Storie's Of My Life. (My Avatar's Back Story.)

Story by Juneia on SoFurry

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The wind whistled through the trees' bare limbs, rattling them like bones being ravaged by the many dark terrors in her favorite forest. But she couldn't enjoy it at the moment, the wind itself had news that she needed to tend to.

"The snow is turning red, The earth has tasted blood, You must hurry to his aide!"

She knew where it was, the problem was getting there. Even being the Moon Spirit Of Healing she had to walk as most mortals did. "I hope im fast enough!" Juneia muttered to herself as she ran for the hurt individual.

"Stop her!" Something howled close by, alarming her greatly.

"Terror begone! It is not his time!" She growled picking up the pace. The thump of paws were becoming louder, she was under chase.

"Then let it be so!" The spirit yelled as she touched the magical bracelet on her arm. The arm band dissolved into a shine of pure silver and white light as it turned into a bow of moonlight. She jumped as far ahead as she possibly could, turned around, and fired at the nearest werewolf, the arrow thunked into the hollow of its' throat, spraying blood onto the freshly fallen snow.

"Oghren!" Yelled one of the pursuing beasts as it pulled away and went to the still, growing cold body. "I'll kill you!" It howled as it ran full speed towards her. That was all the prompting she needed from the pack to take off again, running full speed to keep away. Arrows whizzed from her bow, striking many of the closely following beasts.

"Forget it no prey is worth this!" She heard a yell from behind her, the sound of running beasts faded away as she kept running. After she was sure the group was far behind she looked back towards the trail she had taken.

Blood was splattered on the trees and snow. Dead and injured wolves littered the path.

Finally she reached the snow swept clearing with the hurt something... The three headed creature looked at her, eyes full of pain.

"Help..." It moaned as he held his leg. The creature was holding a gash on its' leg, if she didn't help soo there was no help on any plane of existcence that could help this thing.

"What are you?"


*hope that story was a good teaser for a possible story line. let me know if anything needs work. ALSO!!! The Character's discreption is my avatar which i did not draw! if said artist does somehow read this story the copyright of said picture is yours! i understand this! and with that im off.