New year, new life chapter 3

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#4 of New year, new life

I re-uploaded the chapter :0 i just added a bit more conversation between Spyro and Cynder. Don't worry about the plot changing i just made a few improvements here or there... or i just wrecked the whole chapter.... still here it is.

Cynder slept better than she had in years that night, no longer were her dreams full of jeering and taunting faces, she smiled as for once her mind didn't torture her in her sleep, but comforted her.

She was in a large open field, the day was bright and blue, the soft scent of flowers filled her nose and the grass was soft against her. She was sat next to a tall purple figure, the two leant on each other gently and birds softly sang. Cynder turned and saw two deep blue eyes looking lovingly down at her, she leant in close to him and she heard him say.

"Cynder... I love you"

She tried to kiss him but then the world faded and her real eyes opened as slight beam of sunlight fell across her. She just lay there, trying desperately to hold onto the dream as it rapidly slipped away. She cursed slightly and slowly got to her feet. She stretched slightly to rid herself of the sleep, her joints clicking as she did.

For the first time in many years she wasn't scared of school, in fact she was desperately looking forward to it.

"Just a little longer till I see Spyro again!"

She thought brightly, she picked up her school bag and headed towards the local pub, hopefully they would have thrown some decent scraps out for her to eat today.


Cynder arrived at school later than she would have liked. She hated arriving at normal times, it meant there were more dragons and dragoness's around, more people to hurt her. She looked around the seething mass of students to try and find a purple head, but nothing appeared to her.

Cynder's head dropped and she muttered under her breath.

"Damn.... but don't worry, he will be here."

She started to walk away, but there was a tap on her shoulder. She turned around hopefully but instantly her hope turned to fear as instead of Spyro, Ember stood there.

"Hey blackie! What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Cynder backed off slowly but then she bumped into another dragon, she span around and the dragon glared at her. She started to panic and she looked for a way out of the rapidly forming circle around her.

"Hey! Blackie! Answer me!"

Cynder span around and Ember was walking up to her, Cynder growled slightly in fear but Ember laughed at her.

"I said answer me! Or do you need some 'persuading'?"

"Leave me alone! Please leave me alone"

Cynder desperately said but Ember just bared her teeth at her.

"You still haven't answer my question! What the hell do you think you are doing with the new kid!?"

Cynder was shaking in fear and she meekly said.

"We're just friends..."

Ember growled viciously and Cynder felt a knot of fear and anger inside her.

"You can't be friends with him! You can't even go near him! You think you can go under my nose and try and steal such a guy from me? Think again dumbass!"

Ember spat at her, Cynder felt a surge of anger towards her but her fear kept her still. Her mind froze up as she didn't know what to do. Ember moved untill her teeth were right in front of Cynder's eyes.

"Do you hear me?! DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

She yelled but Cynder had had enough, she wasn't going to and she worked up the courage to do something she had wanted to do for years. She took a step back and spat in Ember's face. As soon as she had realised what she did, Cynder became instantly terrified. Ember stood stunned for a second but then wiped the spit off.

"You bitch! Your gonna regret that"

Cynder felt sets of hands grab her and pin her to the floor, She cried for help but someone grabbed her mouth. Ember walked up to Cynder and swipped at her face. Cynder gave a muffled scream of pain as Ember smacked her again and again.

"You stupid little whore! You fucking slut! I'll teach you to spit at me!"

Ember screamed as she kept attacking Cynder, Cynder's mouth was bleeding and she could feel bruises forming already. She shook her head and broke free of the hold around her mouth.

"HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE!" she screamed but her head was smacked to the ground. Ember leaned in close again and whispered to Cynder.

"That won't do you any good... no-one cares about you! Even your precious Spyro secretly hates you! It's all sympathy, I'm surprised her hasn't beaten you up already! I'm doing you a favour! I'm getting it out the way, I'm sure he'd do much worse!"

Cynder started to cry in pain and fear, Ember smacked her again and said.

"Baby! You stupid baby! You're crying! You aren't worth of ANYONE or ANYTHING! It's a waste of energy to beat you but you need to be taught to RESPECT THOSE WHO ARE BETTER THAN YOU!"

Blood began to seep out of Cynder's mouth and she slowly began to choke on it, she slowly began to lose consciousness as the pain and shock sent her mind into shut down. She managed to make out a cry of something but then the world around her faded into blackness.


Cynder woke slowly and she gave a whimper of pain as she felt a bruise ache, she opened an eye and the brightness of the room stung her. She put a wing over her face but then a soft hand stroked the back of her head, slowly she opened her eyes and let them adjust to the brightness.

She was in a small bed and the room smelt of disinfectant. She looked around and she saw Spyro's face tenderly looking down on her.

"Hey... it's ok you're safe now"

Cynder tried to speak but her jaw ached like crazy. All she could get out was.


Spyro shushed her gently and he stroked her head again.

"You're in hospital... Ember and her gang crossed the line!"

Cynder didn't speak, she just let her eyes droop slowly. The bed was more comfortable than anywhere she had slept in.

Spyro took his hand away and spoke again.

"You were badly hurt... I asked Ignitus if I could take you here. I was so worried, the nurse said you wouldn't wake for a few hours. Ignitus said don't bother returning to school, he would cover for us."

He smiled at her gently.

"You are tougher than you look..."

Cynder shifted and tried to get up, Spyro helped her up and Cynder said quietly.

"Thank you again... what happened after I blacked out?"

Spyro sighed deeply and said.

"Well... you passed out as I found you. I heard your cry for and well I came running. I saw what Ember had done and a just flipped out. I kinda picked up the guy holding you down and threw him at some else who tried to stop me... I then threatened ember saying if she ever came anywhere near you again she'd be sorry... I shouldn't have done that... there are all going to call me a psycho now"

His head dropped but Cynder reached out slowly and held his arm.

"You did all that just to protect me? You sacrificed your chances at being with the cool dragons to defend me?"

Her voice was full of disbelief but Spyro shook his head slowly.

"No... I sacrificed my chances of becoming friends with a group of assholes! To me they aren't cool, they are a bunch of stupid, bitchy wannabe tough guys, and I couldn't care less about them!"

Spyro sighed again and looked straight into Cynder's eyes.

"You're more important than them to me... let's be fair Ember isn't that good looking. She's far to pampered and to be honest, she's a complete ass face anyway, I honestly can't tell the difference between them ends because they look the same and are full of shit."

She laughed as Spyro abused Ember and Spyro joined in. Cynder had a crazy thought, a mix of anger and loathing towards Ember pushing to add yet more fuel to the slowly growing flame of insults.

"She beat me up because apparently I was 'stealing you' from her..."

Cynder said in a sort of relaxed tone. Spryo laughed again and Cynder gave a dark smile as in her mind she paraded this victory over Ember.

"Wow, talk about having a large ego. To be fair I wouldn't mind if you had stolen me from her, it meant that at least a would have a really good looking girlfriend."

"Did you just say I'm really good looking?"

Cynder asked excitedly, Spyro thought over what he said but instead of acting on the wave of embarrassment which hit him, he gave Cynder a small but sly grin.

"Well now I think about it... I guess I did. Still... most dragons think it, I guess I just have the balls to say it"

Cynder gave him a mock disapprovingly look and said scolding.

"Spyro... flirting with someone while they're injured... tut tut. I know what other dragons think of me anyway..."

Spyro kept his grin up and said.

"Well I guess it's just me then... either way I'm not changing my opinion"

Cynder felt flustered, he was full on flirting with her. She didn't know what to do, the blood rush to her face which now came so commonly to her returned and she stammered.

"Well... your umm... I'm useless at this..."

She tried to say something back but her mouth gave a spike of pain, she whimpered as the cuts in her mouth stung, Spyro's face turned to concern and he said.

"Do you need me to fetch a nurse? She can give you some painkillers if you want"

Cynder shook her head slowly and said.

"I'm used to it... How did you convince Ignitus to take me here anyway? I know he is a really nice dragon but all this seems a bit over the top."

She gestured to the hospital ward and Spyro replied.

"Ignitus is my uncle... he's the only one who cared for me after my parents died. He's the one who gave me a place in this school. Over the years he's done all he can to help me. Besides he didn't take you here... I did. I carried you here."

Cynder's face turned to a look of horror and she slowly said.

"Wait... Your parents... they're dead? oh god I'm so sorry"

Spyro shook his head and quietly said.

"It's Ok... it's been years... but I'd still rather not talk about it."

His voice quaked a bit but he gulped and spoke in a clear voice.

"How are you feeling?"

Cynder slowly rose to her feet and Spyro got up to help her.

"I'm OK... don't worry so much Spyro"

Spyro still watched her carefully but he slowly turned from a look of concern to plain and simple checking her out. Cynder just stood there and pretended not to notice, inside though she smirked.

Spyro shook his head and said quickly.

"so... umm... Cynder. If you feel well can I walk you home?"

Cynder's inside smirk vanished and it got replaced by shame. Her face instantly dropped and she pawed the floor nervously.

"I'm sorry but no..." she said bluntly

Spyro was a little taken back by this response.

"Why not?" he asked

Cynder turned to face him and took a deep breath as she prepared to tell him the truth.

"What's wrong Cynder?" Spyro asked and Cynder spoke in a meek voice.

"I don't have a home..."

Spyro's jaw dropped open in shock, he just stared at her and dumbly said.

"You're telling me you live on the STREETS!?!?"

He gaped at her and she nodded slightly.

"It's been like that for years now... sometimes I can take shelter in bus stops and things but..."

She trailed of as a wave of self-pity hit her. Spyro just stared and said dumbly.

"Why has no-one helped you? Surely the council should help you!"

Cynder scoffed slightly and said in a cold voice.

" The council don't care! As long as they get there warm houses and meals! I could rot for all they care! I have no parents! No home! The only money I have I saved for years and even then it's not a lot, everything I own was given to me! Even my school bag and books were given to me by Ignitus! My life is a washed out pit of worthlessness and bullshit! and everyday Ember reminds me...."

She stopped and sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry for ranting, it's just sometimes it can get on my nerves...."

Spyro's mind was working like crazy, he had an idea. The idea was stupid and careless but Spyro wasn't in the mood to listen to reason.

"That is it! Cynder... please try to keep up! I am not letting you waste away on the streets, you deserve better!"

Spyro began to walk out the room, Cynder went after him and in her head she wondered.

"Where's he taking me?"

Remember to point out any mistakes in any of my chapters!