New year, new life chapter 2

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#5 of New year, new life

Chapter 2 of my shitty story... just for all you XD try and enjoy

By the end of the lesson almost every single dragon had the same question, why? They waited for Spyro to leave thedusty old room before then they swarmed him. Cynder watched him draw the crowd's attention and she managed to slipped out unnoticed. She felt a surge of guilt for using him like this, so she hung back and listened in. She immediately heard Ember's high pitched voice.

"Why did you look after HER! She isn't worth you, you could have sat next to me... you are such a good looking dragon"

Cynder growled a little and she listened for Spyro's reply, he spoke in a clear voice.

"I sat next to her because she seemed like the most friendly. Just because you shove other dragoness's of chair to make space for me doesn't mean I am going to sit there. Anyway why do you all keep saying I'm good-looking? It's my first day, I'm not going to ask anyone here out anytime soon, the rest of you are beginning to obsess. Now if you excuse me, I've got to find my next lesson"

Cynder turned hurriedly and began to walk off, hoping she wouldn't get caught listening in on them. She had almost gone down the next corridor she heard someone call her name from behind and she turned. Spyro was jogging up to her and he was grinning happily, Cynder stopped and let him catch up. She could see the dragoness's behind him staring at her and she turned away.

"Hey, I don't suppose I could stick around with you? I have no idea where anything is yet" he laughed slightly and Cynder giggled back nervously.

"Sure! I'd love it"

"Brilliant!" Spyro's face stretched into the widest grin he had ever given.

They began to walk and Spyro spoke again.

"So... what do you have for the rest of the day?"

"history then double training in the gym... today's a really bad day for me."

Spyro jumped a little and voice squeaked a little in excitement.

"No way! Same! Can I sit next to you again?!"

But as soon as Spyro said it he stopped and gulped in embarrassment

"if you don't mind of course... Crap I'm being all weird now, sorry."

Cynder just giggled at him

"You still want to sit next to me? of course you can! you don't need to ask!"

Spyro's grin seemed to stretch even further and Cynder smiled back, she tugged on Spyro's arm and they set off. Cynder practically skipped in joy and Spyro watched her most of the time, the same look of happiness plastered to his face.


History class flew by for Cynder, she couldn't get over Spyro. The dragon was a genius, he seemed to know every answer the teacher posed. Cynder was completely astounded by him, this dragon seemingly could do anything, he could sit to and talk to absolutely anyone, Yet he still sat next her. Cynder swelled with a little bit of pride and she subtly shuffled up next to him, the other dragoness's watched with jealous eyes. Spyro could see what Cynder was doing and he felt a little bit of warmth inside him, he didn't know why but he liked her being close.

Before long, the lesson was over and the two of them were in the gym. Cynder, and most of the other girls, usually watched as the boys went on weight machines to try and show off. But today there was only Spyro doing weights, the rest were practicing other things. Cynder was sat there watching him, he was benching massive weights with apparent easy. Spyro looked up a bit to see her watching him, in his surprise he dropped the bar onto his chest. He gave a loud groan and Cynder rushed over to him.

"Oh god!! I'm so sorry! let me help you!" She began to try and lift the weights but her arms strained and couldn't budge it. She felt a strong yet soft hand close around hers and Spyro spoke in a strained voice.

"Don't, you could hurt yourself. With me on three OK?"

Cynder nodded and waited

"One, two , three!..."

Spyro began to push it up and Cynder attempted to help, but it was mostly Spyro doing the work. They placed the weight on its stand and Spyro got up. There was a big red mark across his chest where the bar had been. Cynder looked horrified

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to distract you!"

Spyro looked at the mark and gave a small grimace.

"It's my own fault... I shouldn't have been doing a weight that size. I guess I was just being big headed and showing off again. Maybe to catch a girls attention, I don't know but I feel so stupid right now."

Cynder shook her head and stared at his chest, It bulged a bit and she realised that Spyro was tensing to show off to her.

"Spyro... you really don't need to show off. Most of the other dragoness's think you're ripped anyway. You already impressed everyone here." she saw his chest relax a bit and spoke what she was thinking.

"Mind you, it certainly worked on me..." as soon as she said it her face froze as she realised her mistake

" wait! I didn't mean it like that, I meant.... um... I wasn't supposed to say that... I..."

Spyro chuckled and lay back down on the bench again.

"It worked? well I think I could do a couple more then"

Cynder laid her hand on his, and she spoke seriously.

"Don't, I would hate to see you hurt yourself"

Spyro sat up again and looked at her thoughtfully, he was drawn to the shining emerald spheres that were her eyes.

"Why are you being so protective? I'm not saying that's a bad thing, in fact I really like that in a person. You care a lot and that is a really good thing."

Cynder had to think about what she was going to say, if she said her true feelings she knew that Spyro would reject her instantly. I mean who would want to be adored by the 'black ugly slug'? But a voice in her head told her to be honest, something in her head told her that he wouldn't reject her, something told her that she should just come clean.

"It's well... you are the only one who has ever really been nice to me. I had no friends untill today, you deserve better friend than me...."

She trailed off and stared blankly at the ground, Spyro tapped her on the shoulder and she looked back at him.

"Do you really think that? Has any other dragoness actually showed me around and hasn't tried just desperately hitting on me? No. Has any other dragoness been fun to talk to and genuinely kind to me? No. It is my first day at a new school, I'm practically crapping myself and I feel myself surrounded by random dragoness, thinking that acting cute and putting on sweet voices will make me like them, It just scares me even more! Then there is you, you are quiet and don't make a massive fuss about meeting me. You just treat me as a friend"

Spyro looked at Cynder intently and she stared back, he kept speaking but never took his gaze away from the black dragoness.

"I sat next to you because I knew that you wouldn't pester me, I knew you wouldn't harass me to show off or pick them up or something like that. You respect people and I respect you for that. Besides, all the other dragoness's weren't that good looking..."

Cynder saw the hidden compliment, but she had to make sure.

"And I was?!" She chirped excitedly and Spyro gave a small chuckle.

"Draw whatever conclusions you want"

But the way he said it and the small glint in his eye convinced Cynder that he had meant the compliment like that. She patted her chest and she became light headed, she swayed a bit but a firm arm caught her held her steady.

She leaned on Spyro's side and Spyro took her weight. Cynder felt his scales rubbing up against her, she could hear Spyro's heart beat strongly. She was overjoyed, she was blushing madly but still she savoured at every second of touch between them, Unbeknownst to her, Spyro was doing the exact same thing.

"Spyro! I have been looking for you!" A booming voice echoed out, Cynder sat up and sighed quietly



Spyro looked up and saw a massive green dragon looming over him.

"Oh... yes sir? can I help you?"

Terrador spoke in a booming voice, but Spyro could feel it was put on a bit.

"I assume that you are done chatting up Cynder? it doesn't matter, either way you are coming with me. I still need to see how good a fighter you are. You are to spar against Flame, he's the reigning champion. Full contact, no elements or armour."

Flame was the toughest guy in school. No-one fought with him, he was the best and he wanted the world to know it. He didn't listen to techniques which Terrador taught, he would often just grab the poor soul he was pitted against and either terrify them into surrender or beat them senseless. He also had the largest ego in the school, He would boast and rally the crowd onto his side. it worked as it would intimidate his opponent and prove his might to everyone.

The three entered the hall to a chorus of jeers, they just expected the new kid to get demolished. Cynder gave a glance around and looked for the most empty area, quietly getting a seat and watching Spyro get into the ring. She gave a tiny giggle as he tripped slightly as he entered, the way he acted was almost cute, making Cynder look at him almost fondly. Spyro instantly looked around to see everyone staring at him, he gave a tiny gulp then turned to his opponent.

Flame was waiting in the ring, he sneered at the sight of Spyro and laughed obnoxiously.

"That is my fight? You must be having a laugh! I could crush him easily!"

The crowd cheered and Flame started to work the room up, he bragged some more and he roared. He began stamping his feet and the crowd joined in. To Cynder it just looked like he was having a seizure but the rest of the crowd ate it up, they cheered back then looked at Spyro for a similar show.

Spyro however was at the complete other end of the scale, he was desperately trying to get a spot of mud of his foot. He suddenly noticed the crowd staring at him, he gave a timid laugh. Spyro then saw Cynder and waved slightly, she gleamed back at him.

"Is this a joke? This kid couldn't fight against a baby lamb!" Flame boomed out.

Spyro looked at flame and gave a pitiful laugh he spoke in voice which you would use if speaking to a little child.

"Oh dear... nice try but leave the insults to someone else next time, ok?. Could save you embarrassment, just some advice for you"

The crowd sniggered and Flame instantly flared up, yelling furiously.

"You wanna go funny boy! I'll mess you up! It don't care it's your first day I will hurt you!"

Luckily Terrador intervened before Flame went mental

"You will only fight when I say! Now combatants are you ready?"

Flame scoffed again and looked at Spyro

"Oh I'm ready! The purple freak had better be"

Terrador turned to Spyro again.

"What about you?"

Spyro smiled at him


Terrador looked down at the purple dragon, bemused by his simple lack of interest


The whole crowd roared and Flame charged horns first at Spyro. Spyro on the other hand just waited patiently, He was timing himself. At the last possible moment before he got gorged with the horns, he leapt up over Flames head and smacked down with his tail. Flame face planted the floor and skidded as the strike knocked him off his feet. The crowd went silent and watched Spyro, he had moved so fast, it was incredible.

Flame got up and a vein budged in his neck. He roared again and viciously swiped at Spyro, He dived to the side then rammed into Flames flank. Flame gasped winded and fell to the floor again, he got up slowly and roared at the top of his voice.


The crowd roared as Flame swiped at Spyro again. Like last time Spyro dodged but Flame had taken this into account, his brought his tail round to meet Spyro and he smacked Spyro in the side of the head. The purple dragon crumpled and Cynder gasped in horror. Flame picked up Spyro and started to punch him repeatedly in the stomach

"You DARE come to MY school and TRY to beat ME! You are gonna pay!" Punching him again and again.

Spyro felt the impacts and he zoned out, the thuds in his stomach were painful as hell but he ignored them. He thought of giving up, it was no big deal. Let the guy have his glory and walk away, he didn't really care. But then he saw Cynders face in the crowd, it was terrified and full of worry. Something snapped inside of Spyro then, he wasn't going to let this guy show him up in front of her. Flame stopped and stared into Spyro's eyes and practically spat his words out.

"Listen you whelp! It's either you take the easy way or I have fun with the the hard way. One involves less pain the other... well we'll see"

Spyro gave a grin at flame and something stirred behind the blue eyes, something dark.

"Niether, we're doing it my way"

What happened next took a millisecond, Spyro head butted Flame and in his surprise he let go, Spyro saw his opportunity and took out his legs with a powerful swipe with his tail. Spyro then pounced on Flame and began to pinned him to the ground and his jaw enclosed around Flames neck. He wasn't biting down harder to hurt him but there was enough pressure to terrify the red dragon.

Terrador reacted quickly, he pulled Spyro off and held him back. Spyro relaxed and spoke in a cheery voice.

"Do I win then?"

Terrador looked at him and nodded. Spyro shrugged off Terrador and went over to Flame.

"Good match, better luck next time" He offered him a paw.

Flame batted his hand away and glared. He got up and faced Spyro down, Spyro just looked back coolly.

"You got lucky! Next time I'm going to tear you to shreds!"

He turned round and stormed off, the crowd could hardly believe their eyes. The new boy had just destroyed Flame in a fight and then looked cheery as ever. They began to mutter to each other and watched Spyro turn and head to the shower blocks.

Terrador called for the class to dismiss and the crowd made their way out, still talking about the new boy.

The only one which remained was Cynder, she still couldn't believe that Flame, the supposedly toughest guy in school, had been beaten by Spyro. Cynder made her way to the shower block, she stopped outside the door.

She shouldn't go in, it would be intrusive and Spyro could think she is just a slut, walking in on people showering. But then again she wanted to check on how he is, he could be really injured. She crept in and heard a solitary shower running, she slowly crept into the room and sat down.

"I shouldn't be in here..." she muttered

But suddenly she heard the shower stop and she panicked. Cynder managed to dash out the room as Spyro walked around the corner. She caught her breath and she waited for a couple of minutes, She went back in and tried to speak casually.

"I just came to check if you were..." Her eyes fell upon his body, it was still wet and it glistened in the light. Spyro looked down at her and Cynder felt blood rush to her face, her face went a deep crimson and she looked away instantly.

"Oh ancestors, I'm so sorry! This is so embarrassing. I didn't know you were still drying"

Spyro looked at the dragoness and he snickered a little.

"It's not a massive deal, I'm not showing all of me off"

Cynder kept looking pointedly at the ground, an idea came to Spyro. He finished drying except for one hand, quielty he crept up behind her and whispered

"Cynder, guess what! Cold hands!"

He put a damp hand on her back and Cynder jumped in shock. Spyro started to roar in laughter and Cynder turned and scowled at him.

"That wasn't funny!" She tried to argue but Spyro was laughing his head off.

"It was to me" he kept laughing and Cynder panicked


Cynder screamed and she suddenly began to walk out. Her mind screamed at her

"He is just like the rest of them! Why did you fall for it?!"

Spyro realised his mistake and he bounded after her.

"Wait Cynder! Come back!"

Cynder looked around at him and there were tears in her eyes.

"How do I know you are not like the rest of them! You could just be fooling me to embarrass me in front of them all! Why did you do that? You didn't have too! What are you going to do next?!"

Spyro recoiled and he thought of how badly she must have been treated in the past to think such thoughts from such a small event.

"Cynder, please! I didn't mean to upset you! Please come back, I'm sorry"

Cynder froze, she turned and watched the purple dragon, she bared her teeth and she quaked in fear. Spyro walked slowly towards her, he watched as she coward away from him and felt so sorry for the dragoness. She held the blade on her tail out and waved it threateningly.

"Don't come closer! You will just hurt me like the others! I will cut you! I will!"

Spyro stopped and looked at her, he could see the raw fear within her and he felt heartbroken. How could someone reduce a dragoness to this? Why would some do it to such a dragoness? He took a step and said clearly.

"If you must cut me do so. But I am going to come over and you will tell me what's wrong. You need to tell me, or else you will never solve these problems."

Spyro continued to walk forward and Cynder waved her tail again. Cynder's mind was screaming at her to attack, but her heart stopped her. She let her tail drop and Spyro sat down next to her, he patted the floor next to him and she sat next to him. He wrapped a wing around her and asked softly.

"Thank you Cynder... What happened? Please tell me."

Cynder let out a few tears and Spyro gently stroked her arm.

"it's ok... just let it all out"

What started as gentle tears turned into a fountain of sorrow and hate, years of torment bottled up inside her came flooding out. Memories of pain and anguish filled her mind and she couldn't control the tears. She felt Spyro stroke her arm and he kept quiet, she wrapped both her arms around him and buried her head in his chest.

"They always tortured me! They never stopped! Every day! None stop! For years and years!"

Spyro started to softly stroke her head, Cynder spoke again but her voice was cracking

"They would insult me... Mock me!... You mock me! You say all these compliments yet you know I'm ugly! You know I'm a geek! Why do you pretend to care?! Are you just trying to make me happy just so it hurts more?! TELL ME!"

Spyro kept stroking her head and Cynder didn't move, she was relishing each stroke despite the way she acted. She wanted to yell, she wanted to go mental at him but she simply couldn't force herself to break his grasp. Spyro gave a sigh and he spoke in a voice which shivered in pain he felt for Cynder.

"I'll tell you why I care... I care because I see a dragoness blinded by fear and she is unable to realise who she really is. When you look at yourself you see an ugly useless lump, But when I look at you, I see a beautiful dragoness who is lonely and scared. You may think that you are nothing but dirt on their feet, but in reality you are so much more! I have been here for less than 6 hours, and I can tell who needs to grow up and face life as it is! and who else simply needs a hug"

Cynder squeezed him tightly and she let some more tears, But moved his hand and he fully embraced her. Cynder looked up at him, her eyes were sparkling from the tears, he brushed away a tear and Cynder gazed at him.

"You are better than all of Ember and her gang. They can act all bitchy if they want, they can try to make out that you are worthless. But you are worth something! you are worth something to me. You are worth more to me than the whole of that stupid gang"

Cynder looked at him and he stared back, their eyes met and Cynder no longer felt the fear of him which had gripped her, she stared into him and she forgot about the world. She whispered in a voice filled with a new emotion, she couldn't tell what it was.

"Thank you... I'm sorry"

Spyro looked at her still and he smiled with compassion.

"You don't need to appolagise. It's all just fine."

The tone was quiet but it conveyed so much meaning.Cynder moved in and licked his cheek softly, As soon as she had Spyro froze up, and touched the spot where she had kissed and looked at her.

"Wow..." he muttered and Cynder giggled a bit, blushing once more as the realisation of what she did dawned on her. But the more she thought about it, the more she began to smile and Spyro's face brightened up at the sight.

"You look so much better when you're happy... now not meaning to kill the moment but I don't fancy being locked in here for the night. Do you want to get moving?"

Cynder smiled warmly at him and responded

"yeah... thank you again"

"It's never a problem, if they ever give you trouble tell me and I will always help"

Cynder felt truly happy for the first time in her life, someone had sent him to her and she loved whoever it was. She got up slowly and Spyro let go of her, Cynder waited for him and they walked together.

They reached the edge of school and Spyro looked at her, there was a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"Well, looks like I'll see you tomorrow..."

Cynder looked at him and gave him a final warm smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow, thank you again... for being there for me"

Spyro grinned back and turned away from Cynder, he called back as he began to walk away.

"You know it's not and never will be a problem, bye!"

Cynder turned away from him as well and headed in the other direction, she quietly smiled to herself and the world seemed a better and brighter place.