He smiled lightly at Jake and leaned forward, kissing him on the lips for a moment and then pulled away.

"What was that for?" Jake asked.

Lucas shrugged his shoulders, "Guess I felt like it...that a bad thing?"

Jake smiled, "'s not; it's a pretty good thing..."

Lucas chuckled and leaned forward kissing his mate on the lips once again and gaining a kiss in return. After a moment he felt a paw on his back, pulling him into the kiss and let out a small moan. Slowly the kiss grew, it became as they usually were, more passionate and fun. After a moment he pulled away from Jake and smiled at the bear, "Better?"

Jake chuckled and pulled his mate into a big hug, burying his head into Lucas's, "Yeah...a lot better,"

"Good, I'm doing my job then,"

Jake rolled his eyes and leaned back onto the pillow. After a moment he became aware of something poking him, but didn't even have to think about what it was. He knew, and he was sure that Lucas was aware of it too. He looked at the wolf who just smiled at him and he couldn't help a chuckle, "Trying to say something?"

Lucas nuzzled the bear's chest for a moment, "Ehh...what can I say Big-guy? It's your fault,"

Jake cocked his head and chuckled, "My fault,"

"Yeah...not my fault that I like you...and hey, you can't say know how many times I feel something 'poking' me in the middle of the night?"

Jake blushed and looked away. He heard Lucas chuckling though and the wolf kiss him on his head. He looked up at him and kissed him gently on the lips. He felt Lucas push a paw in between them and grab at his sheath, making him moan loudly, which was broken by the aggressive kiss-the wolf taking his open mouth as the chance to kiss him much more freely.

Lucas felt the bear's sheath already swelling with the cock inside and kissed Jake even more deeply. It only took the bear a mere second before he was returning the kiss and moaning along with him. Lucas tried to be quiet and the bear soon settled for a quiet growl of pleasure as they kissed. He began to work on Jake's pants and soon had the button loose and the zipper down. He rubbed his paw at Jake's growing member and grinded against him.

Jake groaned happily and let Lucas take the lead. The wolf's tongue wrestled his own and Jake pushed his paws into Lucas's pants. He groped the wolf's butt and heard Lucas give a small yelp of surprise, muffled by their joined muzzles. His own groan was muffled by the wolf as Lucas jerked down his pants and briefs. A paw quickly grabbed his member and Jake let out a small whine, Lucas chuckling through the kiss. The wolf pulled away and Jake gasped as the paw stroked his already hard member. After two weeks of no relaease it only took the idea of being with Lucas like this to get him primed.

"Hmm...this feels very familiar," Lucas said and pushed his paw down further and rolled Jake's balls in his paw, "And so do these,"

"Lucas..." Jake said through a breath. He wasn't trying to get the wolf's attention; it was just the only word that came out of his mouth.

Lucas smiled and lightly stroked the bear's member. He couldn't say that he hadn't been wanting to do something like this for quite some time. It felt great to have the bear's cock in his paw again-to just have him and Jake like this again. He sat up a little and straddled the bear. He looked down at him and began to slowly stroke Jake's cock, who was trying to suppress his loud moans. He felt the bear's paws go from his rump to the front of his own pants and began to undo them with haste. The bear soon had a cock of his own to play with, which Lucas was more than willing to share with him. They slowly stroked the other's member and Lucas smiled as Jake seemed lost in the pleasure of a simple paw.

Jake began to thrust lightly into the paw and stroke the wolf faster, which made Lucas tighten his grip around his cock. He groaned and looked up at his mate, "Mind loosening that grip a bit Puppy?"

Lucas did as the bear asked and blushed, "Sorry...." he said and continued to stroke Jake again. An idea popped in his head and he pried his paw from the bear's member. He smiled at Jake, "Hang on," he said and moved up the bear's body. He aligned their cocks and smiled at Jake. He put his paw in front of the bear and smiled, "Mind giving me something I can stroke us with?"

Jake looked at Lucas and didn't quite get what he meant. After a moment he did and blushed heavily. He did as the wolf asked and let go of the wolf's cock too. After a moment his own member and the wolf's met-a wet paw acting as the lube needed. It became much harder to not moan openly at the touch.

Lucas smiled as Jake seemed to enter a blissful state and thrust lightly into his own paw as his cock rubbed the bear's own. He looked at Jake, "Mmm...this is really, really nice Big-guy. I th-"

A knock on the door interrupted his sentence and they both jumped at it. Lucas quickly moved off of his mate and slide down next to him, hugging him lightly and bringing him into a sleeping position. They both quickly, within a second, were back into a different position, one where the wolf wasn't stroking them both off. The door opened lightly and Mrs. Vadikson appeared at the door. If they both hadn't been wanting to pound the other it probably would've been hiliarious how they could so quickly end their session. Jake was feigning sleep, which he did masterfully and Lucas leaned up and looked at his mother. The fact that he didn't take off any of their clothes made it much easier to appear as though they hadn't, just a moment ago, been in the middle of what could've been a heated love session. Mrs. Vadikson looked at the two and Lucas could've sworn he might have seen a small smile on her muzzle, that or a wry scowl. She looked at him, "'s about eleven and we're going out for lunch. You two are coming,"

Lucas nodded his head and plopped back down next to Jake. After a moment he heard the door close and he gave something between a growl and a laugh. His mate rolled over and looked at him. Lucas smiled at Jake, "This close!" he said with chuckle and showed as if he was pinching off just a bit of time. "Just a bit longer...but no! That's apparently too much to ask for! Geez...I swear..." he said with a growling sigh. He wasn't angry, just a bit saddened and really ready to have a moment for himself and Jake.

Jake smiled as his mate seemed broken over the interruption and smiled at him. It hurt him just as much and he understood the wolf's irritation. His own member was still stiff and begging for him to continue, and he would've if they didn't need to get ready. After a moment he met eyes with Lucas, whose were still filled with the lust that his own probably innately reflected by now; his mind was certainly filled with enough thoughts of what he wanted to do. He smiled gently at his mate though, "'ll be OK...after all...with you," Jake began and kissed his mate on the lips, "I'm more than fine just having the entire day with play with you, to stroke you, to kiss you every chance I get, to let you take me, for me take you, to have you in my muzzle again, to play with your amazing body all day, to let you know just how amazing you are, making you shake with every little motion, to please my Puppy all day, and," Jake said with a large, nearly threatening growl, "to have you all to myself..."

Lucas grinned at Jake. That little tidbit had done nothing to make his straining member accept the denial it was feeling-it only worsened it. The bear had said it all with a low, growling tone and whispered the last part in his ear, which in itself nearly caused him to lose his load. The bear's words definitely weren't romantic right now but that wasn't the bear's objective. Lucas could tell that Jake was just letting him know what to expect, that Jake really meant it all. He was more than ready for that day, but knew that tomorrow wouldn't be the best time for it either. He looked at his mate, " about Monday?"

Jake stared at Lucas intently, and gave him a small smile, "Sounds good Puppy..."

Lucas was more than happy with that. He pushed Jake over with a bit more force than either of them had expected and rolled on top of Jake. He smiled could feel the bear's needy member pressing against him. He smiled at Jake, "Monday...when they're all back at work...I swear you're mine,"

Jake smiled and kissed Lucas on the lips before pulling away, "Should we get ready for lunch?"

"I guess," Lucas said and rolled off the bear. He pushed his straining member back into his boxers and sighed. Monday couldn't get here quick enough to him. He quickly chose a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt as did Jake. They ran outside to where his family was and Lucas smiled at them, "So...where are we going?"

As they headed for the door Lucas grabbed Jake and nuzzled his mate. He smiled up at him, "Let's get going Big-guy,"