Rebirth of Flameflang

Story by DarkCoyote on SoFurry

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The death of an old dragon, and the birth of a new dragonoid. This is an illustrated story involving a unique transformation.

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Rebirth of Flamefang

Story: Dark Coyote Arts: Blade/Dr.Cid


Justin the Brave stood atop his latest vanquished foe, his broad sword plunged through it's evil brain. Justin waited as the last raspy breath fled the body, the death rattle. "Wyrms are tricky", he reminded himself. Finally he let forth a shout of victory that rang throughout the massive cave. It was over, the king's bounty and the treasure now his. There would be much celebration in the hall tonight as the mighty Flametongue was now vanquished.

Un-noticed, the female lurked in the back of the cavern. Her blood boiled, her rage seethed, yet there was something else as well. She watched the human struggle to free his massive sword from the skull of her former mate. She was enraged, but she found herself attracted as well.


In her mind the dragoness saw not a knight, but a dragonoid. A youngster who would need to be fed and educated, but who would grow to become a mate that truly appreciated her, unlike the massive arrogant beast she had always despised, though she had never dared show it.

The female murmured softly to herself, she shrank in the shadows of the massive cave as the darkness seemed to grow and enfold her shrinking form. Her body lost most of it's mass as it shrunk. She stood on two legs, her entire body and anatomy shifting. Horns and spines pulled into her and were absorbed. Long golden hair flowed from her head once more. She was now a dragonoid, but that was not the end of her change as her body flowed right through that stage.

Scales, spines, and claws were absorbed and replaced by milky white and smooth human skin. She moaned softly as her wings were absorbed into her back, leaving her now fully human and naked.

Mist formed around the naked human body and clothed it in fine silk and velvet cloak. Boots of supple leather formed on her feet.

"Who's there", Justin shouted to the darkness. His sword was still stuck in the massive skull of his foe. He felt vulnerable, Nearly naked despite the strong plate armor he wore. The dagger on his belt found it's way to his hand as he turned to face the sound.

"Be at ease sir knight", a lilting female voice answered. "It is I, Miriam." The beautiful golden haired human female stepped boldly from the shadows. She looked positively radiant. "I have been a prisoner of the wyrm that you have slain. You are my savior." She approached the knight seductively. He was handsome, very comely indeed. She smiled at him with genuine affection. He will make a fine mate.


Justin let out some breath and replaced his dagger. "Miriam, how did a beautiful woman like you come to be in this horrible place?"

"The wyrm attacked my father's caravan near Shoel. Rather than kill me the beast carried me here. He said I would fetch a fine ransom. He stole most of my father's wealth in the attack. Had you not come, I'm certain he would have killed me." Miriam ran her hand down the knight's arm stroking his plate armor. In her mind she saw hard draconic scales.

"Shoel, that's on the other side of the mountains isn't it? I had no idea the beast ranged that far. You can call me Sir Justin." The knight started to turn back to his sword, still embedded in the brain of the deceased male dragon.

Miriam moved quickly to regain the young knight's attention. Him having his sword back would only cause problems. "No need to worry about the sword Sir Justin, the beast lived alone. No creature would dare bother us here. I can show you the wyrm's greatest treasure, if you want to see it. It belongs to you now."

"You mean these piles in here are not the main treasure?" The young knights eyes grew large as he envisioned more incredible riches. "Please Miriam, show me." The young knight let the beautiful woman lead him away from his trapped sword, his fear of danger replaced by visions of gems and gold.

Miriam grabbed a crude torch from a wall cleft and lead the knight by the hand deeper into the large cavern. Glowing lichen gave the entire place a subtle and unnatural glow. As they rounded a corner the nursery came into view. A large pile of gold glittering with gems came into view. The knight gasped in awe. The only other occupant of the chamber was a large unfertilized egg that Miriam had laid years before.

Miriam placed the torch in another wall cleft. She smiled at the stunned knight as she approached him. "All of this treasure is yours. I am yours as well." Miriam embraced Sir Justin and hugged him close as she kissed him passionately.

Justin retuned the passionate kiss. This woman tasted funny, almost spicy in a strange sort of way.....

Even as Justin started to realize there might be a problem, Miriam broke the kiss. She smiled at the knight, then threw his body backwards with super human strength.

As the hapless knight flew backwards the egg came to life, ready to perform the function for which it had been laid. It's surface becoming soft and gooey. As the knight staggered backwards into the egg pseudopods formed and enveloped him, fighting to pull him inside.


Miriam laughed as the young knight fought. "Fear not Sir Justin, all that I told you is true. I was the daughter of a merchant when I was brought here long, long ago. And I will be yours along with all this treasure, but you will also be mine!"

"Witch!", the knight screamed as he fought the egg.

Miriam cast a spell of paralysis on Sir Justin. Her true draconic aura visible to the knight as his body froze. A wordless moan escaped the knight as he was sucked into the egg. He will indeed make a strong male.


Time ceased inside the egg. Sir Justin found himself floating in a warm bath of nourishing liquid. He breathed it. It penetrated all of him.

His magical plate armor was dissolved by the much more powerful magic of the egg, but the magic and metal would not be wasted. The egg channeled the magic and the metal into the knight, infusing it into him.

Justin grew larger, his body gaining mass. His skin hardened, then became scaly. Horns and spines erupted from his body without pain. Wings erupted from his back, but remained folded inside the egg. The knights teeth became long, sharp and pointed as his skull distorted to accommodate all of his new growth. His spine grew longer and longer as it formed into a long sinuous tail the wrapped around his body inside the egg. His cock was encased beneath his scales in an interior sheath. It grew long and fat as it formed soft barbs along it's length. His balls were also absorbed into his interior. They grew greatly inside, though no trace of them was obvious. Sharp claws pushed out as the knight's hands tuned to huge talons capable of shredding and ripping flesh.


While Justin's body was being remade his mind and identity were under assault. New memories flooded him. Memories of flight, hunting, preying on humans and other creatures. Through it all his mother was a constant with her soft face, long hair and beautiful red scales. "No!" the creature roared in the egg, but no sound escaped. The last resistance of the knight faded as the creature came to the fore.

The creature in the egg thrashed causing it to move and wobble. Finally it fell on it's side.

"Confined! Bound! Mother! Mate!" the beast roared. He lashed out at the hard shell surrounding him with tooth and claw. Cracks appeared as the shell started to give. He sensed his mate, his mother nearby. He summoned all his strength and burst forth with a roar as the egg shattered around him. His wings seemed to explode as they unfurled for the first time, blood rushing to the tissues. He flapped the wings experimentally, it felt great. The creature grinned at his mother, his mate resplendent in her red scales just as he remembered her.


"Flamefang, you are beautiful and strong. Your mother is proud of you." Miriam walked towards the male, her claws clicking on the naked stone of the cavern floor. "You will be a wonderful mate."


Miriam hugged Flamefang tight, her tail wrapping around him. Flamefang returned the embrace wrapping his tail around them both as he enfolded his beloved mother and mate with his wings.
