Morning Needs - Current Request - Final WIP

Story by roadkill on SoFurry

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Attention! I'm LAZY! So look to the right of this story and read the TAGS. LOL. This was done for someone and may be changed/adjusted/removed at their request. Comment are accepted because it is a WIP. I like feed back so message me if you think you have an idea for this or another story. Enjoy!

Morning Needs

The morning sunlight slowly crept into the small cave where a very large lions was still peacefully slumbering. The feline was easily the largest in his group and currently was the leader. There was something about this particular lion that was different though. This big cat liked to go out and hunt down his own meals from time to time, instead of waiting for the females to bring back whatever dead carcass they had came across or happen to run down. The food they presented to the large beast was sufficient most of the time but there is something about going after your own meal. A sense of accomplishment I suppose. Well today would most definitely turn into one of those days, the big cat would choose to take matters into his own paws.

The lion let out a low groan as the sunlight continued to breach the dark cave, flooding the interior with morning brightness. At first the big cat simply rolled over but that really didn't help. After giving up he accepted the fact that he would have to get up and be a lion today. With another groan, this time a little more pronounced, he rolled onto his paws and stretched out.

The feline slowly wandered out of his little cave made from a natural clustering of large rocks and trees. The morning air was crisp with the smell of the nearby water hole added to the freshness. Looking around he found himself alone this morning. The other lions had set off in search of the day's food. The big alpha shook his whole body to knock the cave floor dirt from his pelt and decided to get a drink of water.

The little puddle of fresh water was maybe thirty feet across and mostly circular. It was surrounded by a few taller trees but mostly low brush lined its edges. The lion slowly padded up to a small clearing on the water's edge and dropped his head down to lap up the cool liquid. It was refreshing and now the big cat was more awake and alert. After working out the last of the kinks in his body with another stretch the lion turned and headed back to his little cave under the trees to wait for his morning chow to be brought back.

He was about half way back to this home when his big blunt nose picked up a new scent, one that was not part of the morning freshness he was just enjoying. This new scent was different, it was definitely male. The feline slowed his pace and stopped to crouch low in the taller grass, trying to look around for the creature he could smell. After a minute he spotted something. It was a small canine about a third of his size and it was snooping around his cave. The lion's stomach finally woke up to join the rest of him and gave a low grumble reminding him that the females didn't bring anything back for dinner last night.

The tawny beast stayed low but crept closer to the small dog, watching it slowly walk about his dwelling. The lion's belly growled again this time more demanding. It was hungry for fresh food and this little dog was on the menu. The big cat moved closer, clearly getting excited by the prospect of something to eat. It had been a while since he had hunted for himself and even longer since he mated with anything. This morning had presented a solution to both problems.

He was close now, still hunkered down in the tall grass, about twenty feet away. The little canine continued exploring the lion's cave, sniffing around probably looking for scraps to eat for breakfast. The lion watched and prepared his mind for the attack. He had to be fast, blindingly swift to reach his "to-be" meal before it could run. In his mind he ran through the whole event to make sure he'd get it right. He was getting even more excited just thinking about how he was going to do it.

Run. Pounce. Slam. Bite. Eat.

Without even realizing it, his excitement grew to the point that his other primal need was waking up.

Run. Pounce. Slam. Bite. Eat.

The lion's excitement was beginning to affect his arousal. As he focused on the little dog just a little ways away his mind started to wander. Maybe he could have a tiny bit of fun with his meal. With the thrill of the hunt on his mind and his need going so long without any attention from the females, the tip of his thick member began to slide from his big furry sheath.

Pounce. Slam. Bite. Mount? Eat.

As his throbbing kitty cock fully emerged he decided he was going to satisfy both needs this morning. He was absent mindedly rubbing his hardening length with his hind paw. The big lion was slowly stroking his member to the thought of mounting his prey while attacking it. When the fur on his hind paw was all matted down and wet from the pre that leaked from his tip he went for it.

The small dog was facing the other way and never saw it coming. (hehe) The lion was quick and quiet. He closed the gap between them in a blink of an eye. His forepaws were out, claws extended, ready to strike the small dog from behind. With a loud yelp and a heavy thud the lion had pinned the canine to the ground hard. For a second the little pup tried to wriggle from under the heavy feline but only found that more pressure was applied to the claws that had sunk into his back. The lion was ecstatic! He had nailed his prey to the floor and it was even facing the right way. The little dog whined as the lion's claws dug deeper into his skin. Blood was flowing from the wounds and down his sides. The big cat loved the smell of fresh blood and buried his nose into the matted fur of his helpless prey. Inhaling the fresh metallic smell sent his mind spinning and he drug his paws down the back of the little dog below.

A pained yell emanated from the canine as the lion slowly clawed at his back. More crimson oozed from the long tear wounds. Most of it soaked the fur of the small dog but a little was starting to drip off his body onto the dusty floor. The lion was in heaven. As more blood flowed from the dog the lion started to nuzzle and lick the wound, slurping up the red liquid and rubbing it all over his big muzzle. The taste and smell was really getting to him. His hard member was bumping into the little canine rump as the dog tried to escape the grasp of the lion. That just turned the lion on even more as he tore up the skin on the dogs back.

The dog kept trying to move and wiggle out from under the lion's weight until a heavy paw slammed down on his head. The little dog was knocked out. The lion shifted back and used one of his hind paws to hold down the dog's tail to keep him from running away and hunkered down so his crotch was level with the dog's ass. With a few rough jabs the lion found the little tailhole of the dog and groaned at the tightness on his tip. The pain of sudden entry brought the canine back to life with a strangled yelp. The big cat started to push his much bigger member into the wriggling dog below. The lion didn't seem to care about comfort, in fact it looked like the more pain his prey was in the more excited he got. Just the idea of forcefully mating the dog in pain instead of a regular lioness was getting him hornier than normal.

After another forceful shove the big feline cock was a little more than half way in. The much smaller ring was stretched very far and still had to go farther as more throbbing lion shaft entered. The canine was crying and howling in pain as the thickening shaft entered deeper. As the big golden beast continued to shove his cock into the small dog he opened his blood soaked muzzle and bit down hard on the side of his short term mate. More crying came from the dog as blood flowed down the side of his body onto the dirt. The taste was overpowering and with one final shove the thicker base of the lion's cock tore the delicate tail hole and finally hilted deep inside the pup.

For a few seconds the big cat enjoyed the taste of fresh meat in his maw and a tight grip on his cock. An impatient grumble from the lion's belly told him to hurry up and eat. With a jerk of his big head the mouthful of dog came away with a wet tearing sound. Ignoring the yelping screams from below the lion started to rut the abused bleeding hole that was stretched around his throbbing cock. His big balls slammed into the tight rump below as he tried to get his dirty deed done before the dog died. His big tawny butt thrust hard and careless into the small canine. The dog was bleeding well beyond the ability to heal but was still trying to get away from the predator. He squirmed, wiggled and clawed at the earth trying to land some traction but the big lion was holding down his tail, keeping him from going too far as he was savagely raped and tore upon.

The lion kept up his jerky motions, forcing his long shaft in and out of the small dog trying to quickly reach his peak. The thrashing of his prey below him only fueled his fire. Soon his belly announced its desires again and his jaws parted then slammed down on the other side of the dog. More blood poured on the floor as he ripped the skin away with a powerful twisting tug. His thrusting came harder as he swallowed the chunk of dog meat in his maw. Below him the dog was beyond distinguishable pain and didn't notice the tension on his short bushy tail increasing as the big cat rammed harder into him.

The lion was getting close; his cock throbbed hard inside of the little dog begging to release its seed deep inside another being. The canine was starting to succumb to shock as his guts oozed from his gaping wounds there was no chance he would live. He was destined to die this lion's plaything and meal today. The big cat felt his peak nearing as his heavy blood soaked balls started to rise with the pressure in his cock. He lifted a massive bloody paw high over the little dogs head and slammed it down on to the pup so hard it crushed his skull and killed him instantly. Just as the blood splatter hit his muzzle the lion gave one more mighty thrust into the convulsing body below, unloading his pent up feline cum into the ravaged tail hole. Huge thick bursts of kitty cum pumped through his long shaft and exploded deep into the dog. The lion gave a few more hard thrusts to milk his cock dry of spunk just as the tail of the poor dog gave way and was torn from his small body.

Exhausted from the whole event the big lion flopped down on top of the dead dog's body to rest for a few minutes. With another grumble from his needy gut the lion decided to finish up his work on the lifeless carcass. He picked up where he left of and tore big hunks of dog meat from the middle. Licking the blood from his chops as he went, he picked the head end clean then moved to the dog's rump. Getting close to full, the lion flipped the body over and spotted the dog's crotch. Apparently nature still does its thing even during painful rape because the canine was still hard and almost had a full knot. The lion licked the blood covered canine cock a few times enjoying the flavors there then licked the tiny ball sac below. With one last chomp the lion pulled the dog's tasty groin, hard cock and all, away from his body. From the sudden brute force of the bite the last living nerves fired and the dog's cock shot a small spurt of cum inside the lion's muzzle.

*Temporary end of story*