A Volunteer Job

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Paper Back:




San grinned slightly to himself as he held a scrap of paper in his fingers that had an add he had immediately snagged from the coffee house wall. He'd been working as a freelance designer for months now with his true passion having been left to the wayside. He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed painting until a friend had asked him to help her draw a mural in her baby's room. The afternoon where he had created an enchanted forest with animals that peeped out behind trunks of trees and a gleaming night sky had been among the greatest of his life. He had savored the pure desire to create something whimsical. It was so different from the various ads he had designed and the set layouts he'd been provided with.

Afterwards he'd found that things had gotten a bit more unsatisfying in his life and in his job. First had been when his boyfriend had decided that he had bigger and better things to move on to. It had been a huge shock. He came home one day to his apartment emptied out for the most part and a note sitting up on the fridge telling him that it was time he moved on. Since then the depression had set in and he'd looked at most of the guys he knew with an eye to flirting, but he just didn't have the heart. It'd been in that spot of depression that he started to hang out more often at the coffee shop. It was a nice place and even the barista seemed to enjoy his company. Or at least there were some harmless flirtations going on between them that at least made him feel a bit better.

He'd been enjoying a cup of coffee when he saw a bright lime green ad on the community board and out of curiosity taken it down. The first thing that had caught his eye had been the word 'mural', but the rest of the ad had been just as appealing. They were looking for someone to do multiple murals in a new children's center just across town. A talented artist was needed to volunteer to do some of the work. He had almost smiled at the list of compensations that included his name on the wall and free lunches. It seemed like a charitable way to spend some time doing what he had enjoyed in the past. With that in mind he had tucked the paper into his bag and set off to the address it had listed. At the very least it would prove to be something interesting to do on the weekends.

The building was more then half broken down, it had the look of something that was patched together and had been the face of many things. The windows were darkened with large sheets of cardboard so that he couldn't get a glimpse inside and even the door looked as if it were dark. He glanced at the ad again and read the address to be sure. It certainly didn't look like a neighborhood he would have wanted to put anything for children around, but it could be meant for some of the inner city schools. That would certainly explain why they didn't have a budget for anything larger than some free meals and his name on the murals. He tucked the ad back into his pocket and knocked roughly on the door to see if anyone happened to be in.

"HOLD ON!" The voice yelled out and sounded harried and there was a crash of what sounded like boxes. He winced as several more crashes were heard and the door opened to show an older man with short spiked hair and a set of vibrant green eyes. "Oh! Hello! Don't suppose you're the electrician are you? We've got no power in here. Hell of a thing, no power. Blasted darkness!"

"Err no, sir, I'm not the electrician." San hesitated for a moment as the man seemed bumbling, but at least friendly. There was a crash behind him that made him wince and the man to curse under his breath before running back into the room. San looked about and then shrugged before he followed behind.


Sean had been working on this project for more years then he could remember. It had started out small, but over the years it had gained a small amount of funds to ensure that they could carry on in a far more suitable setting. The first breakthrough had been when he worked in a small out of the way lab that had experimented with various altered DNA and species changes in an effort to stave off extinction in certain species. It had even branched out to attempt to bring back dinosaurs. He had left before they had gotten further into that line of work. He had left when he had found out a brilliant plan that had left him richer with every passing year.

It had started quite purposefully with men who wanted a taste of the wild life and had the money to pay for it. How much would they pay for a night as a stallion? How much to be a large bull? Oh they had been perverts right enough, but the money was worth it and he'd been able to smuggle most of the technology out. As long as he didn't venture into the research that the rest of his former work was developing they'd not have anything to say to him about it. Yet as time went by he found that not even the international money was enough to let him expand how he wanted to expand. It was certainly enough to keep him comfortable but he wanted something more. That's when he'd found out just how much money could be had when it came to certain...shows.

One of his regular customers had commented that while he enjoyed the lusty passions of a half man half bull, he thought that the all male clientele would have other things just as enjoyable for a show. He had started off small, but he'd finally gotten something worth enough money to make a daring strike out into the world of kidnapping. He'd made his plan carefully to try and snag someone who wouldn't be missed terribly much. He'd made an outcall for an artist to draw murals in the heart of the city that had no monetary compensation with it. He'd simply provide meals, supplies and his gratitude to ensure that he picked up a starving artist that would be happy just for the meals.

It had been a bit of a shock to see the well groomed muscular young man standing at the steps of the building. The short dark hair had been stylishly groomed into short spikes and he wore a set of dark sunglasses that flashed in the sunlight. The moment he spoke he heard a trace of an accent that made him tilt his head trying to place it. Possibly Italian if he wasn't mistaken, maybe even near Rome. He wasn't what he had wanted, but he wasn't about to turn away the first person at the door. After all, it could prove to be the one he was hoping for just in a far more attractive package! As he stumbled back into the building to find out what had been knocked over and praying that it hadn't been any of his instruments he heard the young man follow.

"I'm here about the mural job? This is the place yes?" The voice was soft and hesitant and he pegged the accent just a bit closer. Hmmm an immigrant might not be missed.


San frowned a little bit at the mess inside the building. It was so dark he almost couldn't see his hand in front of his face. Only the thin bars of light that shown through the edges of the cardboard let him know that it was a very cluttered front room. He had to move between two piles of boxes that almost brushed his chest and back to find a place that was clear enough for him to stand easily. If only the door hadn't shut behind him, he might have been able to actually see where he was going! He watched the outline of the older man as he pushed up a box almost as tall as he was. It couldn't have weighed much given the ease he moved it up. Only after he'd made sure it wouldn't fall down again did he turn back to answer the question.

"Ah yes, the mural job. Yes yes! We've wanted someone down here to do one for us, it's quite hard since we can't pay any money. Not that you seem to lack that." San almost heard the old man's smile. "You're a good painter? Italian aren't you? Another Michelangelo?"

"Ahh, I'm decent enough sir, not that good, but good enough. I just miss painting." He said softly and shifted. "I'm from Italy originally, but moved her from school. I just never left."

"I'm sure your family here must love that!" The older man dusted himself off before moving over to another set of boxes. "Sorry, sorry, I just never know where this mess ends and begins sometimes!"

"No family, I just like America, well my boyfriend kind of lived here as well. Not with him anymore though." He gave a slight sigh and moved to see if he could help. "Do you need help looking for something."

"It's fine, fine." The man flicked his fingers in a distracted manner, "Well I could certainly use a talented hand around here with the murals. If you'd like to see where they're going to be you can go down the hall. They're the first door on the left. That'll be where we're going to put the study area. I don't really have a creative side so you're going to have to figure out what you'd like to do. I hope that's not an issue?"

"An issue? No! That's fantastic! I'll just have a peek and start making plans. The lighting will be fixed soon though right?"

San made his way carefully down the walls that were packed with boxes and more rubble then he knew what to do with. The place certainly could use some cheering up. Perhaps he'd try to do a forest but one that was less cute and more inspiring. He'd have to find out if this were going to be a boy's center or a girl's center or even both. He found the door that the man had indicated and almost cursed his rudeness. He'd forgotten to even ask the man's name! Granted he hadn't been particularly focused in the face of the mess and the older man that seemed rather forgetful. He opened the door to look in at the dimly lit empty room. It was large enough at least, but it wasn't as roomy as he'd hoped. He squinted through the dusty light and made out cloth covered mounds of what looked like it might have been desks.

"I'm so very glad we won't have any issues." The older man's voice came in his ear a moment before something sharp hit right against the side of his neck. He jerked and opened his mouth to make a demand to know what was going on when his vision started to go dark, darker and finally black as the drug took hold.

Sean tugged his lab coat into place and gave a bit of a smile to himself as he faced one of his wealthier clients and gestured towards the naked man that was hog tied on the table. The position was uncomfortable, but apt given what was going to happen to him. It had taken a bit of time to get the boy back to the actual building far away from the broken down wreck he'd rented out, but it was worth it. Undressed he was a treat for the eyes that made him wistfully wonder if he could simply keep the lad for his own personal use rather than what he intended. Still, a foreign young man, in America, with no family, it was perfect! The easiest cover up they could possibly imagine.

"Here he is, we're almost set up. He hasn't woken up yet, but perhaps you want him to stay asleep?" He cocked his head as the man gave a snort that sounded almost horse like at the idea.

"No, wake him up, half the fun will be in the watching. And you're quite sure you have it right? I'm paying more then excellent money for this you know and if it fails..." The man narrowed his eyes and tilted his head down to look Sean full in the eyes. If there was one thing the rich did well it was intimidation. He had little doubt that if he messed his up he'd be found in some backwards river tied to a sack of rocks. His silence and success had to be perfect.

"Of course, you have never complained before." He tilted his head and added slyly, "You or your wife."

"Watch your tongue, Sean." The voice was sharp and rebuking just as a soft whimper interrupted them and movements from the muscular form made them glance back. "I'll find my seat for the show. Remember, you had better not be promising more then you can deliver."

Sean moved his hand through his graying hair and his eyes narrowed as he watched the man walk away with something like hatred and anticipation. It was another whimper and then groan that drew his attention away as his victim woke up and stirred his head back and forth. He moved a hand down and deftly took the pulse to make sure that it wasn't too rapid or irregular. The first injection of the drugs had been given when he'd gotten the boy back here, he was almost due for the last round. The first just helped bring the body to a more receptive state to the more volatile chemicals of the second.


"Mmph..werra..am I?" Sean's tongue felt thick in his mouth as he moved his head to the side and peeled his eye lids open. The world was strangely unfocused and blurred as he tried to look at one of the walls.

"Ahhh awake good. We wouldn't want you to miss your debut!" The voice was familiar, the old man? What'd he done? Pass out from the dust? Had there been a chemical in the room?

He found himself looking at bright lights that only spread a ring around the strange low table he was laid out on. The table itself was uncomfortable and arched and his head felt as if he were going to have a splitting head ache any moment. He lifted his head higher and couldn't see in to the darkness that was past the light that held him and the older man. The older man had somehow gotten into a white lab jacket, but still looked more then a little bit scruffy around the edges. The vivid eyes pierced into his own as he rocked back on his heels and tapped a finger right on the tip of San's nose. It was only then he noticed a few more metallic almost hospital style trays that were around him.

"Lemme go.." He moved his hands and felt them bound up with some harsh rough rope and forced to be held in close right against his knees. He pulled again roughly to try and free himself and realized he'd been hog tied! A second realization was just as horrifying as he arched his back up and felt the cold metal brush against his bare buttocks. He'd been entirely stripped as well. A panic he never thought he'd experienced ran through him as he tried to figure out if anything had been done to him. Had been molested? Was the old man some sort of pervert?! "hey..what's goin' on..."

"I'm afraid the answer to that would take far too much time. I prefer demonstrations! You've been picked out of everyone to be our very first visitor here. You should be proud!" The man's voice sounded too cheerful and a low murmur of laughter was heard rippling through the darkness. There were more people out there!

"HELP!" He screamed out the word as the older man stepped forward with his hand holding something sharp and long. A syringe filled with something almost sickly pink was lowered near the outer curve of his hip while he watched with wild eyes when it disappeared from sight and a sudden prick was felt sinking into his muscle.

"Don't worry so much, I'm sure you're going to find out that this is going to be fun." There was a rustling sound and to his horror the older man pulled out his pants and dug out his wallet. "San hmm? Well I'm Sean. You'll love this. You'll find a whole new appreciation for your love of men!"


Sean dropped San's jeans and kicked them to one side with a smile on his face as he let the drug start to take its effect as he walked out of the cone of light towards those waiting outside of it. It was the large broad man that met him, but his eyes weren't on him, they were on the hog tied young man on the table. The eyes were bright and slightly glazed before a tap to his shoulder made him look down and give another almost equine snort. The older man gave a grin that he knew reached his dark green eyes before he opened up his jacket to pull out a small black case that when opened revealed prefilled syringes of a few differing sizes. He couldn't help but enjoy the raw lust in the man's eyes, or even a few of his other customers. They had after all paid for this honor and he was always as good as his word. He strove for it.

"The normal,sir?" He tilted his head to one side questioningly.

"Mmm not the bull, I'd like the horse this time." An almost feral grin crossed the features of a man who had spent many a day across from a conference table closing deals that ruined and made companies. The sight made Sean give a smile of his own, he owned them all whether they knew it or not.

"Horse it is." He drawled out and picked out the correct mixture while he heard a sudden groan and then muffled cry for help from behind him.

He deftly swabbed the area before administering the drugs while the younger man stared at the table with his eyes wide and no attempt to hide what he was feeling being seen. In fact the way his breath started to tell that he was already in a more animal state of mind than any drug would offer him. Yet the next noise drew others towards looking at the man he left in the pool of light. It wouldn't be long now before he was ready and then the fun would truly begin. Perhaps he could work on finding other people in the city who wouldn't be missed if they were lured back here and introduced to another side of life. The people who had been carefully invited seemed to find it far more thrilling than anything else he'd done in the last few months.


San felt his heart beating harder in his chest propelling the drug faster through his system while he heard the murmur of voices just outside of the range of his hearing. What they were saying was soon forgotten under the first sudden tension of his muscles as they drew taut against his bone and stood out under his skin. The heat began to rise to a feverish peak as he let out a muffled groan. The muscles started to tense up to the point that they began to ache as they pulled at tendons and his eyes bulged the first time he felt bone scrape on bone. He peeled open his lips to call for help but the moment he did he became aware that his tongue felt swollen and strange. He pushed and twisted it against his lips and it strangely reminded him of the time he'd been stung by a bee. It was hot and swollen and almost painful.

He heard something like laughter as the swollen painful feeling spread out along his face and to his horror his lips started to reshape and push outwards along with his nose. The bridge of his nose grew broader all the way up to his eyes until he couldn't help but stare as the nose tip started to thicken as well. The moment he drew in a breath through what felt like nostrils that were nearly triple what they were and was immediately assaulted with new heavy scents. The sweet scent of perfume? No cologne, expensive cologne. The scent of men and leather, the sharp scent of alcohol, dust, fear sweat, and everything in between. He was almost overwhelmed with the sense of smell alone! He tried to latch onto it when he felt the swollen ache start to run along his head and over his shoulders.

The hair on his head itched crazily until his fingers balled into fists with the need to tend to it, it was only when his ears twitched did he realize that his entire head was changing shape! The ears turned broad and tapered down into short tips that he saw when they moved right to either side of his head. He widened his eyes and let out a cry that came out roughened and shrill all at once and the sound of voices soft until one man let out a low laugh. He was going to get no help from them! Didn't they know what was happening to him? His shoulders ached and his entire body started to feel bulky and swollen, flooded with sensation that traveled the line between pleasure and pain. His teeth reformed and thickened until they fit perfectly over the stretched lips. Even his attempt to talk produced animalistic squeals and grunts.

As the heat ran along his chest he tilted his heavy feeling head down with a groan as his shoulders snapped and then popped. The tendons reformed as he watched his upper and lower arms start to grow thicker and larger. Everything felt backwards as his wrist was pulled upwards higher on his arm and his elbow pulled in against his chest. He snorted out and writhed as his fingers began to draw together and in a panic he watched as his toes as well were being pulled together and thickening. The nails were running down from the tips and seemed to eat up what used to be pink flesh and he squealed out over and over. It wasn't simply seeing the fingers change, it was losing feel as they were sucked under the thickening darkening nails! He couldn't even bend them!

"Ah! Whoops we'd better not have that, now can we?" The older man's voice mocked him like a prize gotten too late he felt the bindings on him cut free so that he fell from the table with a snarl of anger.

His back ached all the way along his spine as he hunched over and wordlessly screamed out his frustration while his legs started to twist and snap as the bones remade themselves. His foot no longer looked like a foot but the thick cloven hooves of an animal, two smaller claws were placed higher up on the underside. His hands mimicked his feet as it grew harder to bend his arms and legs as they should and he was forced to stand on all fours. He could feel himself growing heavier of body as his chest barreled out and his haunches became more powerful. He lurched forward a step and almost fell as he tried to balance on his new hooves. It was only when he awkwardly lowered his snout that he saw and felt the final horror of what was being done to him.

His chest started to show a line of thick small teats that replaced the single pair he had once had. The skin turned a black and white splashed color so that he almost missed the more subtle change as pair after pair of nipples pushed outwards from his skin to trail from his chest all the way to his stomach. There was a glimpse of his flaccid girth as it swayed back and forth beneath him and he gave a rough squeal as it stirred and suddenly felt wrong! Something was happening, something wasn't right! It was being pulled and drawn higher so that the seconds passed while the tip pulled away from his view and he frantically tried to twist and turn to see what exactly was going on. Pressure, horrible pressure as the weight was lifted from his inner thighs and he screamed out a pigs shriek of terror and anger.

"Now now, that's no way for a sow to behave, I do believe we're going to have to teach you a lesson." His..no her head jerked up to see the doctor standing to the left of a heavy bodied draft stallion who's eyes flared at the sight of her body. What had he gotten himself into?


Justice, as the group called him, was well used to his transformation after many weeks of coming here. Even the horse was second nature, but he never lost his pleasure at seeing the massive hanging tool of a stallion swaying back and forth between his thighs. It was larger than his arm was as a human and it made him arch his neck in pleasure as he dropped down to four dish like hooves. The very wrongness of the act that was being committed here made his heart pound in his throat and his body felt charged with strength and desire both. The prostitutes they had hired has had been reasonable enough and even enjoyable, but they had wanted to taste something forbidden.

The discussion of a real animal had repulsed most of them on various levels. Though they treaded the line, they weren't truly into the idea of animals. When Sean had suggested he find someone to play the part of female for them though, that had had real spice. It had only increased at the idea of a male being forced into the role. And a gay man at that. It was all so perfect that it had him, for once, using his larger size to take a position closer to the action and watch the transformation even as he himself changed. He had a moment of amusement to see the boy turning into a sow, the skin changing into a mottled color like those of farm pigs and some wild ones. What a choice! Still, she would at least quite the tight little creature.

Justice let the last of the change ripple away from him until he stood on four feathered hooves, his head far higher than that of Sean and he watched avidly as what had been the young man's cock started to disappear. It shrank as it retreated upwards towards the inner curve of the thighs, and as it did the tip of it started to redden slightly. The thickness of the girth started to grow thinner while his orbs pulled up snugly between the haunches. They melted into the body and before his eyes a thick roll of skin started to form forming a set of plump Y shaped folds. The last glimpse of the shaft was in a flash of it before it disappeared between the folds to form a clit.

In every way it was a perfectly beastial looking sex. He flared his nostrils and tasted the air for a moment before lowering his head and letting out a low hurring noise. He could hear one of the other gentlemen start to go through his change as he stepped proudly forward. His head lowered to find the sow squealing and jerking away from him as he approached. He curled his lips back and dashed his head in to suddenly snap his teeth right against her haunch. He put just enough pressure into the motion to make the skin tear slightly before he relaxed his grip and pranced away again. This time edging just behind the newly changed female so that he could look at the short slightly curled tail that tried vainly to cover herself. His mottled shaft swung side to side beneath him as he curled his lips back and drew in a deep heady breath of her scent. This was what money could offer you. This was what it was all about.


San stumbled as the horse suddenly nipped her and the movement brought home that she was lacking what had once made her male. She struggled to twist herself around to see how bad it was when the broad nose dropped down and a thick tongue suddenly drug along the inner thigh and higher did she get an intimate brush with the truth. The tongue pushed up and drug not against the heavy balls he was used too, but something soft and tucked in close. Between that and the feel of the line of teats that ran down her belly she squealed out in horror. She was a sow! A sow! Fear and disgust warred inside of her as she tucked her hips down and felt the horrifying feel of her folds being brushed with her tail.

"What did you do to me!!! TURN ME BACK!" At least that's what she wanted to say, instead a pigs squeal came from her lips and left her trembling.

She tried to get away from the stallion when she found herself stopped by the sight of the older man who watched it all with a smile on his face. She bristled slightly before the soft velvety lips pushed up against her sex again making her stumble forward. She didn't want to see anything touching her there! She didn't want to feel anything to do with the thick lips that had replaced her beautiful cock! It was only then she realized that not only was she missing her cock, but her balls as well had been taken away from her in one fell swoop! There was nothing left of the human she had been or the male! It might have been somewhat better if she had at least been a boar!

"San san san, I promise he'll be very gentle. I thought from our conversation earlier you liked boys, if so this should be a dream come true!" The voice mocked lightly while he felt the horse shove him roughly so that he had to stumble to one side. "I wouldn't make Justice angry if I were you. I know you like anal, but I think he's more then you've ever dreamed."

The sow shuddered and twisted her thick neck back to see the swaying mottled shaft behind her, despite herself she let out a whimper and tried to move forward again. The motion brought her to the edge of the light and a set of large cloven hooves as a half-man, half beast curled forward with a deep lowing sound. What was this place? What did they want with him?! The tongue curled up again before she felt a pair of flat teeth pinch against her. It stung and almost brought tears to her eyes as she felt them pull against the thick outer folds of her sex. A female's sex! On her body! It made her want to choke with disgust while something hot and wet splattered against the lower portion of one of her legs. Precum spilled out of the tip of the equine cock to mark her as she sucked in a shuddering breath.


Justice drew in the animalistic and female scent while he swished his tail roughly back and forth. The very sight of the broad bodied sow in front of him teased every part of him mind to subjugate her and force her to become his 'mare'. He watched as one of the men in the crowd dropped down and formed a shaggy looking black dog. He wanted to be the first, he'd do his best to force her to take every inch so that she was left struggling with the other males that waited their turn. She almost bolted in front of him when he pinched her lips with his teeth and he felt a flare of equine like anger. He crested his neck and reared up on his hind legs shortly before he lunged forward as well. His hooves struck the ground with a clatter as he slipped his head over the curve of her shoulders and his flat teeth clamped down at the base of her neck.

She squealed and writhed as he drew his heavy girth right over her haunches and ground the tip of himself against her curved outer leg. His hips rocked slightly while his forelegs had to curl just beneath the broad belly and his chest pushed down so that he had to splay his hind legs wide. The movement made his cock swing back and forth as he probed and prodded right against the inner thighs. He was almost crouched down into a sitting position to reach her while he left a trail of slimy precum all the way upwards until he found the first kiss of those snug virgin folds. He heard a sudden squeal from his new sow and clamped his teeth down harder with a grunt as she writhed beneath him. Oh he could only imagine what she was thinking!

He rolled his tip back and forth against her opening and felt how they started to splay as his precum drooled out in thick gouts. Each new drop left a trail that ran all the way down towards her teats before he gave a hard shove forward. He pulled his forelegs roughly backwards so that the cloven hooves scraped backwards as well. It was enough to start forcing the lips to splay open and wrap around the very tip of him. They pushed in on themselves as he began to wedge himself into too small of a place while the screeching cry erupted from the formerly gay young man beneath him. Another shove and he let out a hot splatter of precum that helped lubricate her passage as he felt the virgin walls clenching and trying to force him out. Ohhh she was well worth the money!


San's eyes rolled back as the stallion's weight shoved him down against the ground. He could barely move under the chest that pinned him and forelegs that tugged him backwards closer to the haunches. The first feel of the tip slamming in against her folds made her struggle to get away as her eyes threatened to tear up. The outer lips were forced wide open as the first hot spill of precum drenched her passage at the next thrust that sent pain running along her back. Her body was forced to take the thick girth that inched it's way deeper into her. Her breath caught in her throat while she writhed and dug her hooves against the ground to try and get away only to be pulled back until there was a lewd popping sound of the tip slamming its way into her body.

She barely had time to register that her new sex had been violated when the next thrust forced the thick mottled inches inwards. It forced the walls to strain and stretch in ways they were never meant to as all she could do was scream and try to escape. The stallion's teeth dug into her shoulder as he rutted her like a common animal, his hips driving him in until horrifyingly she felt herself growing slick around him. The pig's body started to react to his own as he inched his way constantly inside of her and battled her tightness. The pull back made an unwilling shudder run through her as the thick fleshy spire tugged and stroked inside of her. It was nothing like being taken by any of her boyfriends, instead it rubbed over places that made her tremble and clamp down tighter.

Another thrust and the stallion forced a thicker portion of his cock into her body, the medial ring wedged itself past the outer lips to pop into her before being pulled out again. Her hind legs shuddered and threatened to give out as the stallion let out a deep sound and slammed forward. The tip battered up against her cervix and she felt the cock bow inside of her in reaction to the pressure before he was pulling out again. Her body rocked beneath the weight of his thrusts and the medial ring popped in and out lewdly so that she felt slippery spills run down her hind legs. It would have been bad enough if it had just been precum, but it was a mixture of her own arousal with his. A stain on her inn haunches that made it obvious she wasn't above being an animal.


So hot. So tight. The sow was everything the man turned stallion could want. It seemed as if her body were suckling and pulling him in each time he went to pull out. He was all too happy to oblige as he drove himself in hard enough he slammed his tip against her cervix until even he felt sore from it. He drooled along the curve of her shoulder, lost to the thoughts of being a stallion rather then a man as he heard the wet sounds of his own thrusts. The lewd squelching noises as he bucked himself into her body and then withdrew to scrape his tip past her g-spot and the silken inner channel. San grunted and let out muffled sounds of protest beneath him that were music to his ears.

He vaguely realized that others were gathered beyond the circle of light. The sharp acrid scents of bull, goat, dog were all there. They made him wrinkle his nose and grow more possessive of the female he was taking. His hind hooves lifted and dropped back down as he increased his tempo to start battering her faster and harder. The slams forward threatened to smack his balls against the former male's loins before pulling back again. His thickened cock glistening wetly with her arousal as his precum splattered deeper into the over worked folds and marked her with his scent. Not even the sight of Sean moving to one side as if for a better view stopped him in his desires to force the sow to take him like a true mare should.

The outer lips were stretched around him in an obscene O as they were pulled out taut each withdraw and forced in on themselves when he drove inside of her. The thick girth bruised and spread the inner channel with little regard to anything but the heat of her body. Not even the rough squealing screams stopped him as he started to tap repeatedly against her cervix. The tip of him started to spread open wider and wider as he worked. The massive leathery balls drew up between his thighs as he released her neck and curled his lips back a moment before he let out a rough squeal of pleasure. His head extended slightly as the first hot thick rush of cum was forced down the mottled shaft towards the flared cock tip.


San slowly became aware of the fact that others were watching. They crowded around her to stare at her with strange alien eyes from the faces of animals. Even the older man watched her with aroused eyes as the stallion raped her. There was nothing in their faces that reflected that they should feel ashamed for what they were doing to her. No one moved forward to help her. All they did was stare expectantly as her body was driven against the ground and rocked under the powerful stallions hips. The shaft battered and bruised her inner walls until it was a steady burning pressure that made her stomach tense up. Humiliatingly she heard herself grunt and squeal like a farm animal when the beast drove his hips so deep he forced her cervix to bow inwards to try and accommodate the sheer girth of him.

The last thrust made her stumble forward as the teeth let go of her shoulder. The forelegs pulled her back as the stallion let out an equine scream above her and she echoed it when she felt the cock tip spreading her insides just that much more. She clamped down tightly around it while it drove itself up against her cervix and the entire shaft seemed to swell up. She could almost feel the ridge of swollen flesh along her stomach that outlined the path that the stallion's girth had taken to violate her. She squealed out again as the animals urethra jutted outwards to send out a hot splatter of wetness into her feminine sex. Her ears went back and tears blurred her vision as her body started to milk and squeeze around it as if anticipating it.

The stallion's semen rushed into her body in thick ropes that overwhelmed her within the first few pulses. Each time it lurched she felt a sudden splattering rush of more being shoved against her cervix until her stomach stretched slightly and something gave inside of her. Her eyes flashed whites in horror as she twisted her blunted snout back as the rush of thick pearly cum erupted into her womb itself. The stallion dropped his head down to her shoulder as his forelegs shook through each new bulge that ran up it to coat inside of her. His hips gave a sudden lurch as if to make sure he were buried deep and some of the semen started to dribble down and out of her abused passage. She wanted to choke and sob, and worst of all were the tremors of pleasure that continued to tease down along her spine.

"Mmm I'm glad Justice stood up for the first try on our new sow." Sean's voice made her twist her head and she squealed out a protest.

Her protest fell short as the stallion gave another shift and the thick globs of cum drooled out of her aching passage. The large stallion's legs suddenly unhooked as his weight shifted and the hips pulled backwards away from her. She winced as she heard the sudden wet noise as the cock slurped out of her and pulled the milky seed with it. She could feel it drooling down from beneath her tail as the still flared tip made its way out with a sudden yank. Wetness spilled from her and she took a shaking step forward as the older man walked behind her with a grin on his face. She wanted to sit down, to hide herself, but all she felt was the pleasurable ache left from the stallion.

"I think the dog should go next. A knot would still be quite snug.." The voice was so matter of fact, but San jerked her head up with despair as nearly eight other animals stood outside the circle of light. Each one watching her, eager for their turn. How had her life become this?!

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