Legacy of bad men Ch. 4

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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Edward and Salara rode into the fat man's hide out. Greeted with only sneers and lewd comments, they pay no attention the outlaws. They ride to the center of the fort where they are greeted by an unusually civil outlaw. "Come with me sir, I'll escort you two to the boss." the man says. "Sure thing." Edward replies. After they are escorted to the bosses room. An Incredibly slim man greets the duo. "Ahh I, see my prize has been brought to me. I assume you want you're payment first." Yes I would. The name's edward by the way." Edward replied. "Forgive me, my name was Big Boy Bubba, but since I lost the weight, I changed my name to Grigory." The slim man said. "Here is your $150." Edward recieving the money draws his sidearm and points it at Grigory. "A certain family wants you killed. You're going to follow me to my horse and order your men to stand down." Edward commanded. Grigory not wanting to accept his fate, tries to draw is derringer. However as soon as it leaves the the pocket it was concealed in, Edward Shoots the gun out of grigory's hand. The gaurd now alerted to his activity, Edward grabs grigory and jumps out of the window with salara following his steps shortly after. with all the outlaws in the main building, his risk taking has proved to be beneficial. Quickly hog tying Grigory, Edward Runs To his black rapidash And sets his victim on the back salara being as agile as she was, she is able to keep up with edward.