Love At First Fur

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Edited & Co Written By Averis

Love at First Fur

Sitting in the chair she had found in an office dumpster Rilley looked over at her friend catching up on homework and sighed, "Why is it that we are always stuck with nothing to do at the end of summer?"

"If you had homework you'd be stressing the entire time," Alyx said.

Shrugging Rilley said "Not like I have to worry about my GPA, I'm still salutatorian even without any advanced or weighted classes." A loud noise behind her caused Rilley to turn around and open the window just in time to get a tomato to the face.

"Yeah lucky you, I struggle every year and I do my hardest and I'm still nowhere as good as you," Alyx said.

Turning back towards Alyx Rilley said "I swear, if whoever threw this is still down there when I get out your front door, I'm gonna kill 'em." Sprinting through the open door to Alyx's room she left no option but for him to follow.

Following Rilley, Alyx hurriedly followed her as he said, "Look it's probably just a bunch of immature kids no need to get so angry."

Whirling around she pulled her shirt off and showed him that her bra, which presumably had been white, was now covered in splotches of red, "This bra can't be bleached damn it, I intend to drag the little shits to their parents and get the 36 dollars it cost me out of them."

"I could give you the money, my summer job has allowed me to get more than I could need for a while," Alyx said.

Sighing she took a look around and walked back in the house after seeing no one around that could have thrown the tomato, once they were inside she said "The point isn't the bra, the point is that I'm so bored I was ready to kill, I'm in a better mood now, just needed to get it out of my system. I'm gonna toss my shirt and bra in your washing machine, go get my bag please, it has a shirt in it that I can use." As she finished talking there was a sudden crack of thunder that sounded like it should have broken the windows.

Getting the bag as quickly as possible, Alyx ran from one room to the next his obvious fear of thunderstorms showing, upon returning he was covering his eyes he said, "Man I hate thunderstorms it reminds me of that day."

Taking the bag from him Rilley quickly changed out of her bra and into a long cami, "You can turn around," she said before tossing her shirt and bra into the washer with a small amount of detergent, "I'm going to end up with a pink bra and shirt most likely, and you've never explained why you're afraid of thunderstorms, you always just say you don't want to talk." As she finished the lights went out and there was another colossal clap of thunder.

"Promise if I tell you what happened that you won't tell anyone," Alyx said, "I don't exactly like talking about it."

Laughing Rilley said "When was the last time anyone but you even talked to me, I'm too smart for most people, too weird for others, I promise I won't tell though." The lights briefly flickered on with another thunderclap but they didn't stay on.

Feeling around for a seat Alyx finds a chair and sits down, "Well about ten years ago, my family was out for a ride in the country side, far away from here, then my dad pulled over the car and said it was a perfect field to play Frisbee so we did, my mom was sitting in a chair watching us. Then it looked like it was going to get stormy, my dad said it was fine that it would just blow over. Then it got really bad, raining really hard and my dad was running to get the Frisbee and then when he turned around..."

Leaning forward Rilley hugged him and said "It's fine, you don't have to continue, I'm fairly certain I understand, we can check if my phone still has internet and distract ourselves that way."

"I'm fine," Alyx said. What Rilley didn't know was that he would have rather stayed in her warm embrace, through the darkest part of this storm. Deep down inside he longed for the day he could tell her, even as she hugged him his mind was screaming, "Tell her you'd love nothing more than to just stay in her arms and hold her and stroke that long beautiful hair of hers while she complains about whatever." He absently mindedly held her in his arms even though she was trying to move out of his embrace.

Wriggling out of Alyx's arms Rilley backed up and mentally sighed, she knew that he didn't know her past having just moved here a year and a half ago. Smiling she said "Just stay here, I'm going to go get my phone anyway and check on how long the storm will last." Adjusting her pants after she was out of his sight she quickly navigated the dark house as if she had lived there her whole life. Grabbing her purse off the desk where she had been sitting she took her evening pills and grabbed her phone before going back downstairs, 'No reason to let the testosterone back into my system,' she thought to herself before trying the internet connection through her phone.

Coming back to the laundry room to see the dark figure that was Alyx still sitting there Rilley said "Looks like the storm is strong enough to knock out the cell phone signals, I'm getting nothing on my phone, not even a signal to call my sister and ask her." As she looked at Alyx's figure in the dark she saw it looked a little different, like the static in the air was making his hair spike up right above where his ears were.

"Where'd you get the fake ears Rilley," Alyx asked reaching out to touch them.

Noticing the sensation as he touched them Rilley swiveled them and said in a somewhat calm voice "I think they're mine somehow, you have a pair as well Alyx."

Alyx was about to object when he felt his hands brush by the tips of them saying, "Holy Fucking Shit!"

Feeling something right at the top of her ass Riley pulled her pants down a little and out snaked a feline tail, in front things felt like they were changing as well, like something was pulling her penis inside her, she was growing an actual womb, and she felt horny. Clearing her throat to say something she inadvertently purred a little before saying "Uh, Alyx, are you feeling a bit different, like, um, fuck I want sex."

Upon hearing this Alyx grew faint, what little color was left in his face drained out of it. He toppled over and hit his head upon the floor, Rilley was understandably confused.

Watching him she notices she can see even better in the dark than before, the fur growing on his body seemed to be losing color as well, but not quite the tone that albino fur takes, and she scented on the air that he must be just as horny as her.

Alyx's dreams are certainly worthy of being embarrassed of, he sees her as he remembers her, a beautiful lithe blonde that matched his 5'10" body but with a much smaller frame. He saw her stripping seductively for him, and only him, her clothes disappearing as she tossed them aside, he remembered her perfect breasts from seeing her strip out of her shirt and bikini after a water balloon got thrown at her. Just as she was going to remove her panties he woke up to the real Rilley sitting over him, a strange scent on the air, but it smelled really good.

Looking over her Alyx was surprised as suddenly she looked more attractive to him, more attractive than ever. For some reason his body kept telling him it was the smell, plus the fact he always has a bit of a thing for all of those kids movies and their characters.

"You look so beautiful to me you know that," I said.

Smiling Rilley said "You've always looked beautiful, I simply knew that before it wouldn't have worked, but now," she drew out the one syllable word for a couple seconds, making such a common word so seductive it was enough to make Alyx visibly hard. Moving she repositioned herself and quickly unbuttoned his jeans before taking the zipper off slowly, but once it was half way Alyx's newly resized member did the rest of the job.

"Listen, I'm all for this and I've dreamed about this but, are you sure you want it to be like this? I mean this is my first time with anything but my hand," Alyx said.

As Rilley looked up at him her eyes seemed to flash in the dim light, she looked him over briefly, she was familiar with how human cocks looked, and she even owned a couple toys that were shaped like them. Alyx's however, it was canine, at least 9 inches long and tapering to a point, it even had the knot at the base and a sheath to go into. She hesitated for only a moment before opening her mouth and using her new feline tongue liberally to pleasure Alyx's new body.

She slowly moved her head up and down; she could feel that he was enjoying it greatly; she found that it wasn't fully canine and that it still had the think vein like area running along the bottom, and that running her tongue along the top of that area proved the most sensitive. She felt it getting warmer and him tensing up, grabbing the base with her hand she provided extra stimulation as he came in her mouth, it flew everywhere after she swallowed as much of it as she could.

Sitting upright she smiled at him covered in his seed and said "Yes, I want it to be like this." before slowly removing her cami and throwing it at his face, standing up while he was grabbing her cami she unbuttoned her jeans, which she noticed were slightly tighter than before, and inched them off her hips, before him she stood in just her panties while beckoning him after her with just her finger and running around the corner and up the stairs.

"Ok well if you say so," Alyx said running up the stairs to catch up to her. His erection re-hardening, smelling that delicious smell, once he caught up with her he kissed her full on the lips and lifted her off of her feet. Carrying her to his room, he made sure not to bump her head on any of the walls or decorations. Inside of Alyx's room was stuff a child like him would be into, posters of comic book heroes and villains, girls and music bands. A computer in the far right hand quarter was his connection to the world.

Alyx carried her over to his bed and gently laid her down, their tongues exploring each other's mouths her sandpapery like tongue causing a tickling sensation in Alyx's mouth. Alyx however, was more interested in feeling her furred body, coming down to her ass and up to her breasts. Breaking the kiss he kissed slowly down her body, once reaching her thighs, he started teasing Rilley by just barely running his tongue over her wet and sodden pussy.

Starting to purr Rilley told Alyx "Fucking eat me already, just your breath feels so good!"

"All right, just remember that I'm inexperienced at this kind of stuff but I'll give it the old college try," Alyx said as he moved her panties aside and closed his lips over hers and started to suck. After a few seconds he slid his tongue into her pussy, tasting her for the first time and loving every side of her taste, the sweetness, slightly bitter, and just a little tangy. He continued to lap away at her pussy, and was encouraged by her moans and pleas for more.

Remembering something he learned from anatomy he found her tiny little clitty. And started sucking on it while slipping his finger into her wet pussy, and started pumping his finger in and out as fast as he possibly could. Trying to excite her a little her a little more, Alyx slowly grazed his teeth over her clit.

Feeling her female climax for the first time Rilley felt her back arch and her body seemed to be drowning in pleasure pulsing out from her core, her new pussy. Dropping back to the bed after a few seconds Rilley panted "Fuck me, take me, make love to me, whatever term you want to use, I need to feel you in me."

Alyx obviously was happy to oblige as he pulled her soaked panties completely off and spread her legs apart. Slowly entering her he suddenly asked "Are you a virgin?"

Nodding she said "It might hurt, but it'll be worth it." and as she felt him slowly inch inside she wrapped her legs around him and forced him all the way in, she only felt something tearing for a moment. After a few seconds the pain subsided and she nodded at him to start moving. The feeling was incredible, it felt so right, so perfect, she felt him hit her g spot for a moment and electricity seemed to shoot through her, it was amazing.

"Damn, you're so tight," Alyx said. He reveled in her tightness for only a moment, and then proceeded to start thrusting inwards into her. His hands came to a rest on either side of her head, and his head came down and kissed her on the lips. After moments she was moaning into his mouth and he was feeling the need to bring her to completion first so Alyx slowed his pace and started to lick one of her breasts to make her even more aroused. It was really working she was practically screaming, panting and moaning Alyx's name. He was on the verge of orgasm and she was pretty close too, so he picked up the pace and started slapping his pelvis against hers trying to make sure his knot doesn't slip into her wet pussy. When Alyx reached his climax he accidentally slammed his knot into Rilley and that seemed to send her into another orgasm right on the tail of her first, as she collapsed she was panting and tensing around him.

As Rilley lay on the bed she felt Alyx pull out of her and smiled, she felt his fluids mixing with hers inside of her. As Alyx collapsed beside her on the bed she made the effort to roll to her side and kiss him. "Thank you, I never thought I would become a woman like this, for years I was worried it would never really happen, but two years ago my councilor at the time recommended me to someone. When we met I had been on estrogen hormones for 8 months, I was so happy to be on them, my family moved so I could finish high school as a girl." Rolling onto her back and putting her hand on her newly furry stomach Rilley said "I felt so happy when I felt my body change, I'll never need to buy hormones again, though now I will need pregnancy pills."

"Wait, you were a guy," Alyx asked.

Laughing Rilley said "Physically maybe, never mentally."

"I wish you would have told me, but it still wouldn't have changed how I feel about you," Alyx said, "want to go sit in front of a warm fire it's kind of cold up here."

Purring Rilley said "I'd love to simply cuddle in front of a fire."

"Well head on down I have to go get some fire wood from the garage. I also need to find some matches," Alyx said. He was also rummaging for a few other things as well, he wanted to find a candle that she had said was a good scent, Alyx wasn't overly fond of it but it was a good smell, and he was willing to let Rilley be happy with the scent, after all being with her was better than nothing. Rilley slipped away dragging his large comforter along with her and a few pillows. He found the candle, the matches, and went to get a few logs before coming back in as quickly as he could. Inside the fireplace room she was lounging on the big bear skin rug on the floor with the comforter covering her, and he walked over to the fire place and threw the logs into it and threw some small kindling underneath it and lit the logs.

Almost immediately the room was filled with the crackling light and enveloping warmth, Alyx went over to the coffee table and set the candle upon the table and said, "I hope you like the smell."

As the scent filled the room Rilley said "You remembered from the fair." Looking closer at the candle she then said "You got this from the fair, didn't that owner warn you that if you bought something from him that it should be used within the year or circumstances would force it?"

"Not really, I just wanted to make sure you were happy, I remember buying it and I remember you saying you liked the smell of it but what he said I don't remember, I was too busy looking at you," he said.

Smiling Rilley beckoned him over to her and pulled him under the comforter, "It doesn't matter what he said," she said, "What matters is that we're happy, and nothing will separate us."

"Odd thought, I was just wondering about what happened with everyone else, I mean we changed so who else did," Alyx said.

Purring Rilley said "Probably everyone, or maybe no one, maybe it was the candle forcing it's magic out. The storm is long over, we can check later." As she fell quiet she rolled over and started kissing Alyx once more, if this was the only night they got, she was going to make sure it was one to remember.

Six years later after the events that the world experienced, it has finally seemed to calm down. Alyx was thrown out of his mother's house and moved in with Rilley and her parents, who were very accepting of the entire situation. When they returned to school that year it was almost fifty/fifty, most of them felt that he wasn't good enough for her, but none of them knew Rilley as well as Alyx did. They had their best year ever, moving on to collage the following semester. They obtained Bachelor's degrees, Rilley got hers in English with an IT minor, and Alyx obtained a degree in Computer Engineering with a minor in Web Communications. Five weeks ago they got married and now even more good news is about to come.

As Alyx walked in to the kitchen Rilley had returned early from work and was already concocting something strange for a snack, she had been doing this with much more frequency than normal the past couple weeks. Closing the door she put together a jalapeno and peanut butter sandwich with chocolate syrup and horse radish spread on top, putting two peices of turkey on top of it all she took big bite and swallowed before looking over at Alyx and saying "Honey, sit down, I have some amazing news."

"Damn, your eating habits are getting stranger and stranger lately," Alyx said sitting down, "So what is it?"

Putting the sandwich down Rilley leaned forward and took Alyx's paws in hers before saying "I'm pregnant, about 8 weeks apparently. The doctor thinks that I may be having more of a litter than a single baby since the event completely changed my birth gender."

"Wow," was all Alyx said for a minute, "I think we are going to need a bigger place then. I mean there's so much to do, and so little time to do it we have to get started!"

Grabbing Alyx as he stood up she pulled him back to her while she stood up herself, turning it into a hug she said "We're both grown, we both have wonderful jobs with co-workers who enjoy our company. It will be fine, I'm going to finish my sandwich and we'll sit down and take a look at the finances. A two story house with room for a few kids is probably best, but for now let's take it slow, we have a few months."

Time passed quickly as they prepared for their coming trio of fox and cat kits. They found a wonderful little two story house with an unusual double layer basement. The day that the kits arrived they ended up being escorted by the police around an intersection with an accident. At the hospital they found they had a pair of twin girls with patterns that matched their mother and a big bouncing boy that was mostly fox like his father.

Time passed as the children grew, with bad days and good days, and after 6 more years Rilley and Alyx accidentally made the trio a pair of younger siblings, one boy and one girl, twins who were as opposite as possible, she was an even bigger trouble maker than her older brother, and he joined his older sisters and mother in the kitchen making strange things. Eventually they all grew up and moved one, with the first son becoming a leader in the new generation that didn't remember being human, the two twin girls followed in footsteps similar to their mother, becoming well known authors who fed off each other's ideas.

The second daughter kept her roughhousing nature and eventually moved out of the bottom floor of the basement to become a martial arts instructor who held tournaments every year and always entered in the tournament herself, winning most of them until she retired as the 16 time world champion. The final son took his time in the kitchen and put it to good use; he opened a bakery which eventually turned into a nationwide chain.

As for Rilley and Alyx, they spent their days enjoying each other's company and grew old together, they kept their house and welcomed their grand children, tiring sooner than they remembered from when they raised their kids, but they enjoyed it. Their ending was perfect for them, the event ruined some people's lives, but most simply moved on and kept doing what they had their entire lives, they pushed through the bad times and thrived.