The Other Side of the Tracks: ~Chapter 1~

Story by BulletHusky on SoFurry


Chapter Selection:** (Prolouge)**

** Chapter 1: The Wannabe**

Yuck, what is this? I thought as the icky mudd plastered over my once white paws. "Boogh, we don't have time for you to play in the mud." My mother scolded. "I'm not!" She shooshed me. I growled. Then she pushed me into a pipe and stalked torward the open alley, which was just a fence with a small hole at the corner. "Coba, you check this part of the town. Jack, Tobi, you check here. Petal, you go in this hole..." A voice ordered. Many dogs grunted in agreement, but the female one just sighed. Soon, the dogs' paw steps faded. But the female's steps came closer... and closer... Her head peeked in. She wrinkled her nose in digustment. I would have also. The alley was full of pipes and boxes. The pipe I was in was closed off in the back, so I couldn't escape when she creeped in to inspect further. Suddenly, there was the sound of a twig snapping and the dog was laying on the ground, her hind leg twitching. My mom must have snapped her hindy, I laughed to myself as my mom dragged the female away, into another, much smaller alley.

"Why are you here?" My mother demanded. I decided to come out. "I'm afraid that's classified," Petal snorted. "I'm afraid that's not a answer." Mom grabbed the other dogs hindy and dragged her off the pipe which she was hung over on. The fea yelped and whimpered something low. "What was that?" She reached for her hind leg again. "N-no! U-uh, my pack is looking for Survivor. Ever heard of 'em? He's wanted 'an we 'eed him for somethin' importan'." My mother froze. I forgot about him. My father. The dog who helped develop me. The one who killed a dog. "S-Survivor? My... husband." Petal's ears shot up. "He's your husban'? Man! You shoulda told me tha' when I was 'ere a sec ago! My leader will be impressed. You gotta 'ell me 'ere he is and then I gotta go." Petal rose to her paws, but her hind just didn't go with the flow. "Ow! You're teeth 'ade outta nails or somethin'? My hindy feels 'roken, ya hear?" I didn't really understand her 'talk.' It was unclear and I couldn't make out what she was saying. "What's your leaders name?" "Krogen. Krogen the leader of Shore Pack. My 'ack is the 'est. We is the larger then your little doggies packs put 'ogether." The fea grinned. Some of her teeth were missing. Probably why she spoke that way. Then it hit me. No. Not a answer. Some sorta dog. I whipped around just to see a jetblack dog with threatening brown eyes. "You're 'oming with me." It growled. "Not so fast," Swinging my paw, I smacked him across the allley causing him to collide with another dog. "'Ey! Watch it Smarty!" The dog growled. "Uh-oh." I was in deep trouble. My mom and Petal were wrestling. These two were mine. I grinned and began to attack.

"Ow! Ow ow ow!" Smarty yelped. He fell backwards and submitted. The other dog, Knife, tried to fight back. Not so fast. I did a uppercut and ended him with a lock-on kick. His head went sliding to my mother's foot. She had settled it with Petal. Then Krogen walked in. Coba, Tobi and Jack walked in. They all had angry looks on their maw's. "Let's settle the score." Smarty scrambled to his paws. Oh come on. This day couldn't get any worse. Actually, it did. My mom chickened out and we had to retreat. Retreat through a small pipe in the back. I closed it up, and watched as the five dogs tried to hook their claws on the open holes and pull. That's when the wannabe came. It was a chocolate lab mix. He said his name was Warrble. "What are you doing?" He asked out of nowhere. My mom and me jumped. "I'm Warrble!" He barked happily, wagging his big, thick tail.

Oh great. First Krogen, then this. I'm not gonna say it. Still not gonna say it.... Ugh. I gotta let it out.